The formation of the methodological competence of future teachers by means of pedagogical practice
Methodical competence as an important instrument of professional training of a teacher. Pedagogical practice yak warehouse formvannya to the notice of the maybutnogo teacher. Formation of key competencies in the context of early professionalism.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 20.09.2020 |
Размер файла | 123,3 K |
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The formation of the methodological competence of future teachers by means of pedagogical practice
О. Plakhotnik, Dr. of Pedagogical Sci., Prof. Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine A. Kondratiuk, Assoc. Prof., National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya, Ukraine
The article reveals pedagogical practice as an important component of the formation of the methodological competence of future teachers. Methodological competence as an important tool for the teacher training is examined in the relationship of its structural components. It has been shown that among all key competencies for future teachers training the mastering the methodical competence means of pedagogical practice is absolutely important since it reflects the ability of future teachers to effectively engage in educational activities, to creatively implement the acquired theoretical and practical experience involving effective technology training and development. The article reveals the results of an empirical study aimed at revealing the dynamics of the formation of key competencies in the context of early professionalization. The lack of methodological competence as a new integrative personality issue of future teachers is assumed to become a barrier in the situation of the fulfilling professional tasks. The following methodologies were used in the empirical study: B.Dodonov's methodology "The Formula of Motivation"; the methodology of T. Dubovitska "The Level of Professional orientation". In order to study the personality-reflexive criterion as one of the components of the methodological competence of future teachers, the methodology of A. Lazukin and N. Kalin "Creativity Manifestation " has been adapted and, moreover, the author's questionnaire has been used. The sample consisted of 111 teachers and362 students, 186 students of which belonged to the experimental group (EG), and 176 - to the control one (CG).
Keywords: professional training, key competences, pedagogical practice, methodological competence of future teachers.
O. Плахотнік, д-р пед. наук, проф. Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка, Київ, Україна А. Кондратюк, канд. пед. наук, доц. Вінницький національний університет імені М.І. Пирогова, Вінниця, Україна
Розкрито важливу складову формування методичної компетентності майбутнього вчителя - педагогічна практика. Методична компетентність як важливий інструмент професійної підготовки педагога розглянуто у взаємозв'язку його структурних складових. Показано, що серед усіх основоположних компетентностей для професійної підготовки майбутнього вчителя оволодіння методичною компетентністю засобами педагогічної практики має надзвичайно важливе значення, оскільки вона відображає здатність майбутніх педагогів плідно займатися освітньою діяльністю, творчо реалізуючи набутий теоретико-практичний досвід, залучаючи ефективні технології навчання і розвитку. Наведено результати емпіричного дослідження, спрямованого на вияв динаміки формуванняння ключових компетентностей у контексті ранньої професіоналізації. Передбачено, що несформованість методичної компетентності як інтегративного особистісного новоутворення у майбутніх викладачів стає бар'єром при виконанні професійних завдань. В емпіричному дослідженні використано методику Б. Додонова "Формула мотивації"; методику Т. Дубовицької "Рівень професійної спрямованості". Із метою дослідження особистісно-рефлексивного критерію як одного зі складових методичної компетентністі майбутнього вчителя адаптовано методику А. Лазукіна - Н. Каліна "Прояв креативності", а також використано авторську анкету. Вибірку дослідження становили 111 педагогів і 362 студенти, з яких 186 студентів належали до експериментальної групи (ЕГ), а 176 - до контрольної (КГ). Отримані дані підтвердили необхідність подальших наукових досліджень ефективних засобів методологічного самовдосконалення і шляхів збагачення методологічної культури сучасних викладачів, впливу особистісних особливостей майбутніх учителів на успіх їхньої професійно-методичної підготовки, роль інноваційних методів навчання в методичному самовдосконаленні педагогів.
Ключові слова: професійна підготовка, ключові компетенції, педагогічна практика, методична компетентність майбутніх учителів.
