Regulatory-legal provisions in the context of non-formal education in the european countries
Legislation on non-formal education. Laws and regulations governing the procedure and conditions for exercising the rights of adult members of society to education throughout life. Analysis of the legal regulation of non-formal educational activities.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 08.09.2020 |
Размер файла | 30,3 K |
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Regulatory-legal provisions in the context of non-formal education in the european countries
Kravchenko Tetiana Mykolaivna,
senior lecturer, Mukachevo State University
Global changes that led to the acceleration of social development and increase in life expectancy, radically changed the requirements for education. The global crisis in the field offormal education has necessitated the improvement of educational policy in the context of continuity. The problem of adult development is identified as a priority issue in the international educational environment. The formation of the European educational policy was carried out within the framework of the Maastricht Agreement, signed on February 7, 1992 in the Netherlands, which came into force on November 1, 1993, when the European Union (EU, European Union, European Commonwealth) was created. The purpose of the article is to analyze the normative and legal framework for non-formal educational activities in the context of continuing education in European countries. Continuous education is a process ofpersonal, social and professional development ofa person during his/her life, which is being implemented in order to improve the quality of life of both an individual and society as a whole.The theoretical analysis of works by Ukrainian andforeign scientists has been carried out. Three types of educational activities have been identified. Legislative documents on formal and non-formal education of countries-members of European Union and documents of international organizations have been highlited. Progressive ideas of this social and cultural phenomenon ofworld- level have been reflected in the documents of international organizations The legislation on adult education is a set of laws that determine the procedure and conditions for the realization of the rights of adult members of society to education during life. The results of theoretical analysis of the legislative regulation of non-formal educational activities in the countries of the European Union has shown that in the vast majority of EU countries there is no clearly defined structure of non-formal education.
Key words: non-formal education, informal education, adult education, types of educational activities, regulatory support.
Глобальные изменения, которые привели к ускорению общественного развития и увеличению продолжительности жизни, кардинально изменили требования к образованию. Мировой кризис в сфере формального образования обусловил необходимость совершенствования образовательной политики в контексте непрерывности. Законодательство об образовании взрослых - это совокупность законов, определяющих порядок и условия реализации прав взрослых членов общества на образование в течение жизни. Теоретический анализ законодательного регулирования неформальной образовательной деятельности в странах Европейского Союза показывает, что в подавляющем большинстве стран ЕС нет четко определенной структуры неформального образования.
Ключевые слова: неформальное образование, информальное образование, образование взрослых, виды образовательной деятельности, нормативно-правовое обеспечение.
Глобальні зміни, що призвели до прискорення соціального розвитку та збільшення тривалості життя, кардинально змінили вимоги до освіти. У1967р на міжнародній конференції в Уільямсберг (США) були висловлені ідеї, які далі лягли в основу широко відомого аналізу зростаючої «світової кризи в сфері освіти». Світова криза у сфері формальної освіти зумовила необхідність удосконалення освітньої політики в контексті безперервності. Неперервна освіта - це процес особистісного, соціального та професійного розвитку людини впродовж її життя, що реалізується з метою покращення якості життя як окремого індивіда, так і суспільства загалом. Проблема розвитку дорослих визначена як пріоритетна у міжнародному освітньому середовищі. Формування європейської освітньої політики здійснювалося в рамках Маастрихтської угоди, підписаної 7 лютого 1992року в Нідерландах, яка набула чинності 1 листопада 1993 року, коли Європейський Союз (ЄС, Європейський Союз, Європейська Співдружність) було створено. Метою статті є аналіз нормативно- правової бази неформальної освітньої діяльності в контексті безперервної освіти в європейських країнах. В статті подано визначення трьох видів освітньої діяльності, представлені законодавчі документи щодо формальної та неформальної освіти країн-членів Європейського Союзу та документи міжнародних організацій, в яких знайшли своє відображення прогресивні ідеї цього соціально- культурного явища світового рівня. Законодавство про освіту дорослих.Результати теоретичного аналізу законодавчого регулювання неформальної освітньої діяльності в країнах Європейського Союзу показали, що в переважній більшості країн ЄС немає чітко визначеної структури неформальної освіти.
