The didactic bases of self-presentation development as a component of the future expert’s professional success
Problem of formation of the professional self-presentation of the future experts in a context of competence and didactic approaches of the modern educational process in the institute of higher education. Self-introduction of personality in communication.
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Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 06.02.2019 |
Размер файла | 39,4 K |
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The didactic bases of self-presentation development as a component of the future expert's professional success
Savin V.A.
expert competence higher education
In this article it is raised a problem of formation of the professional self-presentation of the future experts in a context of competence and didactic approaches of the modern educational process in the institute of higher education.
Keywords: competence, professional competences, communicative competences, self-introduction, self-disclosure, self-expression, self-presentation.
At the present stage of social development, when the value of young generation education and training for the future professional self-realization is cultivated by the state at a level of a national-priority project, the education focused on the motivational and sense development of the future experts seems reasonable. Purposes and expectation of results of education are considerably modified; there is also a corresponding change in the features of interaction the teacher - the trainee (Abakumova I.V., Klarin M.V., Rudakova I.A., Slastenin V.A., Podymova L.S., Fomenko V.T., Kharlamov I.V.). The educational process needs to be not simply deduced on the level initiating cognitive activity; it is necessary to approximate knowledge to real life, to decision-making in difficult choice situations as much as possible. The changing priorities of public values, unforeseen situations, increasing information volume, unpredictability, complication of human relations, in the society between various systems dictate the necessity of solving of the problem of formation of the personality, able to live in these conditions, to solve the most difficult problems professionally and personally significant.
The modern labor market, which defines priority requirements to the future experts' training, puts forward a social order not to concrete knowledge, but to the competences of workers, claims for their personal qualities and focuses on the disclosure of a value-sense resource. Modern educational standards are focused on this order of society and the employer; they are based on the competence approach as a methodical basis of the modern model of training of the expert at a level of the institute of higher education.
More often the characters of competence manifestation are described by means of the words “efficiency”, “adaptability”, “achievement”, “success”, “understanding”, “productivity”, “possession”, “quality” and “quantity”. The concepts “competency”, “competence” can be treated as:
? a set (system) of knowledge in operation;
? a criterion of manifestation of readiness for activity;
? an ability necessary for solution of problems and for receiving necessary results of work;
? the integrated integrity of knowledge, skills providing professional activity, the person's ability to realize own competence in practice, motivated ability;
? activity knowledge, doctrines, skills, experience (integration of certain actions, ways and methods of problem solution which were acquired by the person), and also the motivational and emotional-volitional sphere of personality;
? the shown in practice aspiration and ability (readiness) to realize own potential
(knowledge, abilities, experience, personal qualities, etc.) for successful creative (productive) activity in the professional and social sphere, in combination with recognition of its social importance and personal responsibility for the results of this activity, necessity of its continuous improvement and etc. The competence structure of the college-bred expert includes the professional competence (readiness, aspiration to work in a certain professional field) and the social and psychological competence (aspiration and readiness to live at peace with self and others, people around). In turn, each of these competences can be divided into general (base, key) competences, general for all graduates of all higher education institutions, and special, important for this specialty. The general professional competence is defined as general professional knowledge, skills, abilities, and also readiness to actualize them in the sphere of a certain group of professions. Into the structure of this cluster there enter competence of the graduate of the sphere of scientific-research, planning-constructive, administrative and managerial, production, pedagogical activity. Special professional competence is a degree and type of professional training of the graduate, existence of professional competences (i.e. readiness and aspiration) necessary for performance of a certain professional activity. Their content (content of their instrumental basis) is defined by the state qualifying characteristics in the form of educational standards, a specialty passport etc.
The general social and psychological competence is a readiness and aspiration to cooperate effectively with other people, to understand self and others at continuous modification of mental conditions, interpersonal relations and conditions of the social environment. As a part of the social and psychological block there are considered social competences (tolerance, responsibility, ability to work in collective, etc.), personal competences (readiness and aspiration for self-development, self-perfection, selfeducation, reflection, creativity, etc.), information competences (skill in handling new technologies, their critical use, language qualifications, etc.), ecological competences (ecological responsibility based on knowledge of general laws of the society and nature development), valeological competences (readiness and aspiration for healthy life-style), etc.
