Академическое самоубийство: сценарии отсева в российской аспирантуре

Комплексное использование подхода Э. Дюркгейма, демонстрируя возможности применения всей типологии для анализа сценариев отсева из аспирантуры. Критика модели В. Тинто. Изучение связи трудовой занятости аспирантов с процессом и результатами обучения.

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Студенты, аспиранты, молодые ученые, использующие базу знаний в своей учебе и работе, будут вам очень благодарны.

2. Бекова С. К., Джафарова З. И. (2019) Кому в аспирантуре жить хорошо: связь трудовой занятости аспирантов с процессом и результатами обучения // Вопросы образования/Educational Studies Moscow. № 1. С. 87-108. DOI:10.17323/1814-9545-2019-1-87-108.

3. Бекова С. К., Груздев И. А., Джафарова З. И., Малошонок Н. Г., Терентьев Е. А. (2017) Портрет современного российского аспиранта // Современная аналитика образования. Вып. 7 (15). М.: НИУ ВШЭ.

4. Демина Н. В. (2005) Институционализация в сообществе ученых: защита кандидатской диссертации как обряд перехода // Журнал социологии и социальной антропологии. Т. VIII. № 1. С. 97-112.

5. Дюркгейм Э. (1994) Самоубийство: Социологический этюд. М.: Мысль.

6. Малошонок Н.Г. (2019) «Студент» или «молодой ученый»: мнения научных руководителей о предпочтительной модели аспирантской подготовки в российских университетах // Мониторинг общественного мнения: Экономические и социальные перемены. № 4. С. 278-303.

7. Терентьев Е. А., Бекова С. К., Малошонок Н. Г. (2018) Кризис российской аспирантуры: источники проблем и возможности их преодоления // Университетское управление: практика и анализ. № 22. С. 54-66.

8. Acevedo G. A. (2005) Turning Anomie on Its Head: Fatalism as Durkheim's Concealed and Multidimensional Alienation Theory // Sociological Theory. Vol. 23. No 1. P. 75-85.

9. Alexander J. C., Smith P. (2005) The Cambridge Companion to Durkheim. Cambridge: Cambridge University.

10. Ali A., Kohun F. (2006) Dealing with Isolation Feelings at IS Doctoral Programs // International Journal of Doctoral Studies. Vol. 1. P. 21-33.

11. Ampaw F. D., Jaeger A. J. (2012) Completing the Three Stages of Doctoral Education: An Event History Analysis // Research in Higher Education. Vol. 53. No 6. P. 640-660.

12. Auriol L. (2010) Careers of Doctorate Holders: Employment and Mobility Patterns. OECD Science, Technology and Industry Working Papers, 2010/04. Paris: OECD.

13. Bair C. R., Haworth J. G. (2004) Doctoral Student Attrition and Persistence: A Meta-Synthesis of Research // C. Smart (ed.) Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. P. 481-534.

14. Bekova S. (2019) Does Employment during Doctoral Training Reduce the PhD Completion Rate? // Studies in Higher Education.

15. Braxton J. M., Milem J. F., Sullivan A. S. (2000) The Influence of Active Learning on the College Student Departure Process: Toward a Revision of Tinto's Theory // Journal of Higher Education. Vol. 71. No 5. P. 569-615.

16. Brunsden V., Davies M., Shevlin M., Bracken M. (2000) Why Do HE Students Drop out? A Test of Tinto's Model // Journal of Further and Higher Education. Vol. 24. No 3. P. 301-310.

17. Council of Graduate Schools (2008) Ph. D. Completion and Attrition: Analysis of Baseline Demographic Data from the Ph. D. Completion Project. Washington, DC.

18. Cyranoski D., Gilbert N., Ledford H., Nayar A., Yahia M. (2011) The PhD Factory // Nature. No 472 (7343). P. 276-279.

19. Godor B. P. (2017) Academic Fatalism: Applying Durkheim's Fatalistic Suicide Typology to Student Drop-Out and the Climate of Higher Education // Interchange. Vol. 48. No 3. P. 257-269.

20. Golde C. M. (2005) The Role of the Department and Discipline in Doctoral Student Attrition: Lessons from Four Departments // The Journal of Higher Education. Vol. 76. No 6. P. 669-700.

21. Gruzdev I., Terentev E., Dzhafarova Z. (2019) Superhero or Hands-Off Supervisor? An Empirical Categorization of PhD Supervision Styles and Student Satisfaction in Russian Universities // Higher Education. Vol. 77. No 2. P. 195-211.

22. Leonard D., Becker R., Coate K. (2005) To Prove Myself at the Highest Level: The Benefits of Doctoral Study // Higher Education Research & Development. Vol. 24. No 2. P. 135-149.

23. Litalien D., Guay F. (2015) Dropout Intentions in PhD Studies: A Comprehensive Model Based on Interpersonal Relationships and Motivational Resources // Contemporary Educational Psychology. No 41. P. 218-231.

