The ideas of practical training of future educators in analysis of Ukrainian scholars-pedagogues

The ational institutions with qualified staff, to support scientific and methodological support of professional activity, to increase of students. The introduce new methods of teaching, transition to rating control during the assessment of knowledge.

Рубрика Педагогика
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 20.09.2020
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А. Marushkevych, Dr. of Sci. (Pedagogical), Prof. Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine


The article presents some ideas about the practical training of future educators in the analysis of Ukrainian scholars-pedagogues whose names are known in Ukraine and abroad. The emphasis is placed on the importance of accepting some ideas as relevant to the implementation under modern conditions of the development of domestic education. It has been pointed out that there are actual I. Ogien- ko's ideas concerning the importance of the self-criticism of the people of science to their work, the attitude of society to the scientists' scientific work, which is not sufficiently appreciated, but is the basis of the spiritual culture. M. Pirogov's ideas about importance of university education, the formation of students' need for independent reading of scientific literature and the preparation of lectures in this way have been considered. G. Vaskovych's position on the level of training of pedagogical staff, providing them with the necessary methodical assistance, publishing periodical scientific and educational publications, which would facilitate implementing the most advanced ideas into educational practice and informing the readers about the ways of their implementation have been revealed. The analysis of a number of educational ideals by Ukrainian teacher G. Vashchenko and the vision of the importance of correct choice in the education of Ukrainian youth has been presented, because the quality of the formation of the moral qualities of young people depends on the adoption of the educational ideal. The importance of the S. Chavdarov's ideas concerning the textbook creation has been proved. In his opinion, the false practice of annual creating text-books negatively affects teaching, leads to neglecting of the theory. The author substantiates M. Gryshchenko's important views on raising the level of pedagogical preparation of students, educational work with freshmen, didactic counseling for young teachers. The attention has been paid to A. Aleksyuk's analysis of independent work of students, because, in his opinion, independence in obtaining knowledge helps to acquire skills and abilities to see the purpose and content of work, to ensure selfeducation. O. Dukhnovich 's thoughts about a mentor as a person gifted with special qualities, among which is the true challenge, respect for order, and the possession of a clear way of teaching have been considered. The scientific and pedagogical staff of higher educational institutions has been oriented to enriching their experience with knowledge about the providing of training and education of future specialists with the help of the heritage of outstanding personalities of the past.

Keywords: practical training, institutions of higher education, Ukrainian scientists, teachers, analysis, ideas, experience.


А. Марушкевич, д-р пед. наук, проф.

Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка, Київ, Україна


Представлено окремі ідеї щодо практичної підготовки майбутніх фахівців освітньої сфери в аналізі українських вчених-педагогів, чиї імена відомі в Україні та за її межами. Акцентовано увагу на важливості прийняття окремих із них як актуальних до реалізації в сучасних умовах розвитку вітчизняної освіти. Зорієнтовано науково-педагогічних працівників закладів вищої освіти на поповнення свого досвіду знаннями про забезпечення навчання та виховання майбутніх фахівців зі спадщини визначних персоналій минулого. Зазначено актуальні ідеї І. Огієнка щодо важливості самокритики людей науки до їхньої роботи, ставлення суспільства до наукової роботи вчених, яка недостатньо оцінена, але є основою духовної культури. Розглянуто уявлення М. Пирогова про важливість університетської освіти, формування потреби студентів у самостійному читанні наукової літератури. Виявлено позицію Г. Васьковича щодо рівня підготовки педагогічних кадрів, надання їм необхідної методичної допомоги, публікація періодичних наукових і навчальних публікацій, що сприятиме впровадженню найбільш передових ідей у навчальну практику та інформування читачів про шляхи їх реалізації. Представлено аналіз низки освітніх ідеалів українського педагога Г. Ващенка та бачення важливості правильного вибору в освіті української молоді, оскільки від формування моральних якостей молоді залежить якість формування освітнього ідеалу. Доведено важливість ідей С. Чавдарова щодо створення підручника. На його думку, фальшива практика щорічного створення підручників негативно впливає на викладання, призводить до ігнорування теорії. Обґрунтовано важливі погляди М. Грищенка на підвищення рівня педагогічної підготовки студентів, виховну роботу з першокурсниками, дидактичне консультування для молодих вчителів. Увага приділяється аналізу самостійної роботи студентів А. Алексюком, оскільки, на його думку, самостійність в отриманні знань допомагає набути навички та уміння бачити мету та зміст роботи, забезпечувати самоосвіту. Розглянуто думки О. Духновича про наставника як про особу, обдаровану особливими якостями, серед яких - справжній виклик, повага до порядку та володіння чітким способом навчання.

