The continuity as one of the main principles of the system development in the general мusical education

The article are presented the continuity tike the leading line between the pre-school education and the primary of the institutions of average general education. A principle are considered мethods, teaching techniques and principles of teaching singing.

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Дата добавления 21.03.2020
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Communal institution «Semenivska children's music school» Chernigiv region

Speciality «The musical education science and upbriging»

The continuity as one of the main principles of the system development in the general Musical education

O. Veligura, мaster's degree

Semenivka, Ukraine


In the article are presented the continuity tike the leading line between the pre-school education and the primary link of the institutions of average general education. Distinguished such the peculiarities of the determined phenomenon like: the universality, the mutual-penetrating, recoving, self-determing, advertising, completing, stability. A principle are considered in the methods, the methodical receivings and in the principles of the singing training. Determined the concept «the continuity of the educational programmes», the types of the relapse discrepancy of a formed skill: apperceptive, defectological, physiological, objective. Also presented the new concepts with purpose introduction in the scientific circulation: «the continuity of forming skills», «the continuity of the principles singing training», «the progression of the skills», «the long-term progression of the skills on the base of the principle continuity», «the temporary progression of the skills on the base of the principle continuity», «the regression of the skills», «the timing of forming singing skills», «the relapse of the discrepancy formed skill», «the summation of singing skills», «the renewing of the progression skill», «the reflexation sounds», «reflexia of sing», «the substitution of the sounds in the context individuo-tentative paradigma». Also in the article defined as autogenesis of continuity

Keywords: the continuity, the younger schoolchildren, the pre-school education, the primary link of the general secondary education, singing skills.

Е. Велигура. Преемственность как один из главных принципов развития системы современного образования

В статье представлена преемственность как ведущая линия между дошкольным образованием и начальным звеном заведений среднего общего образования. Выделено такие особенности определяемого феномена, как: универсальность, взаемопроникновенность, реновационность, регенерованность, самоопределенность, рекламационность, завершенность, стабильность. Рассматривается принцип в методах, методических приемах.

Определено понятие «преемственность образовательных программ», типы рецидива неверно сформированного навыка: перцептивный, дефектологический, физиологический, объективный. Также представлены новые понятия с целью введения в научный оборот: «преемственность формирования навыков», «преемственность принципов певческого обучения», «прогрессия навыков», «длительная прогрессия певческих навыков на основе принципа преемственности», «временная прогрессия певческих навыков на основе принципа преемственности», «регрессия навыков», «синхронность формирования певческих навыков», «восстановление прогрессии навыка», «восстановление прогрессии навыка, учитывая преемственность», «рецидив неверно сформированного навыка», «рефлексия пения», «суммация певческих навыков», «субституция звуков в контексте личностно ориентированной парадигмы».

Ключевые слова: преемственность, младшие школьники, дошкольное образование, начальное звено среднего общего образования, певческие навыки.

Олена Велігура. Наступність як один з головних принципів розвитку системи сучасної освіти

У статті здійснено огляд наступності як провідної лінії між дошкільною освітою та початковою ланкою закладів середньої загальної освіти, розглянуто сучасні підходи до реалізації принципу наступності між зазначеними освітніми інституціями. Представлено окреслений феномен, в сутності якого полягає безперервний, поступовий процес виховання якостей, які необхідні для розвитку співацького потенціалу особистості. Також виділено якості, що набувають активного розвитку у дітей окресленого віку і визначено рефлексію співу, яку у науковій праці досліджено, спираючись на наступність. Розглянуто питання об'єднання функціонування закладів дошкільної у взаємозв'язку із початковою ланкою середньої загальної освіти. Метою його є створення єдиного середовища для розвитку усіх якостей особистості. Виділено такі особливості окресленого феномену, як: універсальність, взаємопроникливість та реноваційність, регенерованість, самовизначеність, рекламаційність, завершеність, стабільність. Розглядається принцип у методах, методичних прийомах та принципах співацького навчання.

