Motivation at the successful pedagogical activity as a factor of the formation of the teacher’s professional competence

Acquaintance with the peculiarities of actualization of the problem of motivating a teacher to succeed in pedagogical activity. Characteristics of methods for increasing the motivational potential of teachers, provided their brief characteristics.

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Дата добавления 05.04.2019
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Motivation at the successful pedagogical activity as a factor of the formation of the teacher's professional competence

The article is devoted the actualization of motivation of the teacher ot the successful pedagogical activity. It defines methods of increase of the motivational potential of the teachers, short description of these methods is presented.

Formulation of the problem and its connection with important scientific tasks. Education is a priority of state policy at the present stage of development of the country, as can be seen in the National Strategy for the Development of Education for 2012-2021. Education was declared a strategic resource for the socio-economic, cultural and spiritual development of society, improving human welfare, protection of national interests, strengthening international the international reputation and image of our country, creating conditions for self-realization of each personality [2].

The process of creation the technology of self-presentation of a teacher becomes increasingly crucial. It acts as a means of creating a model of behavior, which currently corresponds to the performed role, image and situation in society.

Formation of teachers' personal and professional image by means of self-presentation, the development of professional skills and abilities, support of the development of «self-concept» take a long time and involve the use of new approaches to the organization of the system of methodical work in secondary school.

We will consider the formation of professional competence of a teacher, his personal and professional image through the creation of organizational and pedagogical conditions of self-presentation of the teacher, namely motivation of the teacher for the successful professional work.

Analysis of the last researches and publications. First in the creation of modern directions in studying of motivation were: W. James, K. Levin,

I.Pavlov, E. Sokolov, S. Freud and others.

The specifics of motivation of productive activities of teachers were investigated in the works of such scientists as T. Afanas'yev, M. Zhurina, M. Zubova, M. Mitina, V. Nikitenko, K. Ushakov, R. Shakurova and others.

In I. Bielova's, L. Blyahman's, N. Naumova's and others researches are considered not only the requirements, but also the process of formation and functioning of motivation, the leading motives of work with granting the typology of individuals corresponding them are allocated.

The managerial aspect of the motivation of teachers is reflected in the works of L. Karamushka, T. Kozhukhova, V. Shpalins'koho.

The formulation of the objectives of the article. The purpose of this article is the actualization of the problem of motivating teachers for successful pedagogical activity as a factor of formation of the professional competence of the teacher; theoretical basis of the essence of such concepts as «competence», «professional competence», «motivation».

Statement of the main research. Note that the professional competence of the teacher is treated by researchers as the property of the individual, which is expressed in the ability to pedagogical activity; the unity of theoretical and practical readiness of the teacher to implement the pedagogical activity; the ability to productively operate, effectively solve both standard and problematic situations that arise in pedagogical activity [4, 93-94].

The motivation of the teacher's activity as the basis of successful work is one of the organizational and pedagogical conditions of teacher's self-presentation, because it sufficiently depends on the result of formation of professional competence of a teacher, his personal and professional image. In terms of the present days external motives are dominated of a larger number of teachers. The lack of internal work motivation and too bright expression of external motives are common features of modern education.

Note that motivation is a kind of management that provides the process of encouraging of yourself and other workers to work which is aimed at achieving personal and organizational goals.

In modern management is quite popular model of work motivation of R. Heckman and H. Oldham, which aims to develop the inner motivation of the employees and creating an environment which has a high motivational potential.

According to the opinion of creators of this model, in case if the teacher's work is organized in a way that causes such psychological states as:

1)appreciable significance of the work, i.e. the degree to which the teacher perceives his work as something important, necessary and valuable;

2) appreciable responsibility, i.e. the degree to which the teacher feels responsible for the results of his work; 3) knowledge of results, i.e. the degree of teacher's understanding of efficiency and effectiveness of his work, so motivation, satisfaction and work's results will be the highest possible. The teacher in this case performs some work for its own sake, for the sake of reward, which is contained in the process of activity.

In accordance with previous considered model, we consider it necessary to highlight the techniques and methods of improving the motivational potential in which teacher's professional activity will be successfully disclosing.

1. The development of a comfortable educational environment (a set of educational technologies, the management of the educational process, the emotional climate, extracurricular activities, etc.).

