Realization of democratic approaches in technology teachers training in Nordic countries (methodical aspect)

Presents with examples functioning of democratic approaches the activities of students in the study of academic disciplines and methodological cycle passage of student teaching. Improving quality of formation of professional competence of teachers.

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Realization of democratic approaches in technology teachers training in Nordic countries (methodical aspect)

УДК 378

Zhernoklieiev I.V.


The article discusses the content and features of the implementation of democratic approaches to methodical training of future teachers of technology in the Nordic countries. It is based on the analysis of the scientific material domestic and foreign scholars - teachers, and it presents with specific examples functioning of democratic approaches the activities of students in the study of academic disciplines and methodological cycle passage of student teaching. Finally, as a result of implication of democratic approaches in the methodical preparation teachers of technology, Nordic colleagues ascertain the improving quality of formation of professional competence of future teachers.

Key words: technology education, democratic approach, technology teacher methodical preparation, professional competence.

Жерноклеев И.В.


В статье рассмотрено содержание и особенности реализации демократических подходов в методической подготовке будущих учителей технологий в странах Северной Европы. На основе анализа научного материала отечественных и зарубежных ученых-педагогов, на конкретных примерах функционирования демократических подходов представлена деятельность студентов по изучению учебных дисциплин методического цикла и прохождения педагогической практики. И наконец, как результат применения демократических подходов в процессе методической подготовки учителей технологий североевропейские коллеги констатируют улучшение качества формирования профессиональных компетенций будущих педагогов.

Ключевые слова: технологическое образование, демократический подход, методическая подготовка учителя технологий, профессиональная компетентность.

Жерноклєєв І.В.


У статті розглянуто зміст і особливості реалізації демократичних підходів у методичній підготовці майбутніх учителів технологій у країнах Північної Європи. На основі аналізу наукового матеріалу вітчизняних і зарубіжних учених-педагогів, на конкретних прикладах функціонування демократичних підходів представлено діяльність студентів із вивчення навчальних дисциплін методичного циклу та проходження педагогічної практики.

Звертаючись до північноєвропейського досвіду, у статті наголошується на необхідності того, що сучасна підготовка вчителів технологій в Україні повинна будуватись на навчальних планах, які враховують європейські тенденції для подальшого навчання і розвитку учнів загальноосвітніх шкіл. Це, насамперед передбачає, що для здійснення компетентного і систематичного керівництва учнями у процесі їх навчання і виховання майбутньому вчителю необхідна відповідна професійна підготовка, спрямована на розвиток школярів, їх мислення у демократичній атмосфері творчих умінь і навичок, естетичного смаку, любові до праці, бажання творчого пошуку, самоосвіти та самовдосконалення. Окрім того, навчальний процес в умовах демократичного суспільства надає можливість для всіх учасників дізнатися про інші культури і способи бачення та відзначення спільних рис і відмінностей. І насамкінець, як результат застосування демократичних підходів у процесі методичної підготовки вчителів технологій, північноєвропейські колеги констатують поліпшення якості формування професійних компетенцій у майбутніх педагогів.

Ключові слова: технологічна освіта, демократичний підхід, методична підготовка учителя технологій, професійна компетентність, фахова компетентність.


The relevance and problem statement. The idea of a democratic and cooperative interaction between the teacher and pupil was the basis of the relation system «teacher - student « in the educational systems of the Nordic countries put the idea of a democratic and cooperative interaction with the caregiver pet. This approach has allowed a change of the concept of teacher training from the authoritarian «mentor» to the organizer of various kinds of activities for the development of real experiences of students, advisor, assistant.

The purpose of the presented paper is to show the educational experience based on democratic principles, accumulated in educational systems of the Scandinavian countries and Finland in the sphere of technology teachers training (methodical aspect).

The analysis of recent research and publications. Famous Nordic researchers Northern European education argue that democratic principles should permeate the curriculum and manifest relationship education and society. While methodological training of future teachers must master the technology in different aspects of democracy. And above all, in the opinion of scientists, Nordic educators is an equal position of using democratic approach in all kinds of educational activities, relationships and horizontal relationships, free discussion and knowledge that help to form their own point of view , the recognition of different identities , making decisions based on democratic principles and their correlation with social norms. It is considered in the works of Alamaki A., Borg K., Clarin M., Esmailov E., Jurinski A., Kananoja T., Kantola J., Kankare P., Lind M., Lindfors L., Lindstrom L., Ljashenko L, Madzigon V., Ogienko O., Peltonen J., Puchovska L., Rasinen A., Thorsteinsson G . and many others.

