Из опыта применения проектной методики при обучении студентов первого курса неязыкового ВУЗа английскому языку

Важность и актуальность использования творческих видов заданий, при выполнении которых иностранный язык используется как средство достижения профессионально-значимой коммуникативной цели. Организация тематической ролевой игры, инсценировки, миниспектакля.

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из опыта применения проектной методики при обучении студентов первого курса неязыкового вуза английскому языку

Елена Павловна Белкина, к.п.н., доцент

Кафедра иностранных языков экономических и юридических специальностей

Сыктывкарский государственный университет elebel@rol.ru

В работе предложен конечный результат выполнения студентами первого курса факультета управления творческого задания по окончании изучения темы “Dressing for Business”. Автор подчеркивает важность и актуальность использования творческих видов заданий, при выполнении которых иностранный язык используется как средство достижения профессионально-значимой коммуникативной цели.

Ключевые слова и фразы: проектная работа; неязыковой вуз; подготовка и планирование проекта; осуществление проекта.

творческий задание иностранный язык


Elena Pavlovna Belkina, Ph. D. in Pedagogy, Associate Professor

Department of Foreign Languages for Economic and Juridical Specialties Syktyvkar State University elebel@rol.ru

In the article the author presents the final result of the creative task fulfillment at the end of studying the theme “Dressing for Business” by the first-year students of Faculty of Management. The author underlines the importance and topicality of creative tasks use, fulfilling which a foreign language is used as the means of achieving the professionally-relevant communicative goal.

Key words and phrases: project work; non-language higher educational establishment; project designing and planning; project implementation.

Приведем пример проектной работы, которую выполняли студенты 1-го курса СыктГУ, обучающиеся по направлению «менеджмент», в первом семестре, в 2010 г. Работа проводилась по завершении изучения темы “Dressing for Business”. Базовые материалы, используемые при освоении данной темы, включали материалы учебника (Ардо Ж. Бизнес по-английски. English for Practical Management. М.: Дело, 1992. С. 36-46), аудиоматериалы (раздел 4-го аудиокурса «Английский для каждого - Speak English»: учебный курс английского языка. М.: И.М.П., 2007), а также тексты из Интернет-источников.

Первая фаза нашей работы включала подготовку и планирование проекта. Мы выступили инициатором проектной работы, предложив студентам разработать брошюру с подробными инструкциями о правилах корпоративного дресс-кода для женщин-менеджеров старшего и среднего звена крупной международной корпорации. Студенты, обменявшись друг с другом мнениями, пришли к выводу, что конечный продукт проектной работы (предложенную преподавателем брошюру с инструкциями) следует заменить на конечный продукт другого рода. Поскольку подавляющее большинство студентов в группе девушки (10 человек из 13), они выступили с инициативой «специального выпуска» женского журнала для деловых женщин, посвященного исключительно советам о том, как женщина-менеджер, занимающая высокую должность, должна одеваться для работы, отдыха и выхода в свет. Преподаватель одобрил эту идею и предложил выбрать лидера группы, который будет координировать работу, поддерживать связь с преподавателем, распределять роли, и, в данном случае, выступит в роли главного редактора журнала.

Были определены сроки: работа должна проводиться в течение двух месяцев и закончиться к 24 декабря (окончанию семестра). Промежуточными результатами должны стать «мини-презентации» авторских колонок каждого из участников проекта. Форма презентации - устный доклад о самых интересных находках участников проекта, сопровождаемый демонстрацией рисунков одежды (рисунки могут быть выполнены как вручную, так и «заимствованы» из разнообразных источников в зависимости от художественных способностей студентов). Студенты договорились о том, что каждая из девушек станет автором своей собственной колонки и подготовит ее в виде отдельной страницы журнала, в то время как трое молодых людей создадут коллективную статью, посвященную мужскому взгляду на манеру одеваться бизнес-леди. Таким образом, молодые люди сформировали минигруппу внутри общей команды, договорившись о распределении ролей.

