Forming tolerance during creativity

The art - one of the psychological approaches drawing us to forming tolerance and preventing terrorism. Familiarizing children with creative activity - a system of joint literary, musical, graphic, choreographic activities of a teacher and a trainee.

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Дата добавления 06.02.2019
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Today the problem of existence and expansion of ideology of terrorism and extremism has been remaining urgent almost in all territory of the Russian Federation. In our country and all over the world there is a vast variety of nationalities which in turn have its own culture, religion, art, canons of behaviour, etc. In our opinion, taking into account well-known risk factors of rise of terrorism, one of the basic factors is psychological factor which has to be worked with in the first place. Nothing is so important for a person as psychological confidence, psychological stability, etc. One of the psychological approaches drawing us to forming tolerance and preventing terrorism is aesthetic that is by means of art.

In the modern world the phenomena of terrorism and extremism have been occurring. In the course of time the form of these phenomena has a tendency to change, transformation. Distinct and steady forms of a severe and sophisticated strategy of frightening of the population are observed. «In this connection the necessity of effectual measures directed to destruction of ideological foundations of terrorist movements and organizations, to reduction of their social base, revealing and suppression of the centers of ideological maintenance and support, to creation of more mass public isolation and condemnation, concentrating efforts on stratification of the terrorist community is obvious» [5].

Distinctive features of terrorism are well-known. «The high public danger arising as a result of commitment of socially dangerous actions», «public character of execution of dangerous actions», creation of situation of fear, tension and threat of violence are related to them. In addition to physical influence on people, psychological influence is also distinguished. It adds up to a certain style of personal behaviour and behaviour thrust upon other people [6].

The primary intent pursued by preventive measures against antiterrorism and ideology of terrorism and extremism is regulating such processes as social, political, economic, which influence the situation in the field of counteraction to terrorism, as well as strengthening tolerant environment, tolerant communication, tolerant actions which are grounded on values of a multinational society of our country, principles of observance of human rights.

If to take into account well-known risk factors of occurrence of terrorism in our opinion, one of basic factors is psychological with which it is necessary to work first of all. Anything so is unimportant for the person as psychological confidence, psychological stability, etc.

In our opinion, taking into account well-known risk factors of rise of terrorism, one of the basic factors is psychological factor which has to be worked with in the first place. Nothing is so important for a person as psychological confidence, psychological stability, etc.

The phenomenon of migration of representatives of different nationalities all over the territory of the Russian Federation and all over the world in general continues to be observed. The modern world becomes more and more mobile. The reasons for migration can be various: professional, health, personal, religious, world outlook, nationalist, etc.

Today the problem of existence and expansion of ideology of terrorism and extremism has been remaining urgent almost in all territory of the Russian Federation. One of the steps drawing us to forming tolerance and preventing terrorism is aesthetic that is by means of art. In our country and all over the world there is a vast variety of nationalities which in turn have its own culture, religion, art, canons of behaviour, etc.

In our country, and everywhere on our planet exists big diverse nationalities which in turn have the culture, religion, art, canons of behaviour, etc. In our region there are many different nationalities and the population constantly faces a problem of incomprehension and intolerance. One of the factors of their display is ignorance of features, especially cultural, national, religious, creative, etc.

In any society transmission of its customs, rules, cultures to the young generation is absolutely logical. But in the context of the problem of population's migration there is a necessity of familiarization of other peoples with the cultural common property of the native people living, in particular, in the territory of the South of Russia, in order to expand mutual interest, aim at cooperation and, as consequence of it, to develop tolerant consciousness. Interaction of cultures assumes tolerant communication of their representatives. And having known the features of other cultures tolerant communication is possible.

The transmission and assimilation of values, ideas, stereotypes of other peoples take place by means of acquaintance with their art. Due to art the outlook extends and world perception of both a separate person and a society as a whole is formed. And, as the result, tolerable attitude to other people, culture of communication, mutual understanding and tolerance are formed.

It is generally known that in order to get acquainted with a representative of another culture a first step to find contact is a necessity of gathering information about the culture of the given representative. And the first that arises in a mental image are images of works of art (painting, drawing, arts and crafts; music; literature, dances, etc.). Therefore we can surely speak about importance of this component in training and education of rising generation. Art forms emotional-valuable and behavioural reactions of pupils and children fix social-moral experience of orientation in many life's environments as art reflects life.

