Art educational institutions of Ukraine in shaping the professionalism of producer activity in the XX - early XXI centuries
Theoretical and methodological, artistic and aesthetic and national principles of pedagogical thought, specific Ukrainian traditions, European and world coordinates. Independent student work as the main means of assimilating educational material.
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Дата добавления | 08.09.2020 |
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Art educational institutions of Ukraine in shaping the professionalism of producer activity in the XX - early XXI centuries
Gorenko Larissa
Doctor of Philosophy
Professor of Kyiv International University
Excellence in education in Ukraine
member of the Board of the Creative Union
«Association of pop art professionals of Ukraine»
The system of higher art education in Ukraine of the XX - the beginning of the XXI century is based on theoretical and methodological, artistic and aesthetic and national principles of pedagogical thought, specific Ukrainian national traditions, as well as contemporary European and world coordinates. All these foundations are set forth in the «Regulations on the organization of educational process in higher educational institutions» (2016), where the independent work of the student becomes of particular importance as the main means of mastering the educational material at the time, free of compulsory educational tasks. The educational process in higher educational institutions of Ukraine is oriented towards the formation of an educated, harmoniously developed personality capable of continuous updating of knowledge, rapid adaptation to changes in the socio-cultural sphere and organization of work in a market economy. It is based on the principles of science, humanism, democracy, continuity and continuity and is reduced to a system of measures aimed at the implementation of the content of education [1, 116-120].
The content of education is determined by the educational-professional curriculum and curriculum and is reflected in the textbooks, manuals, methodological materials, as well as in the course of conducting training sessions. Scientific and methodological support of the educational process includes: state standards of education; curricula; educational programs from all disciplines; practice programs; textbooks and tutorials; control works on educational disciplines; control tasks for seminars, laboratories and practical classes; Individual semester tasks for independent work; methodical materials on the implementation of coursework and thesis.
Educational-professional program (OPP) of training is a list of compulsory and selective educational disciplines, indicating the amount of hours devoted to their study and forms of final control. The normative part of the content of education is determined by the state standards of education, and selective - by the higher educational institution. The main normative document defining the organization of the educational process is the curriculum. The curriculum is a normative document that defines the list and volume of academic disciplines, the sequence of their study, the specific forms and scope of conducting training sessions, the schedule of the educational process, the forms and means of conducting current and final control. The content and requirements for knowledge and skills in the discipline are determined by the curriculum of the discipline. For each academic discipline included in the educational-professional program of training of higher educational institutions a working educational curriculum of the discipline is created.
At the same time, self-directed work of students, approaches which require radical changes in the system of artistic education of Ukraine, at the present stage should become the basis of higher education, an important component of the process of training highly skilled specialists in the field of production activity.
According to scientists and practitioners, only the knowledge that the student gained on their own, thanks to their own experiences, thoughts and actions, will be really strong. In the teaching process, 15% of the information perceived by the ear is absorbed, 65% are perceived as hearing and vision. Provided that when the training material is processed independently (individually) and the task is fulfilled from its statement to the analysis of the obtained results, then at least 90% of the information is assimilated [1, 116-- 122; 3, 34-39]. That is why the high school gradually passes from the transfer of information to the leadership of educational and cognitive activities, the formation of students skills of independent creative work [4, 15-19; 6, 265268]. In addition, specific features determine the forms of organization of collective activities of students, in particular, in the field of stage art. Students' creative groups (theaters, musical collectives, ensembles) are one of the universal means for the formation of valuable competencies. The experience of high school convinces that students' creative groups have limitless possibilities for the formation of the unique ability of future specialists to add their own emotions, spiritual qualities and artistic and aesthetic values to a reproduction of the stage composition, the result of which is a particular collective, holistic experience.
The most important organizational structure of the process of artistic and pedagogical institutions of higher education is the individual forms of training. It is they who, according to scientists and educators, create optimal conditions for studying and developing actor's abilities, individual traits and personal data of students, their own artistic potential. That is why, simultaneously with collective forms of training, individual and individual ones should be used. Yes, special disciplines in the system of preparation of specialists in stage art (producers, directors and performers) have a specificity, which is in an individual form of training. As practice shows, the content of these classes is not limited to activities aimed at mastering special knowledge, skills and abilities (performing, interpreting, producing, improvisational, technical) [2, 10-34; 5, 13-17]. The individual communication of the teacher with the students gives a great opportunity to find an individual approach to each student, which allows for more effective formation of the value competencies of the future specialist in the process of educational stage training and production activities [8, 9-14].
Future specialists will also acquire practical experience in stage and artistic activity during individual classes in the corresponding specialty (stage language, acting, stage choreography, directing, production activities, etc.). They improve the technique of acting, the high level of which will enable them in the future professional activity, expressly reproducing all thematic-semantic, figurative and intonational nuances. It is extremely important for the students to create a stage performance of the work performed, and eventually - to develop in them the emotional perception of the stage image as a whole.
