General concepts and ideas ofhigher pedagogical education in Poland

The general concept of higher education as the initial theoretical basis of teacher education in Poland. Analysis of the scientific works of T. Levovitsky and H. Kvyatkovskaya. Ways of preparing young people for social and professional activities.

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General concepts and ideas ofhigher pedagogical education in Poland

The initial theoretical basis for teacher education in Poland became the general concept of higher education. Analysis of scientific papers T. Levovitskoho, H. Kvyatkovskoyi and other scientists allow to distinguish three concepts (note that the term "concept" -- dit origin from the Latin sopsertus -- conceived the idea of mind or intent), namely of general, vocational and general specialized.

Of general concept postulates that education should primarily serve the development of the individual (and therefore have a general developmental ha rakter). This higher education should include mastering works of science, transfer of best cultural, scientific and educational traditions, training young people for social and professional activities. It is believed that this is enough for a future teaching job [1].

This concept is embodied in the model of university higher education. It should be noted that pedagogical training proponents of this concept is seen as possible (and even desirable), but do not consider it obligatory tion. The reason for this is a long tradition of classical universities in Poland, Ukraine and other Europian countriesthere is a desire to limit the amount of teaching subjects in the curriculum non-teaching faculty.

General concept of higher education in the center of activity for Example puts training students. The educational process focuses on mastering canon professional knowledge of a particular group of specialists , focused preparation for future work in your professional field, to fulfill certain social roles graduates related for professional activities (role of an organizer, manager, promoter, innovator and others). This type of training is inherent higher pedagogical schools, economic, commercial and some other specialized higher institutions. Within this conception of teacher education is professional training of teachers, but "not enough content is outlined and methods for teacher training" [1].

Professional and Specialized Concept of High School celebrated domination, professional, specialized training. The purpose and function of preparation for student, programs are realized within this concept similar to the corresponding task, but the amount of professional training is much higher than the concentration primarily on one particular profession, specialty, narrow sector of public activity. This concept (related pedagogical education) used in pedagogical schools and some small higher pedagogical schools. An example of a relatively better use of this concept is the work of the Graduate School of the special newly created educational boards.

Generalizing and Summarizing , we note that in Polish higher schools is a definite change 'implementation aspects of the concepts of education. In conditions of increasing legislative autonomy for higher education observed enrichment functionsand professional preparation, while the progressive internal differentiation model of higher education. Established new institutions that are trying to implement the function of university training and combine the positive aspects. Within the walls of a single institution is increasingly becoming possible to obtain different types of student preparations for their desire for activities at the school near future.

Study Questions conceptual principles of construction and orientation of teacher education, shaping the content and the choice of methods of vocational and educational training, taking into account the above-mentioned global and of national factors, events, trends, along with a set of requirements for the qualifications and competencies of graduates of pedagogical higher educational institutions has been remainedin spotlight Polish pedevtologists. In their writings are explored in depth national and international theoretical achievements in the field of teacher education, offer new guidance, concepts and models of teacher training, the use which seems as a promising taken into account the working conditions of teachers in the beginning of XXI century.

Analyzing the work of famous Polish scientists and pedevtologists T. Levovytskoho, J. Kwiatkowski, W. Oconee, R. Pahotsinskoho, B. Kraus, arrive at the concept of typologies of teacher education (T. Levovitskyy -1. Secondary.

2. Personalistic. 3. Pragmatic. 4. Qualified, H. Kvyatkovska - 1. Process. 2. Humanistic. 3. Functional, V.Okon - 1. Progressive. 2. Personalistic.

3. Secondary. 4. Competence. 5. Multilateral, R. Pahotsinskyy - 1. Kompehentsiyna. 2. Personalistic. 3. Language Instruction and ability to

learn. 4. Preparing to envisage -- vigils trasformatsiy B. Kraus - 1. Axiological.

2. Praxiological. 3. Kreatsionnaya.

4. Epistemological ( qualified )).

Labour T. Levovytskoho have a significant impact on the Polish educational community, including his thoughts on the relationship of teacher training concepts of the hierarchy of the ultimate goal.

If the goal of the educational process is to ensure the widest possible future teacher knowledge and its transformation into a true scholar, then come to the concept general prepare classroom programs are realized. This concept of vocational and educational training plays a minor role.

If general knowledge are seen as subordinate factor in the background of the maximum development of future teacher motivation, skills and extensive professional skills combined with adequation that the formation of personality traits and qualities, then directed to such purpose preparations for corresponds personalist concept.

If the model of the educational process is based on a purely professional priorities, focusing on providing teacher complex instrumental abilities to successfully perform daily tasks, it leads to a pragmatic conception of teacher training.

If the pressure of diversification and specialization of professional duties has accelerated prefer (or reduced) preparing future teachers to conduct specific and complex tasks in a relatively narrow field of activity, the increasing importance of this aspect of training makes use of the socialist concept of teacher training.