Problem statement
The dynamic processes in modern society put forward high demands on specialists of different fields and, in particular, on the personality and professional skills of teachers. Innovations in the system of higher education are stipulated by the socio-economic, intellectual and spiritual levels of the development of our state and by the recommendations of the Council of Europe, the requirements of the Bologna Convention which aim to prepare a highly qualified specialist who is aware of his own subject and is able to transfer his knowledge and experience to others. The achievement of this goal is possible only subject to significant changes in the process of specialists training. At the present stage of the development of science and education, the problem of forming the key competencies of the future teachers such as professional, communicative, methodological, social, subject and other, that will ensure their full functioning in society, high competitiveness in the world labor market and successful self-realization in various spheres of life, first of all in the professional one, becomes urgent.
For the future teacher's training, mastery of methodological competence is extremely important since it reflects the ability of future teachers to fruitfully engage in educational activities, creatively implementing the acquired theoretical and practical experience and involving effective teaching and development technologies.
The conducted analysis of scientific research works has shown that the provision of the professional training of pedagogical staff does not cease to be relevant and is reflected in the works of a large number of both Ukrainian and foreign scientists. In particular, the content and requirements for the training of future specialists in higher education institutions are determined [1; 6; 9; 15; 20; 21] the ideas for the implementation of innovative approaches, including a competency one, are being developed [4; 7; 10;12; 13; 16; 17] a number of studies are devoted to the determination of the place of pedagogical (teaching) practice in the process of vocational training [1; 3; 5; 10; 11] that emphasizes the importance of the formation the methodological competence of the future specialist as a structural component of the professional training of a future specialist.
Purpose and tasks of the article
The purpose of the article is to investigate the process of the formation the methodological competence of the future teacher by means of pedagogical (teaching) practice, taking into account such features as methodical literacy, methodological thinking, methodical reflection, methodical culture, on which the effectiveness of acquiring methodical competence by future teachers as one of the important tools for modernizing the educational process in high school depends.
Tasks: 1. To analyze the process of forming the methodological competence of the future teacher and its structural components from the point of view of ensuring positive influence on the development of professional and educational activity by means of pedagogical practice;
2. To substantiate the purpose, tasks and content of the pedagogical (teaching) practice, outlining the multi-vector process of mastering the methodical competence of the future teacher by emphasizing that pedagogical practice involves the context inclusion of the student into a real educational process with the aim of qualitatively filling all components of methodological competence, forming the harmonious personality of the teacher.
Research methods. In order to study the state of formation of the methodological competence of the future teacher by means of pedagogical practice the curricula and programs of different types of practices have been analyzed, individual interviews, questionnaires, pedagogical observation, individual and group discussions with students and teachers have been conducted, the method of expert evaluation was applied.
The methodology of B. Dodonov "The formula of motivation" as well as the methodology of T. Dubo- vitska "The level of professional orientation" were used. In order to study creativity as one of the indicators of methodological competence of the future teacher, the methodology by A. Lazukin - N. Kalina "The manifestation of creativity", as well as the author's questionnaire, was used.
Results of the theoretical study
It is known that vocational and methodological training of future teachers of any field is based on the study of methods of teaching different disciplines and methods of conducting extracurricular work, it is also provided in the process of studying psychological and pedagogical disciplines, passing educational, pedagogical practices, as well as through methodological direction of teaching of fundamental disciplines, which provides the effectiveness of the professional training of a future specialist.
Taking into account the definitions of methodological competence which are used in scientific circulation and the essence of the concept of "competence", the methodological competence of the future teacher can be interpreted as the ability to effectively build an educational process based on the system of special-scientific, psychological and pedagogical, methodological knowledge, vocational and methodological skills, individual psychological characteristics and the experience of their use in the process of the activity. Under such conditions, there is a need for a comprehensive teacher education system that will combine traditional educational methods with the newest, more effective technologies, as well as promote the content and structure of the students' methodological training itself [5; 11; 12]. In this context, there is a need to consider the main components of methodological competence in the course of practical training. Thus, it is necessary to highlight the importance of methodological literacy (methodological knowledge, skills and abilities), which receive a qualitatively new level of their development since the acquired theoretical experience is internalized and verified in the activity during the pedagogical practice, there is also an intensification of the connection of methodical thinking with other forms of thinking that can be explained by the performance of the cognitive activity of the future teacher directly in the school environment, immersed in the atmosphere of the real educational process. Pedagogical practice is, at the same time, an incentive for the development of methodological reflection of a future specialist. Considering the individual process of reflection, its development directly influences the ability of future teachers to be the subject of their own professional activity, as well as stimulates them to self-improvement by means of constant self-knowledge, self-development, self-education with the aim of quantitative and qualitative multiplication of the results of their work. Pedagogical practice, first of all, is the basis for the development of all components of methodological culture, the content of which is updated and enriched in the course of performance of the future teacher of professional functions. In direct interaction with all subjects of the educational process, the future teacher creates value orientations and establishes his own vision of the pedagogical profession, examines methodological techniques and tools, develops the ability to creativity [5]. Considering methodological culture as an integral part of professional culture, E. Passov emphasizes the close interaction between the acquired social experience and all kinds of teacher activities (cognitive, control, motivational, communicative, organizational, adaptive, and design) [14]. Such interaction between all of these activities of a teacher may greatly manifest itself in the process of pedagogical practice, ensuring the implementation of methodological competence.