Note that self-educational work of the teacher becomes important and constructive not only for individual and personal development of the people, the formation of his image, but also for the development of education, for improving society in whole. D. Pisarev wrote: «Who cares about life thoughts, he knows very well, that a real education is the only self-education... We need to learn in school, but much more needs to study after leaving school, and this is the second skill in its results, in terms of its impact on man and society is immeasurably more important than the first» [3].

2.The realizing of the headmaster the head-centered approach to teachers of his school, that is consideration of internal and external motivation, needs and interests, assistance in the resolving professional conflicts, etc.

Questions of internal and external motivation need the emphasis. In scientific researches psychologists consider internal and external incentives for the deployment of the motivational process. Motivation and motives are always endogenous, but may also depend on external factors, be guided by external stimuli. External influences on motivation can take the form of requests, suggestions, orders, requirements, infection, imitation, persuasion, suggestion and manipulation [5, 21].

3. Usage of forms of active tuition of teachers, trainings, business games, the development of mechanisms of professional reflection and so on.

Let us consider the most common collective games in pedagogics that motivate the teacher to self-presentation and reveal their meanings:

- attestation games involve the evaluation of professional qualities, competence of the participants by special experts who monitor the progress of the game;

educational games have the main aim to get a definite result in the training of players, «miroshifts» in the development of personality, though, of course, and they carried out the assessment function. In these games, the actual game process is more important, during which occurs self-presentation of the participants, not the result, which, appositely, presenter often knows in advance;

heuristic games based on the following principles: integrity ofimitation of professional activity, its conditions and situations; the objectivity ofthe content of professional activity, which determines its specificity, needs, motives, goals, actions and operations; problematic gaming training; reflection on a variety of educational and entertaining impacts; focus on the development of the consciousness and personality of professional staff, as well as the formation of new ways of their professional activity;

business games are the simulation model of any production unit of organizational activities. When the game simulates and social features, the game is called the managerial one. These include didactic games like «Leader and conflict» etc.;

- ethical business games, during which culture ofbehavior , ethical thinking, ability to make decisions in situations of choice is successfully forming. The system of ethical games includes a «Code of business person», «Personal creative plan» and so on.

4.Integration activities of Methodists, psychologists, school administration and social educator to create a social accompaniment service with the aim of assisting the teacher in the development of his professionalism.

Let's consider the features of support teachers at different levels of development of their professionalism proposed by O. Markovsky, who singled out three levels of professional development: beginner teacher, professional, master. The features of professional development for each level was opened by 9 criteria:

1)the purpose of maintenance;

2)the motives for the development of teacher professionalism;

3)the activities of the teacher;

4)organization of maintenance;

5)relationship: teacher-Methodist, psychologist-educator;

6)planning of maintenance;

7)mastery of pedagogical experience;

8)inclusion and autonomy of the teacher;


So, the motives of professional development of beginner teacher have a desire to work professionally, to understand all the details of the profession; for professional - the search for effective pedagogical tools, the desire to improve teaching methods; for master - the necessity for self-improvement through professional development. The purpose and organization of accompaniment will be appropriate: for the beginner teacher - his own development, providing examples of his educational activities; for the professional - professional development of teacher, assistance in self-improvement; for master - the development of the teacher- master, creating an environment for creativity teachers [1].

5. Assisting the teacher in the development of motivation of self-improvement involves the analysis of the difficulties and problems in the work, conducting surveys, consultations and active involvement in seminars, trainings, generalization of experience and so on.

Conclusions from this research and prospects for further investigations in this direction. The analysis of psychological and pedagogical sources allows us to state that the motivation for successful teaching as a factor of formation of professional competence of the teacher is found in:

1.consideration of internal and external motivation;

2.creating a comfortable learning environment;

3.development of mechanisms for professional reflection.

There are many ways of influencing human motivation, moreover their range is constantly growing. However, in spite of the breadth of methods you can use to motivate employees, the manager should choose how to encourage each member of the teaching staff.

Search and increased resources of educational environment, which contribute to the formation of positive motivation of the teaching staff, may be topics for further research in this area.


motivation potential pedagogical

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2.Національна стратегії розвитку освіти в Україні на 2012-2021 роки [Електронний ресурс]. - Режим доступу: other/36322/

3.Писарев Д.И. Избранные педагогические сочинения : в 4 т. / Д.И. Писарев. - М. : Педагогика, 1984. - Т 3. - С. 376.

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