The problem of development of the creative personality during the university studying
Creativity as a productive human activity, which is able to continue new quality material and spiritual values of public interest. The training of initiative - specific activity, which should be based on the real unity of the educational process.
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Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 05.04.2019 |
Размер файла | 12,9 K |
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Reproduction of intellectual and spiritual potential of people, advancement of national science, technology and culture to the global level, national revival, statehood and democratization of society in Ukraine is largely dependent on how efficiently in high school formed the creative potential of future specialist. That is why the current realities of higher education require consideration of such important educational problem as the problem of the creative personality of the student. Because largely of this depends the quality of efficiency of the educational process in general.
Modern research confirms cogency statement that any creativity begins with a deep understanding of individual nature of own actions in terms of a holistic educational process, and on this basis stimulate the development of other creative personality.
So, the object of an article is to show the importance of the problem of creative individual of student, to reveal peculiarities of forming the creation, pointing to the top qualities and properties that can promote creativity.
Analysis of current research. After analyzing a number of psychological and educational research we can confidently state of the problem of the validity of a creative personality in the writings of D.B. Bogoyavlenska, V.M. Druzhinin, Y.P. Ilin, O.M. Matyushkin, V.O. Moliako [6], Y.O. Ponomarov [9], O.L. Yakovleva, V.L Andreev [1], S.M. Vergasov [2], O.I. Kulchitska [4], V.F. Palamarchuck [8], S. Rudakivska [8], S.O. Sisoiva [10].
Hereinafter r called a short analysis of its initial definitions, such as creativity - creative work - a creative person.
As we know, the creativity is «an activity that on the basis of the experience of reorganization and formation of new combinations of knowledge generates something new» [3, p. 212]. The same opinion approves the Ukrainian psychologist V. Moliako who understands the creativity as the process of creating something new for a particular subject [6].
An expert in psychology of creativity Y. Ponomarov says: creativity - is a mechanism for productive development [9, p. 12]. We could adopt that creativity is a way of «personal» life.
Creativity is productive human activity, which is able to continue new quality material and spiritual values of public interest [12, p. 266]. As a proof of this statement we should recalled L. Vygotsky, who take up the position that the creativity we call such creative activity that creates something new [11, p. 77].
To take a philosophical point of view, any human activity is a creative act, because the subject and object of the act comes from activity of others people with help of which they entered it. according to A. Spirkin: creativity - brainwork and practical activities, results of which is the creation of original, unique trait, the discovery of new facts, properties, patterns, and methods of research and the transformation of the material world or the spiritual culture; but if the results is new only of the author, this novelty is subjective and has no social value [11, p. 77].
In terms of modern vision and problem solving can be argued that the vast majority of scholars followed this interpretation that a creative person is an individual who has a high level of knowledge, a desire for a new, original [7, p. 113].
Generally, a creative person, according to V. Andreeva - is a personality type, characterized by stable, high level of focus on creativity, motivational and creative activity, as reflected in the organic unity with a high level of creative abilities in one or more activities [1].
The creative personality is a person who can penetrate into the essence of the ideas and implement them in spite of all obstacles until obtaining practical results. in this case creative person could see the results, which are fundamental novelty but non-creative - see only the results for effectuation, so-called relevant results [3, p. 212-213].
In general, for a creative individual creative activity is a necessity of life and the most typical is creative behavior.
Many researchers have tried to formulate the main quality of any creative person, which is the basis of ability to creative work. Despite the diversity of specific formulations, most researchers say almost the same thing: a creative person - is a free person, free person is a person is able to be itself, to hear his «I» (as defined by J. Rogers).
In this research scientists distinguish following main characteristics of the creative person: courage of view, fantasy, ideas and imagination, vision problem, the ability to overcome the inertia of thinking, identify inconsistencies, transfer of knowledge and experience in new situations, independent, alternative, flexible thinking ability to self-government.
Several major foreign sources of quality creative person are often called a sense of identity. Creative person should appreciate their unique (and all others) personality, «not ashamed» of it. So any creative act is a form of spiritual self-disclosure, which is not particularly easy to implement. The ability «to create» in front of other people belongs to the essential qualities of any individual.
O. Kulchitska determines following properties of the creative person: the emergence of directional interest in a particular field of knowledge, focusing on creative work, focus on the chosen way of activity, high efficiency, creativity subordination spiritual motivation, stability, uncompromising in his work, even stubbornness, capture [4].
Some experts subsume visual closure, convergence concepts, the capacity for foresight (logic, creative thinking, and critical imagination), mobility, speech, tendency to play, intuition, subconscious information processing, wit and more to creative personality.