A number of scholars acknowledges the mastery of students basic forms of organization of educational work, the functions of pedagogical activity of teachers, vocational and methodological tools on the basis of knowledge, skills and abilities obtained in higher educational institutions, as well as the formation of professional qualities of the teacher's personality, ensuring the effective work of the future teacher in educational institutions to be the main purpose of the pedagogical practice [16-19]. The objectives of the pedagogical practice are determined by the general goals of education at a particular stage of economic, geopolitical, social and spiritual development of our country. Based on the goals of the pedagogical practice, one can determine the following tasks:
• the formation of the psychological readiness of students for educational work by providing the necessary conditions for their professional adaptation, formation of a respectful students attitude towards the profession of a teacher;
• the generalization, consolidation and deepening of theoretical knowledge in the psycho-pedagogical and professional cycle and their use in practical activities for solving specific educational situations, that is, improving the methodological literacy of future teachers of the humanitarian field;
• the development of future professional skills of practical activity in secondary school, personal characteristics, professional and methodical culture of the teacher;
• the formation of the need for methodological reflection in the practice that encourages them to continuous self-education, selfimprovement and sustained interest in the subject of teaching from the humanitarian cycle and the profession of teacher as a whole;
• the acquaintance with current educational normative documents, modern methods, means and forms of educational process, didactic-material complex in secondary school, effective innovative teaching technologies in the light of humanization and humanitari- zation of education;
• the promoting of the development of future self-reliable independent teachers in the preparation and implementation of various forms and types of educational and methodological work with all members of the school staff;
• the formation of students' research and creative attitudes to pedagogical activity on the basis of skills to non-typically solve typical educational tasks, to critically and objectively analyze professional activity of fellow practitioners and experienced teachers;
• the development of individual psychological qualities, pedagogical abilities of students, which is a prerequisite for the formation of their methodical skills and culture, personal style of interaction among all subjects of the educational process;
• the diagnostics of the suitability of the chosen teacher's specialty.
Here are some examples of various forms of pedagogical practice of teacher training: informative, educational (the first courses), summer camp (after the third year of study in higher educational institutions), and actually professional, teaching (on senior courses of higher educational institutions). Each form of pedagogical practice focuses on various aspects of the teacher's activity, but in general as an integrated component of future teacher training, pedagogical practice carries out several basic functions:
• adaptive, which manifests itself in the direct involvement of the student in the educational process. The trainee not only acquaints himself with the peculiarities of various types and forms of organization of work in the secondary school institutions, but also adapts to the rhythm of the pedagogical process and life of the school staff;
• education, which is realized in the practical examination of theoretical knowledge gained during the years of studying in the higher educational institutions, which from the plane of ideal ideas gradually pass into the system of real views and attitudes of the future teacher;
• developing, which manifests itself in the personal and professional development of a trainee;
• diagnostic, which is realized in the assessment of future teachers of the specified field of their professional and personal suitability for the profession of a teacher. The student can analyze his emotional readiness to interact with his students, their parents, teachers and the administration of the secondary school predominantly in practice. The professional and personality characteristics of the future teacher evolve and manifest in the process of real pedagogical practice.
The above functions of pedagogical practice are traditional, but new requirements for the organization of education dictate the need to introduce additional functions, in particular, research (which is reflected in psycho-pedagogical and methodological studies, methodical experiments that students conduct in the course of pedagogical practice) and reflexive (this function of pedagogical practice is manifested in the fact that future teachers are able to analyze the level of their professional duties directly in the educational process, realize their mistakes and shortcomings in training and pick an effective means to address them in order to improve their professional level).