Ключові слова: неформальна освіта, неформальна освіта, освіта дорослих, види освітньої діяльності, нормативне забезпечення, країни Європейського Союзу.
At the end of the XX - beginning of the XXI century. there have been changes that have led to a global acceleration of social development and an increase in life expectancy. Education requirements have changed dramatically.
In 1967, at the international conference in Williamsburg (USA), ideas were expressed that further became the basis of the well- known analysis of the growing "global crisis in education". The participants of the conference expressed concern about unsuitable programs; it was realized that educational and economic growth do not necessarily keep pace, and many countries face difficulties in financing formal education. The conference concluded that official educational systems are adapting too slowly to social and economic changes, their development is hampered not only by their own conservatism but also by the inertia of their communities.
This led to the need to improve educational policy in the context of continuity
In the 80's and 90's of the twentieth century, the contrast between more and less academic systems of formal and informal education was particularly striking in foreign educational systems. The first is largely due to the system-oriented nature of learning, when students are passive recipients of knowledge, skills and relationships, transmitted by the system of education through the teacher and reproduced on demand. The second system is aimed, first of all, at personally oriented learning, and it creates unique knowledge, which is constructed on the basis of their own experience.
The importance of studying non-formal education is obvious and, nevertheless, for example, in the national scientific literature there are only some publications in comparison with foreign ones.
Analysis of recent research and publications. Important for the study are the works of Ukrainian scientists regarding the types of educational activities (formal, non-formal, informal). In particular, the problems of the development of adult non-formal education have been highlighted in the works of national scholars, namely: approaches to the recognition of the results of non-formal and informational education of adults in Scandinavian countries (O. Ogienko); non-formal adult education in EU countries (A. Goncharuk); non-formal adult education in the educational circles of Sweden (V. Davydova). Modern trends in the development of non-formal education for future teachers in Germany have become the subject of study by O. Shapochkina.
The purpose of the article is to analyze the normative and legal framework for non-formal educational activities in the context of continuing education in European countries.
The presentation of the main material. The formation of the European educational policy was carried out within the framework of the Maastricht Agreement, signed on February 7, 1992 in the Netherlands, which came into force on November 1, 1993, when the European Union (EU, European Union, European Commonwealth) was created - an association of European countries, which, through the creation of the common market, the economic and monetary union, as well as through the creation of a common market, economic and monetary union, as well as through the implementation of common policies and activities aimed at ensuring continuous economic growth, social development and cohesion of the participating countries. [10]
The "Memorandum of Continuing Education of the European Union" (Lisbon, March 2000) identifies three types of educational activities: formal education, the result of which is obtaining a recognized diploma or certificate; non-formal education, which, as a rule, does not provide for obtaining a document, is carried out in educational institutions or public organizations, clubs, clubs, as well as during individual lessons with a tutor or coach; Informal learning is an individual cognitive activity that accompanies everyday life and is not necessarily focused. The continuum of continuing education makes non-formal education and informal learning equal participants in the learning process [10].
Many European Union documents say that educational systems must adapt to the new realities of the twenty-first century, and "continuing education should be the main political program of civil society, social cohesion and employment" [12]. Continuous education is a process of personal, social and professional development of a person during his/her life, which is being implemented in order to improve the quality of life of both an individual and society as a whole.
The Council of Europe has always contributed to the recognition of non-formal education. It is worth mentioning the recommendation of 2003 on the promotion and recognition of non-formal education of young people. This document recommends the creation of a European portfolio for out-of-school youth leaders and youth workers. Other important activities worth mentioning are the Symposium on non-formal education (Strasbourg, 13-15 October 2000) and the joint conference of the Council of Europe and the SALTO Resource Center “Bridges for Recognition” (Leivin, 19-23 January 2005). and the development of a European portfolio for youth leaders and youth workers with non-formal education (2007) and others.