Broader approach to the creation of a typology of teacher training concepts used in their studies H. Kvyatkovskaya. Mozhcially that recourse to generalized approach led her to use the term "orientation" to refer accented her three broad concepts. Let us examine them in details.

Process orientation in teacher training. This orientation can be named and competency, since both are based on behavioral psychology instrumentalizovanu towards ideas about the foundations of human behavior and the mechanisms of its retion. Proponents of this approach to teacher training absolute teachings of Pavlov and believe that learning takes place on the basis of the dyad "pathogen - a reaction". This is false for its simplicity axioma leads to the abandonment of the essential determinants of behavior and education only and capture situational and accessible to empirical research and measurement. Its effects are still prevalent in the former socialist countries, the belief that the human personality is the result of studies and results are applied "structure reinforcements". Desired goal in education can be achieved without problems and not interested in individual student, his emotions, hopes, values, if only leam how to skillfully apply the procedure of "positive reinforcement".

These ideas about the man and teaching have different forms of manifestation in the preparation of teachers. For example, a lot of effort was spent on the study and propagation of action "the best teachers" to copy someone on - called successful examples of others. Teacher assessed primarily for his formal qualifications, the number of years of accumulation it of information about the actions of other examples of teachers and others. Among the features based on this orientation models of teacher training scientists distinguished: underestimation and improper use of theory for modern sciences of man and his behavior, neglect axiological issues or distortion , unilateral instrumentalism, strict process control training teachers and their overprogramming.

General technological orientation in teacher training overloads her professional knowledge and mastery of special tools, formation of a teacher and most of the rubber aspects of training and education [3].

Humanistic orientation preparatory teachers. Humanistic orientation in teacher training has emerged as an alternative technology. Tuva (competency) and, as will be shown below, has Gato common with personalistic. Her supporters do not believe that a multilateral erudition and knowledge engineering work ensures exemplary teacher young teacher success in the field of teaching, emphasizing that every "good teacher" - a unique personality, process of education and training is an interpersonal interaction. The student responds poorly to neutral pathogens, emotional and deeply - to others. In this sense, the teacher can not be replaced or trendy video recorders or computers or other equipment.

Humanistic psychology itself is less clearly defined doctrine than the aforementioned behavioral or "Pavlovsk". Rather it is a group of theories, which is a common respect for nature and the value system of each person to use instead of the dyad "pathogen - reaction" triad "source-message- receiver" and the allocation of understanding and cooperation as the main prerequisites for success in education and teaching.

In teacher training humanistic orientation is reflected in the following terms or features of: forming a teacher is highly individual process and complete unification of teacher training is harmful phenomenon, the main goal of the teacher is to help future teachers in opening and revealing there own identity, success of teacher depends not only assimilation of professional tools, as the willingness and ability to apply themselves, their identity as a means of teacher impact on pupils; foundation teachers' success often is not something bestowed or acquired during lectures on methods of teaching professional subjects, and opening itself derived from a combination of expertise and gumnastic ideas and beliefs, higher education, providing pedagogical training is to help the student to get started on creating your own guidance system that can provide a single performance of students, educational practices are a prerequisite for opening and realizeing personal values and application and other general pedagogical theories.

In sum, it can be argued that this understanding of the humanistic orientation in teacher training has a lot in common with him focused on the formation of the well developed personality concept.Therefore, the variations used for the creation of alternative and Rennes - copyright concepts of teacher education in universities and higher educational schools of Poland (In general, the country is dominated, as indicated Ch. Banah technological concept of content and methods of training teachers with some elements of humanistic) [3].

Functional orientation in teacher training. Proponents of this modern orientation come from the fact that a permanent complication of teachers as a result of an increase in the number of different requirements in terms of acceleration of social development and change. The basis of successful actions suggest using complex science, a kind of "praktyzatsiyu science", so while it is preparing to pay special attention to the 'implementation aspects Navier supply and shaping abilities and skills in situational adaptation and innovation. As far as actually to raise the level of efficiency and practical applicability (functionality) of knowledge, skills and individual teachers, this orientation is called "functional".

Building on the achievements of cognitive psychology and combining philosophical anthropologism, functional orientation in teacher training avoids behavioral simplifications and humiliation as a pupil or a student, because stresses activity and positive future teachers, which is under the joint influence "external and internal information". The consequence of this expansion multilateral approach is the concept of teacher training. The latter, as well as humanistic, out of the teacher's personality and integrity is defined as three-way (cognitive, analyzing, acting), so the teacher training should be a combination of his cognitive, emotional and practical activity.

Among the characteristics of training teachers in content and todah teacher formation based on functional orientation H.Kvyatkovska out the following: diyalnishi common form of education and training, there is a certain "excess" teachers' competence - rectification as the real reason "functionality" teacher - his freedom and confidence in the use of scientific knowledge, reaching the level of free and flexible use of professional and pedagogical skills, while teaching future teachers of teachers purpose institution of higher education is not highly creative and innovative attitude of the teacher, but much more realistic reaching the adequacy and efficiency on the basis of proper. Use hltimo research approaches and tools, increase the value of scientific knowledge of the teacher themselves as object and subject of activity, proper attention to the axiological aspects of program content classroom programs are realized.