According to the curriculum, the process of pedagogical practice, as a rule, begins with the second year of study and lasts until the end of the training in higher educational institutions, transforming into a professional pedagogical activity. This is an embodiment of the idea of continuity when the future teacher gradually masteres the peculiarities of working with students of almost all age groups in educational institutions of different types - from junior pupils to school-leavers, and is ready for self-education and self-development throughout his/her life.
A prerequisite for the organization of the practical training is the versatile orientation of the future teacher in all spheres of pedagogical activity, which includes the educational activity of students, its appropriate methodological support, the search and research work of the teacher and the mastery of its methodology. It is known that each form of pedagogical practice has its own peculiarities, guided by which we distinguish the pre-subject (pre-professional) and subject (professional) pedagogical practice. Pre-subject pedagogical practice is a specially organized process of checking the verity of scientific knowledge and acquired general theoretical experience.
The high-priority task of this practice is to integrate the theoretical preparation of students of the disciplines of the psychological and pedagogical cycle in their practical application in the course of studying a particular school team and an individual student. During this form of pedagogical practice, students should be motivated to further deepen their knowledge of pedagogy and psychology, the awareness of the need to take into account the age-specific characteristics of each student and develop an individual approach to students of every level of education.
The next step in vocational and pedagogical training for future teachers is the teaching pedagogical practice of third-year students, which takes two weeks for the representatives of philological and three weeks for the representatives of historical specialties. This practice is an activity continuation of classes on the course of pedagogical skill and is conditioned by achievements of the goals set by this course. Unlike the previous type of the pedagogical practice, the key tasks of teaching pedagogical practice is to involve students in active independent work with pupils of a certain class, to create favorable conditions for diagnosing the professional and active ability to realize the acquired knowledge, skills and experience of pedagogical activity, to promote educational and cognitive interests of pupils, to stimulate the development of creative abilities and opportunities of future teachers of the specified field.
The next kind of the pedagogical practice is the summer pedagogical practice, which students take after the third year during the summer holidays in children's health centers (CHC), where the future teachers are formed, first of all, as organizers of extra-curricular and out-of-school work. The total duration of this type of pedagogical practice is four weeks for philologists and three weeks for students of the history faculty.
The main tasks of the summer pedagogical practice are the formation of the professional and personal qualities of the teacher, immersion in the search for creative approaches to the organization of work in the CHC and other educational institutions, the enrichment of psychological and pedagogical knowledge and the experience of interaction with the children, which is united for a short time for active leisure time and health improvement. The considered forms of pedagogical practice are integral elements of the pre-teaching (prefaculty) training of students common to all future teachers, since these forms of so-called passive teaching practice as a means of the formation of students as teachers, class teachers regardless of their chosen specialty. These types of practices enable students to learn about school life from the point of view of psychology and pedagogy, to analyze the specifics of dealing with children of different age groups and to find out the personal suitability of the chosen profession of a teacher.
All stages of pedagogical practice involve future teachers in professional activities, but it is teaching practice in the fourth and fifth courses of the higher educational institutions that has the nature of contextual education (the term was introduced by Verbitsky, 1991). In other words, trainees are faced with professional contradictory and complex situations and make every effort to find effective ways to solve them.
The main tasks of this form of teaching practice are the intensive development of all the components of the methodological competence of the future teacher, the acquisition of qualifying professionally significant knowledge, skills and abilities of the chosen specialty in the course of performing duties as a teacher and a class teacher of primary and middle school pupils, the involvement of a trainee in various directions, forms, types, methods of work of a certain secondary school.
Being a teacher in the course of educational practice at the primary and secondary levels of secondary school, students are largely implemented of methodological competence based on the motivation-oriented target criterion through the awareness of internal and external motivations to master the indicated competence, forming a stable motivation to self-improvement in this field.
At the same time, the implementation of methodological competence according to the activity criterion occurs while adaptive skills and knowledge are evolved which appear in the skills of practitioners to adapt the selected forms and methods of work to the psychological characteristics of students of a certain age group; motivational skills and knowledge that help future educators encourage their students in active learning and academic outcomes; operational, constructive, reflexive and evaluative skills that provide successful planning and conducting lessons, the ability of future human resource teachers to effectively use various information resources and engage information and computer technology in their activities as well as evaluate students' and own achievements objectively. The development of communication skills moves to a new reproductive-productive level in the course of subject-subject interaction of future teachers with pupils.
