About Characteristic Features of Developing Attitudes of Antiterrorist Consciousness in the Youth Environment
The characteristic features of the integrated interdisciplinary approach as a special technology of the directed creation and development of attitudes of antiterrorist consciousness of the youth in the course of training. Students' independent work.
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Äàòà äîáàâëåíèÿ | 06.02.2019 |
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About Characteristic Features of Developing Attitudes of Antiterrorist Consciousness in the Youth Environment
Kara Zh. Ju., Kruteleva L. Ju.
In the article there are considered the characteristic features of the integrated interdisciplinary approach as a special technology of the directed creation and development of attitudes of antiterrorist consciousness of the youth in the course of training. The authors discuss possibilities and resources of the given approach in various interdisciplinary contexts and distinguish such features as training on the common ground of various disciplines, students' independent work, the peer coaching and also practical training of students with younger generation in educational institutions of different level (preschool children and schoolchildren) in the context of their basic professional work.
Keywords: integrated approach, interdisciplinary approach, attitudes of the consciousness, the youth, sense-value sphere, the educational environment, student peer coaching, antiterrorist festival, communication.
integrated interdisciplinary student antiterrorist
At the present stage of development, the globalization in economic and social spheres makes direct impact on value orientations of society. Cultural traditions and values, religious foundations, public rules and norms are exposed to the influence of a new economic and political reality. Active population shift leads to overlap, mixture and penetration of cultures which have been isolated, to establishment of new rules and norms which have not been generally accepted in the society. The unstable and uncertain external world map, being reflected in the consciousness of a person, calls dissonance of their internal image of the world, thereby, in turn, strengthening external instability and generating extremist moods in the society.
In this connection the necessity of carrying out of continuous character-building work with the youth becomes especially important. The main objective of this work is a formation of ideology of the world, mutual respect and development of attitudes of antiterrorist consciousness of the youth.
The most suitable space for carrying out of such a project is training process. As L. Ju. Kruteleva states, “education as the social institute including preschool centres, primary, secondary and high schools, various centres of additional education, is one of the key factors, and at times it is the most important institution of socialization of younger generation as it shapes models of behaviour of the person, makes the basis for the relation to themselves and the others, helps to assimilate various social requirements and roles” [6].
The technology, allowing us to provide the directed shaping and development of attitudes of antiterrorist consciousness of the youth in the course of training, comprises the integrated interdisciplinary approach which enriches and expands the outlook of the trained, it also shapes their complete image of the world and gives stimulus for development of their personal qualities.
The integrated interdisciplinary approach assumes synthesis of knowledge of various subjects in the educational process, and various forms and modes of transferring knowledge by the trained. So, a complete representation of the world and the person in it is shaped on the overlapping of such disciplines as psychology, cultural science, philosophy, sociology, political science, religion, art, philology, journalism, etc. Forms of the organisation of the training process can be absolutely diverse - from traditional lectures and studying of the basic and specialised literature till open discussions, conducting focus groups and trainings.
The important component of such integrated interdisciplinary approach is also students' peer coaching which may fall into three stages:
– the initial stage of training at higher school - the “traditional” form of acquiring knowledge (major courses and special courses (minors), taught in the traditional form: lectures, seminars, practical classes etc.);
– the basic level of training at higher school - a part of classes is being conducted by students of upper courses (within the frames of their student teaching training) under the supervision of teachers (at the given stage the forms of classes depend on the purposes and problems of the class and the contingent trained);
– the final stage at higher school - students independently (in collaboration with teachers) develop and conduct lessons for the lower courses.
At the Psychology department of the South Federal University the following disciplines are included within the frames of directions of preparation “bachelor”, “specialist”, “master” in realisation of the integrated interdisciplinary approach: “Psychology” (for not psychological departments), “the Modern theory of active tolerance”, “Psychological features of sense-value sphere of the person”, “Communicative technologies of the directed sense transmission”, “The teacher-psychologist in professional work system”, “Psychological and pedagogical researches in the field of preventive maintenance of the deviant behaviour”, “Life-sense orientations of personality”, “The modern theory of sense and sense-creation”, “Psychology of creativity and creative development”, “The theory of acceleration and retardation of intelligence”.
Discussion of research achievements and practical results of students' work takes place during such conferences as students' scientific and practical conference “Week of Science”, anti-terrorist student festival of scientific and creative youth “Peace to the Caucasus”, Festival of Science of the South of Russia, and also at various thematic seminars, master classes, etc.
Besides, during teaching training students and master students conduct thematic lessons and advisories on psychology on the important for the youth subjects in various comprehensive schools and additional education establishments.
