The democratic basis of the future technology teachers training in European nordic countries

Educational experience of process of technology teachers training of Europe on democratic basis. Defining professional readiness of a teacher to work in accordance with European standards. Relations "teacher - student" in education of Nordic countries.

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Дата добавления 05.03.2019
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37.013.74: [37.016.33]

The democratic basis of the future technology teachers training in European nordic countries

Zhernoklieiev I.V.

The article examines the educational experience of the process of future technology teachers training of European Nordic countries on democratic basis. That democratic component of such training defines the professional readiness of the teacher to work in accordance with European standards (to be convinced democrat, to be successful both as teacher and educator, integrating them into the whole process of education). In the article is considered a system of relations «teacher - student» in the educational systems of the Nordic countries on the idea of democracy and cooperative interaction with the caregiver pet. This approach allowed to change the concept of teacher training from an authoritarian «mentor» to the organizer all sorts of activities for the development lived through real «experience» of students, counselor assistant.

Key words: technological education, a teacher of technology, democracy, the learning process, professional readiness, an integrative approach.

educational training teacher democratic

В статье рассматривается опыт процесса подготовки будущих учителей технологий Северных стран Европы на демократической основе. Именно демократическая составляющая такой подготовки определяет профессиональную готовность педагога работать в соответствии с европейскими стандартами (быть убежденным демократом и педагогом). В статье также рассмотрена система отношений «учитель - ученик» в образовательных системах стран Северной Европы где в основу образовательной деятельности положена идея демократичности. Именно такой подход позволил изменить концепцию подготовки учителя с авторитарного «ментора» на организатора различного рода деятельности для развития реально пережитого «опыта» учащихся, консультанта, помощника.

Ключевые слова: технологическое образование, учитель технологий, демократия, учебный процесс, профессиональная готовность, интегративный подход.

У статті розглядається досвід процесу підготовки майбутніх вчителів технологій Північних країн Європи на демократичній основі. Саме демократична складова такої підготовки визначає професійну готовність педагога працювати у відповідності з європейськими стандартами (бути переконаним демократом, з однаковим успіхом здійснювати функції вчителя і вихователя інтегруючи їх у цілісний процес освіти). У ^атті також розглянуто систему відносин «вчитель - учень» в освітніх системах країн Північної Європи де в основу освітньої діяльності покладена ідея демократичності і кооперативної взаємодії вихователя з вихованцем. Саме такий підхід дозволив змінити концепцію підготовки вчителя з авторитарного «ментора» на організатора різного роду діяльності для розвитку реально пережитого «досвіду» учнів, консультанта, помічника.

Важливим, на прикладі досвіду провідних північноєвропейських вищих навчальних закладів де здійснюється підготовка майбутніх учителів технологій є використання у процесі освітньої діяльності методів, які можуть різнитися але принцип навчання демократії залишається постійним. Адже відомо, толерантність, повага, бажання вчитися один від одного - це ті цінності, які забезпечують процвітання у демократичних країнах. Вони і є тими фундаментальними цінностями, до яких необхідно привчати дітей у школі. Вчитель технологій підготовлений на демократичних засадах намагається найбільш оптимально розподілити навантаження трудового завдання на своїх уроках, враховуючи індивідуальні схильності і здібності своїх вихованців.

Ключові слова: технологічна освіта, вчитель технологій, демократія, навчальний процес, професійна готовність, інтегративний підхід.

The urgent task for the educational systems of European country is to ensure the accessibility of high quality education based on democratic values for all citizens during their life.

The years of experience of functioning based on democracy, which was accumulated by educational systems of developed countries in Europe, including Scandinavia and Finland, may be useful for Ukrainian higher pedagogical school in realizing its European aspirations. This approach becomes extremely important for training future teachers of technology in Ukraine in times of the existing global economic crisis.

The modern Ukrainian society, moving with great efforts into direction of democratic development, are increasingly turning to searching of rational approaches to identity formation of its citizens in the unity with European traditions and values. This provides the updating of content of education and organization of educational process in educational institutions of all levels and forms of ownership.

