Organization of self-guided learning activity of students with technical qualifications in process of studying professional Ukrainian language
The main types of independent work of students of technical specialties in the study of the Ukrainian language (professional direction). Independent activity contributes to the formation of educational, professional, language and speech competence.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 27.06.2020 |
Размер файла | 17,5 K |
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Organization of self-guided learning activity of students with technical qualifications in process of studying professional Ukrainian language
Stadniy A.S.,
candidate of philological sciences, senior lecturer of the linguistics department, Vinnytsia National Technical University
Тhe article examines self-guided students' learning as one of the main forms of educational activity. It determines that personal independence relies both on subjective and objective factors. The article presents main types of self- guided activity of students with technical qualifications in process of professional Ukrainian language learning. It also determines that self-guided activity helps develop learning, professional and verbal competences of students.
Key words: personal independence, self-guided students' learning, self-directed learning activity, professional Ukrainian language.
Стадній А.С. Організація самостійної роботи студентів технічних спеціальностей у процесі вивчення української мови (за професійним спрямуванням) Анотація. У статті досліджено самостійну роботу студентів як одну з основних форм навчальної діяльності. Встановлено, що розвиток самостійності залежить як від суб'єктивних, так і об'єктивних чинників. Представлено види самостійної роботи студентів технічних спеціальностей під час вивчення української мови (за професійним спрямуванням). Визначено, що самостійна діяльність сприяє формуванню навчальної, професійної, мовної і мовленнєвої компетенції.
Ключові слова: самостійність, самостійна робота студентів, самостійна навчальна діяльність, українська мова (за професійним спрямуванням).
Стадний А.С. Организация самостоятельной работы студентов технических специальностей в процессе изучения украинского языка (профессионального направления)
Аннотация. В статье исследована самостоятельная работа студентов как одна из основных форм учебной деятельности. Установлено, что развитие самостоятельности зависит как от субъективных, так и объективных факторов. Представлены основные виды самостоятельной работы студентов технических специальностей при изучении украинского языка (профессионального направления). Определено, что самостоятельная деятельность способствует формированию учебной, профессиональной, языковой и речевой компетенции.
Ключевые слова: самостоятельность, самостоятельная работа студентов, самостоятельная учебная деятельность, украинский язык (профессионального направления). students professional technical
The process of globalization and Ukraine's integration into European science requires highly qualified and competitive specialists. It sets the tasks for educational establishments to train not only encyclopaedic knowledge, but creative skills, helping individuals adapt to complicated conditions, meet different challenges and be able to maintain self-guided activity.
Rapid integration of informational technologies changes learning vectors. Teachers of higher educational establishments are required to train their students how to obtain knowledge through self-directed learning and optimize it during all life. It has been scientifically proved that self-obtained knowledge is more effective and practical, if compered to teachers-transmitted information.
Summary of previous research. Theoretical aspects of self-guided learning organization were studied by Aleksyuk A., Babansky Y., Kozakov V, Moroz O., Soldatenko M. and others; psychological aspects of the issue were examined by Kostyuk G., Leontyev O., Platonov K. (these scientists presented the principles, roles and functions of self-guided cognitive activity in process of education). Self-guided activity in process of learning Ukrainian language was studied by Goroshkina O., Kuharchuk I., Perede- ryi G., Plysko K., Rotova N. and others.
It must be pointed out that self-guided learning activity of students with technical qualifications in process of learning professional Ukrainian language has never been thoroughly studied before. This article is aimed at studying the types, forms, organization and control of self-guided learning activity of students with technical qualifications in process of learning professional Ukrainian language.
The presentation of the main research material. Self-guided learning activity was scrutinized by numerous scientists, but there is still no agreed definition of this issue. Barinova O., Vlasenkov A., Tekuchev A. define the issue as a learning method of new knowledge. Korinska V., Solovyov A. explain the issue as an aspect of learning. Aleksyuk A., Pidkasisty P. determine self-guided learning as a method of students' learning activity. Kozakov V, Shamova T. define it as a special form of students' activity.
Kukharchuk I. expresses the opinion that absence of the issue's unified definition is explained by the fact that self-guided learning activity can be either supervised by teachers or be exceptionally individual method of cognitive activity, having the purpose of development of potential intellectual capacity.
Self-guided learning activity is an important form of student-centred educational process. Rotova N. outlines the following functions of this activity including cognitive function (systemized knowledge in certain disciplines), self-directed function (formation of practical skills to extend and creatively imply the knowledge), prognostic function (students expect definite results after fulfilling assignments), corrective function (implies correcting own mistakes) and educational function (formation of personality) [6].
Rapid changes in education process significantly promote the importance of self-guided education. It plays key role in formation of competences during learning process. For example, in Vinnitsa national technical university the discipline "professional Ukrainian language" is studied during the 1st semester of the 1st academic year. The educational plan comprises 36 indoor and 54 outdoor contact hours. Thus, outdoor self-guided students' learning activity takes the bulk of this discipline's academic time. The goal of this discipline is to help future engineers train speech and verbal competences, maintain personal independence, develop stable cognitive activity and creative skills, and to use obtained knowledge when facing professional challenges.