Конечным «осязаемым» продуктом коллективной работы, как и планировалось, стал стильно оформленный и украшенный рисунками, выполненными вручную, модный журнал. К сожалению, мы не имеем возможности продемонстрировать эту великолепную работу, поэтому предлагаем лишь текстовой материал журнала. Обращаем внимание читателей на то, что за окончательную редакцию статей ответственность несли сами студенты. Ошибки, не искажающие понимание содержания, преподавателем не редактировались.

Титульный лист журнала украшает изображение бизнес-леди в виде рисунка, название GAIN December 2010, придуманное самими студентами, а также указание предлагаемых в журнале тем. Далее следует оглавление.

Следующая страница журнала посвящена письму главного редактора (студентки, которая была выбрана лидером группы и отвечала за распределение ролей и своевременное выполнение работы) и письму главного дизайнера (студентки, которая, ознакомившись со всеми статьями, разработала и осуществила окончательное оформление продукта проектной работы, т.е. выполнила вручную рисунки ко всем статьям). На всех последующих страницах можно ознакомиться со статьями, расположенными согласно оглавлению.

Letter of the editor

It is a special edition of our magazine that you hold in your hands. Our work is devoted to specific type of women, I mean, business-women. If you want to have a success in your career, our advice is to help you. But if you are already a successful business lady, you can also find something new in it. I think, our magazine will be useful for you anyway.

In love,

VERONIKA YANULITE, editor-in-chief

Drawings of fashion designers inspired me to make this edition in a super-ordinary style. This one is unique because it is a hand-made version of our magazine. I hope you will like it.

In respect,

OXANA SIDORENKO, chief designer

The main thing in your wardrobe - suit!

We live in the modern world. A suit for a business-lady differs in its special strictness and efficiency. But modern designers try to move the limits of the business dress-code. However, you must not forget that there are rules to observe while choosing a suit.

A business suit gives you an idea not only about the financial state of a woman but also about her taste in clothes. The choice of a suit must meet the following criteria: it must fit perfectly, but not restrain motion.

A suit can be combined with skirts and with narrow trousers. Narrow trousers with the overpriced waist-coat make your figure look slender.

The length of a suit should be knee-long. Cuts in a skirt must not exceed 10 centimeters. A skirt can be worn with a blouse. A blouse can be solid, colored, but not transparent. The best of all is to choose semi-tints: blue, lemon, cream. According to the dress-code, sleeves of a dress should be either elbow-long or wrist-long. The correctly chosen office suit is a way to the international language of business-etiquette.

MARGARITA SHABRINA, fashion consultant

Dresses for the executives

The dress is an integral attribute of any woman. It is no need to repeat that a woman in a dress, in the opinion of a man, looks more charming, than in trousers or jeans.

The business dress reflects a female style, a female position, and the female private world. The convenient and beautiful clothes will help a woman no matter what age she is to be self-assured, to look natural.

Certainly, the dress for office should meet certain requirements of a business dress-code. First, the business dress differs by its simplicity and restraints of a cut: no ruffles, frills, bows or deep dйcolletй. The optimum variant is a sheath dress: a simple and, at the same time, elegant cut of such dresses will make the owner of any type of figure look more beautiful.

The second important rule in selection of a dress for office is a color. Certainly, in everyday life you shouldn't experiment with juicy and bright colors: yellow, pink, blue.

In choosing a dress for office, it is necessary to select the classical shades: pearl grey, beige, traditional black, brown.

At least, it is necessary to remember about accessories. In case with a dress for office, it is necessary to choose a beautiful belt, elegant but not evident patterns, and high-heeled shoes.

The length of an office dress should be chosen taking into account your height. The dress of the business-woman should end at knees or 20-25 cm below knees.

The business dress for summer can be short-sleeved. The indispensable condition of a business dress is opaque, dense, but light fabric. It is desirable to choose dresses made of light costume fabric. The cut of a business dress can be round, neck line, V-shaped, but not deep.