The purpose of this article is to discuss the experience of constructing on democratic basis the process of future technology teachers training in Northern Europe for the creative implementation to the educational practice of higher education in Ukraine.

Analysis of scientific papers showed that in wide range of theoretical and practical problems foreign pedagogy for revealing the essence of democratic education, review of the main tendencies of development of university and vocational education, training of teaching staff and educators as a manifestation of a party of scientific knowledge is devoted a great amount of research both theoretical and practical (N. Abashkina, Y. Brazhnyk, B. Vulfson, O. Dzhurinsky, V. Korsak, M. Leshenko, V. Madzihon, N. Nychkalo, L. Puhovska, O. Romanovskyy, A. Sbruyeva, V. Sydorenko, A. Sukhomlinsky et al.). Considering the integrational processes as an important objective law, Nordic researchers J. Rasmussen, G. Thorbjornsson, B. Magne, G. Stanhvik, A. Alamaki, T. Kananoyya, K. Borg, L. Lindstrom determined at different times the prerequisites of democratic processes with necessity of further restructuring of the structure and content of education of future teachers of technology.

The priority directions of scientific research in the educational sector in Europe today are the study of the role of the teacher in the process of democratization of education. In particular, clarifying of the connection between society needs of teachers, who not only know the meaning of democratic values, but also are active agents in the educational process. The materials of the Council of Europe has repeatedly underlined that this problem today is especially relevant for Central and Eastern Europe, where, during the rebuilding of the social and educational systems based on democratic values, the new understanding of the role of the modern teacher in the education system as a whole emerges.

There is no objection to the fact that the democracy was never in the history of European so widespread and strong as in the beginning of the twenty-first century. Almost all European states and their societies are considered as democratic. Therefore, among the basic requirements for its employees, the vast number of European public institutions, different spheres of production and non-production activities determine the readiness for adherence to democratic norms.

Thus, any society that develops on democratic principles needs a teacher who is able to understand the socio-political processes, to assess what is happening in society, to chose consciously the side of democratic social forces, to work systematically and consistently in the name of strengthening and development of democracy as a social system that is able to harmonize relations and interests of different people, to ensure their consolidation and conscious and productive cooperation. The theory of education values not only examines the nature of the understanding of values, that is the establishing of measures for further evaluation, but also recognizes the ways of development of this process. The experience itself is made up of active relations between man and his natural and social environment. Actions of man and the things around acquire value insofar as a connection between what happens to the man himself and what he does in response, as he affects his environment and how the environment reacts. he learns to understand himself and the world of people and things [2].

However, what does mean in theory and practice to build the process of future technology teachers training on the democratic basis? Most of European education researchers state that democratic principles should permeate the curriculum and should also appear in the relations between education and society. Teachers must use in their work the seven qualitatively different aspects of democracy, emphasize the Nordic teachers: equal participation, horizontal relationships and connections, free discussion, knowledge that help to form their own point of view, the recognition of different identities, making within the collective decision based on democratic principles and relation them with social norms [3].

The educational policy of the Northern European countries have always been characterized by processes of democratization. For example, in the document «Higher education in Norway», democratization implies decentralization of management process at educational institutions. Decentralization is primarily the democratization of the atmosphere at the university. However, decentralization does not automatically educational process becoming democratic. With that it creates an opportunity for management decisions and responsibilities, the introduction of more democratic forms of control, the active participation of parents and teachers, all those who are interested in analyzing the effectiveness of the general principles and practice of educational institutions. Students do not just watch the examples of democracy, also get a complete picture of how it is implemented, taking part in the further development of democratic relations in society [7].

Relevant today is the definition of John Dewey on the characteristics of democracy where he stresses the importance for education of two indicators that point to democracy. The first means not only the diversity and large number of variants of common interests, but also more credibility and recognition of mutual interests as a factor. The second criterion provides free interaction between social groups (isolated as much as they want), and even more, changing social preferences, their long-term adaptation to new situations during interaction. These two features accurately now characterize a democratic society.