24. Liu R. (2002) A Methodological Critique of Tinto's Student Retention Theory. Paper Presented at the 42nd Annual Forum for the Association for Institutional Research, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, June 2-5, 2002.

25. Lovitts B. E. (2001) Leaving the Ivory Tower: The Causes and Consequences of Departure from Doctoral Study. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.

26. McCormack C. (2005) Is Non-Completion a Failure or a New Beginning? Research Non-Completion from a Student's Perspective // Higher Education Research & Development. Vol. 24. No 3. P. 233-247.

27. McCubbin I. (2003) An Examination of Criticisms Made of Tinto's 1975 Student Integration Model of Attrition. https://bit.ly/378dDF8

28. McKeown B., Macdonell A., Bowman C. (1993) The Point of View of the Student in Attrition Research // Canadian Journal of Higher Education. Vol. 23. No 2. P. 65-85.

29. Metz G. (2002) Challenges and Changes to Tinto's Persistence Theory. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Mid-Western Educational Research Association, Columbus, OH, October 16-19, 2002.

30. MLA Office of Research (2016) Report on the Survey of Earned Doctorates, 2012-2013.

31. Nora A., Cabrera F. (1993) The Construct Validity of Institutional Commitment: A Confirmatory Factor Analysis // Research in Higher Education. Vol. 34. No 2. P. 243-262.

32. OECD (2014) Who Are the Doctorate Holders and Where Do Their Qualifications Lead Them? Education Indicators in Focus No 25.

33. Spady W. G. (1970) Dropouts from Higher Education: An Interdisciplinary Review and Synthesis // Interchange. Vol. 1. P. 64-85.

34. Tierney W. G. (1992) An Anthropological Analysis of Student Participation in College // Journal of Higher Education. Vol. 63. No 6. P. 603-618.

35. Tinto V. (1975) Dropout from Higher Education: A Theoretical Synthesis of Recent Research // Review of Educational Research. Vol. 45. No 1. P. 89-125.

36. Tinto V. (1987) Leaving College: Rethinking the Causes and Cures of Student Attrition. Chicago: The University of Chicago.

Tinto V. (1993) Leaving College: Rethinking the Causes and Cures of Student Attrition. 2nd ed. Chicago: The University of Chicago.

37. Acevedo G. A. (2005) Turning Anomie on Its Head: Fatalism as Durkheim's Concealed and Multidimensional Alienation Theory. Sociological Theory, vol. 23, no 1, pp. 75-85.

38. Alexander J. C., Smith P. (2005) The Cambridge Companion to Durkheim. Cambridge: Cambridge University.

39. Ali A., Kohun F. (2006) Dealing with Isolation Feelings at IS Doctoral Programs.

40. International Journal of Doctoral Studies, vol. 1, pp. 21-33.

41. Ampaw F. D., Jaeger A. J. (2012) Completing the Three Stages of Doctoral Education: An Event History Analysis. Research in Higher Education, vol. 53, no 6, pp. 640-660.

42. Auriol L. (2010) Careers of Doctorate Holders: Employment and Mobility Patterns. OECD Science, Technology and Industry Working Papers, 2010/04. Paris: OECD.

43. Bair C. R., Haworth J. G. (2004) Doctoral Student Attrition and Persistence: A Meta-Synthesis of Research. Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research (ed. C. Smart), Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 481534.

44. Bednyi B., Mironos A., Rybakov N. (2019) Kak rossiyskaya aspirantura vypol- nyaet svoyu glavnuyu missiyu: naukometricheskie otsenki [How Russian Doctoral Education Fulfills Its Main Mission: Scientometric Assessments]. Vysshee obrazovanie v Rossii/Higher Education in Russia, vol. 28, no 10, pp. 9-24.

45. Bekova S. (2019) Does Employment during Doctoral Training Reduce the PhD Completion Rate? Studies in Higher Education. Published Online: 10 Oct. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1080/03075079.2019.1672648 (accessed 10 April 2020).

46. Bekova S., Dzhafarova Z. (2019) Komu v aspiranture zhit khorosho: svyaz tru- dovoy zanyatosti aspirantov s protsessom i rezultatami obucheniya [Who is Happy at Doctoral Programs: The Connection between Employment and

47. Learning Outcomes of PhD Students]. Voprosy obrazovaniya/Educational Studies Moscow, no 1, pp. 87-108. DOI:10.17323/1814-9545-2019-1-87-108.

48. Bekova S., Gruzdev I., Dzhafarova Z., Maloshonok N., Terentev E. (2017) Portret sovremennogo rossiyskogo aspiranta [Portrait of a Modern Russian Doctoral Candidate]. Sovremennaya Analitika Obrazovaniya, iss. 7(15), Moscow: National Research University Higher School of Economics.

49. Braxton J. M., Milem J. F., Sullivan A. S. (2000) The Influence of Active Learning on the College Student Departure Process: Toward a Revision of Tinto's Theory. Journal of Higher Education, vol. 71, no 5, pp. 569-615.

50. Brunsden V., Davies M., Shevlin M., Bracken M. (2000) Why Do HE Students Drop out? A Test of Tinto's Model. Journal of Further and Higher Education, vol. 24, no 3, pp. 301-310.

