Educational sphere specialists preparation on the exampleof multidimensional e ducational and enlightenment activities of Sidor Vorobkevich
The article presents the study of Sidor Vorobkevych educational activities in the multicultural environment of Austrian Bukovina. Study of the activity of such a multidimensional and multicultural personality as S.Vorobkevich is especially topical.
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Дата добавления | 20.09.2020 |
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sidor vorobkevych education bukovina
I. Mariuts, Ph. D. (Pedagogical Sci.),
Assist. Prof. Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine
The article presents the study of Sidor Vorobkevych educational activities in the multicultural environment of Austrian Bukovina. Under such conditions, study of the creativity and activity of such a multidimensional and multicultural personality as Sidor Vorobkevich is especially topical. A fter all, he lived and worked at such time and territory when the agreement was reached between people of different ethnic groups, different cultures, values, religion. Conducted parallel with the modern tasks of education and society development and proposed their solution on the example of S. Vorobkevich's activities, such as modern historians consider Austrian Bukovina like a kind of prototype of the European Union. In Soviet times, his name and works were either completely ignored or interpreted pre-conceived. It was inadmissible that he had a sacerdotal rite and teaching in theological seminary and theological faculty of Chernivtsy University, what contradicts to communists ideology. His pedagogical work started in theological seminary, real school, gymnasium and dascalia (deacon school) in Chernivtsi, where he had up to 40 training hours per week. Having entered the post of teacher of music and singing of the theological seminary, S. Vorobkevich encountered a number of problems that required an urgent solution like absence of any teaching and methodological base - textbooks on musical literacy and solfeggio, didactic instructions for teaching singing, a collection of songs for the school repertoire. The young teacher starts solving the situation on his own. He had to create everything in the process of work. Slowly he wrote plenty of manuals for studying music and languages (he wrote in Ukrainian, Romanian, German). His manuals were used not only in Bukovina and in Ukraine, but also far beyond its borders. In the article we conduct the parallel with the image of modern teacher - tolerant, creative, developed, multidimensional person, as teacher should be.
Keywords: Multiculturalism, Tolerance, Sidor Vorobkevich, Bukovina, educational and enlightenment activities.
І. Маріуц, канд. пед. наук, асист. Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка, Київ, Україна
Представлено дослідження педагогічної діяльності Сидора Воробкевича в мультикультурному середовищі австрійської Буковини. Акцентовано особливо актуальне вивчення творчості і діяльності такої багаторанної та багатокультурної особистості, як Сидор Воробкевич. Він жив і працював у той час і на Буковині, коли була досягнута домовленість між людьми різних етнічних груп, різних культур, цінностей, релігій. Проведено паралель із сучасними завданнями освіти і розвитку суспільства та запропоновано їхнє вирішення на прикладі просвітницької діяльності С. Воробкевича, зважаючи на думку сучасних істориків, що австрійську Буковину можна вважати прототипом Європейського Союзу. За радянських часів твори Воробкевича були або повністю вилучені, або тлумачені неправильно, оскільки неприпустимим був його священний сан і викладання в богословській семінарії та богословському факультеті Чернівецького університету, що суперечило комуністичній ідеології. Його педагогічна діяльність розпочалася в духовній семінарії, реальній школі, гімназії та даскалії (дияконська школа) у Чернівцях, де він мав до 40 навчальних годин на тиждень. Вступивши на посаду вчителя музики і співу богословської семінарії, С. Воробкевич зіткнувся з такимии проблемами, що потребували термінового вирішення, як відсутність будь-якої навчально-методичної бази - підручників з музичної грамотності та сольфеджіо, дидактичних вказівок для викладання співу, колекції пісень для шкільного репертуару. Молодий вчитель почав самостійно вирішувати це питання в процесі роботи. Він написав безліч посібників для навчання музики та мов (писав українською, румунською, німецькою). Його посібники використовувалися не тільки на Буковині, а й далеко за її межами. У статті ми проводимо паралель із образом сучасного вчителя - толерантної, творчої, розвиненої, багатовимірної людини, якою повинен бути педагог.
Ключові слова: мультикультурність, толерантність, Сидір Воробкевич, Буковина, педагогічна та просвітницька діяльність.