Ключові слова: практична підготовка, заклади вищої освіти, українські учені-педагоги, аналіз, ідеї, досвід.

Formulation of the problem. Higher education establishments in Ukraine are oriented on the training of competitive specialists capable of putting forward rational ideas, quickly react to changes in their field of activity, independently obtain the necessary information and apply it in problematic situations, to achieve high results in their work, constantly raising the spiritual and moral level, accurately expressing own thoughts, to overcome existing stereotypes, be responsible for made decisions etc. It is well-known that education enables personality to have flexible behavior in professionally significant situations. It is at the core of the inner culture of a person and has an indisputable value in preserving the achievements or components of individual achievements of representatives of different peoples in education, science, culture, art, production. Nowadays, the special significance in every young person's life is to have high-quality training in educational institutions, which is carried out by high-level specialists, who, in addition to preparing for different kinds of occupations, do hard research work and implement results into training practice. They constantly take into account the experience of outstanding pedagogues and build on this basis their own concepts of practical application of scientific and pedagogical ideas concerning working with students. However, the attitude of society to the academic work of teachers and their assessment is not clear, because there are contradictions between the content of scientific developments and their implications for the development of certain branches of science and practice; specificity of carrying out of scientific researches and quality of the achieved results; level of approbation of scientific researches and scientists' admitting their importance. In this context, the experience of the successful scientific work of representatives of the Ukrainian people, their contribution to the training of future specialists, especially in educational sphere, is necessary and demanded.

The goal of the publication is to emphasize teachers' attention in institutions of higher education on the actual ideas of practical training of future specialists in the educational sphere for professional activity, analyzed by well-known figures of Ukrainian science. The objective of the publication is to focus on the need to familiarize the teachers of institutions of higher education with the most important ideas of the practical training of future specialists, analyzed by Ukrainian scientists and educators.

Study presentation. I. Ohienko is one of the prominent personalities whose ideas and views were aimed at improving the training of specialists in the educational sphere. His scientific heritage is a system with the following components: persuasion, main ideas, views expressed in published and unpublished works, that include monographs, dictionaries, essays, moral and ethical sermons, advices for youth, school textbooks, clergy textbooks, books for parents and Sunday school organizers, school prayers, books for pupils, teachers and self-education, surveys of youth publications, methodical recommendations, correspondence, archival documents, reviews, memoirs. It is worth to mention his conclusions about the status of a scientist in society, which contains a fairly accurate statement: "To the detriment of our culture, we have not created a nationwide cult of honor of scientists" [8, p. 135]. He substantiated his vision of the need for moral support to people devoted to science and saw in a true scientist a person who devotes his life to a particular industry and does not break the norms of "...the most sophisticated scientific ethics" [8, p.135], criticizes the achievements of others researcher, honors the authors of publications for their personal positions, even when they exceed his own achievements, does not deal with the disclosure of scientific miscalculations.

He considered that the basis of spiritual culture is the scientific service of domestic scholars to the Ukrainian people. He directed these scientists to form "scientific conscience" [9, p.9], which keeps from negative deeds and contributes to active, effective work; pointed to the importance of language knowledge, because it is necessary for the development of erudition, "... reading other literature"; noted the need for a special attitude to using time, emphasizing the fact that "... time is valuable, and therefore do not spend it on useless reading" [7, p. 110]; advised to "endure much", considerably and critically treat "to every obstacle" on the path to discovering the truth. For him, the value was "the order of life and work, as well as the purity of mind, soul and heart" [7, p. 111]. As to critique of the achievements of scientists, he wrote: "Criticism may be different, it can be useful or destructive. Hyperbolic criticism is not good, but business criticism is calm and helps, and such criticism must be. An outrageous critique must be avoided" [7, p. 116]. The most important was the self- critical attitude of the researcher to his work.