V. Moliako believes that one of the most important characteristics of the creative person is the desire for originality, to the new, the familiar objections, and the high level of knowledge, ability to analyze phenomena, compare and stable interest a job relatively quick and easy assimilation of theoretical knowledge and methods activities, regularity and independence in work [6, p. 4].
Among all existing personality traits that contribute to the development of creative personality, are the following: self-confidence, dominance emotions of joy and even some extent overbearing, risk appetite, lack of fear seem strange and unusual, the lack of conformity, well-developed sense of humor, a rich within the meaning of the subconscious (see varied content of dreams, has subliminal sensitivity, experiencing the phenomena of synesthesia, etc.), the love of fantasy and building plans for the future and so on.
It is possible to single out a number of psychological barriers. Among them I.M. Dychkivska separate: fear of foreign intervention in the sector generated a narrow specialization, fear to be incompetent that generating fear of criticism, fear of authority, fear of ideal as something unattainable, unrealistic, inability to perceive an object in an unusual feature that is creative blindness.
To removal these barriers must adhere to the basic principles of stimulating creative activities that include: 1) creating safe psychological base for the individual to which it would return, as «surprised» his own discoveries in the search for innovative solutions; 2) the ability to maintain individual creativity, evaluation of inadmissibility visiting creative attempts; 3) tolerance for unusual ideas and questions the need to answer all the questions, etc [3, p. 214].
The most important feature of the creative person considers having creative abilities, which are considered as individual psychological abilities, that conform the requirements of creativity and it is a condition for successful learning [7, p. 113]. Among them we can highlight:
- organizational and pedagogical skills (organizing teaching and learning activities, general and professional self-improvement);
- teaching skills (preparation of training materials, availability, precision, persuasiveness in explaining educational material exercise motivation activities);
- perceptual skills (objective evaluation of emotional state and its incorporation in educational activities);
- communication skills (setting educationally purposeful relationships through training and educational activities);
- suggestive skills (ability emotional and volitional human exposure);
- epistemologically and research skills (manifested in the ability to understand and objectively evaluate pedagogical phenomena and processes, and their level depends on the research culture of the teacher, his methodological knowledge and research skills);
- scientific and cognitive abilities (possession of scientific knowledge and understanding of the linkages between sciences) [10].
In a general sense, the creativity of the individual is a synthesis of his properties and features, which characterize thedegree of correspondence to the demands of a certain type of educational and creative activities and determine the level of effectiveness of these activities.
The important role in revealing of creative abilities of students and transforming them into creative work refers to motive and will. Therefore, higher school educational activity should alwaysform and enrich the creative motives of the future specialist. Educational impact of teacher, staff, social organizations, as noted by Z.I. Slyepkan, stimulate awareness of the ideological and moral motives that emerged, expandemental and physical possibility to reach the target and certain results [11, p. 79].
The training of initiative, able to think creatively professionals should be based on the real unity of the educational process, scientific researches and social activities of students.
No one can become a creator, without mastering the knowledge and standards of professional excellence. If students have not developed adequate working style, if they do not possess professional knowledge, technique, skills and abilities, did not learn the rules of everyday human life, their creativity cannot be successfully realized [8].
Creativity is not some special characteristics of cognitive processes, but one of the most profound characteristics of the individual.
Thus it is appropriate to point out some characteristics that define some creativity in work: 1. The creative is such an activity that leads to obtaining new results, new effects. 2. Availability of product and process innovations, through which the product was obtained (the new method, mode of action). 3. Mental activity is regarded as a true creative act where irrational start, intuitionis important. 4. Creative thinking is usually not connected with the solution of the problem, assigned by somebody, but with ability to see and formulate your own problem. 5. For creative thinking it is important to have a distinct emotional feeling preceding the moment of finding the decision. 6. The creative act of thinking usually requires a different kind of motivation.
The formation and development of the creative activity of the future expert requires the adequate system of student and teacher relationship (for a creative person can be formed only by a creative person), the style of work of all the subjects of the educational process and the special connections between the High School and society. An important factor in shaping of the creative person is to develop student's independence and responsibility in addressing cognitive, social, political, labor and moral problems [11, p. 80].
Usually student's creative activity is associated with the development of cognitive activity, scientific creativity, social activity and forms of its expression. Thus, the analysis of creative activity should begin with the problem of lifeposition. It can be active and passive, constructive and nonconstructive on social values, events and issues, negative and positive, selfish and collectivist, humanist and mindlessly functional, moral and immoral, etc...