It is obvious that for realization of such complex problems on formation of the above-mentioned competences it is necessary to form competences which are beyond the traditional educational purposes at a level of the school and student's training. First of all they label as these the communicative aspects of training. More often they distinguish:
? social competences (everything that is connected with the problems of interpersonal interaction);
? polycultural competences (interaction in the polycultural educational and professional space);
? language competences (a level of proficiency in a language in the oral and written form);
? information competences (a level of handling new technologies).
Mainly, the pedagogical tradition focuses attention on a question of formation of the communicative competences in a context of interpersonal interaction and as a component of the specialties focused on a “person-person” type of interaction (the teacher, the psychologist, the journalist etc.). however, there is one more major aspect which extends boundaries of training of specialists of the most various profile; these are competences connected the features of self-introduction which allow the expert to show own professional potential in the most different contexts of a work interaction (for example, at employment, in various competitive situations etc.). These competences give the chance to any expert to increase own labour market competitiveness. The ability to make a good impression, ability to state own point of view convincingly and substantially, skill in a debate and many other things will increase the young specialist's chances to find the work which will bring both financial, and personal satisfaction. “It is absolutely clear that the person's success of interaction with other people in any sphere of communication is based on his/her ability to create an adequate image for other people and the ability to read correctly information sent to him/her” (gotseva Y.A., 2008). The ability to organize the interaction with colleagues, to communicate with them, to influence their relations are fairly considered as the most important qualities of the expert's personality in any profile, his/her defining level of the general professional competence (A.A. Bodalev; N.I. gutkina; S.T. Dzhanerian, E.I. Ilyin; I.A. Zimnyaya, S.S. Kondratieva; V.A. Labunskaya, A.V. Mudrik; I.V. Strakhov; T.N. Scherbakova).
The “self-introduction” term defines the person's position in regulation of own relations with surrounding people, balancing between the poles of openness-closeness (security). It always remains an indicator of the personal competence in communication, indicating the person's ability to react flexibly to changes of a situation of interaction, to predict the features of the interlocutor's response, relying on his/her specific features. Self- introduction is one of mechanisms of personal self-control and regulation of interpersonal relations, therefore its studying is necessary for deeper understanding and comprehension of the essence of personal behavior in the communication sphere [Ageev V.S., 1986]. Self- introduction stimulates personal growth, carries out a developing function, promotes self-knowledge, personal identification.
The main purpose of self-introduction consists in creation of an image adequate to a specific situation in order to form the other people's correct idea of the person's intentions and purposes in a self-introduction situation (Shkuratova I.P., 2009). In the modern psychological and pedagogical science there is a whole section which can be characterized as the psychology of personal self-introduction. Shkuratova I.P. suggests rather a detailed typology of approaches to studying of this phenomenon (interactive approach, communicative approach, socio-perceptive approach, culturological approach, gender approach, individual and personal approach, practical approach), however in such an extensive classification it isn't reflected a didactic approach which is focused not simply on statement and description of certain aspects of self- culturological, but mainly, assumes the description of mechanisms of its formation as a certain professional competence in a context of the directed training at the stage of the future expert's training. The carried out inquiry of students of various professional orientations (physicists, biologists, psychologists, philologists, economists) allowed to reveal a number of indicators connected with their level of self-introduction awareness as a component of professional training:
? the overwhelming majority of students of humanitarian specialties (more than 96 %) consider that self-introduction is a necessary component of their future professional success, but thus note that at the stage of high school training these competences aren't directly formed (within an educational program), or they are formed situationally (for example, within certain courses or even themes). Students-psychologists couldn't designate educational modules which mastering would form a concrete competence purposefully. however, these are future psychologists who have distinguished the technologies of the mediated influence on development of the abilities connected with the professional self- introduction bases (participation in various trainings, supervision, practices including a consultative component etc.);
? science students (physicists, biologists) are informed about the features of the professional self-introduction as a potential resource of the future professional success to a lesser degree. More than 75 % of the interrogated science student admits that this competence can be useful, but only 46 % of them consider that their future career or the professional success can depend on a level of formation of the professional self-introduction abilities;
? more than 64 % of students noted that courses which are focused on formation of this competence work for its initiation and permanent development in a minimal degree (pedagogics, psychology, culturology, conflictology, ethics etc.);
? the majority of students (61 % of humanists, 74 % of science students) badly represent the specifics of self-introduction as a professional competence. More often they emphasize an external component (clothes, appearance, speech) while the internal (personal aspects of interpersonal interaction), such as empathy (understanding of the features of another person during interaction), reflection (ability to estimate objectively the impression one makes on the interlocutor), sense consonance (ability to understand value-sense attitudes of the interlocutor and to share his/her estimation priorities), overcoming of communicative and value-sense barriers which can arise during interpersonal communication etc. generally aren't distinguished by students at all.
