Dialogical model of teaching students in management

Analysis of the model of dialogic interactions of students who study by profession "manager". Stages of implementation of the model in practice. Development of the dialogic competence of the manager as an instrument for its transformation into a leader.

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Дата добавления 06.03.2019
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УДК 378. 147:658

Dialogical model of teaching students in management

Dimitrina Kamenova, Viktoria Gedinach


dialogic manager competence leader

The report presents research on the model of dialogical interaction, model of teaching students in management, based on dialogue. The investigation reveals the consecutive stages of the model introduction to practice. There are presented the results of the first stage of the didactic experiment that aims to investigate the change the students ' attitude towards the dialogical forms and methods of communication in management (especially in teaching management). The results indicate the necessity of the dialogical competence development for managers as a tool of their transformation into leaders. The study of the most commonly used methods and replica-techniques in the teaching of students in Management reveals the necessity of putting the dialogue in the center of didactic interaction as a tool to change the thinking, emotions and behavior of trainees, as well as their trainers in reciprocal dialogism. The results obtained can be the basis for the construction a taxonomic system of skills for using and analysis of the managerial discourse - the skill of the manager to create speech that will be adequate for the situation in his rational and emotional variations.

Keywords: model of dialogical interaction, dialogical model of teaching, dialogical forms and methods of teaching, transformation managers into leaders.


Дімітріна Каменева, Вікторія Гедінач. Діалогічна модель навчання студентів в сфері менеджменту. Стаття містить дослідження моделі діалогічних взаємодій студентів, які навчаються за професією «менеджер». Дослідження виявляє послідовні етапи впровадження моделі на практиці. А також представлено результати першого етапу дидактичного експерименту, метою якого є перевірка зміни ставлення студентів до діалогічних форм і методів комунікації в управлінні, а саме - у навчанні менеджменту. Результати вказують на необхідність розвитку діалогічної компетенції менеджера як інструменту для його перетворення на лідера.

Ключові слова: модель діалогічних взаємодій, діалогічна модель навчання, діалогічні форми і методі навчання, перетворення менеджера у лідера.


Димитрина Каменева, Виктория Гединач. Диалогическая модель обучения студентов в сфере менеджмента. Статья содержит исследование модели диалогических взаимодействий студентов, обучающихся по профессии «менеджер». Исследование обнаруживает последовательные этапы внедрения модели на практике. А также представлены результаты первого этапа дидактического эксперимента, целью которого является проверка изменения отношения студентов к диалогическим формам и методам коммуникации в управлении, а именно -- в обучении менеджменту. Результаты указывают на необходимость развития диалогической компетенции менеджера как инструмента для его превращения в лидера.

Ключевые слова: модель диалогических взаимодействий, диалогическая модель обучения, диалогические формы и методы обучения, преобразования менеджера в лидера.

Problem definition. The model of teaching students in management is based on the investigation of the dialogical interaction resources that is interpreted by the authors as a new value different from the ordinary talk or conversation. At a time when every self-respecting pedagogue is directed to ensure interaction between two main subjects of the training (trainer and trainee) the teaching process can be measured only by the achievement of development [1] as a gradual change of knowledge, skills and abilities of individual [13]. Therefore the value of the model based on dialogue is rationalized by verification the theoretical statements about it both in the management and in the pedagogical interaction as a toll for implementing the transition from innovative thinking --> intellectual development of the dialogue participants --> development of the organization (course, group). On the second plan, the dialogical competence developed through a dialogue [8] plays a role of a tool for the manager (including for the coach as the leader of the lesson with teenagers or adults for the development of a successful person. On the third plan checking the model of dialogic interaction points to two areas - management and pedagogy [8].

Recent studies and publications analysis. The problem of dialogue involved scientists from ancient times. But the «return» to the resources of dialogue in philosophy due to the work of researchers such as M. Haydeger, Yu. Habermas, K. Apel and many others. other (philosophy) F. de Saussure, U. Eco, Kristeva, R. Barthes, P. Ricoeur and others. (in modern linguistics and semiology), A. N. Leontiev, L. Vygotsky - in the psychological dimensions of communication, M. Foucault and others. (in mostmodernata epistemology). Resource technological context of dialogue given the achievements of authors such as Schleiermacher, Husserl, Heidegger, Gadamer, Habermas, Apel, Ricoeur, etc., But in terms of the pragmatics of discourse (individual statement) - Van Dyke, Petofi, Brown M. L. Makarov and many others. In the theory of the speech act (J. Austin Dzh. Sarl, Grice, Goffman) of speech activity, ethnography of speech (D. Hayms, Bauman, Gamparts etc.) In ethnomethodology (Garfinkel, Maynard, Sikoral and others.) in functional linguistics (M. Halidey etc.) is considered that a series of grammatical well-constructed sentences do not always guarantee a successful act of communication. According M. Halidey one of the objectives of the discourse is to show how knowledge of the rules for connecting and linking sentences in context appears as a necessary condition for full communion. Interest in the problems of pedagogical dialogue of the authors continued nearly two decades.