Formulation of the problem. In recent years, violent extremism and terrorist attacks have erupted in Europe and US, it is causing a threat not only to the security of its citizens, but also to its basic values of freedom, democracy, equality, respect for dignity and human rights. Disturbing events directly oppose the vision of a Western society characterized by pluralism, non-discrimination, tolerance, justice, solidarity and gender equality. This is a threat to the common Western values of freedom, tolerance and non-discrimination. The consequences can be serious and prolonged. Relevant and interrelated political and legal initiatives have been created to overcome this problem on the European Union level, for example, the Paris Declaration on Promoting citizenship and the common values of freedom, tolerance and non-discrimination through education of March 17, 2015. This declaration was developed by the European Council of Ministers responsible for Education and the EU Commissioner for Education, was a direct response to "terrorist attacks in France and Denmark, and a reminder of similar cruelty in Europe in the recent past" and acquires further relevance in the light of the manifestations of cruelty in November 2015 in Paris and March 2016 in Brussels.
Such manifestations arose due to rejection and misunderstanding between people of different faiths, ethnic groups, and race on the non-perception of "otherness". Under such conditions, study of the creativity and activity of such a multidimensional and multicultural personality as Si- dor Vorobkevich is especially topical. After all, he lived and worked at such time and territory when the agreement was reached between people of different ethnic groups, different cultures, values, religion - it was Austrian Bukovina.
Research goal and objectives. Research goal of this article is to study pedagogical and enlightenment activities in the multicultural environment of Sidor Vorobkevich; find parallels with the current challenges of the development of education and society and propose solutions based on the example of S. Vorobkevich activities.
Analysis of recent researches and publications. During the Soviet times, the name and works of S. Vorobkevich were either completely ignored or interpreted pre-conceived. It was inadmissible that he had a sacerdotal rite and teaching in theological seminary and theological faculty of Chernivtsy University. In addition, names of many close friends of him were accompanied by the stigma "bourgeois nationalist". However, in the 50's-60's of the last century several literary publications appeared in which attempts were made to objectively analyze and evaluate S. Vorobkevich's creativity in the context of literary process of the second half of 19-th century. V. Lesin and A. Romanets in 1964 put in ordered and published in Kyiv "Selected Poems" by Sidor Vorobkevich. Since then, a less systematic study of not only poetry, but also biographies and various aspects of the creative activity of the eminent Bukovinian has begun.
In 1967 A. Korzhupova defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic "Yuri Fedkovich and the development of Ukrainian progressive literature in Bukovina", separate section of which ("Contemporaries Yu. Fedkovich") was devoted to the work of S. Vorobkevich and his brother Grigory (Naum Shrama). In 1969 defended the PhD dissertation "Development of prose in Western lands in the 30-60 years of the XIX century" M. Yuriychuk. Where works of S. Vorobkevich were evaluated as the best examples of epic journals in the literature of Galicia and Bukovina of that period. In February 1968, the Institute of Art Studies, Folklore Studies and Ethnology M. T. Rilskyof Academy of Science of Ukraine defended thesis by N. Belinskaya "I. I. Vorobkevich: life and music" in 1975 in Chernivtsy State University defended thesis "S. I. Vorobkevich: life, creativity and place in the literary process of the second half of the XIX century".
Modern research of life and creative path of Sidor Voro- bkevych is the study of P. Nikonenko "The Bukovynian Lark" (2016, 2nd ed.) And "The Bukovynian Lark: Pages of Sidor Vorobkevich's biography" (2011, 1st ed.). However, there was not identified a separate study of pedagogical and enlightenment activities of Sidor Vorobkevych, although he devoted 20 years of his life to those activities and had significant achievements in this area, cultural and educational all his adult life.
Socio-historical prerequisites. "Austrian Bukovina was a kind of prototype of the European Union", - Ivan Mo- nolatiy (PhD in historical sciences, Doctor of political sciences, professor, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Higher School of Ukraine, Ukrainian scientist and teacher, historian, ethnopolitologist). For a century and a half the Rusyns-Ukrainians, Romanians, Germans, Poles and Jews, submitted to one monarch - the Austrian Habsburg dynasty. Such cohabitation of European peoples can even be considered a kind of prototype of European Union.
