Formation of professional competence of future economists

Development of fundamentally approaches in vocational education. Formation of professional competencies among modern students of economics in an educational institution. Integration of pedagogical, economic-entrepreneurial knowledge, skills, abilities.

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Дата добавления 08.09.2020
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Formation of professional competence of future economists

Liba Oksana Mykolaivna, candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,

Associate Professor of the Department of

Theory and Methodology of Primary

Education, Liba Nataliia Stepanivna,

candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

of the Department of Accounting, Taxation and Marketing,

Konchovych Kateryna Tyberiivna, candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,

Senior Lecturer of the Department of English Philology and Methods of

Foreign Languages Teaching, Mukachevo State University


The formation of professional competences of modern economists requires from the educational institution, from the teachers fundamentally new approaches in professional education: the integration of pedagogical, economic and entrepreneurial knowledge, skills and abilities. The aim of the study is to analyze modern approaches to the formulation of the concept of «competence», to find out the components of professional competence for the preparation of future economists. General scientific methods of research have been applied: induction and deduction, refinement and classification. The modern approaches to the formulation of the concept of «competence» have been analyzed in the article. Historical and terminological analysis of its essence made it possible to find out the components, the structure of professional competence. Special attention has been paid to the content of key and substantive competence. The formation of professional competence of economists must be carried out taking into account the modern requirements in the field of education, educational programs of the specialty. Thus, a highly skilled economist one can become due to a high motivational indicator, confidence in the correct selection of the future kind of activity, the desire to acquire as much information professional material and its transformation into knowledge, which will lead to professionalism in the process of the vocational practice. In the subsequent research, we will substantiate the process of forming the competitiveness of future economists.

Key words: competence, competency approach, professional competence, economist, educational process.


Ліба Оксана Миколаївна, Ліба Наталія Степанівна, Кончович Катерина Тиберіївна. ФОРМУВАННЯ ПРОФЕСІЙНОЇ КОМПЕТЕНТНОСТІ МАЙБУТНІХ ЕКОНОМІСТІВ

Формування професійних компетентностей у сучасних студентів-економістів вимагає від навчального закладу, від педагогів принципово нових підходів у професійній освіті: інтеграції педагогічних та економіко-підприємницьких знань, умінь і навичок. Метою дослідження є проаналізувати сучасні підходи до формулювання поняття «компетентність», з'ясувати складові фахової компетентності для підготовки майбутніх економістів. Застосовано загальнонаукові методи дослідження: індукції та дедукції, уточнення та класифікації. У статті проаналізовано сучасні підходи до формулювання поняття «компетентність». Історико- термінологічний аналіз його сутності дав можливість з'ясувати складові, структуру фахової компетентності. Особлива увага акцентується на змісті ключових та предметних компетентностях. Формування професійної компетентності економістів необхідно здійснювати з урахуванням сучасних вимог в галузі освіти, освітніх програм спеціальності. Таким чином, висококваліфікованим фахівцем економістом можна стати завдяки високому мотиваційному показнику, упевненості у правильному обранні майбутнього роду діяльності, прагненню набути якнайбільше інформаційного професійного матеріалу та його перетворення у знання, що приведе до професіоналізму вже під час виробничої практики. У подальшому дослідженні нами буде обґрунтовано процес формування конкурентоздатності в майбутніх економістів.

Ключові слова: компетентність, компетентнісний підхід, професійна компетентність, економіст, освітній процес.