Object of an article. Research on the model of dialogical interaction, model of teaching students in management, based on dialogue.

Explanation. The dialogue as a phenomenon in the context of this study is the intersection point between two areas - pedagogics and management. This allows its modeling for educational purposes, as well as a resource for such important at the present stage transformation from management into leadership [7] requiring not only obedience to the manager, but willingly following a leader with a view to individual and organizational success.

1. Model of dialogical interaction

The study of the theoretical formulation of the dialogue as a philosophical, linguistic, socio-psychological and discursive category are predetermined as components of the model of dialogical interaction, that ensures development, respectively to adopt motivation, orientation and participation (through productive speech) in the dialogue. Hence it might be assumed that if the pattern of manager's speech (discourse) by parameters:

to function - which means the manager to construct his speech in such a way that to cause a change and development 1) of his collaborator towards the product that he produces, 2) towards himself by means of new knowledge, skills (competencies) and hence 3) of the organization it which they work. This first stage of dialogical motivating secures the organization as a self-developing system (not as bureaucratic or self-regulatory through rules);

to orient - what and in that manner collaborator or collaborators to achieve in order to fulfil the development in three indicated areas - product (service), person, organization. The dialogue in management rationalizes “attendance” of a collaborator as a functioning (success), as a maintaining of the interaction and as a social engaging in a success of the organization. Thus the dialogical principle founds the development of product, human and manager himself keeping at gunpoint the development of the whole organization. It expresses the deep culturological meaning of the model - not only a thought about yourself (the concrete implementation of the own tasks and timetable within the organization), but a thought about to what extent those things that one person produces, resonates in the success of others and in organizational success as well - the orientational stage;

to produce - to create a new meaning through the dialogue, once more at three levels:

- «know-how» introduction into the product as a continuously innovative subject;

- to co-operate for developing the knowledge, skills and experience of Others (as continuously prospering);

- to contribute to the development of the organization through their achievements,

it would have made the transition from innovative thinking --» intellectual development of the dialogue participants --> development of the organization (course, group).

Individual achievement is usually «hidden», because it is personal. After receiving a recognition from the organization or from Others (outside the organization) it becomes a success - at the level of the executive stage.

2. Model of teaching based on dialogue

The educational model as one technological option of teaching based on the didactic dialogue follows the same operational logic: to function - motivation stage: aims to create an attitude towards dialogical type of communication that ensures development of individuals; to orient - orientational stage: it aims to show a direction of what and how will be accomplished by activation of individual structures of thought of both speaking subjects - trainers and trainees; to produce - to report and measure educational results, based on dialogical principle.

Methods of investigation. The introduction of the dialogical teaching model is carried out by didactic experiment with students from International University College (IUC) in the period of last three years in «Marketing and Management», «Hotel Management» and «Marketing and Management of Hospitality and Tourism». Didactic experiment pursues several objectives: 1. To prove or reject the hypothesis concerning the necessity to develop dialogical competence of the manager. 2. To prove or reject the hypothesis concerning the necessity to construct the model of dialogical interaction in management (particularly in education in Management Programs). 3. To verify or reject the hypothesis concerning the applicability or usefulness of the model of dialogical competence for educational purposes (i. e. to what extent the model plays the role of a standard for the development of dialogical skills in teaching conditions).

Results of putting the model into practice. The first stage of the experiment introduction is carried out before the students in Management participate in activities related to the managerial dialogue. Due to lack of time and place, there are presented some results from the first stage connected with the study of the students' attitude towards dialogue as a form of interaction. This method aims to identify their initial attitude and knowledge about dialogue at all, as different one from ordinary conversation. For determining their attitude is used the questionnaire method as a first phase at the end of the first semester of the first year, after the students have already trained in three modules in Management. The students were given a questionnaire by which to rank the various methods and techniques applied by teachers at IUC. The purpose of the use of this questionnaire is to draw the students' attention to teaching methodology in order to identify the effectiveness of dialogical model later in managerial practice itself.