Визначено поняття «наступність освітніх програм», типи рецидиву невірно сформованої навички: апперцептивний, дефектологічний, фізіологічний, об'єктивний. Також представлено нові інноваційні поняття з метою введення у науковий обіг: «наступність формування навичок», «наступність принципів співацького навчання», «прогресія навичок», «тривала прогресія співацьких навичок на основі принципу наступності», «тимчасова прогресія співацьких навичок на основі принципу наступності», «регресія навичок», «синхронність формування співацьких навичок», «відновлення прогресії навички», «відновлення прогресії навички, враховуючи наступність», «рецидив невірно сформованої навички», «рефлексія співу», «сумація співацьких навичок», «рефлексація звуків», «субституція звуків у контексті особистісно зорієнтованої парадигми». Крім того, регресію навичок розподілено на два її типи: випадкову і заплановану.

Визначено відновлення прогресії навички та її типи: самостійне, довільне; спонукальне та відновлення прогресії навички, враховуючи наступність. Також у статті визначено автогенези наступності: самовизначеність, рекламаційність, завершеність та стабільність.

Ключові слова: наступність, молодші школяри, дошкільна освіта, спадкоємність, перспективність, початкова ланка середньої загальної освіти, співацькі навички.

Due to the changes occurring in primary education, the problem of the continuity of learning is becoming of a great importance. In the instructional and methodological recommendations (the letter of the Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine dated 19.08.2011 №1/9-634), the interaction and cooperation of preschool and general educational institutions are realized through the implementation of the principle of the continuity of education. The outlined document is intended to ensure the continuity, which is experienced by the gradual transition from the previous age to the new, the combination of the child's newly acquired experience with the previous one.

The continuity is a subject of many investigations in the native and the foreign pedagogical science. Separately, it was being researched by the scientists in the branch of pedagogical science among them are: Sh. Amonashvili, T. Andreeva, A. Bogush, V. Kotirlo, V. Kuznetsova, N. Moyseyuk, G. Nazarenko, O. Savchenko, Ya. Komenskiy etc. The basics of the mentioned phenomenon were substantiated by the psyshologists: L. Vigotskiy, V. Davidov, D. Elconin, O. Zaporozets and the Ukrainians: Ya. Kolominskiy, G. Kostyuk, G. Lublinska etc. O. Aronina, R. Lubar, L. Kurisheva dedicated the investigations to the continuity in the musico-aestetic upbringing. M. Antonets, A. Bogush, N. Bushueva, V. Kotirlo, I. Lapshina, N. Manzeliy L. Poryadchenko, S. Ufimtseva, T. Forostyuk, O. Chepka exposed the continuity in the work of the pre-school link and the institutions of the general secondary education.

The assignment of this article is the viewing of modern approaches to the realization of the principle continuity between the institutions of pre-school education and the primary link of the institutions of general secondary education. Also it is important to introduce the nex concepts in the scientific circulation: «the continuity of forming skills», «the continuity of the principles of singing training», «the progression of the skills», «the long-term progression of the skills on the base of the principle continuity», «the temporary progression of the skills on the base of the principle continuity», «the regression of the skills», «the timing of forming singing skills», «the relapse of the discrepancy formed skill», «the summation of singing skills», «the renewing of the progression skill», «the reflexia of sounds», «the substitution of the sounds in the context individuo-tentative paradigm».

This phenomenon provides a continuous, gradual process of education of the qualities that are necessary for the formation of the individual. So we can notice, intensive development of any attention, musical memory, phonemic and various types of musical hearing (melodic, harmonic, vocal). This is due to one of the activities of schoolchildren - singing. It affects the formation of communicative skills, selfaffirmation (understanding the child of what it can), responsibility, observation (perception, memory, thinking, imagination), courage, curiosity, savvy, purposefulness, perseverance, diligence, mutual understanding, creativity, culture singing, stage behavior and ability to realize. In addition, there is also a reflection of behavior, and the so-called reflexia of singing. In our dissertation research, reflexivity becomes broader, namely, the reflection of singing based on the principle of continuity. All of these qualities begin to form from an early age. For this reason, the question arises of the unification of the functioning of preschool educational institutions in conjunction with the initial link of education.