Либа Оксана Николаевна, Либа Наталья Степановна, Кончович Екатерина Тибериевна. ФОРМИРОВАНИЕ ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНОЙ КОМПЕТЕНТНОСТИ БУДУЩИХ ЭКОНОМИСТОВ

Формирование профессиональных компетенций в современных студентов-экономистов требует от учебного заведения, от педагогов принципиально новых подходов в профессиональном образовании: интеграции педагогических и экономико-предпринимательских знаний, умений и навыков. Целью исследования является проанализировать современные подходы к формулировке понятия «компетентность», выяснить составляющие профессиональной компетентности для подготовки будущих экономистов. Применены общенаучные методы исследования: индукции и дедукции, уточнения и классификации. В статье проанализированы современные подходы к формулировке понятия «компетентность». Историко-терминологический анализ его сущности дал возможность выяснить составляющие, структуру профессиональной компетентности. Особое внимание акцентируется на содержании ключевых и предметных компетенций. Формирование профессиональной компетентности экономистов необходимо осуществлять с учетом современных требований в области образования, образовательных программ специальности.

Значит, высококвалифицированным специалистом экономистом можно стать благодаря высокому мотивационном показателю, уверенности в правильном выборе будущего рода деятельности, стремлению приобрести больше информационного профессионального материала и его преобразования в знания, приведет к профессионализму уже во время производственной практики. В дальнейшем исследовании нами будет обоснованно процесс формирования конкурентоспособности в будущих экономистов.

Ключевые слова: компетентность, компетентностный подход, профессиональная компетентность, экономист, образовательный процесс.


The problem statement. Professional education of future economists needs specialists of a new generation. They must be prepared in accordance with the European requirements for higher education. Modern education in Ukraine is characterized by two components in the training of future specialists. The first component includes the cooperation of the leading European universities, which logically includes the universities of Ukraine. The second component requires the integration of educational systems and structures at the state level into a single European space with a single result in professional training. The only results in professional education are competence, that is, the indicators by which future economists will operate in the future, which includes only requirements in the standards of training and criteria. Such unification will significantly increase the competitiveness of our specialists in the European labor market.

Analysis of recent research and publications.

Different aspects of the competence approach have been investigated: T. Baibara, N. Bibik [1], O. Bobiienko, T. Brazhe, L. Vashchenko, I. Zymnia, V. Kraievskyi, R. Lisna, O. Lokshyna, O. Ovcharuk, O. Onopriienko, S. Ostapenko, O. Pometun [10], O. Savchenko, H. Tereshchuk, A. Khutorskyi and others.

The problem of the competence approach as a methodological basis for preserving the goals, content and quality of higher education has been considered: Dzh. Bouden, A. Bermusm, M. Leiter, Dzh. Raven, E. Short and others. The theory of the formation of value orientations has been developed in researches by O. Arnoldova, Bekha, E. Ilienkova, M. Kahana, V. Mezhuieva and others. The main attention of scientists focuses on the competences that facilitate the adaptation of specialists to the conditions of the modern labor market. Today, the competence approach becomes an integral part of the educational field.

Setting the objectives. On the basis of the above mentioned, one can formulate the research tasks, which are to determine and substantiate the arguments that the competence approach is the basis for shaping the competitiveness of a future specialist. Competitiveness has the attributes of competency that makes it possible to evaluate knowledge, skills and experience, as well as the experience and values acquired through the process of training in a higher education institution.

The purpose of the research is to analyze modern approaches to the formulation of the concept of «competence», to find out the components of professional competence for the preparation of future economists.

1. Research results

The current orientation of Ukraine's education to European values improves the legislative framework in this area, as today are in high demand the competent specialists who have not only professional knowledge, skills and abilities, but also can make responsible decisions in situations of choice, are inclined to cooperate, are distinguished by mobility, constructiveness, ability to adapt, ability to realize their creative potential.

The results of the many years of work of experts from the countries of the European Union in this area indicate that:

- it is useful for any country to compare international and national experience as a development of the educational system as a whole, as well as opportunities for introducing a competent approach in particular;

- full copying of any educational models and phenomena of other countries is unproductive;

- national models of education should be developed, guided by national needs and peculiarities [8].

In order to comprehensively study the essence and structure of professional competence as the basic fundamental for the formation of pedagogical mastery of future teachers of primary classes, a historical and terminological analysis of the concept of «competence» has been held, which shows that in the pedagogical scientific circles, this term began to be applied from the eighties of the XX century in the sense of the educational result of the person who is studying.