Achievements of the system of education in a democratic society, in the opinion of the leading Nordic scientists and educators, occur due to targeted reforms which are aimed at transition to the knowledge society. The main feature of this transition is to provide to citizens the equal opportunity to receive free and quality education that is typical feature of Northern European educational policy.

The most successful educational systems of European countries, among which the Nordic countries are recognized leaders, have taken into account these factors in time, developing the strategy and tactics of education policy, particularly in the design of process of teachers training in general and future teachers of technologies in particular.

An inherent condition for democratization of the management of the institution is the constant control of the society. For example Sweden pluralism in education is provided through the support of independent parties and organizations, associations of parents, students, teachers and unions, that ultimately contributes the most complete implementation of democratic principles in the education system of the country.

The most common factors in explanation of the high educational achievements of these countries is following: in each of them education was recognized as one of the most important social values and prerequisites of further development of the states; students should study together in groups, their development has to be carried on the principles of individualization; in all Scandinavian countries the modern national educational standards have adopted; school have started to receive all possible types of external support (state and municipal) and to have self-governing; special role is defined for the training of qualified teachers [4].

Specific requirement, which is placed for future technology teachers due to state educational policy of Nordic countries, is to be professionally prepared to the level of development of the current state of science and industry based on democratic principles, providing of development of mental and physical abilities of students, respect to human labor. Herewith, the state and municipal decisions in these countries are directed primarily to the transfer of cultural heritage to future generations, the constant acquisition of new knowledge and skills and updating their already existing social potential. The function of technology teacher in this approach can not be as a just transfer to student the set of knowledge, skills and abilities for the future of pre-defined social functions (mainly manufacturing). In modern conditions, it has to change essentialy, transforming towards interaction «teacher - student» on the way of establishment of high values and ideals [8].

The idea of democracy and cooperative interaction between teacher and student is put in the basis of system of relations «teacher - student» in the educational system of the North European countries. This approach allowed to change the concept of the authoritarian teacher training «mentor» to the organizer of various kinds of activities for development of real «experience» of students, as a counselor or assistant. That is fully consistent with the model of teacher training, created by D. Dewey, who came from the fact that the teacher should work in schools where «imposition from above is opposed to self expression and development of personality; restricting discipline - to free activities; study the books - to study through experience; development of fragmented skills and skills through multiple repetitions - to mastering for achievement of vital goals; preparation for a more or less distant future - to maximum use of the present time; static aims and materials - to the dynamics of a changing world. «By statement that «we train not directly, but through the medium» J. Dewey saw the teacher as a creator of «environment which is specifically designed so that to affect mental and moral precepts of its participants», that is, in his opinion, the school. The development of social interests is possible only and exclusively in a truly social environment. That is, in such an environment, where a genuine interchange in the creation of the general experience exists. Dewey emphasized: «Education in the school can not be isolated from education beyond of school, it should freely interact. Discipline, culture, social efficiency, work on yourself, improving of your own character are just a growing ability to adequately participate in developing overall experience. And education is not a means to such a life, but life itself [1].

Also the educational innovations are recommendations for teachers to work towards creating an atmosphere of goodwill in learning, to use the study of science and technology as exciting experience during the holidays. For example, it is noted in the Swedish program LPO94 for teachers that «education should try to adapt to the specific circumstances of each student and her needs. Referring to previous experience, the modern technology teacher training in the requirements of the program should contribute to finding new ways to further training and development of students in general schools» (Skolverket, 2006). This primarily suggests that for a competent and systematic guidance of students during their training and education of future teachers, a future teacher needs professional training which should be directed to the development in a democratic atmosphere of students thinking and creative skills, aesthetic taste, love to work, desire of creative search, self-education and self¬improvement. In addition, the learning process in a democratic society provides an opportunity for all participants to learn about other cultures and ways of seeing and define the similarities and differences. To teach democraty, first of all a future technology teacher himself should have formed democratic views, to know how to form them in students. Amy Gutmann notes in this context that students and teachers should be free to experience democracy, to learn to act in its environment, to develop continuously and change through experience. It is important to remember that ideas do not become knowledge, except through the implementation in practice and in the next transformation of itself. There is no other way to learn democracy, once practice [5].