As a result of the accords after the Turkish-Russian war, Bukovina moved to the Austrian Habsburgs dynasty (17751918). At that time, the territory inhabited no more than five thousand people. Therefore, monarchs decide to quickly master the region. To do this, in the Duchy of Bukovina mass migrants are sent. "For a hundred years, the Austrians managed to increase the population more than a hundred times. That is, the rate of growth and the rate of population growth could be compared in the nineteenth century with the North American processes, "notes the honorary consul of Austria in Chernivtsi, Sergei Osadchuk. Thus, the Bukovina Duchy becomes a multicultural region, the main part of which are "Rusyns" (Ukrainians) and "Wallachians" (Romanians). Also on the territory of the region lived German and Polish, Jewish ethnic groups. "At that time it was fashionable to coexist together in the empire. It was a prototype to a certain extent of the first European Union," says historian Ivan Monolatiy.
Under such socio-political conditions, the "Bukovinian lark", the writer, the composer, the teacher, the priest, the music and public figure, the editor of many Bukovynian magazines, the artist Sidor Vorobkevich lived and worked in a multicultural and multinational environment [05.05.1836 - 19.09.1903], pseudonyms - Daniil Mlaka, S. Volokh, Demko Makoviychuk, Morozenko, Semyon Hrin. He was born and died in Chernivtsi. Throughout the artist's life, his multidimensional creative activity (literary, musical, pedagogical and religious) was mainly aimed to educate Bukovinians. He played a great role in the national and cultural life of Bukovina, because the artist's entire life, his multifaceted creative activity (writing, music, pedagogy, and spiritual) was mainly aimed to educate Bukovynians, developing their national culture. It is important that the artist's enlightenment activity consisted not only in enlightening others, he personally demonstrated how to work systematically on professional and personal self-improvement. We consider such experience to be still relevant in the process of training specialists in the educational sphere. The life and creative path of Sidor Vorobkevich repeatedly indicates that self-education, self-improvement, aspiration for personal growth give the best results in their own professional and pedagogical activity and contribute to success in the education of talented successors.
Study presentation
The influence of family education on the development of S. Vorobkevych personality. Investigating the formation of the multifaceted creative personality of the educator and enlightener, it is worth paying attention to the family upbringing that is favorable for the further development of the personality. His father - Ivan Vorobkevich was a teacher of philosophy and theology in the theological seminary and city lyceum in Chernivtsy, his mother - Elizaveta Korlatsan, daughter of the archpriest from the town of Cвmpulung (now Romania). Since childhood he and his brother Grigory (Naum Shram) and Sister Olympia, were orphaned early, their grandfather, the Orthodox priest in Kitsman and the grandmother, were engaged in their education, upbringing and development. His kind-hearted and educated grandmother from childhood noticed grandson's music talent. Deciding to support and develop natural abilities of Sidor, she bought a violin for him, which Sidor kept with him all his life. Grandmother instilled in him a love of Ukrainian folk song and language. We consider Sidor Vorobkevich as an intercultural educator, such as he wrote in three languages - Ukrainian, Romanian and German, because the geopolitical position and cultural environment of Bukovina that times contributed to the study of many languages and penetration of cultures of various ethnic groups. So, foreign-language communicative and intercultural competence, later significantly expand the capabilities of Sidor Ivanovich.
Consequently, the successful education in the Kitsman's four-year german language school continued in the upper classes of the Chernivtsi german language Gymnasium. As a schoolboy he traveled through the Bukovinian villages, collected Ukrainian and Romanian melodies. He make a try to better understand the life, traditions and history of people from Bukovina, to learn their language and culture consciously preparing himself for future work in cultural and educational fields.
When he finished studies at gymnasium, he was 20 years old young man who makes a serious choice - in 1857 he goes to study at the Chernivtsi Ecclesiastical Seminary (the training was conducted in German and Romanian languages, but the Ukrainian Church Slavonic was taught as a subject). The first teacher of Ukrainian language was Sidor's relative - Yakov Vorobkevich, an educated and patriotic man. Later with the opening of the University of Chernivtsi, the theological seminary became part of it as a theological faculty. During his studies, besides obligatory theological studies, Sidor attended choir and literary hobby group, and devoted all his free time to musical self-education, studying works of worldwide famous composers and musicologists. Such hobbies during student's time determined the direction of his further multi-dimensional creative activity: literary, musical, pedagogical, spiritual, research. Self-education gives good results. Soon he directs the student orchestra and choirs group. Being talented in foreign languages Sidor has possibility to read authentic musical literature of German authors, study music theory, learn laws of musical harmony, counterpoint, instrumentation, listens to samples of the best Western European church music.
