Psychological technologies of antiterrorist values’ formation in the youth environment

Evaluation of the system of countering the ideology of terrorism in Russia, goals, principles, problems and methods of implementing anti-terrorism ideology. Technology propaganda impact on the value orientation of all segments of the population.

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Язык английский
Дата добавления 06.02.2019
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Psychological technologies of antiterrorist values' formation in the youth environment

Essential achievement in this sphere is development of a system of counteraction to the ideology of terrorism in the Russian Federation, where the aims, principles, problems and methods of realization of antiterrorist ideology are directly defined. The system of counteraction to the ideology of terrorism is understood as a set of activity of the subjects carrying out a complex activity on revealing, prevention and elimination of the reasons and conditions generating and promoting spreading of ideology of terrorism, set of struggle actions against informational terrorism, actions of minimization of consequences of ideological and informational threats of terrorist character. An important component of such system is developing of technologies of directed and mediated propaganda influence on value orientations of the population, different age, social, professional and gender groups (especially the youth). however, at the present stage of development of political and socio-psychological life of our society, actually there is no popularization of technologies which will give the set of instruments to the one who is the carrier of social and state values (the official representative of the power, the journalist, the teacher, the instructor). Frequently the one who is entrusted with the function of formation of value orientations by the state and society, simply doesn't know, how he should influence the representatives of youth to help them to overcome stereotypic estimations of terrorist threats, defective values of various youth subcultures, not always admissible ideals imposed by mass-media. To make the state and society able to resist to those negative influences which influence teenagers and youth more and more aggressively, it is necessary to develop the technologies of influence focused on convincing effect. There are such technologies in the world and native practice (for example, emotional resonance, social induction, fixing on authorities and etc.). They have proved themselves to be productive in formation of value-sense orientations of the rising generation. It is the positive pedagogical and psychotherapeutic experience, work experience of some social organizations and professional communities and, unfortunately, it is frequently the experience of those who spread the ideas of racial intolerance, catastrophic attitudes, form the “hero halo” round participants of acts of terrorism.

At youthful age the sense sphere is characterized by the processes of formation of world outlook and active will, own senses and personal values, formation of sense regulation system, which is characteristic for the mature independent person. It means that by 16-17 years the person leaves on the level of sense self-regulation which basis is made by possibility of world enveloping as a whole in the person's representation; the person has own, independent opinion, aspiration to make life decisions independently and be responsible for their realization; in the persons consciousness the sense caring values are crystallized and gain hierarchy.

To translate the convincing information which is while value only for the translator of the state and social values into the personally significant for the young man one, for the last it is necessary to show that actions and acts based on this information won't only contradict his value orientations, but also will promote satisfaction of his certain needs and correspond to his value expectations.

In the process of the convincing influence technologies' use there takes place the alienation of the young man's personality from the comprehended contents. This result can be reached during the directed influence of the translator using value and sense difficulties as problems on sense revealing or problems on distinction of senses as overcoming of value-sense barriers without decision of which each person starts to feel situation's conflictness or duality. During the “sense problem” solving, overcoming of value-sense barriers and formation of positive expectation in acceptance of the mastered contents, there takes place the internal work of personality on correlation of motive displays in several crossing each other planes: concerning the motive to external and internal barriers overcoming by the person for the sake of its achievement; on comparison of the motive with other acting in consciousness of the subject possible motives of the same activity; on the motive's estimation in its relation to the norms and ideals accepted by the person; on correlation of the motive with real possibilities, from the point of person's view, i.e. with perceived I-image; in comparison of own motive with prospective motives of other subjects. As technologies of the directed influence of convincing character there can be distinguished the following ones:

? direct influence on value-sense sphere of personality;

? use of identity with a view to form the given relation to a concrete object;

? use of stimulate motivation (in particular, competitive) as a factor of formation of certain senses through convention.

Being guided by features of organization of the sense searching activity of the person as condition of life experience comprehention (R.R. Karakozov), laws of sense coordinations, transformations of senses in joint activity and directed translation of senses in education (D.A. Leontyev), features of mechanisms of the choice psychotechnics (F.E. Vasilyuk), technology of sense didactic influence (I.V. Abakumova, P.N. Ermakov), there have been developed the technology which can be considered as perspective as a translating channel of the antiterrorist ideology formation in the youth environment. At the initial stage there was developed the procedure component of the convincing influences and in result this technology was focused directly on mechanisms of sense formation which is understood, in the modern humanities, as the process of spreading of sense from the leading, sense forming, “nuclear” sense structures to the private, peripheral, derivative in a concrete situation of displaying activity ones. It is objectivation of actual needs, in result of which the subject becomes the motive of activity, getting the corresponding sense; it is the processes of situational development of motivation in which the system of sense regulation of activity, providing realization of its motive, is formed; it is coloring in consciousness by personal sense of various fragments of the world image which act as purposes or conditions of activity realization. The procedure component gives a certain vector to the most sense saturated components of the comprehended contents and deduces their sense forming potential on a level of uncrystallized senses of the one cognizing. The procedure vector has two enough expressed directions - culturing (orientation on disclosing of sense pulsars of the comprehended contents as the carrier of “crystallized” sense and the sense forming context) and personification (orientation on disclosing of introspective sense potentialities of the one cognizing). Subjective experience of the one cognizing information, being closed on objective values or objectivated senses, is characterized by sense increasing which dynamics can be named as the convincing product - value increasing.


ideology terrorism value orientation

1. Abakumova I.V., Ermakov P.N. The concept of psychological security of the educational environment and the basic conditions of its providing // Report on conference “Tolerance indexes as indicators of estimation of educational programs' quality”. Reports and shorthand reports of performances. - Moscow: cREDO, 2006.

2. Abakumova I.V., Kagermazova L.Ts. Sense communications in education process: theory and technology of the directed translation of senses in education. - Nalchik: Publishing house of KBgU, 2008. - 312 p.

3. Abakumova I.V., Solovyeva g.V. Psychology of tolerance as the sense of life strategy of new generation // Report on carrying out of training seminars “Increase of com-petence of the experts drawn in certifying and diagnostic procedures and actions for education quality control”. Reports and shorthand reports of performances. - Moscow: cREDO, 2006.

4. Vasilyuk F.E. Psychology of experience. - М: Publishing house of MSU, 1984. - 200 p.

5. Karakozov R.R. Organization of sense searching activity of the person as a condition of life experience comprehension // Psychology with a human face: humanistic prospect in Post-Soviet psychology / Under edition of D.A. Leontyev - М.: Smisl, 1997. - P. 257-273.

6. Leontyev D.A. Psychology of sense: nature, structure and dynamics of sense reality. - М.: Smisl, 1999. - 487 p.

7. Panasyuk A.U. Psychology of rhetoric: theory and practice of convincing influence. - Rostov-on-Don: Phenix, 2007. - 208 p.

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