This corresponds with models of teacher training , created by J. Dewey, who moved out from the fact that the teacher should work in schools where the «imposition from above is opposed to self expression and development of personality; restricting discipline - to free activities; learning from books - to learning through experience; the development of separate skills using multiple repetitions - to mastering them for achievement of vitally important goals; preparation for a more or less distant future - to the maximum use of the present; static aims and materials - to the dynamics of a changing world». Claiming that «we do not train directly, but through the environment», J. Dewey saw teachers as creators of «environment which is specifically designed to impact on the mental and moral precepts of their pupils» [1]. student teacher academic

The main material of the research

The educational innovations are also recommendations for teachers to work towards creating an atmosphere of goodwill in learning, using the study of science and technology as an exciting experience during the holidays. For example, the Nordic curricula for training of future teachers of technology emphasizes that technology education should adapt to the particular circumstances of each student and her needs. Referring to previous experience, modern technology teacher training according to requirements of mentioned curriculum should contribute to finding new ways for further studies and development of pupils in secondary schools. This primarily implies that, for a competent and systematic guidance of students during their training and education, the future teacher needs the professional training that should be focused on the development of students thinking in a democratic atmosphere of creative skills, aesthetic taste, devotion to the work of craft, desire of creative search, self education and self-improvement. In addition, the learning process in a democratic society provides an opportunity for all participants to learn about other cultures and ways of seeing and determining common features and differences [2].

In order to teach democracy, the future teacher of technology should have formed democratic views, know how to form them in pupils. In this context E. Garber rightly notes that students and teachers should be free to experience democracy, learn to act, evolve and change themselves through experience. It is important to remember that the idea does not become knowledge, except through the implementation in practice and in the next transformation itself. There is no other way to learn democracy, once to practice [7].

Acording to the Nordic researchers, it is important to recognize that the methods can differ, but the principle of education for democracy must remain permanent: modeling of the school community should be based on democratic principles. Since it is known that tolerance, respect, willingness to learn from each other - these are the values on which democracies flourish. They are the fundamental values that must be taught to children at school. Teacher, who was prepared on the democratic principles, tries the best to distribute the load, taking into account individual inclinations and abilities of the pupils.

Students and teachers communicate exceptionally with dignity and respect for each other, recalling the practical functioning of the basic values of democracy. Future teachers learn to show respect to children, calling them by their names, respecting their opinion and expecting politeness and courtesy in return. Democracy in the classroom and student auditoriums is always an indicator of the maturity of the society. However, it should also be sure to remember in these aspects the phenomenon of academic circles in the Nordic countries [4].

Study group in the tradition of the Nordic peoples is an important element in democratic society so that there is an expression of the origins of democracy in the region, which are located exactly in activities of educational circles. Only 5 people can form a training circle and study, for example, various crafts, environmental issues and local politics. The idea is that through the acquire knowledge, people will be involved in an active social life as active members of the community. Experience of the system for future technology teachers training of Nordic countries shows that the training circle works with the teacher, in specific cases without her, and if it is necessary, may elect a pedagogical leader. The training circle is a typical example of democratic organization based on the idea of equality of participants. It is assumed that everyone has potential for development, and this one should control her training process through participation in joint activities, and the school has to live the life of society in all respects [5]..

The development of social interests is possible only and exclusively in a truly social environment, ie an environment where there is a genuine mutual exchange in creating common educational experience.

As to the teaching practice of training of teachers in the Nordic countries, even given their differences it offers several phases of its content. First, student interns should conduct scheduled observation the work of experienced teachers during lessons. This allows future teachers to obtain an idea of the content and methods of teaching activities which constitute the experience of a particular teacher during the learning process, as well as understanding the concept of the school system as a whole. Second, the active involvement of student interns into the life and work of the school as an assistants of class teacher and teacher of technology. However, this does not involve students in conducting lessons, the main goal at this stage - to allow the observation of technical aspects in the organization of learning and class management. Thirdly, a complete training student interns to their lesson with the assistance of the teacher as a consultant and expert in preparation for the lesson, which includes the selection of teaching materials and tools for the lesson. The methodology for conducting the lesson and class teacher recommendations should be discussed. Only after this preliminary training the student receives permission to conduct the lesson, and thus the active phase of teaching practice opens, which on average takes up to 24 weeks training, specialty subject teachers (teacher of technology). In the conditions of teaching practice on the lessons of technology students should develop in children the practical skills and abilities by various means demonstrating to pupils the need to find alternatives for the performance of tasks. In addition, informing the decisions, forming positive motivation of work so that children learn better, show high activity to perform job tasks, and that the process is as important as the result. Acquirement the skills will help students to participate in society [4].