Today, priority tasks have been identified for the pre-school education of all children and the creation of prerequisites for the gradual transition to primary school education and the creation of a general developing environment with the same psychological and pedagogical conditions, forms of work and person-oriented approach to each pupil. At the same time, this approach leads to a change in the usual stereotypes in preschool and elementary schools. This leads to the familiarization of skilled pedagogical staff who have been working with established programs for several decades and to change their views and habits in the education of children and to realize that it is such a construction of the educational process that can contribute to a comprehensive, multi-faceted, broader and consistent development of subjects. Training, will ensure their personal growth in the period from 3 to 10 years, which is a priority of the «National Strategy for the Development of Education in Ukraine for 2012-2021».

The process of teaching between pre-school and primary education has a break personality so all knowledge and skills got by younger scholl-children at a pre-school age doesn't have a progressive level of development. To solve this problem and to ensure the effeciently of teaching is to introduce the continuity in the educational process of pre-school and primary links of general secondary education.

The continuity is one of the prior ways in modernization of modern education. F. Frebel remarred that the main point to prepare kids for school, ensuring their development and upbringing. A.Bogush calls the perspective - a look upwards [1, 10]. She calls it an indicator that has the ability to determine benchmarks mastery of knowledge and the skills acquired by children, who meet the age and «the level of development and education of the child» [1, 10]. The researcher considers the heredity as «the inheritance by the school of activity and communicative aspects of the child's life at chid's pre-school stage» [1, 10].

O. Kaplunovska, among the problems of the perspectivity and the continuity between the institutions of pre-school and premary link of the secondary education, is putting forward the ways to overcome the aims of the specified educational units; to enrich the educational content; to improve organization and teaching methods; to create the conditions for the full development of the children.

T. Stepanova interprets «the perspective in the organizing of the process of training in the elementary link - this is the creation of the prerequisites for the successful realization of the goal of teaching the next educational level» [5, 410]. A. Kurchatova and S. Medvedyova called the prospects by defining and implementing «the priority lines of the child's preparation to the school, taking into account the requirements of elementary education for the features, skills and abilities of the child that will need for successful schooling» [3, 23].

K. Ushinskiy regarding the forms and the methods of educational work, the educational material required their gradual complication [2]. S. Kurinna raises issues of the continuity in the coordination of the activities of the general educational institutions, coordination of the programs and establishment of the interaction with other institutes [4]. T. Chala has developed the structure of the activity of educational establishments, in which she offers the following forms of the relationship between the pre-school and elementary secondary itstitutions.

In our opinion, the continuity as a line exists in all structures, the phenomenons and the processes. Substance of the next consciousness is impossible without understanding the objectivity of phenomenons. We believe that the continuity is a metaphysical substance in which certain features need to be distinguished: continuity primary average education singing

- the universality of the continuity in the fact that it has the ability to move from one type to another, the stages, each of which depends on the development of the qualities of the previous, coordinated with each other, informational and methodically dependent on each other, self-improvement on each new stage, each of which contains the some of parameters, is an infinite metaphysical value;

- the metaphysics - exists outside of time;

- the interpenetration and renovativeness;

- the regeneration - is the ability to update preobtained qualities at all stages of existence.

In our opinion, the investigated phenomenon as a principle has a certain evolution by the action of only internal factors, which we have defined as autogenesis of continuity:

- the self-determination - lies in its ability to acquire new goals at each stage;

- the complaints - it is able to contradict and have priority among other scientific principles;

- the completeness - lies in its ability to solve certain tasks at each stage;

- the stability - lies in the steadfastness of changing the solution of the tasks and objectives.

The continiuty serves as an important factor in the development of the system of modern general musical education and the function of the mentioned educational institutions. The integral of this educational process is the forming of the singing skills. The continuity realize the succession and consistence in this process. The succession of forming skills is the process of the emergence of one skill on the basis of the formed one, which in the future serve as the foundation for forming and developming other skills and, at the same time, self-improvement. It should be emphasized that the quality of the developed skills increases, is updated and improved on each of the following stages. The reason is the physical and psychological development of children.

We believe that the continuity involves a flexible system of interaction between the principles, the methods and methodical approaches in learning. The continuity of the principles of the singing education is defined as the interaction and the ability to raise the level of forming of the appropriate skills at each stage. The similar processes occur in the methodical system.