It is important to note a special position of the student which they occupy in the given integrated interdisciplinary approach, and that is being trained, and training themselves at the same time. The ambiguity of such a position - placement of a student in the position of the trainer - forces students to think of a duality of the given position critically, leads to revaluation of the material to study not only from the point of view of knowledge and primary perception, but from its practical importance and possibility of creation of conditions for its transference in the pedagogical process, makes students responsible of how the material they teach will be apprehended and mastered. Here it is once again necessary to pay attention to such a feature of the given position as “psychological unity” of the trainer and a trainee. On the one hand, there are practically no age distinctions between “a teacher” and “a pupil”, and, on the other hand, there is an affinity of interests, sights and outlook as a whole.
The given position gives invaluable practical experience of training. “In a class there are children with different cultural traditions, behaviour stereotypes, and at times it interferes with an establishment of optimum mutual relations among pupils. The psychological problems connected with the increase of diverse ethnic contingent arise very often, and consequently there is a necessity for creation and introduction of various programs on the basis of official bodies, including educational ones. The work on overcoming of mutual negative attitudes should be done at school years, for school age is the most important time for creation of all life behaviour models, the attitude towards themselves and the others, various social requirements and roles” [4].
Speaking about the interdisciplinary approach to the youth education it is important to notice that along with the general knowledge of the population of the existence of different cultures and nationalities, in the Southern Federal District there is an important problem of national intolerance, weak interest of the youth to the culture and traditions of other peoples, inability to see display of national features in the surrounding world. “That is why the concept of «tolerance» is so important. First of all, it is focused on the relations of mutual respect of citizens, on preservation of ethnic and cultural variety. It acts as a comprehensible basis of settlement of social and inter-ethnic conflicts, intensity and achievement of mutual respect of the interests and values of all ethnoses. Besides, in the course of search of ways of reconciliation and consent, tolerance assumes “the readiness of the parties to go on reciprocal concessions and self-restrictions in the spheres where interests of different groups and parties are concerned” [4].
Development of attitudes of antiterrorist consciousness, expansion of the mental outlook of the youth, ideology creation of mutual respect and a complete image of the world within the frames of the integrated interdisciplinary approach occurs in the course of discussion and studying in various forms (discussion, trainings, focus groups, etc.) such questions, formulated on the overlap of different disciplines, such as:
? influence of mass-media on destructive behaviour of the youth;
? art as a kind of the creativity, directed on the shaping of tolerance and ideology of the world;
? psychological features of sense-value sphere of the personality of representatives of various cultures;
? features of interaction of people belonging to various national, cultural and religious groups;
? communicative technologies of texts, ? etc.
Work with the youth on shaping and development of attitudes of antiterrorist consciousness includes some stages. We will consider the main of them in much detail.
The unconscious aspiration to internal balance depending on weight of crisis is known to accept every possible pathological form: from self-aggression till terror. Today the terrorism is considered to be a globalization outcome, as its natural reflexion. We allocate two directions of aggressive, extremist, terrorist exposure, namely external and internal.
Now people receive the basic information about the world through mass media.
Mass media are the distributor of the information on events occurring in the world, set the fashion to public norms, models of behaviour and way of life as a whole. Mass media act as the most powerful factor of influence on the image of the world both of a person, and public groups as a whole.
The aspiration to involve as big audience as possible, to create sensation, easy availability of extremist materials lead to indirect propagation of extremism and terrorism through mass media (TV, radio, the press, the Internet) and results in the growth of extremist moods in the society.
Further the students are offered a question for discussion: “What telecasts, periodicals or headings in them, or glossies in your opinion show and push expressly or by implication to destructive behaviour? How does it happen? Whose feelings, interests and values are mentioned? What result do mass-media wish to receive?”
Teenagers and the youth, owing to their age, psychological and physiological features, belong to the group which is easily subject to external ideological - terrorist and extremist - influences. They represent the group of risk inclined to aggressive-extremist actions. Representatives of the given group are characterised by such psychological features, as maximalism and nihilism, radicalism and intolerance, world outlook instability and irreconcilability, failures in search of self-identity and propensity to group behaviour which under certain vital conditions and nutrient medium presence can act as a starting gear of their antisocial activity. Susceptibility to the opinion of the others (the leader of a reference group, Internet community, etc.) often leads to the youth and teenagers' becoming active participants of a various sort of the destructive organisations and as a result, participants of various conflicts and illegal actions.
Destructive behaviour is a kind of behaviour which mismatches norms and roles and is directed to radical disapproval of the alternative points of view. There are different opinions of scientists on the ancoring point (“norm”). Some prefer to use expectations of the corresponding behaviour, some speak about attitudes (standards, samples) of behaviour, and some refer to the ideas (sights).
The extremism and terrorism are one of their most extreme forms of display of destructive behaviour. According to scientists, they are also links of a chain of the interconnected concepts: radicalism - extremism - fanaticism - terrorism.
In spite of the fact that the society tries to find new ways of development, one still tries to join any uniform idea. The most obvious reason is the ethnos, religion or certain general irrational myths of the unification.
