Формирование иноязычной профессиональной коммуникативной компетентности в условиях военного вуза
Суть и содержание иноязычной профессиональной коммуникативной компетентности. Формирование ИПКК в высшем военном образовательном заведении Крыма. Апробация авторского учебно-методического комплекса дисциплины "Иностранный язык" для военных специалистов.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | русский |
Дата добавления | 12.08.2020 |
Размер файла | 36,8 K |
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Черноморское высшее военно-морское училище имени П.С. Нахимова
Гуманитарно-педагогическая академия (филиал) КФУ им. В.И. Вернадского
Формирование иноязычной профессиональной коммуникативной компетентности в условиях военного вуза
Селезнева Н.Е.
Редькина Л.И.
гг. Севастополь, Ялта, Россия
Целью статьи является анализ существующих в современных научных исследованиях подходов к определению сути и содержания иноязычной профессиональной коммуникативной компетентности (ИПКК), выделение особенностей формирования ИПКК в высшем военном образовательном заведении и обосновании возможности актуализации опыта военно-учебных заведений Крыма и анализ результатов экспериментальной апробации авторского учебно-методического комплекса дисциплины «Иностранный язык», направленного на усиление профессиональной направленности обучения и самостоятельной работы обучающихся, для повышения качества иноязычного образования военных специалистов. Ключевые слова: иноязычная профессиональная коммуникативная компетентность, военный вуз.
Seleznyova N.Ye., Redkina L.I. Formation of foreign language professional communicative competence in a military higher educational establishment
Abstract. The purpose of the article is to analyze the existing approaches in modern scientific research to determine the essence and content of foreign language professional communicative competence (FLPCC), highlight the criteria and indicators of estimating the FLPCC formation level in higher military educational institutions and substantiate the possibility of updating the experience of military educational institutions in the Crimea, and analyze the results of experimental testing of the author's educational and methodological complex (EMC) of the discipline Foreign Language, aimed at facilitating the professional orientation of training and student self-study to improve the quality of foreign language education of military specialists. Keywords: foreign language professional communicative competence, military higher educational.
Currently, the military educational institutions of Crimea have a system of foreign language education, which is well provided with a legal framework, qualified personnel, material, technical and methodological supplies, but in the light of the modernization of Russian education, all its components need to be updated and improved, especially at the level of higher military educational establishments [10, P.142]. Among the most urgent tasks challenging the heads and teaching staff of military educational institutions are strengthening the professional orientation of training and foreign language education, encouraging the motivation of the cadets and trainees for learning a foreign language both in class and during self-study; the use of innovative tools, techniques and methods of training; achieving compliance of academic programs, syllabus and methodological materials with the requirements of education modernization and international standards for academic results. The implementation of positive experience of military educational institutions in Crimea at the end of the XX - beginning of the XXI century, including the introduction of updated educational methodological complexes of the discipline Foreign Language, aimed at improving the effectiveness of military specialists' foreign language training, can contribute to the solution of these tasks.
During the pedagogical experiment the application of the author's educational and methodical complex for the discipline “Foreign Language” (specialty 26.05.03 “Construction, repair and search and rescue support of surface ships and submarines”), developed in the context of modernization of foreign-language education in order to improve the effectiveness of foreign-language training of military specialists, was tested on the basis of the Black Sea Higher Naval School named after P.S. Nakhimov (BSHNS) (Sevastopol). The methodological complex included:
- the syllabus and thematic plan of the Foreign Language course for the specialty 26.05.03 “Construction, repair and search and rescue support of surface ships and submarines”, developed in the 2014-2015 academic year, revised in 2015-2017, in order to improve the professional orientation of foreign language education of cadets and meet the modern requirements of modernization of foreign language education of military specialists;
- printed textbook “English for divers”, published in 2017, intended for training 3-4 year cadets of military specialties “Special Purpose Underwater Work” and “Operation and Repair of Diving and Deep-Diving Vehicles” which encompasses narrowly specialized topics specified in the syllabus and thematic plan;
- electronic course-book “English for divers. Introduction” for 3-4 courses of the above mentioned specialty, released in 2019, created to facilitate the motivation and intensification of independent individual educational and cognitive activities of cadets in the professional sphere using a foreign (English) language; development of self-education skills and communicative reflection. The course-book was created with the SUNRAV program. It consists of 4 relevant to the curriculum modules and includes texts, speech and language exercises with the possibility of computer verification, videos, glossary, list of abbreviations, and additional specialized reading materials.
