Literary text in teaching Russian as a foreign language

Consideration of the content and methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language on the material of literary text. Formation of necessary skills in text analysis and interpretation. Prepare learning materials aiming at development of learners’ skills.

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Дата добавления 27.06.2020
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Размещено на

National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”


Romanov Yu. O.,

Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor

Gaivoronska V. V., Associate Professor


The article considers the content and methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language on the material of literary text. The proposed approach (topical issues, system of exercises, visualization) ensures formation of necessary skills in text analysis and interpretation.

Key words: literary text, topical issue, visualization, text analysis, text interpretation, Russian as a foreign language, Fazil Iskander.


Романов Ю. О., Гайворонська В. В. Художній текст у викладанні російської мови як іноземної

В статті розглянуто зміст і методику навчання російській мові як іноземній на матеріалі художнього тексту. Запропонований підхід (проблемні питання, система вправ, візуалізація) забезпечують формування необхідних навичок аналізу тексту та його інтерпретації.

Ключові слова: художній текст, проблемне питання, візуалізація, аналіз тексту, інтерпретація тексту, російська як іноземна, Фазіль Іскандер.


Романов Ю. А., Гайворонская В. В. Художественный текст в преподавании русского языка как иностранного

В статье рассматриваются содержание и методика обучения русскому языку как иностранному на материале художественного текста. Предлагаемый подход (проблемные вопросы, система упражнений, визуализация) обеспечивают формирование необходимых навыков анализа текста и его интерпретации.

Ключевые слова: художественный текст, проблемный вопрос, визуализация, анализ текста, интерпретация текста, русский как иностранный, Фазиль Искандер.


Modern methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language imply significant role of fiction in the process of language teaching. Works of classical and modern Russian literature are widely used in practice of teaching a very wide audience of Russian language learners, pursuing various goals (living and studying in those countries where Russian is spoken; short-term Russian courses; traineeship; language credits, etc.), as well as upgrade training of international Russian language teachers. In this case, the involvement in the educational process of literary works contributes to the achievement of professional, communicative, practical, cognitive, and educational goals [1].

Thanks to fiction, international students acquire the Russian language in all its richness and diversity; their active, passive, and potential vocabulary is enriched, and the ability for contextual guess is developed. Fiction is the material for the formation of speech habits in various types of speech activity. For L2 learners, the Russian literature serves as a means of modeling the Russian language environment. As for acquisition Russian in the cultural field of Ukraine, the cognitive value of fiction (for example, books by N. Gogol) is that it is an effective means of getting to know the cultural values of Ukraine and parallel formation of L2 learners' intercultural competence based on understanding the local cultural realities [2].

Review of literature

When selecting literary texts for L2 teaching, it is necessary to rely on the general principles of philological analysis of the text.

According to the classical definition of I. Galperin: “The text is a work of language production process possessing completeness, objectified in the form of a written document, literary processed in accordance with the type of this document, a work consisting of the name (title) and a number of special units (superphrasive unities) combined by different types of lexical, grammatical, logical, stylistic connection which has a specific focus and pragmatic attitude” [3, p. 18].

Philological analysis of the text, synthesizing various (linguistic, literary, poetic, semiotic) approaches, is a complex and specific method of analysis characterized by the following parameters: 1) a text is considered as a cultural phenomenon; 2) it is required to pay attention to the wide literary and socio-historical context of the epoch; 3) an analysis of language means as a form of expression of human thoughts and feelings in different types of communication is made; 4) a language personality behind the text, personal language and style are studied, and the text is perceived as a reflection of author's verbal culture and mainstream culture at a certain stage of development [4, p. 4-5].

When working with the literary text, it is important to penetrate the artistic and aesthetic meaning of the work, i.e. to use it not only as a means of teaching Russian language, but also as an independent object of study. There should be a bidirectional process of working with the language of artistic text: on the one hand, identifying meanings of multi-level units they have in the language system, and on the other hand, through studying the behavior and integration of these units in the text, determining additional meanings they acquire [5, p. 6].

As for new trends in text research methodology, it should be mentioned literary concept of “historical consciousness” reflecting the writers' ability to recognize and convey in words the idea of variability of the world, relationship of time, movement in space and time [6, p. 9].