The questionnaire, used during the first stage, includes only one task: Please range on a frequency principle the disciplines in Management that are used by IUC lecturers - place number in front of undermentioned disciplines (1 - the most commonly used method, 2 - frequently used and so on). The list consists of different methods of dialogical interaction and monologue. It should be clarified that among the methods are deliberately placed dialogical techniques as well as different speech genres in order to verify that the students are sensitive to the dialogical approach in teaching and are able to differ dialogical form of expression from monological. The results of the survey are shown in table 1:

Table 1. Range of teaching methods and techniques

Method/dialogical technique

Method/dialogical technique


lecture (explanation)


listens carefully




sermon (gives advises unnecessarily)




organizes debates


creates teams by attraction




delegates tasks


inspiring replica




manipulative replica




presents managerial cases




stages a game (everybody has his/her own role)


mentoring replica


ironic replica


controlling replica (monitoring)


mediates between people and teams


gives instructions


summons a meeting


explains the group decision-making


tells stories


coordinates the interaction between people and teams


states emotions (expresses an opinion)


convincing replica


discussion of problems


gives examples by telling stories


address (speech)


interpretation of facts


funny stories (anecdotes)


carries out the training


confrontational replica (creates conflict)


creates a network of the followers




interview (explores)




facilitates the tasks implementation



The submitted list is subject to an additional ranking in the second phase of the survey (for the third year students) towards: 1) frequency of the methods of teaching and 2) dialogical techniques. Among a total of sixteen dialogical method of training that reveal surveyed third year students in Management, most commonly used are lecture, interpretation and presentation - all from the group of the exhibition, occupying the first three positions. The method «Talk» is ranked at position 4. The most «dialogical» methods are ranked at considerably more distant positions: debate - position 9, discussion - position 13. The interactive methods as game, training respectively are at the seventh and eleventh place. The outlined picture shows that, although the tasks posed by teachers are primarily related to the self-development of projects as a policy IUC (students put this method at the twelfth position), the training itself is not held in the form of dialogical interaction. Probably because of repetitive type of tasks, students do not differ the specifics of the teaching module in it and therefore face difficulties while constructing their own attitude to the changeability towards the respective competence. This explains the ranking of “assign the tasks-conflict” at the sixteenth position. Generally the «implementation» of the conflict into the education by lecturer means forecasting, design and putting in such learning situations which ensure collision with the new (in this case - educational content such as knowledge and skills, roles, etc.). In the conflict-logical literature this is defined as «cognitive conflict» [6, p. 89]. Another fact outlining the need to introduce a training into the model of dialogical interaction is the respondents' ranking of «case studies» method at the tenth of the 16 positions. The common methodological picture seems quite unbiased - on the one hand, tasks requiring individual project activity do not «play» essential role for their routines. On the other hand, the fragment of reality itself is not issued which must be compulsory studied (according to the Module Program chosen by students) - Management. By a third party, there are not asked real situations from practice to provide a basis for discussion, debate or consideration with a view to seeking truth which is transformed into knowledge within these activities.

The second essential stage of the training in form of dialogue aims the change of some determined attitudes towards real participation in didactic (managerial) dialogue. The results of this phase will probably be presented elsewhere and at other times in the form of didactic fragments. In terms of content they are related to the subjects for the third year students in Management. It is necessary to clarify that the choice of subjects, on the one hand, is related to the fact that they should be in the field of management, second - functionally to prepare students in dialogical relation to the human in the organization, and third - to be a target activity of the researchers-lecturers. Fragments follow a logical transformation transition: untrained non dialogical manager - dialogical manager - dialogical leader. In each fragment of the training can be found the logic of the construct: dialogical model of training in its three stages: motivational, indicative and executive. By the implementation of this model into the workshops with the students of IUC their attention is focused on the difference between both dialogical and monologic forms and methods of communication, as well as into effect of their application - first in education. The next element highlighted in the subjects of Management is discussion about the possibility some of dialogical forms and methods to be used in managerial practice with priority: 1) as dialogical tools (provided by managers) for development of the individual in communication with collaborators, i. e. customers, partners and competitors; 2) towards different situations in management - the students specify the following activities: human resources selection; staff training; tasking (command, orders, rules); control; holding meetings; employees performance appraisal; negotiations (transactions). It is noteworthy that the evaluation as a function is ranked at one of the last places and the decision making (excluding the holding of a meeting) is totally missing in the repertoire of their answers. Students consistently highlighted the difference between « order» and actual mental movement as a change in mental-cognitive structure through the dialogue as a different model of speaking. The third stage as a final one is again a survey which main purpose is to establish the change and the students' willingness to implement the dialogical approach into the managerial activity


The study of the most commonly used methods and replica-techniques in the teaching of students in Management reveals: 1) the necessity of putting the dialogue in the center of didactic interaction as a tool to change the thinking, emotions and behavior of trainees, as well as their trainers in reciprocal dialogism; 2) the opportunity to emphasize the resources of internal dialogue as an insurer of conversion the information into personalized knowledge; 3) certain parameters of the training model structure based on dialogue. These results of the investigation prepare the model to be approbated which would enable to create the dialogue management model in education. The results obtained can be the basis for the construction a taxonomic system of skills for using and analysis of the managerial discourse - the skill of the manager to create speech that will be adequate for the situation in his rational and emotional variations. Its abundance would significantly facilitate successful manager - a leader in his work.


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Одержано редакцією 17.11.2014 Прийнято до публікації 25.11.2014

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