Experience in the US and the UK: training teachers and managers for education quality assessment

The foreign approaches to training of educators for the assessment practice in secondary education. The training in the USA and the UK. The positive aspects of experience, them use in Ukraine in assessment and educational quality monitoring system.

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Experience in the US and the UK: training teachers and managers for education quality assessment

L. Hrynevych


The article deals with the consideration of the foreign approaches to training of educators for the assessment practice in secondary education. The principles of this training in the USA and the UK are represented; the examples of Alphathe most effective programs are given. The positive aspects of this experience are determined. These aspects may be used in Ukraine in implementing assessment and educational quality monitoring system.

Key words: assessment and educational quality monitoring system; training of teachers; competences of teachers and administrators as to assessment practice.

Розглянуто зарубіжні підходи до підготовки освітян для проведення оцінювання якості середньої освіти. Представлено засади цієї підготовки у Сполучених Штатах Америки та Великій Британії, приведено приклади найбільш ефективних програм. Визначено позитивні аспекти цього досвіду, які можна використати в Україні при запровадженні системи оцінювання і моніторингу якості освіти.

Зроблено висновок, що специфічні вимоги до кваліфікації фахівців, які здатні працювати в спеціалізованих інституціях системи оцінювання якості освіти потребують розширення підготовки таких спеціалістів в українських вищих навчальних закладах. Мають бути чітко сформульовані вимоги до вчителів та управлінців щодо оцінювання і моніторингу, які беруться до уваги при підвищенні кваліфікації на базі інститутів післядипломної освіти та при проведенні атестації педагогічних кадрів.

Ключові слова: система оцінювання і моніторингу якості освіти; підготовка вчителів; компетентності вчителів та управлінців щодо оцінювання.

Рассмотрено зарубежные подходы к подготовке педагогов для проведения оценивания качества среднего образования. Представлено основания этой подготовки в Соединенных Штатах Америки и Великобритании, приведено примеры наиболее эффективных программ. Определено позитивные аспекты этого опыта, которые можно использовать в Украине при введении системы оценивания и мониторинга качества образования.

Ключевые слова: система оценивания и мониторинга качества образования; подготовка учителей; компетентности учителей касательно оценивания.

The maintains of research

Introducation. The problems of monitoring the quality of education the works of Ukrainian scientists are devoted to: Bulakh I., O. Lyashenko, I. Likarchuk, V. Lunyacheka, AI noodles, T. Lukin, S. Rakov, T. Khlebnikov and others. In particular, the educational facilities monitoring, the type, level, features, analyzes national and partly international experience and assessment conducted its periodization proposed principles of monitoring system of secondary education. A comprehensive analysis of the problem of evaluation and monitoring the education quality conducted by foreign researchers, namely Bolotov, S. Hlavz, M. Zelman, Kivz F, G. Kovalev, O. Mayorov, T. Neville, A. Taydzhnman, S. Thomas D. Shiri, and others.

One reason of inactive monitoring and evaluation of quality of education in Ukraine is the lack of a sufficient number of specialists to provide relevant activities, in particular the preparation of research,creation tools, forming databases, data analysis, interpretation, messages and public use of the results. Today in Ukraine only a few pedagogical universities began training masters in specialty 8.18010022 “Educational Measurement" (1801 discipline “Specific categories”). Equally important is the training of all teachers and administrators to work in evaluating and monitoring the quality of education both in terms of their implementation and use of the results. However, the current system of postgraduate education also doesn't work enough.

Although there is good practice on the development of procedures and briefings for a large number of specialists in the Ukrainian Center for Educational Quality Assessment, its regional offices and monitoring capital education (Kyiv). Overall domestic experience demonstrates that such work is not sufficient, and education authorities rely only on the administrative hierarchy and work by orders.

Since Ukraine regional and national systems to assess and monitor the quality of education are developing, and the problem of training teachers, managers, specialists, coordinators for monitoring research remains relevant and requires the development and resolution, there is a need to study the experience of those countries where similar operation systems is quite high.