The task of teaching staff and student organizations is to form and secure an active civic life philosophy according to the needs of society and the personality of the student.
Autonomy, responsibility, activity are connected with the life philosophy in general and creative personality in particular. You must consciously and deliberatelytake into account the individual characteristics of each student and the student group as a whole.
An important prerequisite for the development of the creative person is to develop student interest in his future professional activities. Noteworthy is the experience of higher education institutions (and our university in particular) that carry diverse work to attract young people to study in high school, working with students, showing them the creative personality under professional guidance. The creative contests, competitions, organization of schools for young professionals, the involvement of able to work creatively graduate students, creation of institutions of schools and colleges connected with universities, and other forms of work make a great contribution in it.
The development of professional interest and creative activity of students is supported with the implementation of professional orientation training of every discipline, proper organization of educational and practical training, writing of term papers and dissertations [2].
We cannot ignore the role of educational requirements for students. Any reduction in requirements for the scope and process of mastering the essential knowledge reduces their cognitive and creative activity, creates a false picture of the future professional activity. However, excessive demands may eventually lead to the emergence of a student's inferiority complex. The contradiction between the objective and subjective requirements of possibilities is a source of development of student's personality. It can be solved by differentiating common content tasks, diversifying the types and means of educational leadership, providing methodological high quality learning of students and monitoringtheir progress [11].
The research work of students, which is now an integral part of their cognitive activity become increasingly important in shaping of the professional future of the creative person. In this regard, there is need to improve organizational forms of scientific work as a means of developing the creative potential of the student, consolidation among the students thought about the priority of research in training of highly qualified specialists.
The analysis of the activity of high school can show that the main effective means in forming of creative individual is a solving of creative problems, in which the creative task is completely new (unfamiliar to the individual), or at least contain a significant element of novelty, that determines mental effort, a special search and resolution of the new way of solving.
In fact, creativity - this is a common natural function of the brain, resulting in activity in the presence of specific conditions and opportunities to a particular activity [5]. The separation conditions or factors that influence the course of creative activityare very important in this case.
Generally, they are classified into two types: situational and personal, where the persistent properties, personality traits of human nature may affect the conditions caused by one or another situation.
The situational factors that affect the creativity of man include the time limit, the state of stress, a state of high anxiety, the desire to find a solution quickly, very strong or very weak motivation, the presence of a fixed installation on concrete solutions, uncertainty in the forces that caused previous failure, fear, increased self-censorship, the way of presentation of the problem that provokes the wrong path solutions, etc...
The personal factors that affect the creative process include conformity, self-distrust (often contributes to the overall low self-esteem), and very strong confidence (arrogance), emotional depression and persistent dominance of negative emotions, lack of desireto risk; dominance of motivation to avoid failure over the motivation to succeed, high anxiety as apersonal limit, strong mechanisms of personal protection, etc...
It is important for any person to followthe «commandments» of creative personality of рrofessor K. Vayntsvanh: 1) be a master of your fate; 2) succeed in what you like; 3) make a constructive contribution to the common work; 4) build your relations with the people on trust; 5) develop your creative abilities; 6) cultivate your courage; 7) take care of your health; 8) do not lose faith in yourself; 9) try to think positively; 10) combine the material wealth with spiritual satisfaction [3, p. 214-215].
Summarizing the experience of educators and psychologists we can offer a number of recommendations that could be useful in the context of the development of the creative person: do not suppress individual intuition, promote confidence in your own abilities, keep faith in the ability to solve the task, cultivate positive emotions (feelings of success, surprise, etc.), encourage the pursuit of personal choice, goals, tasks and means to solve them, enhance and encourage the expression of your own thoughts, prevent the formation of common thinking (the targeting to follow the opinion of the majority should not be determining),develop imagination, form the ability to identify inconsistencies and seek to how to solve them, use in learning more tasks of open type, more widely use problematical methods of teaching, use a variety of heuristic techniques to solve educational problems, ensure, where it is possible, the realization of research activities with the teacher, be yourself, develop the ability to listen to personal thoughts and act in concert with them.
Conclusions. Thus, the development of creative personality of future specialist necessitates the organic unity of education, training, upbringing, integration, training, research and educational work within a holistic educational process where the main condition for the emergence of the creative person is, of course, a proper system of training and education. We should consider the guidance of prominent educationist V.O. Sukhomlynsky, who noted that work is an activity which develops the spiritual world of the individual, a kind of magnet that draws man to man, the one factor that will help to better learn and understand the other person, identify his potential and on this basis completely and effectively organize the educational process. It can serve as a guide to the implementation of the specific problem.
creativity educational initiative
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