ANASTASIYA YACHMENEVA, fashion consultant

Going out. Clothes for social events

Any business lady wants to look well not only in her office. Also, she wishes to pick up clothes faultlessly for different events where she should be present. The situation is difficult for many business women and raises the vital question: “What to put on?” But our article will help you to understand all subtleties of a dress-code of social events.

So, there are many events that you can be invited to: negotiations, a conference, a business dinner or banquet, an exhibition, a presentation, an interview, a corporate party, a buffet table or a cocktail.

Attention! You are invited to a party? But in the invitation you can see a strange abbreviation… Not a problem! We have made the alphabet of a dress-code for parties and for official events.

WT (White Tie) or Ultra-formal. Formal evening dress - an evening dress of a floor-length, gloves, high-heeled shoes, and a handbag. It is impossible to wear flowing hair, costume jewelry, naked hands.

BT (Black Tie). Put on a cocktail or a long evening dress. Costume jewelry, but no fur is admissible.

BTI (Black Tie Invited). Dress for a cocktail in a long dress, an elegant suit.

CA (Cocktail Attire). Dress for cocktails (a dress of a knee-length of any color, dйcolletй or shoulder-straps are possible).

Sf (Semi-formal). After 6 p.m. it is better to put on a dress for cocktails (a long one is not welcomed). A5 (After Five). It is better to choose an elegant feminine suit or an elegant day dress.

Btr (Business Traditional). Usual business suit.

Bb (Business Best). The grey, dark blue or beige suit, white blouse or shirt, a tie is possible, flesh color transparent stockings, black low-heeled shoes or shoes matching a suit.

On your invitation, there can be mysterious designations in the form of abbreviations which are necessary to know as well.

• S.t. - exact, in time, without delay.

• C.t. - with delay no more than a quarter of an hour (the academic delay). * R.S.V P - the request to answer.

P.S.: Do not forget that clothes help to express oneself in the society. The clothes of a business-lady reflect her taste, knowledge of etiquette and elementary respect for associates. That's why, getting ready for a business meeting or entertaining event, think how you want to be perceived: as a thoughtless coquette or a successful business woman. Remember that your clothes should underline your elegance, delicate taste and charm.

ALYONA SOLODYAGINA, fashion consultant

Free-Friday and Smart Casual

In the middle of the 1990-s, administration of the western companies came to a reasonable conclusion: unnecessary strictness and inadmissibility prevents the employees from working effectively. So, an idea appeared about Free-Friday. But is it possible to come to an office in torn jeans? It is not the best way for a girl who cares about her reputation. It is a must: a flowing skirt instead of thick tweed, a soft knitted pullover instead of a strict jacket. But the only single detail in your look must declare that today is Friday. You should not change a favorite suit, but only pick up accessories which are brighter.

Everyday style, Smart Casual, was born from a Free-Friday. Differences between Smart Casual and Official Office styles are: absence of a tie, unbuttoned collar; it is allowed to put on a shawl (or scarf) around your neck; it is allowed to wear jeans, not dark blue, but of a classical style (black, grey); women can wear various clothes instead of a suit, but not sexy.

So, Free-Friday has sprawled across the whole office. Having allowed the employees “to express themselves in clothes”, the administration can understand them better. A woman “dressed in her favorite clothes” is more effective and open. But it could be true only when we have in mind good workers.

NATASHA ARTEEVA, fashion consultant

Under the heel: shoes for office

Today, a representative of this or that profession can be identified by clothes. The uniform is available for physicians, waiters, police officers, sellers in shops and shopping centers, cooks and so on. But everyone forgets about footwear. And unjustly so. This attribute is also rather important in creation of the general image of this or that employee.

The most suitable models

One of the best models of footwear for office is classical court shoes. Court shoes can be very simple or have in the front an ornament in the shape of a strict bow, a buckle, small buttons, etc. These shoes represent universal model which decorates a figure and makes it more harmonious and graceful.