Along with the development of general concepts of teacher education Polish scientists pay due attention to scientific substantiation of the content of training teachers in higher education. Leading Polish Dydakta V. Okon offers the following classification of this concept: progressive concept focuses on preparing teachers to vision, to identify and solve a variety of problems that may arise in variable educational and social reality, the formation of logical skills in students. The content of teacher training (pedagogy and psychology) should help teachers understand organize and develop cognitive and creative activity of students, personalistic concept provides teacher training with a focus on the most comprehensive development of his personality, but alsoprofessional bases, motivations and interests. Teachers for this concept has become a model worthy of imitation, and the third (general) concept emphasizes the teacher's arms wide and varied information ingeneral. This will allow him to meet the different learning needs for students to inform them of a wide range of issues. However, while preparing students for this inevitable lecture of the information that will lead to benefits-ment of specialized knowledge.

Competency concept emphasis on technological and instrumental training of notable concentration on mastering modern methods of teaching major subjects, as well as technical means of transmission and transformation of information. This training seems to us too narrow, although these professionals also needed. First of all - to specialized schools.

The concept of multilateral teacher training offered V. Okonem [2], based on the assumption of the need weapons Teacher XXI century and extended-minded in all its major aspects. It must incorporate all the best that is available in other modern concepts of teacher training.

Researchers believe this concept the most promising for use in teacher education XXI century. Multilateral teacher training makes possibility of implementing a significant phenomenon, which is expressed in the achievement of a kind of balance between all components of the full professional competence: scientific knowledge, values, skills and teaching skills. This lack of balance reduces the chances of success in teaching activities [4]. Proponents of this option training emphasize that the teacher with the "Balanced" professional skills will be best prepared for teaching their students the principles of various activities - cognitive, emotional and practical actions, possession of which is a precondition and a guarantee of success in life is for those who have it active part shall fall at the XXI century. Multilateralism in the preparation of teachers shows in the multilateral training and shaping his students [3].

However, in any pedagogical institution of higher education in Poland versatile training concept is not implemented in refined form. Although there are many examples of certain variants of the above concepts in copyright enforcement.

In general, as shown by studies in Poland and in Ukraine, dominated by technology (competency), the concept of teacher training. This is especially noticeable in the universities, where encyclopedic continuing professional training of students. Network pedagogical and other education institutions aimed at pragmatic, highly professional- methodological training his troops (a 3-year educational College, and others). In Poland, the expected improvement of teacher training students in all instituts where there is a teacher training by changing theoretical approaches and practical models of professional formation.

Summarizing the above analysis is performed leading teacher education concepts and ideas for its implementation, we emphasize that in the search for new theoretical approaches to the perspective given the demands of the XXI century. alternative teacher training Polish pedevtolohy creative use of national and world heritage and came to the following conclusions: 1. The theoretical model of the entire teacher education as an integral part of the higher should be the modernized model of general training in higher education institutions by harmonies and extensive development of their personality. To succeed in the practical implementation of this pluralistic methodological foundations of teacher education need to improve the performance of secondary school and change the content and methods of teaching in high schools, which should reach the level of the best universities.2. Typology concepts of teacher education in Poland, based on other models of general and higher, there is diversity, using many equivalent or related terms, the overlapping areas covered by different concepts. Various researchers include in their typology of 3 to 5.6 concepts. 3. Agreeing the disparity between the increased requirements of the school modernized democratic Poland XXI century and low prospects of using such outdated concepts of vocational teacher training teachers how technology (competency) and secondary (academic and traditional), Polish - pedevtolohy scholars almost unanimously in favor of the motion to the very spective multilateral concept of teacher education, the only one which in practice can provide the desired balance between three of the professional competence of a new teacher - scientific knowledge, a system of humanistic and democratic values, didactic skills. Skillful possession of the three instruments is a prerequisite for the successful implementation of the triple task of modern teacher education and training - the transfer of students to the basic knowledge and necessary objective information , promotion and management of the development of the individual student and the formation of his critical and analytical skills and creative abilities appropriate contribution to the socialization and prepare young people for effective activities in a democratic and legal post-industrial society and globalization, education, economy, culture and politics.


education teacher professional

1.Биковська О.В.Порівняльний аналіз системи позашкільної освіти України й Польщі / О.В. Биковська//Теоретико-методологічні основи виховання творчої особистості учнів в умовах

2.позашкільних закладів: Матеріали наук.-практ. конф. - К.: Грамота, 2006. - Ч. І. - С. 58-72

3.Отоп W., Wprowadzeniedodydaktykiogolnej. Warszawa 1996.

4.Modelnauczycielawksztalceniuuniwersyteckim, [w:jTradycjaiwyzwania, K.Paclawska (red.), Krakow, 1996. - S. 47.

5.Strozynski K., Ocenianieszkolnedzisiaj,

6.Warszawa 2003. - S. 116 - 117.

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