The educational dialogue as a mean of support of individuality of senior pupils

All-around development of pupils in the system of education. Researches of concepts "endowments" and "ability". The problem of development of the talented children. The educational dialogue as a mean of support of individuality of senior pupils.

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The educational dialogue as a mean of support of individuality of senior pupils

Rogkova S.V.

The global purpose of education is an all-around development of pupils. The modern world dictates necessity to take care of ecology of endowments, ecology of spiritual, mental abilities of the person like of the ecology of nature.

Psychological researches of concepts “endowments” and “ability” (U.Z.Gilbyh, V.N.Druzhinin, V.V.Klimenko, N.S.Leontiev, A.N.Lejtes, S.L.Rubinshtejn, A.I.Savenkov, B.M.Teplov, and others) show: the basic concepts of endowments and ability are the high intelligence and original way of thinking which provides achievements in different kinds of activity. Special endowments is shown in the same as special abilities on a background of the general endowments.

Pedagogical researches on a problem of development of the talented children (V.I.Andreev, Y.K.Babansky, N.S.Lejtes, A.M.Matyushkin, Т.А Ilyin, etc.) testify that if the components of endowment are known, it is possible and even necessary to develop them. (1,2,5). K.Rogers recognizes that a source and motive force of development and personal growth are concentrated in the person. In his opinion one of conditions ЛОО (significant) was not directive, dialogical position of the teacher, who should lean on self-actualizing the tendency of the pupils. It is not exactly the mind of the person that is talented, but the personality. That is why it is necessary to use the complete approach to the talented person, first of all to the child [7].Creation of preconditions for display of uniqueness and support of success in realization of creative potential is considered to be a purpose of development of the presented pupils of the senior classes. It is important the schoolboy must be ready to be realized not only within the school, but would open his talent as much as possible in that sphere of a life which he chooses. Its necessary to use such strategy of education which will make possible realization of the model that is based on the complete approach, reflecting dynamics of development of the person, first of all its uniqueness and a non-standard, the person capable of generation new, important for a society ideas and openings. The presented children cannot be leveled: the more brightly endowments is expressed, the more significant can be a person.

Considering creativity as an obligatory difference of the talented, psychologist Renzulli specifies aspiration of schoolboys of this type to produce the ideas, to differ from others, on desire to express and protect their own point of view. For pupils of such type, especially for senior pupils, it is absolutely necessary to create the dialogue environment by means of which their talents will crystallize. The philosophical concepts connected with dialogue, have been built by M.M.Bakhtin, V.S.Bibler; L.S.Vygotsky, S.U.Kyrganov have carried out researches in this direction. Scientists switch the attention from dialogue of the person with the world around, to attitudes of the person to the person, “Self” to another “Self”. The features of the talented: speed, flexibility, originality of thinking, intuition, perfectionism (complexity), spirit, a paradoxicality, dialogue, skills of search, tolerance are grinding to advanced age [1, 5]. Similar qualities are formed with dialogue, and at the same time, it is possible to develop talent of senior pupils on the basis of dialogical techniques, leaning on the listed characteristics. Such way of introduction of the new technology represents to us as desirable as it promotes the decision of a question on optimum educational methods for talented, that increases chances to keep a genetic fund of the country. The dialogical field will allow the schoolboy to commensurate his forces, to find a way out of the creative potential and an original plan. Creating a situation of dialogue, using various methods, the teacher helps senior pupils to develop skills to expect succession of events, to do substantiated conclusions, to select the arguments, to operate with contradictions, to create system of proofs.

Let's remember the well-known conversations -the Socrates dialogues. The philosopher approved, that he helps the listeners to be born to a new life, to cognition of “general” as true morals. Sokrat did not utter the truth, did not propagate it, but he aspired to discuss the various points of view, not joining in advance to one of them. The presence of an exchange by opinions is absolutely necessary for the talented pupil. Lessons, on which dialogue is widely applied, (lessons-seminars, lessons-games, press conferences, etc.), accustom schoolboys to creativity, activity. The dialogical field allows to commensurate the forces, to find a way out of the creative potential, an original plan, promotes more active formation at pupils of the mechanism of critical thinking: the analysis, generalization, forecasting, a self-estimation. The trust and respect for logic of the partner stimulates development of internal need to analytical work which forms culture of dialogue, flexibility of thinking [4]. The senior school age - the period of intensive formation of individual style of activity. Pupils should be learned to work in pairs, to cooperate in small groups, to realize personal participation and the responsibility for performance of the task, certainly, all this cannot take place without plural dialogue. educational individuality talented pupil

It is natural, that if we apply for application of the technique connected with dialogue, its impossible for us to not avoid discussion, debate, philosophical conversations and other ways of dialogical conversation, assuming the reference of the teacher to actually significant experience of pupils. It gives rise to sensation of a generality, as a part of democratic culture. Therefore dialogue is the effective tool of cognition and of valuable meaning-formation at each talented person.

Working within the limits of communicatively-dialogue education, on the results of interviews, supervision, questioning we have made a cluster on a theme: “What has the technology of dialogue education given to pupils?”. The presented schoolboys have noted, that they have learned to operate with contradictions, to comprehend connection of the phenomena, to argue, to adduce arguments and counterarguments; their circle of friends has extended; the level of dialogue at school became more significant; the quality of knowledge has raised; teachers note successes in study; participation in conferences and debates became desirable; many senior pupils appeared winners of competitions, Olympiads.

Our research has allowed to draw the following conclusions:

1. For revealing and support of talent it is necessary to use a technique of communicatively-dialogue training.

2. To carry out the problems in development of endowments successfully, it is necessary to create the dialogue environment which expands a factorial field of becoming of the person, allows to project personal developing system.

3. Among factors which operate beyond the framework of class-fixed system, we shall note dialogue of the presented senior pupils with the talented teachers, well-known scientists, familiarizing with the scientific organizations, with corporate russian traditions.

So, insisting on the importance of application of dialogue training in modern formation, it is possible to say that from the valuable attitude to the talented pupil comes up an understanding of the purpose - to support, develop the person, to lay a foundation of mechanisms of the self-realization, which are necessary for a becoming of a unique personal image.


1. Abakumova I.V. Teaching and cognitive aspects in educational process. Rostov-on-Don, 2003.

2. Bakhtinskii's collection II Bakhtin between Russia and the West., 1991.

3. Gilbyh U.Z. Attention: the talented children. M. Knowledge. 1991.

4. Civil education. The maintenance and active methods of education/Editing by N.Voskresenskaia and S.Shehter. M. 2006.

5. Leites N.S. The abilities and endowments in a childhood., 1984.

6. Leontiev A.N. The selected psychological works. In 2 volumes. Volume 1, 1983.

7. Rogers K. Views on psychotherapy: becoming of the person., 1994.

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