The youth extremism by means of informal youth associations today tries to make the changes to a society and its foundations, expressing neglect to its rules and norms of behaviour and to the law as a whole. It testifies for insufficient social adaptation and development of asocial attitudes of consciousness of the youth. “Genesis of formation of antiterrorist perception of a visual, semantic, verbal expression of a person directly depends on such factors as education, self-realisation possibilities in the modern life, education, attitude from the society surrounding the given person” [5].
According to Zh. Ju. Kara and E. V. Omeljanenko, “the problem of self-determination and «finding of the self» cannot exist irrespectively of the person. If the given problem is accepted by someone if it excites them, they will take certain steps to solve it. The inner state of the person and an external world are inseparable from each other, they recreate each other. One part of a problem is in us, and another is outside. We change and transform, and this process can be and should be made conscious, subject to the conscious intention and the control of the person. At the solution of the problem of self-determination we show the abilities to training, to outlook expansion and awareness, to finding new life experience, that finally influences our personal qualities” [5].
At the following stage students are offered to discuss a question: “What kinds of mass-media (TV programme, press, magazines, advertising, etc.) influence different age groups of people and how does it happen?”
As Zh. Ju. Kara underlines in her articles, the art and fine arts in particular influence the society to a great extent [4, 5]. The artist is given a difficult role of a guide, that is a responsible role of a leader in life. The role of art in the struggle against terrorism is also invaluable. The fine arts can influence the moral spiritual environment by colours, forms, and images. The space of tolerance, benevolent understanding and the relation to each other is formed through perception of positive creating images in art, it brings up the respect and love to the Person.
Then the students were offered the following questions for discussion: “How important is art personally for you? What do you usually pay attention to, when you look at the pictures, listen to music, see dances etc.? Is the contemporary art and culture closer to you and more understandable? How do you see art of the other countries, cultures, religions?”
In the category “tolerance” it is possible to allocate some aspects, such as a valid and objective position towards both in relation to the ones whose opinions, acts, race, religion etc. are different from our ones, and to the opinions and acts which are different from ours; active interest to the ideas, opinions, and acts which are alien to our own. Constructs of ethnicity, reflected in a variety of cultures comprise values and stereotypes of these cultures. Their interpretation is closely connected with the mentality of the people. The knowledge of values and stereotypes of certain cultural community promotes moulding of tolerant consciousness of the person. It all can be investigated, understood and accepted through images perceiving the information reflected in art. The important fragment of tolerant consciousness of the person are such base oppositions as “love - hatred”, “happiness - misfortune”, “friend - enemy”, “familiar - strange”, “homeland - foreign land”.
The knowledge of both common and different features in the estimation of different cultural communities of the given base oppositions promotes tolerance creation, development of attitudes of antiterrorist consciousness of the person.
The question on what art form promotes spirituality development more actively, has no unequivocal answer.
At nonverbal communication the socially significant information is mainly transferred through a visual image. The art mission, one of its greatest missions, is creation of the world. Art is a mode of dialogue with the others without dependence on their race and religion. In their art, the artists try to reflect “the divine” - landscapes and still-lifes are full of pleasure of life, in the portraits we, spectators, can see faces filled with love and happiness. And the spectators, sharing the vision of the artist and their pleasure, feel love and belief in revival and transformation.
L. N. Tolstoy's opinion sounds very true in this respect, where he defined art as “a mode of indirect communications between the people” (from the article “Concept of art”).
Art allows the artist, musician, or dancer to address the World through what they do. The author can work consciously and purposefully over the creation of the message to Mankind which acts as means of nonverbal, figurative communication.
The educational environment of higher school can be considered to be the most productive environment of interaction of a person and society, overlapping of private and public interests, attachments to universal values and formation of personal ones, generation of personal meanings and acceptance of vital decisions defining the further prospect by younger generation of the country.
As L. Ju. Kruteleva marks, “the problem of sense and sense-creation is closely connected with training process as the youth is one of the most sensitive periods of development of a person, the period of critical thinking, check of the settled norms and rules and active probe and creation of something new. During this period there is intensive sense-creation, a birth of new senses and revision of the old ones; check of already settled system of values; shaping of new points of view and acknowledgement of old truths” [7, p. 17].
According to I. V. Abakumova and L. Ju. Kruteleva, the bigger efficiency of education can be reached at the approach to pupils from the point of view of their life-sense conception, i.e. systems of their individual values and senses.
“Due to people possessing different cognitive orientation, the system of sense-creation underlying the choice of a priority of values has certain specificity which should be marked and considered for selection of the most effective technique of training or changing of the used one” [7, p. 34]. Continuing their thought, I. V. Abakumova and L. Ju. Kruteleva notice, that “efficiency of education as a whole and mastering of the given subject in particular depends on the sense-creation strategy used by the student at studying of a subject, whether it is significant for them, i. e. whether it is included into their system of life-sense values”. Thus, shaping attitudes of antiterrorist consciousness it is necessary to consider features of sense-creation of the youth, i. e. to consider their structure of life-sense conception, namely the structure of life-sense values, sense dispositions and sense constructs, directly influencing the sense-creation motive, sense attitudes and personal meanings in every activity. Thus, speaking about shaping attitudes of antiterrorist consciousness of the youth is possible only when antiterrorist - humanitarian - values become a part of life-sense values of a person.