While carrying out the functions of class teachers, forth-year students implement their methodologcal competence by activity criterion due to the development of prognostic skills. They are manifested in the future teachers' ability to perform pedagogical predictions and to predict the results of work, which is designed and organized taking into account pupils' age and psychological characteristics, which promotes the development of future teachers' designing and organizing skills.
Methodological competences are actively implemented by a personal-reflexive criterion in the process of carrying out the functions of both a subject teacher and a class teacher during teaching and pedagogical practice in elementary and secondary schools. That is analytical, reflective and evaluation skills develop in course of study various forms of work, teaching materials and pupils' activity, when determining the level of pupils' mastery of humanities subjects which are taught.
It should be noted that these abilities develop simultaneously: the ability to work with scientific literature develops along with the ability to analyze new information; the ability to use diagnostics methods requires getting acquainted with the existing experience etc.
The second stage of the teaching pedagogical practice is the teaching practice in high school which students have on their fifth year of study in different types of higher educational establishments by the same principle as in the fourth year.
The main tasks of this form of pedagogical practice are the improvement of all components of methodological competence, the development of professional and personal characteristics of the subject teacher, the formation of the vocational and methodological skills on the basis of the acquired for five years of study in the higher educational institutions theoretical and practical experience working with students of different age groups in the process of performing the corresponding functions.
During the educational practice at the top level of higher education, students perform three roles: as teachers of the main specialty (majors), as teachers of an additional specialty and as class teachers.
The diagram shows the place of each type of pedagogical practice, based on the number of hours allocated to its programs for these specialties.
It can be seen from the diagrams (Fig. 1) that the pre-subject teaching pedagogical practice that future teachers pass during the second and the third years of study in the higher educational institutions, constitutes 36 % for students of philological specialties and 38 % for students of historical specialties from the number of hours determined by the corresponding curricula for their conduct. Almost twice as much time - 65 % - is allocated to the subject pedagogical practice, which students of both specialties pass during the fourth and the fifth years of study in the higher educational institutions. However, it is common for future teachers at all stages of pedagogical practice to explore the level of development of components of methodological competence, to observe the drawbacks in their development and to identify ways to improve this competence. The development of methodological competence of future teachers of the humanitarian field will be at a high level in terms of serious attitude to all types of pedagogy and constant search for ways of professional and methodological self-improvement.
Fig. 1. Structure of pedagogical practice for students of humanities
Results of the empirical research
Let us consider the methodology of studying the formation of methodological competence of future teachers in the process of pedagogical practice, which includes the tools for diagnosing the praparedness of teachers to methodological competence and methods of processing and checking the statistical significance of the experimental data. The sample consisted of 111 teachers and 362 students, 186 students of which belonged to the experimental group (EG), and 176 - to the control one (CG).
The respondents were offered evaluative judgments on the problem of methodological competence that they had to continue by choosing the answer that most accurately reflects their actual state of affairs on the subject or to suggest their own variant.
To assess the level of methodological competence of future teachers, criteria and their indicators were determined: the motivational - target criterion (the stability of humanistic value orientations, the availability of the need for mastery and improvement of methodical competence, level of motivation to have the pedagogical practice), which was determined according to B.Dodonov's methodology "The formula of motivation" [8, 11-12]; the activity-cognitive criterion (the degree of possession of the skills in constructing a training process on a humanistic basis; the level of the development of research skills; the level of professional mobility) for the determination of which the modified method of T. Dubovitskaya "The level of professional orientation" [16, 145-147] was used; the personal reflexive criterion (the level of manifestation of individual-psychological characteristics, the ability to critique and self-analysis, the presence of reflexive abilities, the degree of possession of the skills of control and self-control, the ability to continuous self-education and methodological self-improvement). To characterize the personality-reflexive criterion, we adapted the method of A. Lazukin-N. Kalina "The creativity manifestation" [16, 122-124].