In USA thanks to the joint efforts of a number of organizations representing school administration and educational community, have been developed and published standards of evaluation competencies of managers in education (Wilson Mark R., Bertenthal Meryl W., 2005):

Competencies are related to the providing assistance to teachers.

Competencies associated with the development and implementation the evaluation of Education

Competencies needed for decision-making in the evaluation and to report its results

At the end of XX century in USA 25 states only one of the prerequisites for licensing teachers were passing the appropriate certification of competencies in assessing the quality of education (Stiggins R. J., 1999, p.23-27). In Washington state provides state matching all teachers with national standards in every field, teachers must meet the standards for professional development of teachers, the proposed interstate consortium evaluation of young teachers and education support, which includes the assessment indicators in teachers literacy. Only 18 states had at least some requirements in assessing and monitoring the quality of education that belonged to the school leaders (Trevisan M. S., 2002, p.776-771).

In accordance with the 2002 Act (No Child Left Behind Act, NCLB), in the part that directly relates to evaluating the quality of education among the main measures envisaged implementation of programs for professional development of teachers, improve their skills and increase funding for these programs.

The leading role in the NCLB Act is the demand a high level of students' knowledge in the natural subjects (Hrynevych, L., 2011). Among a number of preconditions for the implementation of this requirement distinguished - needs updating standards Science Study and improve teaching subjects in the art.

education quality assessment training

Later the Committee on Test Design for K-12 Science Achievements was developed for testing achievements of science in the American system of secondary education, which had two objectives:

1) to provide recommendations that would benefit states in the design, development and implementation of evaluation of knowledge of science and 2) to strengthen cooperation between the NRC and key stakeholders in the states and schools (Designing High Quality Science Assessment Systems).

As a result of its activities, the Committee for education departments of state, educational workers, teachers developed a series of recommendations forthe development and implementation of new systems of academic standards and quality evaluation Science Study (Wilson Mark R., Bertenthal Meryl W., 2005, p.229). For the purpose of professional development of teachers and their evaluation competencies The Committee proposed states to provide an opportunity for educators to participate in all stages of development and implementation of Quality Assessment Science Study (U. S. Department of Education. Standards and assessments peer review guidance: Information and examples for meeting requirements of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001). The Committee concluded that the competence in the quality assessment must be included in training programs (Hill P., 2001, p.48). In fact the Committee called on the colleges and universities that prepare teachers include in their curriculum courses in educational measurement as general guidance and specific, particularly for science. Also the Committee urges States reconsider the existing standards to incorporate them as compulsory licensing terms teacher certification teachers to identify their competence in evaluation (Wilson Mark R., Bertenthal Meryl W, 2005, p.168).

The UK experience in training teachers to evaluating the quality of education is interesting too. In the 2000s across the country were considered and discussed a number of research projects related to how to properly involve more teachers to evaluation in school. These projects were started in response to renewed interest in the role of teachers not only to use assessment for learning where assessment is integrated into classroom lessons, but also of student performance in which teachers conduct assessment of student achievements for accountability to students and other stakeholders.

According to the program of Analysis and Review of Innovations in Assessment project, ARIA during the period - from 2006 to 2008 and - have been studied and selected these initiatives are key issues for effective promotion the evaluation of teachers. (Gardner J., Harlen W., Hayward L., Stobart G., 2011, p.118).

The program King's-Medway-Oxfordshire Formative Assessment Project, KMOFAP is an example of “bottom up” that displays the point view that participation in the development of new procedures and materials are the most effective way to encourage change. This program demonstrated how teachers can learn from each other, merge their ideas, demonstrate their own developed new techniques to work with researchers to be creative and experiment. With the addition of capabilities for mapping of principles that underlie the changes, this experience can be the most effective form of training. But the experience of “bottom-up” is very resource demanding, including the time and, of course, can be extended to a large number of teachers for economic reasons (Gardner J., Harlen W., Hayward L., Stobart G., 2011).

