Geterochronos dynamic of different types of personality’s relations in the process of social-psychological training
Dynamics of personal relationships in the process of dance-expressive learning. The description of profiles of change of the form and contents of the relations of the personality. Complexes of socio-psychological and cognitive personality traits.
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Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 06.02.2019 |
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Geterochronos dynamic of different types of personality's relations in the process of social-psychological training
Shkurko T.A.
The paper describes the research of the dynamic of the personality's relations in the process of dance-expressive training (DET) and contains the introduction to the problem of the relations' dynamic, the main definitions and describing of the procedure of the study, as well as the discussion of its results that confirmed the hypothesis about geterochronos (uneven) changes of the different types of the relations in the process of the training. The dynamic of the different relations of personality (to other person, to itself, to group; realized and unrealized relations) is analyzed and their main parameter: sign, intensities, modality, differentiate, reciprocity are interpreted. As the result the profiles of the change of the form and content of the relations of the personality were described, as well as the types of geterochronos (uneven) changes of parameters of the different kinds of the relations. Complexes of social-psychological, personal and need-cognitive features of the person which determine the dynamic of the different types of the relations are also revealed and described.
Key words: geterochronos dynamic of the relations, relations' dynamic factors, parameters of the relations, dance-expressive training.
The problem of the dynamic of the different types of personality's relations - one of key, fundamental problems of social psychology. Analyzing modern studies of the different types of the relations of personality, their dynamics [13] it is possible to describe two interconnected directions. First - the studies of the very dynamic of the relations, understood as the change of main parameters of relations in time. The analysis of the literature shows that dynamic of the different (from the point of view of its direction and object) relations of the person (to itself, to the other, to group), as well as such parameter of the relations as sign, modality, intensity, realization, reciprocity, were studied well enough. But, as a rule, these types of the relations and their parameters are studied separately without clearing up the interrelations between them.
Secondly, this is study of the influence of different factors on the dynamic of the relations of personality. In this field many phenomena were described. It is possible to differentiate between four groups factor which determine origin and dynamic of the personality's relations (to itself, to the other, to the world): factors, which determine formation and development of the system of the person's relations in ontogenesis; “personal” factors including the different characteristics of the subject of the relations; “situational” factors, which comprise factor of time; the ecological factor; the factor to spatial closeness; cultural-historical factor and others. given group of factors in psychology is referred also to “external determination” that emphasizes the determination of relations' dynamic by some independent from subject variables. The fourth group of factors which contribute to the phenomena of formation and dynamic of person's relations refer to the processes of group dynamic.
The separate direction of the studies in social psychology is a study of relations' dynamic in the process of social-psychological training (SPT). These studies have not only applied importance, but also great theoretical value. They allow to increase and deepen the existing beliefs as to dynamic of different types of the relations, to come to deeper understanding of the peculiarities of functioning of the relations as holistic dynamic system of the relationships of personality in limited time and in situations drawn near to laboratory experiment. Within the framework of similar studies number of factors that determine dynamic of the relations is strictly limited - social-psychological training, on the one hand, and personal traits of his(its) participant - from the other. With reference on above mentioned classification of the factors which contribute to the dynamic of the relations, these are group and personal factors. In social psychology the tradition of the studying of the influence upon personality of the combination of these two groups factors can be traced to experiments of Solomon Ash, who realized that conformed behavior of personality is not only result of the influence of the group, but also is the function of personal characteristics.
On our glance, theoretical value of such studies for present day it is not enough evaluated due to the carrying the accent in given researches on the study mainly “positive” vector of dynamic of relations that is to say changes of relations towards their greater positiveness, realization, depth etc. This trend is justified in some respect because many authors chose to test their programs of training and to clarify effect of given programs (as “nucleus”, so and “accompanying” - a terms L.A. Petrovskaia [8]) as one of the tasks of the study. however, many years ago studies of B.g. Ananiev [1] and P.K. Anoyin [2] proved that one of their main features of the psychic development of the person is geterochronos. geterochronos (from grouch. heteros different, chronos time) - different time of maturation of the different systems of the organism or miscellaneous sign within one system [4]. In biology, neurophysiology, physiology, pedagogic, medicine, gerontology and the other sciences are accumulated multiple given about geterochronos phases of the development separate organs and structured formation in consequence of that rates of their growing and involution, duration of each phase of the development turn out to be different [9]. At present, the researchers speak about not only geterochronos biological and psychophysiological processes, but also geterochronos social and psychological phenomena [3].