The purpose of this study is to provide guidance on how to prepare learning materials aiming at development of L2 learners' skills in literary text analysis and interpretation.

teaching foreign language text

Main body of the research

The above-mentioned learning materials can be described as a complex consisting of a narrative text, post-textual dialogues, questions to the text and dialogues (topical issues), lexical and grammatical exercises; a brief writer's biography and the list of Russian vocabulary with English equivalents should be also included.

This approach we examplify by the learning materials based on the work by Fazil Iskander - “A Story about the Sea” [7, p. 76-86].

The short writer's biography may include key information about F. Iskander - he was the Russian writer and poet who wrote neither prose nor poetry in Abkhazian, but was “the singer of Abkhazia”; who wrote William Faulkner-like national sagas and was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature; who had very fond memories of Sukhumi, the multiethnic city where Abkhazians, Georgians, Armenians and Russians lived side by side and where he was born and brought up (the writer's biography may be based on introductory articles published in [8]).

Working with the Russian vocabulary is considered to be a kind of activivity to be done before getting down to the text. The vocabulary list contains new words, word combinations, and phrases arranged in alphabetical order and highlighted in bold as in te text. In brackets, after a new word (if necessary), a deriving or derived word is given. Where necessary, in parentheses, explanations to determine the pronounced semantics of a word (for example, its figurative meaning, etc.) are given. Synonyms are also put into brackets, but in bold. Aspectual pairs of verbs are presented in accordance with the order of their appearance in the text, i.e. if an imperfective verb is activated, then the verbal pair in the vocabulary list looks traditionally, for example: лечить / вылечить кого? - to cure, treat, if a perfective verb is activated, the imperfective form of the verb is given in brackets with the necessary mark нв: подтвердить (нв подтверждать) что? - to confirm. When interpreting linguistic difficulties, we prefer not translations, but footnotes numbered in ascending order within the text: Отсмеявшись, т.е. перестав смеяться; Солнце ударило по лицу - солнце ярко осветило лицо.

When reading a narrative text, international learners should be stimulated to penetrate its artistic meaning which is not equal to just “ordinary” word meaning. For example, in “A Story about the Sea” by F. Iskander, there is an image of a grey rampart серая крепостная стена») trying (in vain) to hide freshness of the sea from town people (opposition of unfreedom to freedom). This is just one motif, and questions for training students' ability to see other meaningful motifs should be asked; here is part of them: Мальчик научился плавать «почти так же давно, как и ходить», но почему он не помнит, «когда научился ходить», зато помнит, «когда научился плавать»? Дайте ваше понимание следующих мыслей автора: «Из крепости легко сделать тюрьму, а из тюрьмы можно сделать крепость.»; «Человек, который должен смотреть в одну сторону, или ничего не видит, или видит больше тех, кто вынудил его смотреть в одну сторону.»; «Обычно любишь места, где пережил большую опасность, если она не результат чьей-то подлости.»; etc.

Post-text dialogues develop the problems raised in the text ( -Ты когда-нибудь видел море? - Конечно. Я ведь живу в городе, который находится совсем недалеко от берега моря. (...) - А ты плавать умеешь? - Умею, конечно. И плавать, и нырять, и прыгать с камней в воду - все умею лет с 8-9. А почему ты меня об этом спрашиваешь?; - Никогда заранее нельзя думать о человеке плохо! - Ты почему заговорил об этом? - Да вот вспомнил, что маленький герой этого рассказа подумал, что парень в нарядных брюках и в белоснежной рубашке не бросится в море его спасать. А вышло как раз наоборот.), and in this way, the learners are given examples of text interpretation. Further impact to it is implemented through questions to the text and dialogues.

It should be noted that questions to the text and dialogues do not imply retelling of the information: their main goal is to encourage students to express their attitude to certain problems, i.e. it is supposed to be students' common oral statements. But since their attitude to the same problem can be different, a discussion, stimulated by the teacher, is possible. Questions to the text and dialogues can be exemplified as following: 1. Вы бы смогли поступить так, как юноша из этого рассказа? Были ли вы когда-нибудь свидетелем подобных поступков? 2. Почему, не зная человека, нельзя думать и говорить о нем плохо? 3. Как вы считаете: а) в человеке все качества врожденные, и всякое воспитание и перевоспитание не имеет никакого смысла; б) в человеке можно воспитать необходимые положительные качества, даже если они не даны ему от рождения? 4. Как вы понимаете, что такое чувство ответственности? 5. Как вы понимаете смысл русской пословицы: «По одежке встречают, по уму провожают»? Есть ли в вашем родном языке соответствующая пословица? Постарайтесь передать ее значение по-русски.