So, the research of the following questions among the students is important: “Do you think of your aim in life? Who or what has affected the shaping of your outlook (what people, books, works of art, etc.)? How often do you have to do «a life's choice»? Who do you think is responsible for your choice? When it is necessary to make an important vital choice, what values do you stand on?”
In the course of discussion of these questions it is necessary to pay attention of the students to the factors influencing formation of extremist and terrorist believes, allocate historical, national, cultural, and social background, and the special importance is attributed to cultural background, though the given division is conditional enough.
Here it is necessary to discuss the following questions with the students: “How important is it to know the characteristic features of other nationalities, religions, cultures? Is this knowledge necessary only for the residents? Where is it possible to gather the information? How is it possible to tell the others about the features of your culture? How to adjust mutual understanding with representatives of other cultures of various age groups?”
As L. Ju. Kruteleva writes, “the culture is the main riches which have been saved up by mankind for all period of existence. The person cannot exist without culture because to be human already means to hand down cultural norms and values to the representatives of this culture” [8]. A. M. Lobok specifies that “man belongs to their culture, their cultural integrity, their cultural reality, and it means, that they appear to belong to a certain field of senses penetrating this cultural integrity, this cultural reality” [10, pp. 82-83].
D. A. Leontiev, speaking about mastering cultural values by the person, notices, that “selection, assignment and assimilation of social values by the individual is mediated by their social identity and values referential for small contact groups which can act both as the catalyst, and a barrier to mastering values of the big social groups, including universal values” [9, p. 231].
The senses transmitted by culture in which people are brought up are acquired at the level of not realised sense attitudes, i.e. which belong to the highest structures of sense self-regulation of the person. “These implicit attitudes and culture reference points create original semantic dimension of a human life, impose its semantic scale on a human life” [10, pp. 82-83]. Thus, as L. Ju. Kruteleva marks, “the system of sensevalue orientations of the person triggers their activity, setting a vector of movement in the form of the definite vital purposes and defining comprehensible forms of their realisation. Individual sense formations of a person define the preference of life-sense strategy in various life situations. Its features influence its success in various spheres of activity and peculiarities of its self-actualisation and self-realisation” [8].
It is necessary to notice, that a global problem of interaction both at the level of a person, and at the level of the culture, is generally the problem of understanding of the senses of the Other. The person acquires the senses of environment by means of interiorization of cultures, thus simultaneously creatively changes it showing the unique individuality. Interiorization of the senses of the world around and simultaneous transmition of own senses can be considered as uniform process of communication of a person with the world.
Taking into account global world processes and changes in public life and culture of people, today it is possible to assert, that processes occurring in the society systematically influence inner world and consciousness of a person: their mentality changes, and as a result, their Image of the World, their Outlook, their Life Position and their Way of life change.
The image of the world, world outlook, life-sense values make a basis of life-sense conception of the person and define their life position and the way of life. And they define the content of consciousness of a person. Psychological health of society directly depends on the content of consciousness of a person, i. e. it is defined by lifesense values of various groups of the population which determine their relation to the life, the past and the future.
Here it is necessary to notice also, that the main feature of modern educational space is its polyculture: “it gives the chance for overlapping of semantic fields of all subjects of educational process: both the teacher and students, during this time there occurs interdirected process of imposing, comparing, acceptances or rejecting senses of the other, i. e. process of adaptation of semantic matrixes of participants of interaction to the general polysemantic educational space” [8].
Further, the students are offered to think of such questions as: “How important is communication? What kinds of communication are there? How do different age groups, nationalities, cultures communicate? Do students prefer any kinds of communication?”
Discussing these questions, it is better to use the interdisciplinary approach, considering communication from the point of view of philosophy, methodology, linguistics, sociology, psychology and other sciences. Offering the students to work on the overlap of different disciplines, their cognitive activity and personal growth are stimulated, their own values are being formed, etc.
Further in the context of the basic professional work the students are offered to develop and conduct psychological lessons for schoolchildren and the youth at schools of Rostov-on-Don. The lessons are usually conducted under the guidance of the leading teachers of the chair of the General Psychology and Developmental Psychology Department of Psychology Faculty of the Southern Federal University in various forms: traditional lectures and seminars, focus groups, discussions, trainings, etc. The report of students about the conducted classes (as it was already specified above) is their participation in various festivals, scientific and practical conferences, thematic seminars, master classes, etc.
The anti-terrorist student festival of scientific and creative youth “Peace to the Caucasus” was organised by the Psychology Faculty of the Southern Federal University and other youth and educational organisations in 2009. Its main objective is “development of tolerance, understanding of national and cultural features of other people, that is possible through dialogue of the students representing various regions of the Southern Federal District. Meeting each other, we can better learn history and culture of all peoples of our Southern Federal District” [3].