The second model of footwear, in a business context, moccasins are appropriate. The characteristic feature of good moccasins is a flexible, elastic sole. Besides, they are made of a soft and comfortable material. All that makes moccasins extraordinarily convenient footwear, which is important, after all, for work, where we spend most time.

Materials and texture

The footwear made of leather with a smooth texture is the most practical one - it is easy to take care of it and it keeps its shape long time. The suede footwear looks very elegant, but it isn't as practical as leather. For office, you can choose shoes from a skin of a crocodile: they are very graceful and, at the same time, convenient enough.


It is not necessary to buy footwear from imitation leather. Even if this footwear is cheap, such footwear quite often looks well, but it isn't comfortable, and feet can get tired in it. Besides, the leather substitute does not stretch at all and, besides, it doesn't permit air, therefore, in such footwear a foot “does not breathe”.

Footwear, which is improper for office

- Heavy and corrugated footwear is not for office. Such footwear is for street, but not for job.

- For work, the footwear with bright, brilliant accessories is not admissible - it attracts too much attention.

- Also, it is not necessary for office footwear to be of sports type, in particular, trainers.

- The same is true about shoes on a high platform (admissible height of a platform is no more than 10-12 millimeters).

- Do not use a platform of soles, spike heels and too high heels, because such footwear is not convenient and it can be harmful to you.

Well, in the conclusion, it would be desirable to give one piece of advice: choose footwear wisely. All of us should remember that inconvenient footwear can cause a trauma, but somehow we always forget that inconvenient tight shoes can cripple our feet. Please don't sacrifice your precious feet.

Good luck!

MARGARITA PUSHKAREVA, fashion consultant

Modern luxury of the powerful in this world: accessories for a business-lady

The accessories make our appearance finished and professional together with faultless clothes of a business woman in color and style. Always be faithful to actual classics, qualitative accessories which will serve you for years without getting out of fashion.

Accessories are small luxury goods which make an advantageous impression reflecting taste and style of a business woman.

The choice of accessories demands special attention from a business woman, it involves certain expenses, therefore, try to avoid impulsive purchases. A saying “We cannot afford buying cheap things” speaks volumes about the given situation.

The business woman always should have a certain set of accessories, including jewelry, bags, footwear, gloves, pens, glasses, perfume, belts, silk scarves, shawls. They should be stylish and expensive as much as a business woman can afford.

A business woman should understand how to buy so that she could underline both her style, and her business clothes:

Trust your own taste, but don't forget about rules and councils of professionals.

Buy wisely. Never make decisions in haste or under pressure in order not to regret about it.

Establish the range of prices for accessories and try not to go over.

Universality is the quality which a business woman should consider not only in choice of clothes but also in accessories.

Buy accessories which can be used both in the afternoon and in the evening.

The accessories supplementing the successful image of a business woman are:


The more reserved, the better. The clothes of an official style are incompatible with a considerable quantity of jewelry simultaneously. The higher is the status of a business woman, the more expensive jewelry she should wear. Watch

At work, use watch instead of jewelry. A watch should clasp a wrist densely, not slide as a bracelet. Color dials, bright hands, and a large-sized case are better for using outside the office during time-off.


Take a qualitative pen. This small detail can considerably improve your professional image and faultless style.


The frame should go together with the lines of your face and not suppress it by its size. Adhere to simple shapes and transparent lenses. Bags

Select the color and design according to business footwear or other accessories. The size of a bag should fit the proportions of your figure and the general fashion of a business woman. Perfume

Save it for after-work hours when it can perform its function of making you a desirable sex object. Whether cheap or expensive, perfume is over-powering and headachy in a small office or a closed conference room.

MARIA YUSHKOVA, accessories consultant

Hairstyles for every day

A business woman is an example for other employees. Her hair should be in perfect tune with the current style, and the hair-dress - be well-groomed and thought over. If you doubt concerning a style and a hair-style, come into the nearest beauty salon and consult with an expert.