In 1861 he graduated from the seminary. He married the daughter of the director of school from the city Siret (Romania), took the priest's degree and went to work in distant Bukovinian villages: Davideny (1861-1865) and Russian Moldovitsa (1865-1867, now in Suceava, Romania). On these lands he worked like a priest for 7 years. Here he wrote his best lyrical poems. In 1863, the first poetry of Sidor Vorobkevich appeared - a cycle of 8 verses entitled "Thoughts from Bukovina". In addition to poetry, S. Vorob- kevich writes novels, stories, humoresques, popular scientific articles. During his stay in Bukovina villages, Vorob- kevich again studies the local folk music. As a result was piblished "Our Folk Song", which was completed in 1865. He found research on folk songs very important and necessary, because he considers it as a talisman, which revealing the secrets of the past, because this is the history of the people. Love and respect to the folk song are reflected in the vocal- choral works of the artist. Extraordinarily popular was his song-poem "The Mother tongue" which was printed until 1939 in all reading and music manuals for schoolchildren. At that time in Bukovina was difficult to get books written by Ukrainian authors. It's rarely came from neighboring Galicia, and books from Kyiv were very rare.
Pedagogical activity of Sidor Isnovich Vorobkevich
Finally, in 1867 he returned to Chernivtsi in his 30th. A long break in his literary career started, that was caused primarily by the heavy workload of pedagogical work in the theological seminary, the real school, the gymnasium and dascalia (deacon school), where he had up to 40 training hours per week. Having entered the post of teacher of music and singing of the theological seminary, S. Vorobkevich encountered a number of problems that required an urgent solution like absence of any teaching and methodological base - textbooks on musical literacy and solfeggio, didactic instructions for teaching singing, a collection of songs for the school repertoire. The young teacher starts solving the situation on his own. He had to create everything in the process of work.
Despite the busyness of the teaching work, in the second year of his teaching he published his first book, written in German, entitled "General Theory of Music", which was introduced to all schools of the region and was reprinted several times. In the same year he released another German manual - "Elementary textbook of harmony." Later he wrote textbooks on musical literacy in Ukrainian. With the arrival in the Bukovina capital he seems to postpone its literary activity and leaves it to a later time. But in Chernivtsi S. Vorobkevich takes up professional mastery of pedagogical specialty. He improves his musical education. To receive the official right to teach music he went to Vienna to continue his studies at the Conservatory in July 1868. Here we can make a parallel with aspiration of Father Sidor to self-realization as a teacher and aspiration to improve the acquired skills and comedies, training throughout life, self-development and professional self-improvement. During his studies in Vienna, S. Vorobkevich visits the theaters and concert halls of the capital of European music, left a deep imprint on his soul and mind and motivated him to further self-realization in the field of musical and dramatic art.
After studying at the Vienna Conservatory, Sidor Vorobkevich brilliantly passes an exam in musical and theoretical disciplines and after receiving a diploma as a teacher of singing and choir regent returns at the beginning of 1869 in Chernivtsi to teaching work. In parallel, having improved his theoretical knowledge of music, the composer writes piano pieces and works for instrumental ensembles. Concludes the choral scores for his own texts and the words of other authors. Since then, the artist for 40 hours a week until his retirement will work in almost all secondary schools, and after the opening in 1875 of Chernivtsi University, S. Vorobkevich receives the title of professor and teaches music at the theological faculty.
In 1870 S. Vorobkevich published in Chernivtsi "Collection of songs for public schools, lower classes of gymnasium and real schools". It consist of 20 songs, words and music to which the poet-composer wrote himself: "Mother tongue", "Song of schoolchildren", "Vesnyanka", "Walk", "Orphan in foreign lands", "In the Carpathian Mountains" etc. "The Collection of songs..." was in Bukovina the second school textbook on singing written in Ukrainian, after the "Spivannik for hospodar's children" by Yu. Fedkovych, was signed in 1867, and issued in 3 years with the assistance of S. Vorobkevich, who reviewed the manuscript and gave him high marks. Commenting on the release of the "Collection of Songs...", the correspondent of the newspaper "Slovo" in his March 16, 1870 issue noted: "All those songs are concluded with a successful and, however, easy to learn duet. Collection of Isidore Vorobkevich can compete with such German collections, which is not surprising, since the author is an examining member of the Vienna Conservatory of Music. Every Ukrainian community in Galicia, Hungary, Bukovina had that compilation for a local school".