As actually change the different relations a participant social-psychological training, as regularities of these change and what image fundamental characteristic operating the relations reveal itself in these change to personality as system. The clarification of these questions became the subject of the separate experimental study, within the framework of which was studied movement of the relations participants in process dance-expressive training. Dance-expressive training (DET) presents itself new direction of social-psychological training, under development us with V.A. Labunskoy since 1992 [6]. This type of the training is created on base of the syntheses approaches to modern dance psychotherapy and domestic social-psychological training. In base dance-expressive training prescribed personal-dynamic approach to expression of the person [5]. The main theoretical positions, purposes, tasks and full program of the training are presented in row of the functioning [6, 13]. personal dance expressive training
The main definitions and procedure of the study
Dynamics of the relations we understood as changes of their main parameters in time under the influence of different factors. As main factor movement of relations has in this instance emerged dance-expressive training. The known that effects socialpsychological training not alike for each of its participant, since different social-psychological influences are differently refracted through prism of the training participant personality. coming thereof, in experiment was entered one more independent variable - social-psychological, motivational-need and cognitive particularities participant training - so-called “personal” factor.
Under “parameter relations” we considered such feature of the relations of the person, who is a criterion of the comparison of the different relations in system of the relations of the person, their measurements, analysis of the change the relations and highlighting different types relations. The problem of the complex study speakers different type of the relations was put in our work (the relations to the other, to group, to itself) and their main parameter: intensities, sign, modality, differentiate, reciprocity. These types of the relations and their parameters were studied by us on different, realized and unrealized levels. Such approach, on our glance, has allowed to be beyond the scope of settled experimental traditions of the study movement of relations, as follows studies mainly movement of the interpersonal relations or relations to itself, as well as mainly realized relations.
The given approach to movement of the relations has defined the choice of the way fixing movement. So, in functioning as way fixing was used longitude-discrete method, as follows: fixing of parameters of the relations through determined a gap of time. Such a way fixing the most identical brought above determination movement of relations.
In accordance with purpose of the study was designed the block of the methods, fixing temporary movement of types and parameters of the relations. On base of the categorization of types relations V.V. Stolin [10] us is created “Methods of the study of the realized relations to personality to each member of the group and to itself”. The participant of the group was offered to value its attitude to each member of the group and to itself on three 8-mark scale: “sympathy-antipathy”, “respect-disrespect”, “vicinity-remoteness”. Also, the “color test of the relations” A.M. Etkind was used, which allows to diagnose the unrealized relations to personality to the other and to itself with provision for afore-mentioned parameters of the relations. In purpose of the diagnostics relations to personality to training group, as well as in purpose of the actualization of the realization by participants training itself as members of the group and its place in system of the group interpersonal relations in study was used modified by us drawing test “I and group” [11].
In accordance with brought above by determination movement of relations was worked out following procedure of the study: “Methods of the study of the realized relations to personality to each member of the group and to itself” and “color test of the relations” were used 5 times (before training, after training and at the end of each second occupation of the training). Drawing test “I and group” was used 3 times: before beginning, in medium and after training.
The length of the training was 24 hours or 8 occupations on 3 hours. The occupations passed with periodicity 2 times at week for month. Measurings were produced on each second occupation group that is to say 1 time at week. As a result of using given procedure of the study was made 1600 measurings different parameters relations training participants.
got data need for person methods processing, identical used in study way fix-
ing movement of relations. For processing got data were used methods ANOVA or methods of the Analysis Variacity (two-factor analysis of variance Fridman, analysis sign rank Uilkokson). These methods allow not only to install the causal relationship and define value and degree occurring changes in relations of the personality, but also construct profiles this movement.
Besides, row of the methods was used in functioning, allowing define social-psychological, need-motivational and cognitive particularities of subjects dance-expressive training, which in our study were considered as second factor movement of relations to personality: 1) 16-factorial test Kettle; 2) test interpersonal relations V. Shuts; 3) methods free semantic estimation of nonverbal behavior of V.A. Labunskaia; 4) sociometry test. Measurings as of methods were made by 1 time - before beginning training.
The object of the study were participants 8 groups dance-expressive training. This was real existing groups, which at the time of studies had already established system of the interpersonal relations. The whole 91 persons have took part in experimental study at age from 14 before 47 years.
The general findings about dynamic of the different types and parameters of the relations in the process of dance-expressive training called on study has allowed to conclude that as a result DET occur significant changes formally-profound parameters different types relations its participants. These changes carry the geterochronos nature as inwardly determined types of the relations, so and between them. Simultaneously exist the general trends of the changes of parameters inwardly determined a type of the relations. The leading trends of the changes different types relations are: 1) increase to intensities of the expression of the relations to itself and the other; 2) reduction to reciprocity of the realized relations; 3) reduction differentiate unrealized relations (to account of increasing positive relations to itself and other); 4) change relation to group from relation to her as to “inexpert” to attitude to her as to “expert” group (refer to chosen in one of our functioning [11] types of the relations to group); 5) movement of different types of the relations has a different profiles, among which leading place occupy positive “onward”, positive “uneven” and positive “Pi-figurative”.