The first reporting participation of students took place at the festival in October, 2009. Ideas and actions presented by our students at the festival within the frames of such trends as “Many-sided South”, “The unity of the unlike”, “NO Terrorism!”, reflected its purpose which was to raise interest of students to the problem of reduction of terrorist activity in the Southern Federal District of the Russian Federation, to induce the participants of the festival to join actively the discussion of this subject and to develop specific proposals on opposition to the ideology of extremism and terrorism.
Within the frames of the festival “Peace to the Caucasus”, direction “The unity of the unlike”, students of the Psychology Faculty of the Southern Federal University under the guidance of associate professors Zh. Ju. Kara, L. Ju. Kruteleva organised and conducted psychological lessons with schoolchildren of Rostov-on-Don on the subject “What is tolerance”. During preparation for the classes, the students needed to adapt the psychological classes for demonstration at the festival, to compare theoretical and practical material which they acquired at studies in higher school, and to transform it taking into account definite age and a definite subject of psychology lesson. Interconnection of verbal and nonverbal communications at the overlap of two directions - psychology and arts - was one of the questions of the lessons. During teamwork of schoolchildren, students and teachers noticed, that the image created in a work of art, despite distinction in methods of its representation, is always socially significant, and the force of influence of art and its social importance can not be doubted. By results of the lessons there was the round table discussion and an exhibition of drawings.
At the following anti-terrorist student festival of scientific and creative youth
“Peace to the Caucasus” in September, 2010 students' works were presented in two sections:
? the Round table “Use of possibilities of the segment of the open information of the international databank on terrorism resistance”,
? the Creative workshop “the Creative environment as the factor of shaping negative perception of ideology of terrorism and extremism”.
At this festival the main objectives within the frames of the integrated interdisciplinary approach to creation and development of attitudes of antiterrorist consciousness in the youth environment were continuation of students' work with schoolchildren as a younger generation following the students, and the creation of the attitude of students to the terrorism and extremism problem. The students conducted the psychological lessons whose purpose was studying the attitude of schoolchildren to the problem of terrorism and extremism in the North Caucasus and creation of humanitarian values at the new generation. By means of various graphic materials schoolchildren showed negative attitude to the problem, and also aspiration to peace and interaction with each other. The result of the lessons was the exhibition of drawings and the round table discussion when the students discussed the work which had been done.
In 2011 within the frames of anti-terrorist student festival of scientific and creative youth “Peace to the Caucasus” the students presented their works in frameworks of “the Best youth site of antiterrorist orientation”. The following criteria for assessment were considered:
? site target audience (age; cultural, religious, national, social orientation of the site);
? features of the information presented on the site;
? features of influence on axiological and rational sphere of the person; ? convenience of work with the site; ? etc.
In 2012 the anti-terrorist student festival of scientific and creative youth “Peace to the Caucasus” received a wider audience. Schoolchildren, students of different departments and educational institutions of the South Federal District, and also preschool children took part in it. Besides, teachers of various faculties and educational institutions also participated in the festival (preschool, secondary, higher and additional education), and also representatives of administration of various areas of the Southern Federal District and the North Caucasus (Armenia, Azerbaijan).
In the report on the work of the festival B. S. Ostapenko noticed that “it was not by chance that the spiritual question was touched upon as the concept of tolerance is a spiritual principle. So tolerance if presented as a spiritual phenomenon, can be compared with the level of spiritual development. It means that it is not enough only to understand it, but it should be comprehended and applied in an activity. Spiritual principles as a certain phenomenon and a basis of the person cannot be generated by simple reading of books or textbooks. It is the whole complex of «spiritual trainings and an expertise», ability to stay in relations with people, level of self-consciousness and comprehension of the environment. It is a hard labour of self-development, ability to sacrifice something and rebel the settled principles” [11, p. 371].
The students touched upon such question as “legal awareness”. In the course of discussion they noticed that “legal awareness treats the law not as the punishing factor, but as the moral aspect. … I will throw out dust in a trash-can not because otherwise I will be punished by the law but because it is obligotary in the society where I live”. Summing up, the students ascertained that, unfortunately, “the level of legal awareness in our country is low enough. Thus criminal laws are more aimed at punishing than at helping people to be corrected” [11, p. 371].
The participants of the round table particularly underlined that each nation has a mentality which has the distinctive features based on spirituality of the people. It was noticed that the most direct way to spirituality lays through creativity and art. Activity of students of various specialities (psychologists, philosophers, sociologists, critics, designers, etc.) in discussion of questions of perception of terrorism in art, concept of art terrorism testifies the greatest importance of the declared problem.
Also students and teachers by means of a virtual art exhibition, quiz and psychological exercises paid attention to extreme forms of the social protest in the fine arts in historical context and at the present stage in such forms as installation, performance, graffiti, etc. “Art terror as the sociopolitical phenomenon is shown as a result of crashes of negative interests of «the creator» and a society, consists in security violation, both of the person and societies in whole, integrated with threat of its application, for intimidation of the population for the purpose of pressure” [2].