The pedagogical experiment was preceded by a theoretical study of the problems of determining the essence and content of the concept of foreign-language professional communicative competence and methods to assess and improve the effectiveness of its formation, which was widely covered in the dissertation works of such researchers as R.N. Abitov [2], A.M. Andrienko [3], O.A. Senichkina [11], A.V. Obskov [7], E.O. Petrova [8], L.T. Rudometova [9], O.V. Flerov [12], and others. The issues of the efficiency of implementing multimedia, computer-assisted learning, Internet resources and information technology to improve the process of forming foreign-language professional communicative competence have been under discussion of S.S. Mironceva [6], Kh.S. Abdulaieva [1], V.I. Volchkova [4], etc. which have also been considered during the research. As stated in the article by V.I. Volchkova, the use of information technology elements in classes helps to form the ability of students to work with various information, critical attitude towards it, develops logical thinking, provides information and emotional saturation of lessons, promotes interest of students to the subject, and activates their creative potential with the surrounding life [4].
Based on the study and generalization of research in the field of the content of foreign language professional communicative competence, the main components of FLPCC were identified: linguistic (the ability to apply and analyze the acquired knowledge of language and speech; to build grammatically, syntactically and stylistically correct oral and written speech in a foreign language), regulatory (the ability to independently carry out educational, cognitive and professional activities by means of a foreign language), intercultural (the ability to understand the socio-cultural characteristics of another nation through the study of its language) and communicative (the ability to carry out domestic and professional communication in 4 types of speech activity: speaking, listening, reading and writing) competence.
The pedagogical experiment included stating, forming and control stages. At the stating stage was carried out the initial diagnostics of the foreign language professional communicative competence formation level as a key performance indicator of achieving the goals of foreign language education was performed among the students of 3rd-4th courses of study of the faculty of coastal missile and artillery troops and special training (4 groups, 14 persons each). The experimental and control groups (2 groups of 28 cadets) were formed.
Based on the main components of the FLPCC, the main criteria, indicators and methods for assessing the levels of formation of the FLPCC were determined:
- performance-speech criterion (reflecting performance in professional communication knowledge and skills obtained in the training course); its indicators: the expansion of active vocabulary, fluency development, reducing the number of grammatical errors, an increase in linguistic and sociocultural knowledge in the field of professional activities; the assessment method is a comprehensive test used for mid-term assessment of cadets at the end of the academic year and developed on the basis of the STANAG test, used since the 1970s by NATO member countries and partners, reissued in 2010 to determine the level of foreign language proficiency of military specialists;
- motivation-activity criterion (evaluating the desire of students to independently improve the level of their foreign language training and FLPCC); indicators: awareness of the practical significance of mastering the foreign language and its improvement for a modern military specialist, increasing speech activity, intensification of the use of authentic foreign language materials in everyday, educational, research activities; evaluation method - a questionnaire on the methodology of diagnostics of the orientation of educational motivation developed by T.D. Dubovitskaya [5], which includes 20 statements and answer options (+, -) and the implementation of individual projects in the foreign language training.
Table 1
Results of assessing the FLPCC formation levels at the stating stage of the experiment, (in %)
experimental group |
control group |
criteria/ levels |
high |
medium |
low |
high |
medium |
low |
performance -speech |
14,28 |
39,27 |
57,12 |
10,71 |
35,71 |
53,55 |
motivation-activity |
7,14 |
32,13 |
60,69 |
7,14 |
35,71 |
57,12 |
At the forming stage, the author's EMC was implemented, which included a syllabus, a thematic plan, and a printed and electronic course-book “English for divers” developed for them, corresponding to the specifics of cadets' professional education for 3 and 4 courses of training.
At the control level the final assessment of students' FLPCC formation level (high, medium, low) was carried out via standard interim test on the performance-speech criterion, and by means of observation of speaking activity in the classroom, personal interest in self-study, participation in individual projects and research work with the use of a foreign language on the motivation-activity criterion.
Table 2
Dynamics of performance-speech criteria indicators, (in %)
experimental group |
control group |
levels |
stating stage |
control stage |
stating stage |
control stage |
high |
14,28 |
24,99 |
10,71 |
14,28 |
medium |
39,27 |
60,69 |
35,71 |
39,27 |
low |
57,12 |
14,28 |
53,55 |
46,41 |
Table 3
Dynamics of motivation-activity criteria indicators, (in %)
experimental group |
control group |
levels |
stating stage |
control stage |
stating stage |
control stage |
high |
7,14 |
24,99 |
7,14 |
10,71 |
medium |
32,13 |
42,84 |
35,71 |
28,56 |
low |
60,69 |
32,13 |
57,12 |
64,26 |
The data presented in tables 2 and 3 show that the teaching materials and methods used in the experimental group significantly increased the differences in the dynamics of increasing the level of FLPCC. Thus, the indicator of a high level of performance-speech criterion in the experimental group increased by 10.71%, and in the control group only by 3.57%; the average level - by 21.42% in the experimental group and by 3.56% in the control group.