The content component of the levels of mastery methodological competence by future teachers was studied using the expert evaluation method. Experts evaluated written answers of respondents for questions related to methodological knowledge necessary for effective organization and conducting of pedagogical practice from 0 to 10 points on the defined criteria. To study the procedural component of the methodological competence formation, an expert assessment and self-assessment of skills were used based on the analysis of the products of the future teachers in the process of pedagogical practice, in particular, methodological developments and their approbation. Each skill was rated from 0 to 10 points.
In order to study the level of mastery of methodological competence during both parts of the experiment, integrated questionnaires for teachers and students were developed. The questionnaires were anonymous. A key-decoder was made for the processing of the results in accordance with the questionnaires, through which the determination of readiness to master the methodological competence of respondents was carried out. The results of the experimental study were processed using the statistical information processing package SPSS, which, in particular, includes the application of such statistical methods as the calculation of averages, variances, correlation analysis, methods for comparing initial statistics and the usage in order to determine the significance of the discrepancy between certain indicators, including effective, relevant statistical criteria. The results of the analysis show that 67.3 % of teachers and 55.8 % of students recognize pedagogical practice as the main means of methodological competence formation, and 22.7 % of teachers and 27.7 % of students determine this competence to be theoretical and practical grounds for forming.
Having analyzed the goals, tasks and structure of each type of pedagogical practice, it has been established that the fourth year training practice (27 % for philological students and 26 % for students of the history department) and the fifth year training practice (36 % for philological students and 37 % for history department students) are the most important for the most intensive development of all components of methodological competence since at that time future humanitarian teachers are involved in the widest range of educational activities, implementing the greatest number of pedagogical functions in cooperation with all the individuals of the educational process.
Future teachers of the humanitarian field admit that they had not had sufficient methodological competence before having their pedagogical practice: 37.1 % of the interviwed students assert that they had known only theoretical issue and 36.2 % - had partly possessed the most important facts. 16.2 % of respondents admit that they are not knowledgeable in the field of methodological competence, while 7.6 % of future teachers believe that all their knowledge is the result of their own practice. It should be noted that among all the questioned students, only 8.6 % stated that they fully possess all the information in the field of methodological competences and, accordingly, they are ready for pedagogical work in higher educational institutions. These data indicate that the level of formation of methodological competences of the overwhelming majority of the interviewed future teachers is insufficient and is based only on theoretical principles.
Regarding the attitude of future teachers to the importance of incorporating methodical competency in the process of vocational training, the overwhelming majority of them - 55.2 % - are unanimous as for the fact that methodological competence is an essential element of vocational training. 18.1 % of the respondents agree that the methodological competences should be developed only in the last years of studying in the higher educational institutions, and 12.4 % - that it is important, though indirectly, to include this competency in the process of professional teacher training. No respondent believes that methodological competencies should not be included in the process of professional training of future teachers, which is evidence of students' awareness of the importance of a methodical component in the process of obtaining an educational profession.
Since the students of the fourth and fifth courses of the humanities have not very rich real pedagogical experience, the formation of methodological competencies within the higher educational institution is carried out through the accumulation of theoretical knowledge on the method of teaching specialty subjects (37.3 %) and through active participation in practical and laboratory classes in pedagogy and methods of teaching a professional subject (28.7 %). One sixth of the respondents (16.6 %) argue that the monitoring of methodological novelties and innovations contributes to the process of forming them in the methodological competency and 13.4 % of respondents are methodologically improved by visiting methodically oriented measures. Note that 5 % of the interviewed future teachers of humanitarian disciplines believe that the formation of methodological competencies in higher educational institutions does not occur. This testifies that not enough attention is paid to this competency in today's professional training. Moreover, necessary conditions for its qualitative development during professional pedagogical preparation are not always created.
Concerning the possible sources of improvement of methodological competences, almost half of the respondents (45.7 %) use Internet sources, information and computer technologies. This result can be explained by the active penetration of the latest information technologies in every sphere of human life, including the professional and methodological growth of future humanitarian educators. The parts of classmates' lessons (21 %) and methodical literature and periodicals (15.2 %) are less popular but equally important sources of improvement of methodological competences today. A sufficiently large part (18.1 %) of future teachers of the humanities is systematically enriched by participation in methodological activities held at the faculty. The level of the organization of these types of work and the motivation of the students to participate themselves may be the evidence of such results.