The continuity of the methods is due to their variability and interaction, which improves the learning process. In our research, to realize of the continuity between pre-school and elementary education, the necessary methods should be used: a game, singing drawing exercises, a performance show, a conversation, and others. The methods should be comfortable and accessible for the children this age. In connection with the predominance of visual thinking in preschoolers and junior pupils, we consider it expedient to use the visual methods of training.

The continuity in the methodical approaches involves their variation, in depending on the use of the musical material (the game, an exercise), its content, the volume of program' skills, the stage of studying the material, the individual abilities of each child. In our opinion, the continuity in the methods lies in ensuring of the mobility the development of connections between the skills.

The continuity of the educational curriculum programes lies in the foresighting and taking into account the previously acquired experience, abilities, knowledge, skills of the pupils of the educational institutions with the prospect of their further continuous development.

We believe that applying the principle of the continuity in the methods and the methodical approaches will lead to a higher degree of the development, which we call the progressing skills. The progression of skills - to obtain their ability to absorb in the shortest period of time and to obtain the maximum quality development. Our research activities have allowed us to identify the following types of the progression skills: permanent or long, continuous or continued based on the principle of continuity, temporary, temporal progression of skills based on the principle of continuity.

According to our observations, the progression of the skills can be stable and the skills are being updated and refined for a long time. We called this process a permanent or continued progression of skills.

From the point of view of children's singing, we have found continuous or continued progression of the singing skills based on the principle of continuity, which is reflected in the stable gradual constant updating and improvement of children's singing skills at all stages. Along with this there is a temporary progression of skills - when the skills are developed, but have an interrupted character, that is, periodicity. We discovered the temporary progression of the singing skills based on the principle of continuity, which manifests itself in the absence of a long renewal of the singing skills, the periodicity of their development, which are determined by the individual peculiarities of subjects of learning.

In addition, throughout the course of study, we distinguish the following stages in the formation of singing skills: familiarization (its perception of the visual or auditory), the initial occurrence, the process of their formation, renewal and development, skills improvement. The period from familiarization (auditory or visual) to the moment of the final absorption of skills, we called them stabilization. The stabilization process takes place over a period of time.

In the process of stabilizing skills we distinguish three stages: primary (initial), fixing (dominant) and confirming (final). However, according to our observations, the processes of stabilizing the singing skills are often accompanied by other processes, which we will consider further. So, the refusal to use continuity in the principles, the methods and the methodical approaches, in our opinion, will lead to temporary loss of ability to acquire new qualities that we define as regression of the skills. The word «regress» is translated as follows return, decay.

The singing skills are in constant interconnection, that is, one formative induces the emergence and the development of another. This peculiarity led us to think of a process such as the synchronicity the formation of the singing skills. They are formed at the same time, but experience has shown that the excessive intensity of such a process, sometimes suspensive of improving the quality of any one of them. Others are further developing. After some time, this skill is resumed. This process can be called the renewal of progression skill. In the process of scientific research, we found the following types of the resume progression skill: independent, arbitrary resume of progression of the skill - occurs with the help of independent child training (out of date); inductive, which consists in updating it with the help of conscious actions, using of the effective methods and the methodical approaches of the teacher.

Since any sound heard at the subconscious level affects the processes in the vocal system, which are stored in memory, inappropriate singing (forced) leads to undesirable consequences, since it forms the child's same muscular sensations in the voice the device. In the absence of the development of reflexia singing in a child, this process is to resume a new wave. We called it's a relapse of an incorrectly formed skill. The emergence of this phenomenon is due to various reasons, based on which we have distinguished its types:

- apperceptive - is realized due to the low level of the development of the musical- auditory representations;

- defectological - is formd due to congenital phisiological defects of the vocal system, hearing aids, of the lack of coordination between hearing and voice, between voice and breath;

- physiological - arises as a result of a child's failure to adjust the work of the vocal device for some time due to the physiological changes (children grow older, grow and strengthen vocal cords, muscles of the belly, lungs, larynx);

- objective - appears due to the influence of the external factors (media do not always produce the quality singing, which really affects the development of musical and auditory representations of the children and accordingly their musical intonation).