As for the motivation-activity criterion, the percentage of high-level cadets in the experimental group increased by almost 18%, and in the control group - by 3%. The number of mid-level cadets increased by almost 10% in the experimental group and decreased by 7% in the control group. At the same time, interest in the study of cadets in the experimental group with a low level of motivation increased significantly (by 28.56%), and in the control group it decreased by 7.14%.
The analysis of the results of cross-sections in the experimental and control groups (table 2, 3) allowed us to summarize that the experimental group saw a constant increase in the number of cadets with high and average indicators of formation of FLPCC according to performance-speech and motivation-activity criteria to a much greater extent than in the control group.
The results of the current control, intermediate tests and work in the classroom showed significant improvements in the implementation of foreign language communication, expanding the active vocabulary, linguistic and socio-cultural knowledge in the field of professional activity of the majority of cadets in the experimental group, along with increased speech activity, interest in learning and using a foreign language not only in the classroom, but also in self-study, in the process of preparing presentations for the meetings of the scientific society of cadets, participating in international competitions “Depth”, held in Sevastopol in 2018-2019.
иноязычный коммуникативный военный специалист
Thus, the results of the pedagogical experiment prove the effectiveness of implementation in the learning process of proven teaching materials because it shows a significant increase in the level of formation of foreign language professional communicative competence of students, which confirms the importance of modernization of all components of foreign language education and updating the Sevastopol Black Sea Higher Naval School named after P.S. Nakhimov experience in the sphere of improvement of content, methods and means of foreign language education to improve the quality of foreign language training of military specialists.
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дипломная работа [140,0 K], добавлен 11.04.2012Раскрытие особенностей формирования коммуникативной компетентности педагога дошкольного учреждения в условиях введения федерального государственного образовательного стандарта. Разработка программы формирования коммуникативной компетентности воспитателя.
дипломная работа [209,4 K], добавлен 07.10.2015Формирование понятийного аппарата компетентностного подхода в образовании в исследованиях российских и зарубежных ученых. Конструирование внутрикорпоративной образовательной программы повышения информационно-коммуникативной компетентности педагогов.
дипломная работа [1,8 M], добавлен 31.03.2018Сельский социум как среда формирования коммуникативной компетентности учащихся экспериментального и контрольного классов. Разработка уроков и внеурочных мероприятий, проведение тестирования. Обновление содержания учебно-воспитательной работы в школе.
дипломная работа [123,4 K], добавлен 28.01.2014Педагогическая риторика как область знаний о закономерностях создания и условиях эффективности профессиональной публичной речи педагога, предмет и особенности ее изучения. Особенности педагогического общения. Взаимосвязь с другими видами красноречия.
реферат [26,9 K], добавлен 14.09.2014Сущность и структурные компоненты коммуникативной компетентности. Особенности общения ребенка со сверстниками. Разработка комплексной системы занятий с использованием дидактических игр и упражнений для развития коммуникативной компетенции у дошкольников.
курсовая работа [102,8 K], добавлен 21.01.2012Понятие и содержание коммуникативной компетентности, принципы и направления ее развития у младших школьников. Диагностика коммуникативных умений, организация эксперимента по их формированию, используемые средства и приемы, оценка полученных результатов.
курсовая работа [58,3 K], добавлен 05.12.2013Анализ требований к развитию профессиональной компетентности педагога дошкольного образовательного учреждения. Взаимодействие педагогов с родителями воспитанников. Выделение критериев и показателей профессиональной компетентности в работе с родителями.
статья [20,5 K], добавлен 04.11.2015Межкультурное обучение: проблема целей и содержание обучения иностранным языкам. Цель и содержание лингвострановедческих знаний как аспекта иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции. Специфика и анализ обучения межкультурной коммуникации в средней школе.
курсовая работа [63,0 K], добавлен 31.07.2009Подходы к определению понятия "коммуникативная компетенция". Учебный диалог как средство формирования коммуникативной компетенции подростков. Анализ формирования коммуникативной компетенции подростков в системе начального профессионального образования.
курсовая работа [41,7 K], добавлен 10.07.2015Общее понятие и принципы учебно-методического комплекса. Построение структуры учебных модулей (выделение учебных элементов). Структура учебно-методического комплекса дисциплины. Требования к структурным элементам учебно-методического комплекса дисциплины.
курсовая работа [44,5 K], добавлен 05.04.2012Современное понимание раннего детского аутизма. Особенности формирования коммуникативной деятельности при нормальном и нарушенном развитии. Формирование навыков коммуникативной компетентности у дошкольников с ранним детским аутизмом средствами музыки.
дипломная работа [587,1 K], добавлен 05.07.2014