51. Council of Graduate Schools (2008) Ph. D. Completion and Attrition: Analysis of Baseline Demographic Data from the Ph. D. Completion Project. Washington, DC.

52. Cyranoski D., Gilbert N., Ledford H., Nayar A., Yahia M. (2011) The PhD Factory. Nature, no 472 (7343), pp. 276-279.

53. Demina N. (2005) Institutsionalizatsiya v soobshchestve uchenykh: zashchita kandidatskoy dissertatsii kak obryad perekhoda [Defending the Ph. D. Thesis: The Rites of Institution in the Academic Community]. The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology, vol. VIII, no 1, pp. 97-112.

54. Durkheim Й. (1994) Samoubiystvo: Sotsiologicheskiy etyud [Suicide: A Study in Sociology]. Moscow: Mysl.

55. Godor B. P. (2017) Academic Fatalism: Applying Durkheim's Fatalistic Suicide Typology to Student Drop-Out and the Climate of Higher Education. Interchange, vol. 48, no 3, pp. 257-269.

56. Golde C. M. (2005) The Role of the Department and Discipline in Doctoral Student Attrition: Lessons from Four Departments. The Journal of Higher Education, vol. 76, no 6, pp. 669-700.

57. Gruzdev I., Terentev E., Dzhafarova Z. (2019) Superhero or Hands-Off Supervisor? An Empirical Categorization of PhD Supervision Styles and Student Satisfaction in Russian Universities. Higher Education, vol. 77, no 2, pp. 195-211.

58. Leonard D., Becker R., Coate K. (2005) To Prove Myself at the Highest Level: The Benefits of Doctoral Study. Higher Education Research & Development, vol. 24, no 2, pp. 135-149.

59. Litalien D., Guay F. (2015) Dropout Intentions in PhD Studies: A Comprehensive Model Based on Interpersonal Relationships and Motivational Resources. Contemporary Educational Psychology, no 41, pp. 218-231.

60. Liu R. (2002) A Methodological Critique of Tinto's Student Retention Theory. Paper Presented at the 42nd Annual Forum for the Association for Institutional Research, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, June 2-5, 2002.

61. Lovitts B. E. (2001) Leaving the Ivory Tower: The Causes and Consequences of Departure from Doctoral Study. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.

62. Maloshonok N. (2019) “Student” ili “molodoy ucheny”: mneniya nauchnykh rukvoditeley o predpochtitelnoy modeli aspirantskoy podgotovki v rossiyskikh universitetakh [“Student” or “Young Researcher”: Opinions of Academic Supervisors on a Desired Model of Russian Postgraduate Training. Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes, no 4, pp. 278-303.

63. McCormack C. (2005) Is Non-Completion a Failure or a New Beginning? Research Non-Completion from a Student's Perspective. Higher Education Research & Development, vol. 24, no 3, pp. 233-247.

64. McCubbin I. (2003) An Examination of Criticisms Made of Tinto's 1975 Student Integration Model of Attrition.

65. McKeown B., Macdonell A., Bowman C. (1993) The Point of View of the Student in Attrition Research. Canadian Journal of Higher Education, vol. 23, no 2, pp. 65-85.

66. Metz G. (2002) Challenges and Changes to Tinto's Persistence Theory. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Mid-Western Educational Research Association, Columbus, OH, October 16-19, 2002.

67. MLA Office of Research (2016) Report on the Survey of Earned Doctorates, 2012-2013.

68. Nora A., Cabrera F. (1993) The Construct Validity of Institutional Commitment: A Confirmatory Factor Analysis. Research in Higher Education, vol. 34, no 2, pp. 243-262.

69. OECD (2014) Who Are the Doctorate Holders and Where Do Their Qualifications Lead Them? Education Indicators in Focus, No 25.

70. Spady W. G. (1970) Dropouts from Higher Education: An Interdisciplinary Review and Synthesis. Interchange, vol. 1, pp. 64-85.

71. Terentiev E., Bekova S., Maloshonok N. (2018) Krizis rossiyskoy aspirantury: istochniki problem i vozmozhnosti ikh preodoleniya [The Crisis of Postgraduate Studies in Russia: What Bears Problems and How to Overcome Them]. Universitetskoe upravlenie: praktika I analiz/University Management: Practice and Analysis, no 22, pp. 54-66.

72. Tierney W. G. (1992) An Anthropological Analysis of Student Participation in College. Journal of Higher Education, vol. 63, no 6, pp. 603-618.

73. Tinto V. (1975) Dropout from Higher Education: A Theoretical Synthesis of Recent Research. Review of Educational Research, vol. 45, no 1, pp. 89-125.

74. Tinto V. (1987) Leaving College: Rethinking the Causes and Cures of Student Attrition. Chicago: The University of Chicago.

75. Tinto V. (1993) Leaving College: Rethinking the Causes and Cures of Student Attrition. 2nd ed. Chicago: The University of Chicago.

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