Progressive ideas of this social and cultural phenomenon of world- level have been reflected in the documents of international organizations. Thus, the declaration of the Hamburg World Conference of UNESCO (1997) states that "adult education is the key to the 21st century." The problem of adult development is identified as a priority issue in the international educational environment. Its special significance was emphasized during the meetings of the G8 (Cologne Charter, Cologne, 1999, "Education in a Changing World" (Final Document of the Meeting of the Ministers of Education of the G8, Tokyo, 2000). The Muscat Agreement was adopted on The Global Meeting, in accordance with the Education for All Program (2014), has substantially influenced the education goals proposed by the Open-ended Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals. Incheon Declaration "Education - 2030 (2015): Ensuring inclusive and just qualitative education and life-long learning" is devoted to the elaboration of a new concept, the main idea of which was to transform people's lives through education, to recognize the important role of education as a leading driving force in achieving other goals of sustainable development. [1]
Austria carries out systematic work in the field of adult education. The National Law on the Promotion of Adult Education (Erwachsenenbildungs - Fцrderungsgesetz), which regulates the financing of adult education and public libraries, came into force on March 21, 1973. Amendments to the Law were introduced in 1990 and 2003. The document describes the areas of adult education, types of institutions, methods of their accreditation, principles and source of financing, forms of control and inspection of adult education institutions. [3]. The "Act on Incentive Events" aims to support adult education. It contains provisions for maintenance and management of the federal adult education promotion center (Fцrderungsstellen des Bundes fьr Erwachsenenbildung) within individual provinces. [4]. The state is engaged in the Additional education of adults in the country. Most of the institutions providing such education are financed by the state.
The issues of adult education development, acquisition of additional skills and increased competitiveness have always been in the eyes of the British authorities. Continuing education is intended to ensure a stable economic future and complete self-realization of an individual. Adult education is considered as the final link in the system of continuing education and covers all forms of educational impact on an adult.
However, in the current legislation, adult education is not provided by separate laws
The Law "On Education" (1944) provided for the creation of a unified national education system. And such laws as the Education Reform Act (1988), the Law on Further and Higher Education Act (1992), the Law "On Education and Professional Skills" (Learning and Skills Act) (2000) became the basis of a modern model of adult education. [6,7,8]
In 1997, the Hamburg Conference (CONFINTEA V, Germany) was held under the slogan "Education of Adults as a Right, Means, Joy and Joint Responsibility". It also contributed to the synthesis of policy documents that formed the political foundation for adult education in the UK.
Greece has sufficiently extensive legislation on adult education. The first law 3369/2005 (Systematisation of Lifelong Learning and Other Regulations) has regulated all measures of continuing education in the country. This document identified continuing education as a necessary human activity throughout life. The law envisaged the creation of a National Committee for Lifelong Learning, which aims to identify educational needs for vocational training as well as the coordination and assessment of the quality of the activities of continuing education and training institutions. [9]
Law 3879/2010 “Developing Lifetime Learning” (2010) establishes the legal basis for the state qualifications framework (Hellenic Qualifications Framework (HQF). Law 4115/2013 "Organization and Activity of the Institute for Youth and Continuing Education and the National Organization for the Certification of Qualifications and Professional Orientation and Other Provisions" raised the issue of knowledge and skills acquired through non-formal and informal education and the mechanisms for their recognition.
Since 1997, the Principality of Liechtenstein has been implementing the Law "On the Promotion of Adult Education". State sponsorship of adult education was begun in 1979 as a result of the entry into force of the relevant legislation (LGB1.1979 No. 45). The Foundation for Adult Education Liechtenstein promotes and coordinates adult education in the country, as well as controls the use of budget funds. [13, 14]
There is no separate law on the education of adults in Spain. Various aspects of this area are dealt with in a number of laws. Thus, the goal of the General Education Act (Ley General de Educacion) 1970 - the acquisition of basic, vocational and continuing education [32] In the 1990 Law on the general structure of the education system (Ley de Ordenaciфn General del Sistema Educativo), the term "adult education" was used for the first time. The Law introduces a new concept of adult education - continuity is enshrined as the guiding principle of the entire education system. The legal framework for the functioning of adult education in Poland is defined by the following laws: the Law on the system of education, the Law on Higher Education, the Law on Higher Professional Schools, the Law on the Promotion of Employment and Labor Market Establishment, and the Labor Code. [15,16,17,18 ]
Among the countries of the world, Norway in 1976 was the first to adopt the Law on Adult Education. The modern foundation of Norwegian adult education policy is three normative acts: the Law on Adult Education, the Law on Education, the Labor Law. [19,20,21]. Since the 1960s, Sweden has a high ranking among Western countries in recognizing the role of adult education. But there is no separate law on the education of adults in Sweden.