Mainly on the basis of his almost 20-year pedagogical experience, S. Vorobkevich prepared and in 1880 published in Vienna "Songbook for public schools", consisting of three parts. It actually became the first Ukrainian singing textbook, which was then reprinted many times and for more than two decades it was used in the schools of Western Ukraine.
The musicologist Maria Belinskaya in her essay "Sidor Vorobkevich" (1982) noted that his songbooks were the only textbook at that time for teaching singing in schools. The very fact of their reissue in 1893, 1899, 1902, 1905, 1909 and 1910 indicates that they were not interchangeable for the primary and secondary schools of Galicia and Bukovina. This is undoubtedly their great importance in the development of musical culture in the West-Ukrainian lands".
At the same time, S. Vorobkevich wrote and published a similar manual in Romanian called "Collection of Songs for Folk Schools" (Vienna, 1889). He also consisted mainly of folklore works and songs written by S. Vorobkevich with the words of famous Romanian and Moldovan poets. In particular, V. Alexandri and M. Imenescu. For a long time this "Collection of Songs for Folk Schools" was in Romania and Moldova also the only textbook on which children studied music and singing. The progressive public, in particular the outstanding figure of the Romanian and Moldovan culture Bogdan Hasdeu Petricheyku (1838-1907), highly appreciated the progress.
Textbooks, like all of S. Vorobkevich's pedagogical activity, were the usual degree that the folk song and music were heard in the schools of Bukovina. They also contributed to the popularization of the works of T. Shevchenko, Yu. Fedkovych, M. Shashkevich, V. Alexandri, M. Imenescu and S. Vorobkevich himself. In 1890, he wrote in his autobiography "in all school I enter - everywhere I hear my songs. This is a reward for me, I ennobled Children's Hearts with music, means I lived in this world for some reason".
Sidor Vorobkevich especially respected and popularized the works of Taras Shevchenko in Bukovina. In particular, he met and collaborated with leading German-Austrian poet, the writer Georg Obrist - professor of the highest real school in Chernivtsi, where S. Vorobkevich taught the course of theology. Immediately when they met general plan appired to translate and publish in German poetry of T. Shevchenko with his biography. Without losing time, they both set to work: S. Vorobkevich made a translation of selected for collection poems and G. Obrist carried out the German version on their basis. This was one of the first fairly successful translations of Shevchenko's work.
It is necessary to notice as achievements of S. Vorobkevich's famous students were: Eusebius Mandichevsky (1857-1929) - an Austrian composer and musicologist of Ukrainian origin. Eusebie Mandicevschi, son of the Chernivtsi Orthodox priest. After high-quality training by Sidor Vorobkevich he continued his education and musical career in Vienna, where he directed choral and orchestral ensembles; since 1880 - choirmaster of the Vienna Choir Academy; 1887 - archivist of the Society of Friends of Music; in 18961921, Professor of the Academy of Music and Performing Arts (Vienna Conservatory), where he conducted classes, instrumentation, history of music and composition; Chiprian Porumbescu (1854-1883) is a famous Romanian composer, the founder of the Romanian musical classics. After the name of Ciprian Porumbescu was named Bucharest Conservatory and the Romanian Musical Lyceum in Chisinau, Moldova; on his mentoring mastered a course of theoretical training with music Porfiry Bazhansky (1836-1920) - a famous Ukrainian composer and music theorist, a famous Galician musician, folklorist, writer. His student was also Mikhail Verbitsky - author of the music of Ukrainian anthem.
In the declining years (1897), S. Vorobkevich was elected representative to the Regional School Council to the place of the deceased Romanian I. Onchul. He became the first Ukrainian in this educational institution. The creative horizons of S. Vorobkevich not only closed on Bukovina and in Ukraine, but also far beyond its borders. The popularity of the figure of S. Vorobkevich in the east of Ukraine is evidenced, for example, by the letter from the teacher of the Lubensky grammar school from Poltava, L. Dolinky, who on October 1,1874 asked the artist to send his works and assured him that he was "known and appreciated as a poet and composer". Consequently, the statement of S. Vorobkevich himself, that his songs can be heard "both at the Danube, and over the Dnieper, in Serbia, in Galicia and other parts" are approved by facts.