In the view of the duration of the development of methodological competences two thirds of the questioned (67.6 %) agree that this competence should be developed throughout the professional activity, while 21 % of future teachers of humanities consider that for each teacher the duration of the development of this kind of the competence is different. Only 11.4 % of the respondents assert that the outlined competence should be fully formed during studying in the higher educational institutions. In other words, students of the humanities support the idea of lifelong education and believe that the development of methodological competences is not an exception to this process.
As to the factors stimulating future teachers for the development of methodological competences, for the most part (57.1 %) of the students of the humanities such a factor is the need to be a professional in their craft. The aspiration to maintain the interest of students in their subject and the teacher stimulates the mastery of the methodological competences of 14.3 % of respondents and 15.2 % of future teachers of the specified specialization expressed the desire to always be in the field of pedagogical and methodical innovations. In the process of developing methodological competences 10,5% of respondents are guided by the desire to get the highest results making little effort and 6.7 % are guided by the need to recognize their own mastery by fellow students. These data suggest that future humanitarian teachers are more likely to be stimulated by inner stimuli rather than external ones in the development of methodological competences, i.e., the level of motivation to master this competence is rather high.
While determining the factors that improve the formation of methodological competences of future teachers, 24.8 % of the interviewed students have chosen to experiment with the latest techniques and technologies during the planning and conducting of lesson parts during methodology classes, and 21.9 % of the students have chosen the ability to objectively assess each lesson (a part of the lesson) they have conducted. The ability to be constantly involved in self-education and self-development is the most important factor for one fifth of respondents (20 %), while 17.1 % of the representatives of the humanities stated it to be the unlimited access to methodologically-oriented sources on the Internet. According to almost the same number of future teachers of the specified specialization (16.2 %) the process of formation of methodological competence is improved on the basis of conducting methodological workshops with their participation.
The inadequate technical equipment of the faculty and / or the school for the time of pedagogical practice for the use of advanced training technologies (28.6 %), insufficient number of hours allocated to the subjects of the humanitarian field (28, 6 %), as well as students' unwillingness to conduct pedagogical work on non-standard, creative works (21 %) have been the greatest difficulties that students have to overcome during the development of methodological competences. 9.5 % of the future teachers of the specialized subjects during the formation of the methodological competence have to overcome low motivation to improve pedagogical skills. In addition, 8.6 % of respondents have difficulties due to the lack of necessary pedagogical and methodological literature. Only three students (2.9 %) stated to have no difficulties at all during the formation of methodological competences.
Thus, according to the given data the views of future teachers coincide in some issues concerning the peculiarities of the formation of methodological competences. In particular, the vast majority of respondents identify methodological competences as an essential element of professional training, which should be developed throughout their professional activities.
methodological competence teacher pedagogical practice
The analysis of Ukrainian and foreign psychological, pedagogical and methodological works testifies to the considerable interest of scientists in the problem of professional training of future teachers on the basis of the formation of methodological competence by means of pedagogical practice. Particular attention is paid to the formation of methodological competence of future humanities specialists as an integral part of professional competence - the ability to effectively build educational process on a humanistic basis, based on the system of special-scientific, psychological and pedagogical, methodical knowledge, vocational and methodical skills and abilities, individual psychological characteristics and experience of their use in the process of activity.
Taking into account the results of the analysis of the scientific research works, the criteria for the formation of the methodical competence of future teachers by means of pedagogical practice (motivational, target, cognitive, activity, personal-reflexive) as well as the corresponding indicators and levels (high, medium, low), on which the analysis of results of the experimental study was made, have been determined. The research allowed to state that it is expedient to introduce pedagogical conditions into the process of forming the methodical competence of future teachers such as the orientation of pedagogy to the development of methodological competence as a key component of vocational training; the conscious attitude of students to pedagogy as the first step in professional self-realization; openness to the mastering of educational and technical innovations; high level of personality mobility of the teacher; high level of motivation for constant accumulation of pedagogical and methodical experience.
The obtained data confirm the need for further scientific research on effective means of methodological self-improvement and ways to enrich the methodological culture of modern teachers, the influence of personal characteristics of future teachers on the success of their vocational and methodological training, the role of innovative teaching methods in the methodological self-improvement of educators.
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