Another well-known scientist M. Pirogov in his portfolio had a significant number of pedagogical works. Among the most famous, devoted to the development of the university scientific school, are "School and Life", "About the transformation of the Odessa Lyceum into the University", "About the creation of a pedagogical seminary at the University of St. Volodymyr in Kyiv", "Sunday and holiday schools for the craftsmen population", "About the permission for teachers to use their textbooks and instructional handbooks for teaching", "About holding the congress of teachers of natural sciences in the gymnasium in Kiev educational district "/'Letters from Heldersburg" [12] etc., which reveal a number of ideas that still concern the educators and are relevant to the application. Taking care of the quality and content of studies at universities, he noted: "It is impossible to separate the academic education from scientific in the university. However, scientific still shines and warms without education. But educational without a scientific... only flickers" [10, p. 303]. In his opinion, real teachers awake students' interest with a simple hint of unproven beliefs, and this is sometimes more likely to interest a student than simply giving knowledge. Science, in his understanding, justifies doubts, hesitation, accepts nothing on the word.

The scientist supposed that the formation of students' need for independent reading of scientific books and lectures in this way is very important. He suggested to implement a Socratic method of study in the form of conversations, the main purpose of which is to discuss the basic issues of science. Analyzing the problem of the teacher's attitude towards student youth, M. Pirogov emphasized the importance of the humane relationship between mentors and students, pointing out that only those who want to study should study. In the work "University question" the scientist substantiated the position about the scientific authority of the mentor, which is important for the management of students' scientific activity [10].

Analyzing the works of the representative of the Ukrainian diaspora G. Vaskovich, who for a long period of time was working outside of his native land, studied the process of development of Ukrainian education and highlighted his own positions towards it his publications, we can notice his special attitude to the level of training of teaching staff, providing them with the necessary methodological assistance. The content of the magazines "Light" and "Free Ukrainian School", which was especially popular among educators at the beginning of the 20th century, was analyzed in his work "Schooling in Ukraine (1905-1920)" and focused on respect for the work of editorial boards and permanent authors who wanted to prove the importance of the Ukrainian language and education for the citizens of Ukraine.

His analysis of the training and retraining of educational staff, the implementing of Ukrainian disciplines into the education system of teachers remain relevant today. In addition, G. Vaskovich welcomed the periodical scientific and pedagogical editions, which contributed to providing the most advanced ideas in educational practice and informed the readers about the ways of their implementation. He told our contemporaries his vision of the historical mission of scientific and pedagogical editions at the beginning of the XX century and focused on the issues that could promote the dissemination of best practices in educational institutions [3].

The well-known Ukrainian pedagogue of the XX century G. Vashchenko, analysing a number of educational ideals, pointed out the importance of choosing one of them in the education of Ukrainian youth. The scientist warned that the educational ideal can not be sufficiently reproduced in the various perfect pedagogical systems, because it "... is created by centuries and traditionally passed from the older generations to the younger, who supplement it and improve it" [4, p. 10]. The quality of the formation moral qualities in Ukrainian youth, the ability to influence their becoming as highly educated, competent citizens, oriented on national and universal values depends on its acceptance. At the heart of the theory of education Gregory Vashchenko saw national ideology, psychology, philosophy, morality, ethics, aesthetics, consciousness. Among the means of their formation, he called a mother tongue, history, national art, religious educational traditions, family and everyday culture. According to Gregory Vaschenko, the important features of the young people's can be formed due to music, song, sculpture, literature etc. According to him, talented youth should be noticed and supported, because young people can provide the expected results in each sphere of activity in the future [4, p.187].

Important for our time, the ideas of textbook creation are found in S. Chavadarov's legacy, who has developed methodical recommendations about creating books, because, according to the scientist, the false practice of annual creating text-books influence bad on teaching, leads to neglecting of the theory, and hence not following the principle of systematic learning [6]. There are the following recommendations:

• content analysis: assessment of the degree of science, consistency and systematic presentation, selection of material according to the criteria of its social significance and significance for science, the availability of educational value;

• analysis of principles and techniques of construction: the volume of the proposed material and its orientation to clearly defined units of time, the quality and meaningfulness of exercises for independent work, ensuring repetition and consolidation of knowledge, multilevel tasks;

• the quality of verbal expression: the accessibility of vocabulary, brightness, emotional saturation, vivacity;

• problem presentation;

• design of the textbook: quality of illustrations, compliance of fonts with hygienic requirements and their alternation.

It is important to consider these methodical recommendations in our time during discussions the issues of preparing high-quality educational publications in the public and scientific circles [6].

