Special aspects of foreign language teaching in the system of supplementary education

Pros and cons of supplementary education. Specific of foreign language teaching in the system of supplementary education. The creation of a supplementary language education system. Teacher’s aim at the class of the institution of supplementary education.

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Дата добавления 21.06.2020
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Two types of education, general and supplementary, are compared in the article according to different aspects. Pros and cons of supplementary education are mentioned. The specific of foreign language teaching in the system of supplementary education was researched.

The main text

In modern world knowledge of a foreign language is not an advantage, but it is a necessity. Now it is not enough for a person to know his native language perfectly, he is required to know at least one foreign language. But often the school cannot satisfy all the educational needs of schoolchildren and help them to perfect a foreign language. The solution to this problem is the creation of a supplementary language education system.

According to “Law on Education of the Russian Federation”, supplementary education is “a type of education that is aimed at comprehensively satisfying a person's educational need for intellectual, spiritual, moral, physical and (or) professional improvement and is not accompanied by an increase in the level of education” [4].

Supplementary education is aimed at the comprehensive development of the personality of each student and it can become an integral part of general education. “Today, the supplementary education of children represents the harmonious unity of knowledge, creativity, communication between children and adults” [2, p. 115].

Despite the differences between the school and the institutions of supplementary education, it is necessary to observe the basic pedagogical and psychological principles of education.

Supplementary education should not repeat the school in the use of teaching methods and forms of education. Many experts believe that the academic setting at school is very high. That's why, the best way to organize out-of-school classes is to make them unlike school lessons. The child should not take the time at classes as two additional lessons. This can serve to create a negative attitude towards an after-school setting, which will further hinder the achievement of learning goals. One of the main teacher's aim at the class of the institution of supplementary education is to motivate children and spark the interest of them in learning a foreign language. When teaching a foreign language at institutions of supplementary education, there is an opportunity to use the advantages that the school sometimes cannot give. These benefits include:

· using non-traditional teaching methods proposed by methodologists, or teacher's personal achievements;

· the ability to use elements of creativity.

Teaching a foreign language to children in the context of supplementary education in the sphere of culture is aimed at “developing student's foreign language communicative competence, that is, the ability and willingness to carry out foreign language interpersonal and intercultural communication with native speakers” [2, p. 113]. supplementary education language teaching

In the context of supplementary education staff members of the institution set next goals:

· to provide additional personal development;

· to allow to communicate and share experiences in a specific field of activity;

· to simplify the use of the possibilities of the surrounding socio-cultural environment;

· to strengthen the motivation of the individual mental and creative activities;

· to create favorable conditions for occupation guidance [3].

1. V. Kopylova marks such principals of supplementary education as:

· the principle of the communicative orientation of learning a foreign language in the context of supplementary education;

· the principle of innovation;

· the principle of creativity in teaching foreign languages ??in the context of supplementary education;

· the principle of inclusion in the culture of the country of the language being studied;

· the principle of a quality learning process in the context of supplementary education;

· the principle of freedom of choice of language material by the teacher of supplementary education;

· the principle of advanced English language teaching in supplementary education;

· the principle of consistency in teaching English to schoolchildren in supplementary education [2, p. 114].

When the teacher organize a class in the context of supplementary education, he should take into account some features and details. Let's review some of them in terms of the school of foreign languages “Language Mosaic” at the premises of Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute.

First, the duration of the lesson at school and the class at the institution of supplementary education is significantly different. The school lesson lasts 45 minutes. If we talk about supplementary education, the lesson can vary according to the institution of supplementary education. Sometimes it can due 1 hour or even attain 1.5 hours. In this case you can find both pros and cons. The disadvantages include child fatigue. Firstly, sometimes it is difficult for a child to sit through 45 minutes of a school lesson, what to say about classes which due 1.5 hours. Secondly, in the main, additional class is conducted in the afternoon, after school. By this time, the child has already spent his energy at school, so it is difficult for him to focus again and concentrate for a long time. The teacher needs to take this into account and try to make tasks at the lesson in such a way that the student can get involved in the work as much as possible.