Competence, by O. Pometun's definition, should be regarded as an objective category, which captures a socially recognized complex of a certain level of knowledge, skills, abilities, attitudes, through which the teacher is able to implement complex polyfunctional, polyproject, culture - oriented activities [10].

Most thoroughly in pedagogical science, these notions have been distinguished in relation to the high school by O. Zablotska [4]. Based on the content analysis, she has came to the conclusion that:

- competence is the quality of the practical implementation of the result of the formation of competences defined by the normative sources for a certain field of activity (quality of implementation of qualifications);

- qualification - this is an official recognition of the result of forming the subjects of training competences defined by normative educational documents for a particular field of activity;

- competencies are units and the result of educational activities in a competent approach;

- competence is an integrated personal and activity category, which is formed during training as a result of a combination of initial personal experience, knowledge, skills, methods of activity, personal values and the ability to use them in the process of productive activity in relation to the range of subjects and processes in a particular field of human activity.

In defining the requirements for practicing teachers, the term «professional competence» is widely used as the willingness and ability of a specialist to make effective decisions in the pursuit of professional activities [10].

A person is competent not in itself, but in relation to the implementation of external functions, that is, it functions successfully in response to individual or social requirements, performs activities or performs tasks.

Professional competence has its structure and classification characteristics. O. Dubaseniuk to the main components of the vocational and pedagogical competence include: competence in the field of theory and methodology of the educational process; competence in the field of professional subjects; social and pedagogical competence; differential psychological competence; autopsychological competence [3]. Lerner, V. Kraievskyi, A. Khutorskyi offer to consider each competence as a unity of three components:

- cognitive component (presence of a system of pedagogical and special subject knowledge);

- operational and technological component (possession of methods, technologies, methods of pedagogical interaction, methods of teaching this subject);

- personal component (ethical and social positions and installations, features of the personality of a specialist) [6].

A. Markova distinguishes the following types of professional competence:

- special competence - possession of own professional activity at a rather high level, the ability to design their further professional development;

- social competence - possession of joint (group, cooperative) professional activity, cooperation, as well as methods of professional communication adopted in this profession, social responsibility for the results of their professional work;

- personal competence - possession of methods of personal self-expression and self-development by means of confrontation with professional deformations of the individual;

- individual competence - possession of methods of self-realization and development of individuality within the profession, readiness for professional growth, ability to efficiently organize their work without overloads [6].

A confirmation of the expediency of enhancing pedagogical training for future economists is a series of scientific studies [7].

Future economists will need commercial skills, as well as knowledge of the theory and methodology of professional education. The significance of professional education during the preparation for the future work of a student-economist is emphasized by the researchers of the theory and methodology of vocational education L. M. Zhuravska and E. O. Ostapenko. Working on the development of a praxiological approach concerning the formation of the readiness of future economists to professional self-development, they have substantiated the need for introducing a modified course on pedagogy and psychology. As the development of training in professional education is gradually going from educational and cognitive activity to professional education, the conclusion has been made on the need to prepare future economists for professional self-development [12].

As the national legislation on higher education points to increased cooperation between higher education institutions, state bodies and business structures in order to prepare a competitive expert for the country's innovative development, self-fulfillment of the individual, ensuring the needs of the society, the labor market and the state, it is logical to increase hours for pedagogical disciplines. Academic freedom is also declared, which is interpreted as the independence of participants in the educational process during the conduct of pedagogical, scientific and pedagogical, scientific or innovative activities. The indicated measures are carried out on the principles of freedom of speech and creativity, the dissemination of knowledge and information, the conduct of scientific research and the use of their results [5].