By results of anti-terrorist student festival of scientific and creative youth “Peace to the Caucasus” in 2012, the integrated interdisciplinary approach gained the further distribution in the Krasnodar State University of Culture. So students of Design Department revealed a new sight at their main subjects through a prism of a psychological science, noticing that the modern art is a complex activity which today assumes beside skills of the creative thinking, certain vision of the world and readiness to operate in arising problem fields. The created interdisciplinary space helps to generate a complete image of the world, to develop a wide outlook and antiterrorist consciousness at the youth.
Summing up, it is necessary to pay attention to the following key moments once again.
Since 2008, Psychology Faculty of the Southern Federal University has been integrating to the training process the interdisciplinary approach to creation and development of attitudes of antiterrorist consciousness of the youth which represents synthesis of psychology, cultural science, philosophies, sociology, political science, art, philology, journalism, history, etc.
Within the frames of the given approach various forms of work are used: discussions, trainings, focus groups, etc. One of the main features of the integrated interdisciplinary approach is independent work of students and their peer coaching, and also work with younger generation (preschool children and schoolchildren).
Besides, in this approach the stress is made on development of creative activity of students. “Creativity is a powerful tool in struggle against ideology of terrorism and extremism, and it is situated on the opposite pole of collapses, conflicts, wars. Being in the creative environment, the person creates their own tolerant life's position” [12, p. 311].
1. Abakumova I. V. Obucheniye i smysl: smysloobrazovaniye v uchebnom protsesse (psikhologo-didakticheskiy podkhod) [Education and sense: sense-creation in the learning process. (Psychological-didactic approach)]. Rostov-on-Don, Published by Rostov State University, 2003. 480 p.
2. Alekseeva I. V., Lopasova E. V., Vasilenko P. G. Ekstremizm cherez iskusstvo - ARTterror [Extremism through art - ART-terror]. Materialy antiterroristicheskogo festivalya studencheskoy, nauchnoy i tvorcheskoy molodezhi «Mir Kavkazu» [Proceedings of the anti-terrorist student festival of scientific and creative youth “Peace to the Caucasus”, November 12-14, 2012], Rostov-on-Don, 2012.
3. Antiterroristicheskiy festival' studencheskoy, nauchnoy i tvorcheskoy molodezhi «Mir Kavkazu» [Anti-terrorist student festival of scientific and creative youth “Peace to the Caucasus”]. URL: http://mirkavkazu.sfedu.ru (accessed December, 2013)
4. Kara Zh. Ju. Potentsial tolerantnosti pri obuchenii izobrazitel'nomu iskusstvu [Potential of tolerance in teaching fine art]. Materialy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii «Protivodeystviye ideologii ekstremizma i terrorizma v ramkakh realizatsii gosudarstvennoy molodezhnoy politiki» [Proceedings of the scientific and practical conference “Counteraction to the ideology of terrorism and extremism in the framework of realization of the state youth policy”, Rostov-on-Don, October, 12-14, 2009], Issue 1. pp. 314-317, [electronic resource (22 MB)]. Moscow, Publishing House of “KREDO”, 2009.
5. Kara Zh. Ju., Omelyanenko E. V. Tvorcheskaya sreda kak sozidayushcheye prostranstvo formirovaniya antiterroristicheskogo mirovozzreniya [Creative environment as a constructive space of forming anti-terrorist world outlook]. Materialy antiterroristicheskogo festivalya studencheskoy, nauchnoy i tvorcheskoy molodezhi «Mir Kavkazu» [Proceedings of the anti-terrorist student festival of scientific and creative youth “Peace to the Caucasus”, November, 12-14, 2012], in 2 volumes. Moscow, Publishing House of “KREDO”, 2013.
6. Kruteleva L. Ju. Psikhologicheskiye osobennosti razvitiya molodezhi v polietnicheskoy obrazovatel'noy srede [Psychological characteristic features of youth development in the multi-ethnic educational environment]. Materialy nauchnoy konferentsii, priurochennoy k 40-letnemu yubileyu fakul'teta psikhologii MGU «Psikhologiya pered vyzovom budushchego» [The article in the collection: Psychology in front of the challenge of the future: Proceedings of the scientific conference dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the Psychology Faculty of Moscow State University, November, 23-24, 2006]. Moscow: Moscow State University Publ., 2006, 484 p. - pp. 451-453.
7. Kruteleva L. Ju. Psikhologicheskiye osobennosti smyslozhiznennykh strategiy studentov raznoy poznavatel'noy napravlennosti, izuchayushchikh inostrannyy yazyk: diss. … kand. psikhol. nauk [Psychological characteristic features of the life-sense strategies of students of different cognitive orientation, studying a foreign language. Thesis for Candidate's degree in Psychology]. Rostov-on-Don: Rostov State University Publ., 2005. 222 p.