Life, represented in pictures, described in literary works, expressed in dance, teaches people, representatives of different nationalities, to see it, to understand it, to feel its profundity and beauty. By means of art it is the most comprehensible and interesting to teach a person to perceive interrelations of an objective world and living phenomena, to form attitude and feelings, conceptions about beauty, good, decency in accordance with cultural traditions of different peoples.

The concept of tolerance is many-sided and includes the most different sides of interpersonal relations. And work on forming tolerant consciousness at young generation should be so many-sided and multi-directed. It is difficult enough to speak about forming a tolerance to another person when it is a question of national and religious differences. It is connected to a natural instinct of a person which is displayed in alertness and aversion of everything that is unfamiliar, unknown and alien. having known it, we should gather information about different cultures in order to form a tolerant attitude to strangers. And, as a consequence, we will transfer from an «alert, unacceptable natural human instinct» into an «area of knowledge and understanding». And so an opportunity of observation, research, interaction and mutual enrichment is appeared.

«Thus, the problem of forming a tolerant consciousness turns out to be more than urgent, and its solving … demands a comprehensive approach, organizing a certain system of purposeful actions, both at a level of each educational establishment, and in wide frameworks of all Russian education. And this process should be multi-directed and multi-stage» [3].

In particular by means of art the way to a world history and culture begins. Their knowledge is an integral part of education of a tolerant consciousness. In our opinion, exactly art has an integral and comprehensive influence on young generation, on their spiritual, emotional, intellectual and physical components. The spiritual-practical attitude of tolerance to the reality becomes apparent in a practical, active, origin of a person.

Creativity has got deep national roots initially. The folk art gives us patterns of deep in a creative intention and exclusive in beauty art values used in a daily life. M.A. Nekrasova in her book «Folk art as a part of culture» continues developing a direction of an idea of V.S. Voronov, determining foundations of a folk art and revealing its features, emphasizing it as a special type of art creativity. «Folk art attracts as an alive creativity and establishes its superfine, at times invisible ties from nature to a person, from history to the present. Images of folk art compensate the very harmony of the world without which is impossible a human life, preservation of culture…» [3]. in L.S. Vygotsky's opinion, an objective criterion of creativity, in the broad sense, is creation by a person the new, «it doesn't matter whether it will be originated by a creative activity, by any thing of an outer world or by known activity of mind or feeling, living and being discovered only in the very person» [1]. Familiarizing children with creative activity is a system of joint literary, musical, graphic, choreographic activities of a teacher and a trainee. The system is actualized on the basis of co-operation, consciousness, co-authorship, contemplation, doubt, empathy, preservation, the coordination, and other ways of coexistence which reflect an event-trigger character of studying of phenomena of art culture. Lesson existential in character allows a teacher and a trainee to reveal a phenomenon of art culture as an event of human life causing empathy to the studied fact of the past and the present from the position of its spending «here and now».

So, by means of emphasizing the essentials in creativity, we can observe the act of creating a world view through an internal activity of a person which helps to overcome alienation between the nature and the subject. Acting, creating, the person envelops internal feelings in certain images, and this spiritual-creative state unites all creators of different nationalities. It indicates that a creator speaks by his/her soul irrespective of a national identity and it is clear for everybody all over the world. In such a way, one step to overcoming the unknown is taken, the tolerant attitude is established, and it is expressed in familiarizing with creativity and culture. Studies of fine art take a significant place in forming a tolerant person as a transmitter of national cultural traditions and a creator of culture of the world. Art cannot be only contemplated; it is possible to stay in it. It develops emotional-valuable and behavioural reactions of the trainee, teaches harmony and creativity, trains feelings, emotions and character.


psychological tolerance teacher creative

1. Vygotsky L.S. Psychology of art. - M.: publishing house «Modern Word», 1998. - P. 19.

2. Kaganovich S.L. The ways of forming of tolerant consciousness at Russian school.

3. Nekrasova M.A. The folk art as a part of culture. - М., 1983. - 210 p.

4. Shestakova A.N. Forming tolerance at artistic-aesthetic series of lessons. - Russian Academy of Education «Institute of art education»: the International interactive network seminar «Sociocultural dominant of modern education», 2010.

5. Usubaliev Esen. Potential of cooperation of the state, Muslim organizations and mass-media in counteraction to religious extremism and terrorism. Sunday, August 16, 2009.

6. Tagaev Ahmad-hadji. Terrorism and the analysis of pseudo-religious extremism //

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