The inquiry results have allowed to reveal an obvious deficiency in training of the future expert of the most different profiles, those educational modules which can directly work for formation of abilities of the professional self-introduction. however it is necessary to develop a model of didactic initiation of the professional self-introduction of future experts for this purpose realization at a level of the real educational process in the institute of higher education. In developing this model it is necessary to designate a number of categories interfaced to psychological-pedagogical aspects of self-introduction, having given them a didactic interpretation.
For understanding of the self-introduction mechanisms the most significant are concepts of self-disclosure, self-expression and self-presentation. In works of Shkuratova I.P. there is rather a detailed characteristic of these categories; their general and specific characteristics are distinguished. Self-disclosure is understood as a reflective actualization of real motives and needs (self-monitoring), initiating a certain behavior (thus reflection acts as a dynamic component, and self-disclosure as a substantial side of the integrated process of self-understanding), and self-expression characterizes the most significant elements of self-disclosure (these are the centrations of the selfintroduction subject where the shown image is most brightly cultivated).
If we consider a situation connected with the directed creation of an image in a concrete context (for example, professional), self-introduction appears as an ability to self-present in a certain manner (for example, to make an impression of self-disciplined, executive, carried away by work etc. on the partners of communication) and can be considered as self-presentation, ability to present a certain image to other people being focused on their attitudes and professional expectations. According to E. goffman, whose works drew the attention of psychologists to the self-presentation problem, in various life contexts in many respects, appearing before other people whom he/she is interested in, the person should mobilize own activity to make a necessary impression. “As a rule, the self-presentation term is used as a synonym of control over impression for designation of numerous strategies and techniques, applied by an individual at creation and control of an external image and impression of self which he/she shows to other people” (Mikhailova E.V., 2009). If personal aspects are involved in self-presentation (it is presented not simply an external image, but a system of life orientations which is directed on this professional area), it is legitimate to use the personal self-presentation term. It is the personal self-presentation as a component of professional training that we want to consider from a position of the competence and didactic approaches, thus the competence approach will give an opportunity to describe those key (base) abilities which will provide the future expert's possibility to present own professional potential more completely, and the didactic approach will allow the teacher of the institute of higher education to develop instruments which will initiate this competence of the student.
On the basis of the results of primary questioning and diagnostics (including projective and game situations “I get a job”) we distinguished strategies of self-presentation which were shown among students on the edge of practical training. The following strategies were most typical:
The gaining self-presentation expressed achievement motivation. It is characterized by a choice of adequate roles and tasks (corresponding to a social position, education, professional and life orientations), a choice of the social environment corresponding to a level of the subject's identification (27 %).
The protective self-presentation expressed the behavioural manifestation of motivation to avoid failure. The person chooses tasks inadequate for solution, either with the underestimated requirements, or with unreasonably high requirements (24 %).
These results have pointed to the dependence of a self-presentation strategy on achievement motivation and motivation to avoid failure. It gave an opportunity to develop a course of studies (which served as the beginning of practical training for students) which corrected a picture essentially. After the corresponding studies, more than 50 % of students (including both humanists and natural scientists) showed the readiness for the professional self-presentation at the initial stage of labor activity during practical training.
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3. gotseva Y.A. The features of self-presentation of teenagers in family, education and friendship spheres of communication. Abstract, dissertation, Candidate of Psychological Science. - Rostov-on-Don, 2008. - 23 p.
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