After a short time students Intern are beginning to acquire training enough to get maximum freedom in developing and conduct of the lesson. An essential condition for passing the final stage of practice is a critical discussion of each lesson. This comprehensive assessment allows to detect all the weaknesses of both theoretical and practical trainings of future teachers of technology through their combination by methodical component. After that, students can continue to work independently on eliminating of defined deficiencies, using an individual plan developed in accordance with the improvement of their professional knowledge and skills [9].

The modern system of training future teachers in Nordic countries involves the formation of their skills with the creation of the environment that promote mastering the most important values, which, in turn, can become a means of further learning of democracy. And one of the most effective means organization of collective school life in Nordic schools is a self-governing. The practice of democratic participation of student interns in the collective life of the school where the adoption and implementation of management decisions lies within the Nordic tradition of internal school management. The basis of this tradition is four interrelated levels of all participants of educational process: school board members, head master and his deputies in educational work, teachers, public organizations and, most importantly, pupils, and pupil governing bodies. School self-governing takes a special place in the internal management of the school and is the most visible example of democratic governance of educational systems. Thus the self-governing is not only a means of organization of social life on democratic principles, but the factor that enables future technology teachers to get acquainted with the «practice» of democracy in school [5].

It should be noted that the structure of school self-governing is built on three levels: the first - the base - Student self-governing in class groups, the second - school pupils self governing and the third - the general governing in the school team [6].

One of the characteristics of Nordic system of technology teacher training is practice oriented education based on democratic values with defined task to form the willingness of future teachers to work in schools, in the center of activity of which is a child.

The quality of education for Europe is a matter of national importance and a prerequisite for social stability. Considering the high level of knowledge and skills, a basic condition for provision person with work and active citizenship, the governments of the countries - members of European Union attaches paramount importance to the quality of school education. That is why Ukraine (who joined the community of European countries that signed the Bologna Agreement) address the problem achieving pan-European indicators of quality of training graduates becomes actuality [3]. Effective education in a democratic society provides introduction of civilizational values and beliefs. J. Dewey says that if we believe in democracy and we want our children to believe, too, and thus preserve it, we have to promote programs that introduce children to the meaning of democracy. In any state, democracy can be implemented not only through practice, but also because the content of the subjects based on values and relationships in society. Curricula and syllabi for northern European teachers promote the values of social justice, intercultural understanding, ecological sustainability and democratic processes. These values and attitudes are the foundation of democracy. Children as members of a democratic society should value the democratic process and believe that this is the best of all possible systems [1].

And how it could be useful for Ukrainian Higher Pedagogical School in performance to the European aspirations. This approach to the training of future teachers of technology in Ukraine has become extremely important in terms of the current global economic crisis. Only a teacher of technology, who is prepared on the basis of democratic principles, can train future workers for the modern labor market, where the one of the key requirements for employees is an ability to quickly adapt to the norms of democratic society and modern production.

The Northern European system of public schools underlines the effectiveness of democratic social values in the countries of region. To characterize the emphasis to the social life it was selected two points: the spread of group interests shared by all group members, completeness and freedom in human relations that extend to the system of training teachers in the Nordic countries.


Considering the role of democracy and democratic processes in the education of future teachers of technology of the Nordic countries, we can say that the basis of these processes is: a) conformity to traditional values of Nordic nations, trends and consolidation of democracy in different spheres of society; b) the orientation of educational systems of these countries to prepare future teachers of technology with methodical skills of using of democracy in educational process, which focused on developing students on active and independent, conscious choice in different situations during lessons, the need for own contribution to the defense of democratic ideas; c) orientation to solve the problem of professional training of teachers for the school in the post-industrial society based on democratic principles and folk traditions of educating the younger generation.


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