An alternative approach in which teachers do not participate in the creation and development of techniques, but try to seize ready approach waspresented in the program evaluation for learning Portsmouth Learning Community. As a result of this project were made the following conclusions:

Teachers need time to reflect and regulate the new practices that they use in their training activities;

Teachers find very useful to communicate with their colleagues to share experiences and planning should allow time for this form of training;

Some teachers may prefer the new techniques, but this should be done with an understanding of the causes of changes, if awareness is not present, of the proposed methods should be abandoned.

In the UK there are self-teachers whose practice of vocational training. It teachers themselves are the “means” own changes that occur because of the interest of teachers is stimulated via discussions with colleagues, ideas portrayed in conventional training courses.

The self-organizations of teachers can be actually a powerful tool in promoting changes to ensure the successful development of evaluation in schools based on self motivation. ARIA program identified a number of principles approved a wide range of teachers and scholars, including:

Assessment of any kind should ultimately improve the quality of education;

Assessment methods should facilitate progress in all major educational purposes;

Evaluation procedure should include certain processes that would guarantee the reliability of information to achieve the goal;

Assessment should promote public understanding of the learning objectives related to the present and future lives of students (Gardner J., Harlen W., Hayward L., Stobart G., 2011).

ARIA program results have shown that the success of vocational training teachers to prepare for the evaluation of quality of education depends on how teachers provide an opportunity to play an important and active role in the organization of the evaluation and monitoring. Another condition is the need to find a balance between the introduction of the theory (which ultimately is to be known and understood) and practice (what skills and strategies should be explored).

Conclusions. The presented here international experience enables identification of positive aspects that should be used in domestic practice of monitoring implementation in education. Specific requirements for the training of specialists who are able to work in the institution of education quality assessment systems require more training of specialists in Ukrainian universities. Along with this should be clearly stated requirements for teachers and administrators for assessing and monitoring to be taken into account in advanced training at the Institute of Continuing Education and during the certification of teachers.

The experience in the US and UK shows a significant role in preparing for the evaluation methods of teacher collaboration in teaching staff, as well as keyword report value defined standards necessary competencies that can be implemented both by education authorities and by educational associations and NGOs. Implementing a system of evaluation and monitoring of the quality of education, as every significant innovation practice is a dynamic and complex process that requires appropriate training of teachers and appropriate support from politicians, researchers and specialists in this field.


1. Competency Standards in Student Assessment for Educational Administrators / [Internet resource]. - URL: http://www.unl.edu/buros/bimm/html/article4.html#1

2. Designing High Quality Science Assessment Systems / [Internet resource]. - The National Academies. Center of education - URL: http://www7. nationalacademies.org/bota/Test_Design_K-12_Science.html

3. Gardner J., Harlen W., Hayward L., Stobart G. (2011) Engaging and Empowering Teachers in Innovative Assessment Practice. Berry R., Adamson B. Assessment Reform in Education. Policy and Practice. Heidelberg - London - New York: Springer, Р105-120.

4. HillP. (2001) Rethinking the federal role in elementary and secondary education [Electronic resource]. The Future of the Federal Role in Elementary & Secondary Education: A Collection of Papers Published by the Center on Education Policy. Washington, D. C., P.45-50.

5. Hrynevych, L. (2011) The basis for formation of the national system of the education quality monitoring. Pedahohika i psykholohiia: visnyk NAPN Ukrainy. # 2 (71). P.80-89. (in Ukrainian)

6. No Child Left Behind Act of 2001: Public Law 107-110.115 Stat. Washington, D. C.: U. S.government Printing Office, 2002. P.1425-2094.

7. Stiggins R. J. (1999) Evaluating classroom assessment training in teacher education programs.educational Measurement: Issues and Practice. #18 (1). P.23-27.

8. Trevisan M. S. (2002) The states' role in ensuring assessment competence. Phi Delta Kappan. June. #83 (10). P.766-771.

9. U. S. Department of Education. Standards and assessments peer review guidance: Information and examples for meeting requirements of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. [Internet resource]. - URL: http://www.ed.gov/policy/elsec/guid/saaprguidance. pdf

10. Wilson Mark R., Bertenthal Meryl W. (2005) Committee on Test Design for K-12 Science Achievement, National Research Council Systems for state science assessment. Washington, D. C.: The National academies press.229 p.

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