Adult informal education is provided by 9 educational associations (bildningforbund) and 148 folkschools (folkhogskola). Each educational association consists of a number of subdivisions (local departments and offices), which directly deal with the organization of cognitive activity of adults in study circles (studiecirkeln), conduct various cultural programs and other activities in the field of adult non-formal education. People's higher schools offer long-term courses (for incomplete or complete secondary education) or short-term training courses, as well as organize various cultural events. Folkbilding is funded by the state, regional and local authorities. [11]
The uniqueness of Swedish non-foimal adult education is that almost three-quarters of the population in this country is engaged in continuous cognitive activity, which is being implemented in adult studios (studiecirklar) in study colleges (studieforbund) and folkhogsskola and based on volunteering and accessibility, providing conditions for lifelong learning. [23]
The adult education system in the Kingdom of Denmark is a fairly extensive network of private, public, municipal and state organizations, institutions offering a wide range of formal and non-formal, professional and non-professional education programs. Denmark does not have a single adult education law. In modern Denmark, formal as well as nonformal adult education is based on various laws. [24, 25] The Law on the Education of Workers (Law No. 237, 1985) is one of the first laws that began to regulate the education of adults in the country. The goal is to enable low-educated workers to support, develop and improve their skills in accordance with technological progress and labor market requirements.
The Law on Education for Adult Immigrants (Act No. 355, 1986) obliged local authorities to provide education to all immigrants in Denmark older than 18. The law contributed to creating the conditions for people who for some reason got into the country, provided the opportunity to acquire elementary knowledge of Danish, in order to increase the chances of finding a job or continuing education. [11] In general, the main legislative acts of the adult education system are: Law and Decree on professional adult education (1998); The Law on Informal Education ofAdults (came into force in 1998 and updated in 2010-2011) and others. [26,27]
There is a separate Law on the Education of Adults in Hungary (CI Act, 2001). It regulates the provision of adult education services, funding, and controls the relevant activities. [28] The issues that are not regulated by the Adult Education Act are governed by the Vocational Education Act (LXXVI1, 2011) and others. [29] On July 1, 2013, a new Law on Adult Education came into force, which regulates: the procedure and requirements for the continuation of adult education; procedural rules for the registration, management, control and licensing of institutions providing adult education; the professional growth tracking system, the procedure for submitting data, as well as the rules concerning the tasks of the body responsible for the functioning of the professional growth system; training aimed at acquiring digital literacy; rules of normative support for adult education. [30] In 1968, Grenel's agreements were concluded. The main objectives of these agreements were: to meet the needs of enterprises in skilled labor, satisfaction of personal aspirations for individual development; overcoming inequalities in education.
Adult education in Germany can be divided into continuing vocational education (berufliche Weiterbildung) and adult education (allgemeine Erwachsenenbildung). The main function of continuing education is vocational training and retraining of citizens in order to provide the labor market with highly skilled specialists. While "general education" is usually used as a broad concept for adult political and cultural education. [11] At the federal level there are no laws adopted specifically for the regulation of adult education issues and virtually no special provisions on the education of adults. At the federal level, there are laws regulating support for activities of professional and academic education of adults, the implementation of research programs and the testing of new approaches. For example, the main federal regulations on adult education are highlighted in the Law on the Promotion of Education (Bundesausbildungsfьrderungsgesetz, 1971, amended in 2010), "On the Promotion of Labor" (Arbeitsforderungsgesetz, 1969, amended in 1996), "On Higher Education" (Hochschulramengesetz, 1999), "On Part-time Education" (Fernuntenichtsschutzgesetz, 2000), "On Professional Education" (Berufsbildungsgesetz, 2005), "On Promotion of Vocational Education" (BemfsbildungsfQrdemngsgesetz, 1994 with amendments in 2003). [33-39]
regulations governing education
The legislation on adult education is a collection of laws issued by the supreme body of state power, as well as by laws, defining the procedure and conditions for realizing the rights of adult members of society to education throughout their lives. The theoretical analysis of the legislative regulation of non-formal educational activities in the countries of the European Union shows that in the vast majority of EU countries there is no clearly defined structure of non-formal education.
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