In the opinion of the Nordic scientists, it is important that methods can vary, but the principle of education of democracy must remain: modeling based on democratic principles of the school community. Because it is known, that tolerance, respect, willingness to learn from each other - these are the values that allow to thrive to democratic countries. They are the fundamental values that should be taught to children at school. Teacher, being prepared on democratic basis, tries to distribute the load on children in the best way, taking into account individual inclinations and abilities of his pupils.

Students and teachers communicate only with dignity and respect to each other, reminding the practical functioning of the basic values of democracy. Future teachers learn to show respect towards children, calling them according to their names, respecting their opinion, and expect politeness and courtesy in return. Democracy in the classroom and student audiences always is an indicator of the maturity of society. However, also mention should be made of the phenomenon of study circles in Northern Europe.

According to the tradition of the Nordic peoples, the study circle is an important element of democracy in society, so that there is an expression of the origins of democracy in the region, which are found in the educational circles. Five people can be enough to form a circle and study, for example, various crafts, environmental issues or local politics. The idea is that by acquiring knowledge people will be involved in an active social life as active members of the community. The experience of the Scandinavian countries shows that study circle can work with the teacher, as well as without it, and if it is necessary, it can choose a pedagogical leader. Study circle - a typical example of a democratic organization based on the idea of equality of participants. It is assumed that everybody has potential for development, and that this person should control her own learning process by participating in joint activities. And also school should live in every way the life of society.

Active learning combined with the atmosphere of goodwill not only make an important result, but also the educational process. In this connection M. Herzon states that «...democracy for education requires practical reality of meetings with self-government. To learn about democracy, the students have to create democracy» [6].

The above underlines the fact that one of the characteristics of Nordic teacher training is orienting on practice in education based on democratic values with defined task to form readiness in future technology teachers for work in schools, in the center of activity of whose is a child.

Targeted training of future teachers in Nordic Europe involves the formation of their skills to create such environment that promotes mastery of essential, which, in turn, can be a means of further knowledge about democracy. And one of the most effective means of organizing of collective school life in Nordic schools are self-government. The practice of democratic participation of the collective of the school, of each member in the preparation, adoption and implementation of management decisions lies in the northern European tradition of internal school management. The basis of this tradition is composed of four interrelated levels of all participants of educational process: school board members, the director and his deputies of educational work, teachers, NGOs and, most importantly, students, and also student self-government.

The structure of school self-government is constructed on three levels: the first - basic - Student Self-Government in class groups, followed by - School pupil and the third - the whole-school self-government.

School self-government has a special place in internal school management and is the most visible example of the democratization of internal management of the educational institution. Therefore, the self-government is not only a means of construction of social life on democratic principles, but is a factor in the democratization of the society.

Considering the role of democracy and democratic processes in the education of future technology teachers of Northern Europe it can be stated that the basis of these processes is: a) conformity to traditional values of the Nordic nations, trends of development and consolidation of democracy in different spheres of society; b) orientation of the educational systems of these countries to prepare teacher-leader of democratic ideas in teaching and studing groups, which focused on developing the pupils activity and independence, informed choice in different situations, the need for their contribution to the protection of democratic ideas; c) compliance with the concept of a democratic teacher and his professional training, that defines the vision for the future of teacher self-technologies in school educational space; d) focusing to solve the problem of training teachers for the school of post-industrial society based on democratic principles and local traditions of educating the younger generation, etc.


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2. Корнетов Г. Б. Учитель-воспитатель в пространстве демократической педагогики: Подготовка педагога для общественно-активной школы: учебное пособие. - М.-Тверь : Научная книга, 2009. - 64 с.

3. Пуховська Л. П. Професійна підготовка у Західній Європі: спільність і розбіжність. - К. : Вища школа, 1997. - 180 с.

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