The basic difference of the office hair-dress is practicality. The less time in the morning you spend on grooming your hair, the better.

The set of “Romanticist” or the turned out tail. Each woman wants to look faultless. It is absolutely simple. Think over your image while setting your hair a little, and you are in the attention center!

The high hair-dress for the thin hair is beautiful if you pin up your hair. The high and well-groomed hair-dress is easily made even in home conditions. You can make such a simple hair-dress very quickly. The hair-dress looks romantic and non-ostentatious. With the thin hair, it is quite a good variant if you want to increase its volume.

The classical office hair-dress - strict and smooth hair is tightened in a tail and set behind the head.

Strict hair-dress for the business lady in the English style: without volume, hair is collected behind the head in a bun. The beauty of this business hair-dress is in its strictness. At office, it is necessary!

MARIYA GLUBOKAYA, hair-style consultant

What color is the best?

Appearance and personality are both important for executives. You should wear what you would like as long as you look interesting, or smart, or beautiful. But you should never look boring. Of course, color is one of the features of our clothes. The right color of the clothes is the first step to success because it's a code indicating the extent of our reliability. Fashion designers think that it's better to have no more than three colors to highlight the main dominant color or contrast two colors. For example: black, grey and purple; blue, gray and dark-blue; beige, brown and green.

It's easier to select two tints, for example, red and black, white and blue, yellow and crimson. However, the best colors of business dress are navy blue, beige, and grey.

A tip from a fashion designer: when you choose colors you should be aware of your mood and the weather. When you are in a bad mood or if it's a cloudy day, I suggest wearing bright colors, like orange, red or green to make you more cheerful!

YANA KUCHER, fashion consultant

Making your face look great at work

We spend most of our time at our work, that's why it's very important to look excellent in your office.

There are general business make-up canons:

• Business makeup should be businesslike, expressive, but reserved.

• Cosmetics should accentuate your merits and hide defects.

• Makeup and clothes should harmonize with each other and go together with your personality.

Business manners will show that you respect people around you and you are ready to fit in common business rules of the organization, collective, group.

Makeup professionals consider that ideal business makeup should have an element of reticence, everything is half-tint. Nothing should distract you from the main thing - business.

Your sex appeal should not be the main fact, you can show it in light touches. Excessive strictness is also useless. You know, you are a Woman, and at the moment, you are a Business-Woman.

VERONIKA YANULITE, chief designer, fashion consultant Men's opinion on clothes of a business lady

There is no one opinion about clothes of female managers. But we tried to unite different points of view.

A manager is an official face of the company and therefore she must have a nice appearance. It's well-known, that in business circles one should pay attention to appearance. And modern business ladies perfectly know this rule, however, not everyone likes this approach: for many people a business suit is only a uniform.

In our opinion, a suit is an important component and a pledge of a successful career. If a female manager wants to achieve the serious success in her partnerships with her future employees, partners in business, employers and subordinates, then she should take care of her style.

The business suit, jacket, skirt, blouse and shoes, expensive jewelry and simple cut, elegance and respectability, solid muted tints - and your image of a business lady is ready!

As for colors, they mustn't be bright! For instance, dark blue, grey, black and brown.


Если студентам понравилась проделанная работа, можно продолжить ее, организовав тематическую ролевую игру, инсценировку, миниспектакль, «телепередачу», например, «Модный приговор». В этом случае также важно, чтобы игра или спектакль имели какой-нибудь «осязаемый» результат. Это может быть конспект, «скрипт», «протокол», написание подробного отчета, видео- или аудиозапись, фотографии, стенгазета, большой постер, рекламные объявления, заметка для газеты / журнала и мн. др. Фантазия участников проектной работы, в том числе преподавателя, не должна ограничиваться традиционно принятыми формами и приемами работы.

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