Students' self-guided activity is organized indoors (in classrooms) within learning period or after it, and outdoors. Classroom activity involves studying theoretic material, exercises, finding answers to questions, tests, completion of document samples etc. After-class self-guided learning is organized during consultations, rework of unattended classes, preparing to language contests or conferences. Outdoor activity includes studying at home or in libraries.
In process of studying professional Ukrainian language, future engineers are supposed to invest efforts into self-guided learning, both indoors and outdoors. Practical classes are meant to help first-year students develop communication skills and enrich active vocabulary.
Self-guided learning efficiency depends on both external and internal factors. The former include complication of educational material and assignments, availability of relevant information and teachers' supervision; the latter include students' motivations, mental abilities, personal psychological peculiarities, opportunities to organize self-guided activity and exercise self-control.
Self-guided learning is a mutual process between teachers and students, equally important for both parties. Students' self-guided learning activity is exercised under strict supervision of teachers. The latter are expected to complete important pre-work including planning, choosing the forms and methods of its comple- tion and outlining expected results. Teachers' work also includes explaining the current theme, help students set goals and motivate them. Strong motivation guarantees successful self-guided work. In process of this kind of learning activity teachers are required to help first-year students with academic tasks (if necessary), answer their questions, direct and correct their individual work.
Methodological support plays an important role in students' self-guided learning activity. In order to extend knowledge and train necessary skills, it is important to provide the course with theoretical and reference sources, samples of documents, charts, exercises text-books, manual guides, tests and self-control assignments. Students of Vinnitsa national technical university are fully provided with these educational materials [1; 2; 4; 5]. Teachers are required to make a list of basic and supplementary bibliography sources, both published and online. This is how teachers provide, supervise and control students' self-guided learning activity.
Successful self-guided learning mainly depends on students' practical skills. They are expected to be able to:
- set goals of individual learning process;
- realize practical results from achieving the goals;
- find the ways to solve difficult tasks;
- choose proper tuition materials and reference information;
- control and correct own individual work;
- organize own individual work;
- seeks ways of personal development.
So, students' self-guided learning activity requires definite personal qualities, such as self-discipline, responsibility, persistent and systematic learning, goal-orientation.
First-year students of Vinnitsa national technical university are offered to cover certain individual educational material in process of studying professional Ukrainian language including:
1. Studying new material from published and online sources (basic information is supposed to be written down and learned). Innovative blended learning involves individual studying of theoretical material followed by completing practical assignment in class under teachers' supervision. This type of work activates learning activity.
2. Preparing to practical classes that involves seeking linguistic messages and optimization of previously studied topics.
3. Completing practical exercises and assignments.
4. Preparing to knowledge control tests.
5. Completing and filling in documents.
6. Project work.
7. Writing essays in process of preparing to conferences.
8. Writing scientific articles.
9. Preparing media materials for remarkable dates and events.
Preparing to language contests.
It is important to set time frames for each kind of activity, considering students' personal qualities and opportunities, contents and control options. Long-term assignments (e.g. projects) are recommended to be divided into stages. Teachers determine deadlines for each stage and control the process. Thus, the whole work becomes planned and systemized.
So, students are recommended to accomplish theoretical, practical, research and creative assignments individually, with the purpose of complex personal development.
When organizing individual work it is important to consider students' needs, demands, interests, motivation, abilities and preferences, because too simple or too hard assignments demotivate them.
Self-guided students' learning can be either individual or group- based. The latter includes project works, recording educational videos etc. Self-guided learning activity in groups has more advantages, since students understand that success depends on responsible attitude of all group members.
Individual work of students is verified and assessed during practical classes. Types of control are the following:
1) Initial control (exercises at the beginning of individual learning);
2) Current control (held at every practical class with the purpose of controlling current knowledge);
3) Self-control is done by students with the help of tests and keys to tests;
4) Final control (final pass-fail test).
Active development of informational technologies opens opportunities to optimize students' individual work and make it more efficient by using e-mail, social media, messengers (Viber, Telegram, WhatsApp) to activate communication between students and teachers. First-year students are recommended to use online dictionaries and other references. Audio and video materials, online testing enrich students' individual learning.
In process of individual learning students become more motivated if they realize the importance of accomplished work that can be used as a part of project or a textbook. Individual work between teachers and students helps maintain self-guided learning.
It is important for teachers to outline students' success and give them extra points for novelty, original approach and creative work. Not all students are capable of accomplishing assignments perfectly, so teachers' important task is to train students to learn individually, develop their personalities and help them constantly optimize their knowledge.
So, the system of modern education involves altering student's role from passive listener to active learner. Self-guided learning activity becomes very important in this process. This type of work is planned together by teachers and students, but students complete it individually under teachers' supervision.
Efficiency of students' self-guided learning depends on teachers' theoretical and practical qualifications, methodological support and students' motivation, preferences and self-control.
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