8. Kruteleva L. Ju. Psikhologicheskiye osobennosti translyatsii smyslov v polikul'turnom obrazovatel'nom prostranstve [Psychological characteristic features of transmission of senses in the multicultural educational environment]. Materialy IV Natsional'noy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii «Psikhologiya obrazovaniya: podgotovka kadrov i psikhologicheskoye prosveshcheniye» [The article of the collection: “Psychology of education: manpower training and psychological education”. Proceedings of the IV National Scientific and Practical Conference (Moscow, December, 13-15, 2007)]. Moscow, All-Russian Public Organization “Federation of educational psychologists of Russia” Publ., 2007, 450 p. - pp. 28-29.
9. Leontiev D. A. Psihologija smysla: priroda, stroenie i dinamika smyslovoj real'nosti [Psychology of sense: nature, structure and dynamics of sense reality. 3rd supplemented edition]. Moscow: Smysl Publ., 2007. 487 p.
10. Lobok A. M. Antropologiya mifa [Anthropology of myth]. Yekaterinburg: Published by Education Department of Administration of October District, 1997, 668 p.
11. Ostapenko B. S., Kruteleva L. Ju. O roli psikhologii v formirovanii dukhovnosti i tolerantnogo soznaniya v Molodezhnoy srede: vzglyad iznutri [About the role of psychology in forming spirituality and tolerant consciousness in the youth environment: a view from the inside]. Materialy antiterroristicheskogo festivalya studencheskoy, nauchnoy i tvorcheskoy Molodezhi «Mir Kavkazu» [Proceedings of the anti-terrorist student festival of scientific and creative youth “Peace to the Caucasus”, Rostov-on-Don, November, 12-14, 2012], in 2 volumes. - Moscow: Publishing House of “KREDO”, 2013, pp. 371.
12. Razvitiye tvorcheskikh sposobnostey: tekhnologii integrirovannogo vozdeystviya [Development of creativity: technologies of the integrated influence]. Edited by Abakumova I. V., Kara Zh. Ju. Moscow, Publishing House of “KREDO”, 2012, 315 p., pp. 311.
13. Abakumova I. V. Assessment of Efficiency of Technologies of Development of Antiterrorist Ideology Among the Youth. The 13th European Congress of Psychology, July, 9-12, 2013. Poster abstracts. Stockholm, 2013.
14. Kara Zh. Ju., Abakumova I. V. Creativity as Means of Forming Tolerance. The 13th European Congress of Psychology, July, 9-12, 2013. Poster abstracts. Stockholm, 2013.
15. Kruteleva L. Ju. Cognitive Orientation of a Person as a Component of Life-Sense Strategies. The 13th European Congress of Psychology, July, 9-12, 2013. Poster abstracts. Stockholm, 2013.
16. Kruteleva L. Ju. Stereotypes and Social Attitudes of the Modern Youth. The 13th European Congress of Psychology, July, 9-12, 2013. Oral presentations. Stockholm, 2013.
17. Kruteleva L. Ju., Abakumova I. V. Life-sense Strategies as a Motivational-dynamic Characteristic of a Person. The V Congress of the Russian Psychological Society, Moscow, February 14-18, 2013. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 86, October, 10, 2013, pp. 35-41. URL: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/ pii/S1877042813026529 (accessed December, 2013)
18. Kruteleva L. Ju., Abakumova I. V. Tolerance in the Structure of Life-Sense Strategies of the Modern Youth. The 13th European Congress of Psychology, July, 9-12, 2013. Poster abstracts. Stockholm, 2013.
19. Kruteleva L. Ju., Abakumova I. V., Kara Zh. Ju. Characteristic Features of Transformation of Life-sense Orientations of Emigrants. The V Congress of the Russian Psychological Society, Moscow, February, 14-18, 2013. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 86, 10 October 2013, pp. 267-270. URL: http://www.sciencedirect.com/ science/article/pii/S1877042813026931 (accessed December, 2013)
Ðàçìåùåíî íà Allbest.ru
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Development of skills of independent creative activity in the process of game on the lessons of English. Psychological features of organization of independent work and its classification. Development of independence student in the process of teaching.
êóðñîâàÿ ðàáîòà [35,8 K], äîáàâëåí 03.04.2011Transfer to profile training of pupils of 11–12 classes of 12-year comprehensive school its a stage in implementation of differentiation of training. Approaches to organization of profile education and their characteristic, evaluation of effectiveness.
êóðñîâàÿ ðàáîòà [39,4 K], äîáàâëåí 26.05.2015Features of training of younger schoolboys and preschool children. Kognitivnoe development of preschool children. Features of teaching of English language at lessons with use of games. The principal views of games used at lessons of a foreign language.
êóðñîâàÿ ðàáîòà [683,5 K], äîáàâëåí 06.03.2012Teaching practice is an important and exciting step in the study of language. Description of extracurricular activities. Feedback of extracurricular activity. Psychological characteristic of a group and a students. Evaluation and testing of students.