Lexical and grammatical exercises pursue the general purpose of teaching Russian literary language and are mostly aimed at expanding and activating students' vocabulary and reinforcing their skills in usage of lexical and grammatical units that are characteristic of lively speaking. The exercises are based on vocabulary units (already known to students) with their inclusion in the new lexical compatibility, as well as in the new vocabulary of the texts and dialogues. A feature of those exercises that begin with the methodically traditional “Insert...” is that we propose to insert these words or phrases in all cases (where possible) - not just in declarative sentences, but in separate replicas of dialogues or mini-dialogues.

Lexical and grammatical exercises can be described as those to distinguish antonymy and synonymy (Замените выделенные слова антонимичными. Замените выделенные слова близкими по значению.), to understand word formation: prefixes, suffixes, compounds (От каких знакомых вам слов образованы сложные слова: белоснежный, мимоходом? Объясните данные ниже прилагательные с префиксам без-/бес-: бесстрашный юноша, беспомощный ребенок. Объясните, какое значение глаголам придают префиксы: Антон заговорил о том, что нас всех интересовало. Девушка, отсмеявшись, открыла книгу. Укажите, от каких слов образованы прилагательные в следующих словосочетаниях: ласковый взгляд, холодная вода, жизненный уровень. Назовите однокоренные (родственные) слова данным ниже: врожденный, ответственность, вырасти, окружение, взамен, купальник, плавки, свидетель, договориться, нуждаться, вспоминать, ожидание, прекрасный. Укажите, от каких слов образованы уменьшительно-ласкательные существительные: шапочка, сестричка, братик, дружок, водичка, паренек, книжечка, булочка, пирожок, улыбочка, солнышко, туфельки, глазки, парнишка.), to understand and correctly use set expressions (idioms) (Вставьте в данные ниже предложения выражение «делать вид». Прочитайте предложения, используя вместо точек выражение «быть в ответе».), to interpret keynotes of the text (Объясните, как вы поняли фразы: 1) «Летом море было ежедневным праздником.»; 2) «Мы с морем поняли друг друга.»; 3) «Тонуть стало спокойнее.»; 4) «... я плыл на его улыбку.»; 5) «Он ушел навсегда..., ушел мимоходом, вернув мне жизнь.»), etc.

Interpretation of a text is much more successful when it is based on visualization, external and internal visual aids [9], as well as on the work with cartoon stories. As part of work on text interpretation, international students were suggested to draw a picture-association, a picture-symbol, or a picture-impression of the read story and then to explain what was drawn and why. It should be noted that completion of this task facilitated development of students' creative abilities, promoted their independent judgments, and ensuring an exit to free communication, first as a monologue, and then as a discussion answers to questions from the teacher and fellow students [10].

An example of such a monologue, presented by one of the students (a cartoon story she drew depicts a boy (principal character of “A Story about the Sea”) as a plant - first, nice and strong; then, almost dead; last, finally survived and becoming even stronger), is as follows: Сначала мальчик был сильный и ничего не боялся. Но однажды он чуть не утонул. Его спас один парень. Он стал тогда бояться и не хотел больше плавать. Но он увидел силу парня и тоже захотел быть таким. Поэтому он опять пошел к морю и поплыл. Парень спас ему жизнь и дал силы победить страх. Мальчик победил свой страх и стал еще сильнее.


Interpretation of a text can be defined as “mastering ideological and aesthetic, semantic and emotional information of a piece of fiction carried out by recreating the author's vision and the knowledge of reality” [11, p. 6]. It is considered to be part of literary analysis, stylistics of artistic speech, text linguistics.

Among the factors, influencing interpretation of a literary text, learners' vocabulary, features of conceptual system, ability for close reading and text perceiving, language competence, etc. are mentioned [12]. All of them should be taken into account when L2 teaching.


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