V. Klimenko determined the skill as the particular specialized action by received the exercises and experience. On all stages of the training the formed singing skills by the musical leader are renew and receive the more development by the teacher of the art music. As a result of the replacementing the teacher the pupils have the received singing skills, which are being continued to form by the other teacher. This process we named «summation of the singing skills». Summation of the singing skills is the renewal of other skill received by other one. It is necessary to indicate that somertimes some sounds are substituted on the more comfortable ones for the more comfortable pronunciation of the complicated words. Taking in consideration the individuo oriented approach, it was important the take into account the individual peculiarities of the vocal device of every subject training, that we determined like the substitution of the vocal sounds in the context of the individuo paradigm.

Also we distinguished «the stabilization». This is the one with stage of the forming singing skills. It means the durability, firmness, steadfastness, immovability of a skill, that it is coded in the brain's cells.

So, we came to such conclusions on the basic of the scientific literature:

- the continuity is coming forward to the main principle for the successful overcoming the barrier between the pre-school and the primary education and will be recipiented the ceative development of children. The outlined phenomenon is to foresee the gradual forming of the necessary knowledge, skills. As the topical, the principle of the continuity will permite improved the educational process, separately the forming of the singing skills of the pre-school children and the junior pupils;

- the continuity in the training is foresee the flexible system of the interaction of the principles, methods and the methodical. The realization of the continuity will reduce to the higher degree of the development. It's we are determined like the progression of the skills. We thinking that the refusal from the realization of this phenomenon will prompt to the regress of the skills;

- the singing skills were in the constant correlation and synchronized forming;

- the continuity as one of the main principles of the system development in the general musical education is necessary of the its realization on the scientific conferences and the seminares.


1. Bogush, A.M. (2003). Modernizatsiya doshkilnoyi osviti v konteksti natsionalnoyi doktriny yiyi rozvitku [The modernization of the pre-school education in the context of the doctrine's National its development]. The messenger of the Hlukhivskiy National Pedagogical University, 2, 9-12. Hlukhiv [in Ukraininan].

2. Kuhta, A.M. (1974). Pro rol nastupnosti v navchanni[About role of the continiuty in the training]. In A. M. Kuhta, The pedagogical ideas of K. D. Ushinskogo (pp. 138-145). Kyiv: The Higher school [in Ukraininan].

3. Kurchatova, A., Medvedyova, S. (2012). Skoro do shcoli. Zabezpechennya nastupnosti mij doshcilnoyu ta pochtcovoyu osvi- toyu [Soon to school. Ensuring of the continuity between pre-school and elementary education]. Pre-school upbridging, 8, 2324 [in Ukrainian].

4. Kurinna, S. Stanovlennya osobistosti ditiny doshcilnogo viku v protsessi vzaemodiyi riznih sotsialnih institutiv [Formating of personality of a child pre-school age in the process interaction the different social institutions]. Pre-school education, 1, 6-10 [in Ukrainian].

5. Stepanova, T.M. Nastupnist i perspectivnist u modernizatsiyi suchasnoyi doshcilnoyi lanki osvity [The continuity and the perspective in the modernizating of the modern pre-school level education]. Science and education, 4, 408-411 [in Ukrainian].

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  • Principles of asr teсhnology. Performance and designissues in speech applications. Current trends in voise-interactive call. Difining and acquiring literacy in the age of information. Content-based instruction and literacy development.

    курсовая работа [107,9 K], добавлен 21.01.2008

  • The history of the use of the interactive whiteboard in the learning. The use of IWB to study of the English, the advantages and disadvantages of the method. Perfect pronunciation, vocabulary. The development of reading, writing, listening and speaking.

    презентация [1,3 M], добавлен 23.02.2016

  • Підготовка фахівця, затребуваного на ринку праці як одна з головних задач системи вищої освіти в Україні. G Suit for Education - популярна платформа, що використовується в освітньому процесі, в тому числі для організації проектної роботи студентів.

    статья [701,0 K], добавлен 21.09.2017

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