On the other hand, such a long period of time allows using various types of activities in the classroom. In the context of school it is almost impossible. The forms are large, but for the lesson you need to have time to interview the children and explain the new material. In the case of supplementary education, for 1.5 hours, you can catch up and disassemble the material, and work it out and play to take the load off the children. If you competently alternate different types of activities, allocate time to rest, the lesson will be very productive.

Another distinctive feature of supplementary language education is the number of students in a group. At school, at lessons of a foreign language, forms are divided into subgroups of 12-14 people. Sometimes it happens that the form is too small, in this case it is not divided at all and the teacher has to work with a group of more than 15 people. In this situation, it is difficult to implement an individual approach. The teacher faces the difficult task of having to interview 12-15 people in 45 minutes. Therefore, the system of supplementary language education has an advantage over the school. Most commonly, there are little more than 8-10 students in groups. In 1.5 hours in such small group, the teacher has time not only to explain the material, but also to give each student a say. Thus, the assimilation of material and the formation of communication skills in the context of supplementary language education will be more productive.

Another differentiating feature of the system of supplementary language education is the diverse composition of the group. At school, in the main, groups for learning a foreign language are formed from one class, therefore in one group all children are of the same age, but with different level of knowledge. This principle of division greatly complicates the work of the teacher. At the institutions of supplementary language education, there are two ways to form language groups: by age (as at school) and by level of language knowledge. In the case of the first method, a teacher of supplementary class faces the same difficulties as a school teacher. If the division into groups occurs according to the level of knowledge of the language, then there is a probability that children of both 8th grade and 6th grade will fall into one group. In this case, difficulties may arise with the age characteristics of students: perseverance, the ability to concentrate for a long time, fatigue, etc. You should also take into account the psychological characteristics, for example, younger children may not feel comfortable among older children.

One of the main aspects of studying a foreign language is motivation. The teacher's aim is to get children interested in a foreign language. He can motivate them or stimulate. The methods depend on the age of the children. For example, motivation is not enough for young children. The best way to get schoolchildren of primary school interested in studying a foreign language is to stimulate them. Marks are a good stimulant for them. In the context of supplementary education, the teacher can use only “good” and “excellent” marks to motivate children and except “satisfactory” and “bad” marks at all. It helps not to disfigure child's attitude to the subject. For the students of secondary school as motivation can be improved knowledge of a language, good marks at school, passing an exam and etc. Different stimulants also work for them. The teacher can also put positive marks and give specified commentaries what aspect should the student pay attention to. It is also one of differentiating feature of supplementary education. The teacher at school can't use just two marks and in the context of school lesson he hasn't got enough time to five commentaries about student's attainment level. In this case the teacher hasn't got such method as stimulant and he is under the necessity to find other ways to motivate children.

In conclusion, we can say, that there are many differences between general education and supplementary language education. But the main aim of both is to form communicative skills. The school can give basic knowledge of the language and form needful skills. In the context of supplementary education a student gets in-depth knowledge of the language and has more speech practice. That means that supplementary education is a part of general education.


1. Абаева Ф. Б. Формы организации процесса обучения иностранному языку студентов неязыковых профилей // Педагогические науки: сетевой журн. 2016. URL: https://novainfo.ru/article/7945 (дата обращения: 24.05.2019).

2. Копылова Ю. В. Принципы обучения иностранному языку в условиях дополнительного языкового образования // Педагогическое образование в России. 2017. № 4. С. 112-117.

3. Ракитская Л. В. Учреждения дополнительного образования: задачи, цели и функции в контексте обучения иностранному языку // Евразийский журнал: сетевой журн. 2016. № 4. URL: http://journalpro.ru (дата обращения: 23.05.2019).

4. Об образовании в Российской Федерации: Федер. закон Рос. Федерации [Электронный ресурс]: от 29 декабря 2012 г. N 273-ФЗ. URL: http://www.rg.ru/2012/12/30/obrazovanie-dok.html (дата обращения: 26.05.2019).

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