For the reason additional checking the output about geterochronos of changes different types and parameters of the relations was organized корреляционный, but then factorial analysis of the factors movement of relations training participants. The whole was chosen 25 factors movement of different types of the training participants relations, reflecting different correlation such main features movement, as directivity and degree of the changes the relations (“movement of relations”).
The results of the factorial analysis of the different factors movement have allowed once again to confirm the hypothesis about geterochronos changes types and parameters of the relations in process dance-expressive training and select the types this geterochronos: 1) geterochronos changes realized and unrealized relations: intensive, harmonious movement of the realized relations to itself and the other and vastly lagging behind from it movement parameters of unrealized relations to itself and the other; 2) geterochronos changes the relations to itself and the other: discrepancy movement self-relations and relations to the other; 3) geterochronos changes parameters realized and unrealized relations: intensities, differentiate, reciprocity; 4) geterochronos changes the relations to one another (the parameter to reciprocity of the relations).
On our glance, the different types geterochronos changes parameters relations, “appearing” disharmony changes the system of the relations to personality and there is its real, normal operation, corresponding to beliefs about intercoupling the development different type relations. Other word, discrepancy in movement of realized and unrealized relations, relations to itself and the other, relations to one another (mutual relations) and discrepancy in movement of parameters relations is a fundamental particularity of the system of the relations to personality. There was wrong to expect even change different parameters systems of the relations of the participant in process of the training. So, changes the realized layer of the relations to itself and the other not are without fall connected with similar on rate by changes to area unrealized by personality of the relations, changed attitude to member of the group not always immediately brings about similar change with its sides and etc. however, in changes different types relations and their parameters to manage to select the general trends that speaks in favor of geterochronos, rather then, for instance, absences relationship. The got data, on our glance, have special value for leading dance-expressive training, since allow to forecast the effects for training of the group and its participant. The methods used in study, possible to advantage use for tracing the processes, occurring in group.
Individual differences in movement of the relations participants dance-expressive training
We have considered the movement of different parameters relations to personality, which factor was dance-expressive training. There were revealed general for all participants of the training to trends in movement of the relations (to itself, to the other, to group). Individual differences were discovered in ditto time in movement of the training participant's relations, which are mediated, mainly, so named “personal” factor: social-psychological, need-motivational and cognitive particularity participants. In purpose of the analysis of the intercoupling between factor movement of different types of the training participant relations and their social-psychological and personal feature us was realized correlational analysis described above factors movement and personal parameter. Are they below brought generalized findings of the called on analysis.
The psychological portrait to personality with dynamic system of the relations (beside which have occurred significant changes different types and parameters of the relations) includes the following features: positive social-psychological status in group; the high level to sociability; sensitivity and longings to the other people; the longing to experimentation in social life; the high level impulse; the developed intellect; the big volume and differentiate interpreting the behavior of the other people (cognitive difficulty); the high degree to intensities need for determination of the close relations and in checking of the other people.
The movement of different types relations is conditioned different complex social-psychological and personal particularities of the subject relation. So, for instance, movement of the realized relations to itself, the other and relations is mediated, in the first place, such feature of the subject of these relations, as sociability, high socialpsychological status in group, radicalism, insecurity, sensitivity, longing to others, domination, aptitude to leadership, nonconformist, as well as such feature cognitive spheres, as volume to interpreting the behavior and such characteristic of the intellect, as knowledge-based mobility.
The movement unrealized relations to itself, the other and relations is mediated domination in structure of the personality other devil, such, as reverie, emotional vagary, confidence, sensitivity, longing to others, as well as such particularity cognitive spheres, as differentiated “vision” unverbal of the behavior and beside social need - a need for close relations and in checking itself and others.
The features to personality, falling into different complexes, have a different frequency of the relationships with factor movement of that or other relations. The most amount of the relationships has: 1) sociability, high positive social-psychological status, big volume to interpretation and movement of relations to the other; 2) selfsufficient, suspicion, weak development to need for cut-in in different social groups and movement of self-relations; 3) emotional vagary, differentiate interpreting the behavior, need for close relations and in checking itself and others and movement of unrealized relations and self-relations; 4) high social checking, self-verification, big volume to interpreting the behavior and movement of realized relations; 5) boldness, reverie, the tension need for close relations and movement of unrealized relations.
These data speak of that that depending on level of the development determined devil, characteristic, their symptomocomplexes in structure of the features to personality beside participant dance-expressive training, beside they occur the different changes to system of the relations, touching parameters, types, level of the realization, directivity on itself and others.
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