Also, one of the important forms of study at a higher school is the pedagogical practice of students, which should be conducted in conditions that are as close as possible to professional activity. Practice is a unity of theoretical and practical components, as well as professional experience. It makes the student perform pedagogical tasks, make the necessary choice, make responsible decisions. Also, pedagogical practice maximizes the contradiction between the existing level of knowledge and professional requirements.
The whole complex of forms and methods of the implementation of the educational process, which will facilitate the formation of the stage design and production thesaurus as the basis for further acquisition of practical abilities to carry out the development of students through the educational and pedagogical process, which can be divided into several stages [8, 13-17]. At the first stage - motivational-emotional - the formation of practical skills was revealed to value the attitude to stage works, to analyze artistic works according to genre-style features, taking into account the artistic context of its creation and features of the individual style of the author, to reveal the artistic image. During this first stage it is necessary to take into account the following active forms and methods: analysis and interpretation of creative tasks (theoretical, stage, performing types of analysis of works of art, creation of annotations to them, creation of own sound improvisational miniatures, selection and drawing of exercises for the development of the quality of the stage language and its articulation).
The second stage is cognitive-cognitive. At this stage, the formation of the cognitive component of value competencies was carried out in accordance with its criteria and indicators. The aim is to encourage students to learn knowledge of special disciplines as a condition for forming a scenic artistic thesaurus in them, as well as to independently search for the necessary educational information in the process of processing scientific sources, listening (or viewing) artistic works. At this stage, students are encouraged to use teaching methods - explanatory- illustrative, reproductive, problem-oriented, search-to-apply during a stage or informational and computer workshop, lectures, seminars and individual classroom classes, independent work of students. They are aimed at forming the following competences: to use existing valuable knowledge and skills to operate them in a scenic activity; the desire to improve innovative technologies; be able to foresee difficulties and know how to overcome them.
The third stage is performing-creative. His goal is to consolidate the obtained knowledge in the course of studying stage disciplines, preparing their skills, developing skills and acquiring practical experience through the passing of students' pedagogical practice. Tasks of this stage were carried out during individual classes in the class of acting, staging of the stage voice. It contributes to the formation of such competences of future specialists: readiness for the implementation of humane relations in the theatrical collective; ability to independently and creatively use knowledge about values in concert-stage and theatrical art; artistic embodiment of the interpretative plan in real performance; the ability to self-improvement and self-realization. During the third stage of creative-creative work, problematic forms and methods are used: the set and reproduction of artistic text, the presentation and execution of creative tasks, stage-auditory development.
There is no doubt that the structure of the value competencies of the future specialist in the field of stage art and production activity in the process of teaching and pedagogical preparation is correlated with the list of subjects of the normative part of the cycle of professional disciplines in the curriculum [6, 265-268; 9, 269]. Thus, the motivational-emotional component is specified with the cognitive component, which includes systemic knowledge of stage skill. A creative-activity component is revealed, in particular, in the interpretative version, the creation of own theatrical-stage arrangements, productions, and the like. It consists of methods and techniques for learning artistic works, performing educational and creative tasks [7, 6-7; 8, 12-15].
Consequently, the formation of value competencies of the future specialist in the process of teaching and teaching preparation is a complex multi-vector process and requires a phased implementation of such tasks, namely: definition of the logical-content orientation of the stages of work in accordance with the dynamics of the established levels of value competencies; development of materials for scientific and methodological support of the process of formation of valuable competences of the future specialist in the process of educational stage training: special course, technologies and methods, forms and methods of educational work; Integrated in the content of the integral training of specialists of this profile; checking the effectiveness of the theoretical model for forming the communicative culture of a future specialist in stage art with the effectiveness of the developed model, forms and tools that ensure the dynamism of the process.
The proposed model of formation of the communicative culture of the future specialist of stage art, which gets professional training, covers the necessary components of the process of forming the investigated feature, defines their content and the sequence of practical implementation and control of each of its stages [5, 15-18; 9, 265-268]. The educational result of the implementation of this model will be the formation of a communicative culture of the future specialist in the process of training stage training. The acquired integrative quality includes motivational-emotional, cognitive, and creative-activity components, each of which correlates with the respective groups of value competencies. On the basis of definite criteria in this publication a model of formation of the communicative culture of the future specialist of stage art in the process of teaching and pedagogical preparation is characterized. The principles that reveal the content of professional stage training of the future specialist in the context of forming a communicative culture (humanization, visibility, systemicity and consistency, integrity and unity, activity and independence) are substantiated. In the process of implementing the aforementioned principles in terms of theatrical-stage preparation of future specialists, axiological orientation contributes to the personal development of the individual.
All these aspects are of particular importance in the context of information policy and globalization processes, information technologies, media revolution and media education programming, which mark the trends and trends of the XXI-th century, the modern socio-cultural space, which is always actively aimed at the personal development of man as a sub- the object of communication and identification (self-identification, self-development) of the individual. Hynamical socio-cultural transformational processes in the present conditions, the vector of integration into the European community determine the creation in the modern Ukrainian society of conditions for the creative self-development of man.
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