M. S. Holovan was engaged in the development of the theory of competence, which points to the basic condition for the possession of competence. It is an effective professional activity. For such professional work, you need a personal attitude to the subject and product of activity, which is important for a future economist. According to the researcher, competence includes knowledge, abilities, skills, experience and personal properties of the individual. In such a professional field, an expert must have the ability and readiness to resolve any situation in the understanding of the significance of the results of one's own activities [2].

The peculiarities of the training of students in economic specialties are covered in the works by a group of authors - H. Cherednychenko, O. Zelikovska, Yu. Bondarenko. It is emphasized that the professional work of an economist is increasingly connected with interaction in the team, at the enterprise. An economist must have more advanced features and skills, in particular to meet the requirements of psychological and pedagogical professions such as «man-man». The student-economist needs to be friendly, empathy, able to analyze his behavior and the behavior of people who surround him.

The authors argue that the training of a future economist is a pedagogical process. The result of this process should be the formation of the professional competence of a future economist. The professional competence of the economist is an important characteristic of the entrepreneur's activity, integrative quality, the synthesis of professional competences and personally important professionally important features [11]. Training of economists on the basis of professional competence is an important component, says L. S. Otroshchenko, who investigated the formation of the professional competence of future international economists. In order to work in different regions of the world, it is necessary to base the educational activity of students of higher educational institutions on the basis of a competent approach. She emphasizes that the level of professional competence of a specialist depends on the effectiveness of the main economic operations of the country, its economic activity [9].

Conclusions from the conducted research

economic pedagogical education

Thus, a highly skilled economist one can become due to a high motivational indicator, confidence in the correct selection of the future kind of activity, the desire to acquire as much information professional material and its transformation into knowledge, which will lead to professionalism in the process of the vocational practice.

In the subsequent research, we will substantiate the process of forming the competitiveness of future economists.


1. Bibik, N. M. (2004). Competency approach: reflexive analysis of application. Competency approach in modern education: world experience and Ukrainian perspectives: Library for educational policy, Kyiv: K.I.S. [in Ukrainian].

2. Holovan, M. S. Competence and competence: experience of theory, theory of experience

3. Dubaseniuk, O. A. (1994). Conceptual provisions of theoretical professional activity. Pedagogy and psychology, 4, 94-97 [in Ukrainian].

4. Zablotska, O. S. (2008). Competence, qualification, competence as key categories of competency paradigm of higher education. Journal of Zhytomyr State University named after Ivan Franko, 39, 52-56 [in Ukrainian].

5. Law of Ukraine «On Higher Education».

6. Ivanova, S. V. (2008). Functional approach to the definition of the professional competence of the teacher of biology and the organization of its improvement in the institution of postgraduate education. Journal of Zhytomyr State University named after Ivan Franko. Series: pedagogical sciences, 42, 106-110 [in Ukrainian].

7. Klipa, Yu. V. (2018). Actualization of the competence approach in the professional education of future economists - entrepreneurs. Social and humanitarian aspects of the development of financial and economic systems, 1 (31), 139-146 [in Ukrainian].

8. Ovcharuk, O. V. (Ed.). (2004). Competency Approach in Modern Education: World Experience and Ukrainian Perspectives: Educational Policy Library. Kyiv: K.I.S. [in Ukrainian].

9. Otroshchenko, L. S. (2009). Formation of professional competency of future economists-internationalists. The first step in science: materials of the All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference. Lugansk, 7, 75-78.

10. Pometun, О. І. (2005). Formation of civic competence: a view from the standpoint of modern pedagogical science. Journal of School Exchange Programs, 23, 18-20 [in Ukrainian].

11. Cherednichenko, G., Zelikovska O., Bondarenko Yu. (2012). Features of Students' Training in Economics.Theory and Methods of Education Management, 9. Retrieved from

12. Shatkovska, H. I. (2007). Scientific and methodical principles of integration of knowledge of physics and chemistry of students of higher educational institutions of I-II levels of accreditation of technical and technological profile (Unpublished Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences dissertation). National pedagogical university named after M. P. Drahomanov. Kyiv.

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