îò÷åò ïî ïðàêòèêå [87,0 K], äîáàâëåí 20.02.2013The purpose and psychology-pedagogical aspects of extracurricular work on a foreign language. Requirements to extracurricular work. Forms of extracurricular educational work on a foreign language. Using the Internet in extracurricular work on English.
êóðñîâàÿ ðàáîòà [38,9 K], äîáàâëåí 19.03.2015Problems of child's psychological development. "Hot-Cold" games (for children till 7 years old). Intellectual Eye Measurer. Definitions and classification. Assessment. Computer, teacher's version. Mathematics. Statistics (for training of banking workers).
ðåôåðàò [46,3 K], äîáàâëåí 19.09.2015Direction of professional self - development. Features of emotional sphere. Personal qualities of the social teacher and teacher of self-knowledge. The concept of vital functions as a continuous process of goal-setting, operations and human behavior.
ïðåçåíòàöèÿ [2,5 M], äîáàâëåí 08.10.2016Effective reading is essential for success in acquiring a second language. Approaches to Teaching Reading Skills. The characteristic of methods of Teaching Reading to Learners. The Peculiarities of Reading Comprehension. Approaches to Correcting Mistakes.
êóðñîâàÿ ðàáîòà [60,1 K], äîáàâëåí 28.03.2012Context approach in teaching English language in Senior grades. Definition, characteristics and components of metod. Strategies and principles of context approach. The practical implementation of Context approach in teaching writing in senior grades.
äèïëîìíàÿ ðàáîòà [574,3 K], äîáàâëåí 06.06.2016Oxford is the oldest English-speaking university in the world and the largest research center in Oxford more than a hundred libraries and museums, its publisher. The main areas of training students. Admission to the university. Its history and structure.
ïðåçåíòàöèÿ [1,6 M], äîáàâëåí 28.11.2012Approach - one’s viewpoint toward teaching. The set of principles, beliefs, or ideas about the nature of learning which is translated into the classroom. Learner, performance and competency based approach. Teacher’s and student’s role in the teaching.
ïðåçåíòàöèÿ [447,5 K], äîáàâëåí 21.10.2015Main part: Reading skills. A Writing Approach to–Reading Comprehension–Schema Theory in Action. The nature of foreign-language teaching. Vocabulary teaching techniques.
êóðñîâàÿ ðàáîòà [23,8 K], äîáàâëåí 05.12.2007Reading is the foundation on which academic skills of an individual are built. The importance of teaching reading. Developing reading skills and strategies. Stages of conducting reading and reading activities. Rules of training of the advanced readers.
êóðñîâàÿ ðàáîòà [36,2 K], äîáàâëåí 10.04.2012What is the lesson. Types of lessons according to the activities (by R. Milrood). How to write a lesson plan 5 stages. The purpose of assessment is for the teacher. The students' mastery. List modifications that are required for special student.
ïðåçåíòàöèÿ [1,1 M], äîáàâëåí 29.11.2014The development in language teaching methodology. Dilemma in language teaching process. Linguistic research. Techniques in language teaching. Principles of learning vocabulary. How words are remembered. Other factors in language learning process.
ó÷åáíîå ïîñîáèå [221,2 K], äîáàâëåí 27.05.2015The basic tendencies of making international educational structures with different goals. The principles of distance education. Distance learning methods based on modern technological achievements. The main features of distance education in Ukraine.
ðåôåðàò [19,1 K], äîáàâëåí 01.11.2012Studying the system of education in Britain and looking at from an objective point of view. Descriptions of English school syllabus, features of infant and junior schools. Analyzes the categories of comprehensive schools, private and higher education.
ïðåçåíòàöèÿ [886,2 K], äîáàâëåí 22.02.2012The education system in the United States of America. Pre-school education. Senior high school. The best universities of national importance. Education of the last level of training within the system of higher education. System assessment of Knowledge.
ïðåçåíòàöèÿ [1,4 M], äîáàâëåí 06.02.2014Îáùàÿ èíôîðìàöèÿ îá óðîêå, åãî òèï, ó÷åáíî-ìåòîäè÷åñêàÿ çàäà÷à, ýòàïû, îñíàùåíèå îáîðóäîâàíèåì è ïðîãðàììíûì îáåñïå÷åíèåì. Èñïîëüçîâàíèå ôðîíòàëüíîé, èíäèâèäóàëüíîé è ïðàêòè÷åñêîé ðàáîòû. Ðå÷åâàÿ çàðÿäêà, öåëü àóäèðîâàíèÿ, âûïîëíåíèå òåñòîâ è èõ èòîãè.
êîíñïåêò óðîêà [19,7 K], äîáàâëåí 22.11.2011Disclosure of the concept of the game. Groups of games, developing intelligence, cognitive activity of the child. The classification of educational games in a foreign language. The use of games in the classroom teaching English as a means of improving.
êóðñîâàÿ ðàáîòà [88,5 K], äîáàâëåí 23.04.2012