Scientific interests of M. Gryshchenko are connected with the development of the most important issues of educational work in the institution of higher education. He developed the theory of raising the level of pedagogical training of students, educational work with freshmen, didactic advice to young teachers, critical issues of defectology. The actual issues of planning, accounting and documentation, organizing methodological work in special boarding schools, requirements for lectures at extramural department of higher education institutions and many others have been analyzed.

His scientific interests were related to the study of higher school didactic issues. Under his leadership and direct participation the course "Fundamentals of Pedagogy of Higher School" was created. This course prepared graduate students and young teachers for work at a university [5, p. 1].

M. Gryshchenko's ideas inspired his colleagues' to creative work, among them we can mention D. Sergienko who considered that socially useful labor is an integral part of education and upbringing, which has a pedagogical significance only if it corresponds to the educational objectives of the school and correct pedagogical leadership of it [11].

He paid special attention to the problem of vocational guidance and noted: "Professional orientation is a multifaceted social problem that combines social, economic, pedagogical, psychological and medical-physiological aspects, its purpose is to help each pupil to choose a profession that is in line with his interests, inclinations, health, features of the character and needs of society" [11, p.94]. His scientific and pedagogical heritage contains many terms and concepts (for example, polytechnical outlook, industrial practice, labor discipline, inter-school educational and industrial complex etc.), which require further analysis, possible refinement. student professional teaching knowledge

A. Aleksyuk is among those who have in their work and experience relevant ideas for the current education and science. He paid attention to the independent work of students and believed that autonomy in gaining knowledge facilitates the acquisition of skills to see the purpose and content of work, to provide self-education [2]. The scientist divided all kinds of independent work of the students into works of the reproductive type, creative and combined. He also singled out teacher's management function concerning cognitive activity of the student. A. Aleksyuk stated that under current conditions it is important to ensure a high level of lectures and the lectures must form scientific thinking of students. He convinced of the necessity of carrying out classes with problematic content, that reflect the latest achievements of scientific, technical and social development [2].

Conclusions. Analyzing the Ukrainian scholars's views about practical training of future specialists in the field of education, we can notice their complementarity and proximity, the importance of ideas and approaches to solving important problems in the educational field. Valuable ideas have been found in the scientific and pedagogical works by I. Ogienko, M. Pirogov, G. Vaskovych, G. Vashchenko, S. Chavdarov, A. Aleksyuk, M. Gryshchenko, D. Sergienko. All these pedagogues researched teachers' scientific activity, their attitude to student youth, support in obtaining the necessary information by means of preliminary reading of literature on the topic of lectures, level of training and retraining of personnel, the importance of periodicals in spreading knowledge, the role of vocational guidance and socially useful work in choosing a life course etc.

Today, as in the period of their activity, there is a need to provide educational institutions with qualified staff, to organize their retraining, to support scientific and methodological support of professional activity, to increase the hours of independent work of students, to introduce new methods of teaching, to use of technical means of training, transition to rating control during the assessment of knowledge, to increase the level of conducting lectures, to increase the volume of practical and laboratory work. Learning this experience by analyzing the works of scientists is an impetus for the development of new approaches of training in the field of education.


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  • Effective reading is essential for success in acquiring a second language. Approaches to Teaching Reading Skills. The characteristic of methods of Teaching Reading to Learners. The Peculiarities of Reading Comprehension. Approaches to Correcting Mistakes.

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  • Transfer to profile training of pupils of 11–12 classes of 12-year comprehensive school its a stage in implementation of differentiation of training. Approaches to organization of profile education and their characteristic, evaluation of effectiveness.

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  • Oxford is the oldest English-speaking university in the world and the largest research center in Oxford more than a hundred libraries and museums, its publisher. The main areas of training students. Admission to the university. Its history and structure.

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  • Problems of child's psychological development. "Hot-Cold" games (for children till 7 years old). Intellectual Eye Measurer. Definitions and classification. Assessment. Computer, teacher's version. Mathematics. Statistics (for training of banking workers).

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  • Modern education system in the UK. Preschool education. The national curriculum. Theoretical and practical assignments. The possible scenarios for post-secondary education. Diploma of higher professional education. English schools and parents' committees.

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  • What is the lesson. Types of lessons according to the activities (by R. Milrood). How to write a lesson plan 5 stages. The purpose of assessment is for the teacher. The students' mastery. List modifications that are required for special student.

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