Social, cultural and educational activities of S. Vorobkevich. In the fall of 1875 in Chernivtsi, according to the decree of Emperor Franz Joseph, the German university of his name was opened. Despite the fact that the main goal of this step of the Viennese government was the strengthening of the state positions of Austria-Hungary in the province and implementation of German education and culture there, the grounds and further activities of the university had an influence on all spheres of life of the Bukovinian public, including the rise of national recognition of Ukrainian society. The well-known figure of the people's movement in Galicia, writer Vasily Ilnitsky, wrote about this in the article "The bookmarks of Chernivtsi University and the hundredth anniversary of Bukovina's accession to Austria" published in the 20th issue of Pravda for 1875: "We do not deny that in the current circumstances could not have appeared another university like German, we do not deny the fact that the creation of a German university can benefit the region in general, and the Ukrainiams of Bukovina especially. "So in fact it was: people from the native Ukrainian, as well as Romanian, population of the region got better than there was before the opportunity to get a university education, then to work in the interests of their people. However, to become a university student, it was necessary to finish the German high school. This, of course, could only be afforded by individual students from Ukrainian families, because to enter such an elite educational institutionnit was required to speak German, which could be mastered in a normal (primary) school, again with German language of learning.
Spiritual Seminary, which before the opening of the university had the status of a higher educational institution and was the main place of work of S. Vorobkevich entered the university as one of its faculties - theological. So, S. Vorobkevich became a university professor and continued to work there until 1902, when he was retired due to illness. With the opening of the university active and more mass participation of youth in social and cultural-educational movement of the region became. Students united in their societies, conducted cultural and educational work among the population, organized amateur performances, cultural and artistic events, issued almanacs etc. With participation of Ukrainian students, the issues of creating a department of the Ukrainian language and literature at the university, as well as the introduction of the Ukrainian language as a teaching discipline in the theological and philosophical faculties.
The most active and consistent in its activities for a long time was the first in Chernivtsi Ukrainian student society "Union", an honorary member of which in 1878 was elected Isidore Vorobkevich. On the initiative of the "Union" in the city and around the villages, literary and art evenings and lectures on popular scientific and economic topics were arranged. At the opening of the university was Al. Barvinsky, as a guest of S. Vorobkevich. In a letter to a Bukovinian friend written right after returning to Ternopil (October 4, 1875), where he then worked, Al. Barvinsky shared fresh impressions of his trip to Chernivtsi. It convinced him that the Ukrainians lives hard in Bukovina, and the people who defended the people's interests are almost gone. The exception is, in his opinion, only brothers Vorobkevich: "You must be a prop that supports the whole building of the people's and Bukovina".
The University in Chernivtsi was opened on October 1, 1875, and two weeks after the celebrations held on this occasion, Grigory Vorobkevich wrote in a diary that this, on the one hand, is an act of Germanization of the population of Bukovina, but at the same time the university will promote the spread of European culture in the region, although in a German dress: "After all, the people learn from each other, and this is only a exhausting of themselves, when they say that the people themselves can become what they are". It is the closure of oneself before other nations that creates stagnation. The true that, all nations formed their culture, but only some managed to make their languages world-wide famous, and for science this is very important".
Sidor in parallel continues his work in the literary field. He wrote a large number of short stories and dramatic works. Along with his compositional and literary activities, S. Vorobkevich devoted much effort to musical pedagogy. Working with school youth, he constantly felt the lack of Ukrainian pedagogical and methodological literature on musical and theoretical disciplines. Therefore, he concluded and published songbooks and small textbooks on the solfeggio theory of music, harmony. These textbooks were for school. These were the first Ukrainian samples of musical and educational literature in Bukovina.
In 1870 the first book of Sidor Vorobkevich was published in Chernivtsi intended for schoolchildren, which included 20 songs. Recommended by S. Vorobkevich songs were sung in all schools. During 1889 in Vienna his next songbook was published, three parts of which were published in separate editions. The greatest value has the third part of the songbook, which is essentially a methodical guide to music theory.
For 70-80 years S. Vorobkevich's collaborated with the theater. The composer writes a significant amount of musical and dramatic works, songs for the theater. It began with the fact that in 1864 the theater committee of the society Russian conversation on the occasion of the opening of the Russian People's Theater in Lviv announced a competition for the creation of plays for the repertoire of the theater. Vorobkevich wrote two plays but did not send them, because he thought they were too weak for them. And in 1872 he sent his new play to the Lviv Theater, which called "Wedding on Harvest". This play was immediately taken to the stage, which inspired him to active work in the territory of drama and stage music. In a short time he became one of the most popular playwrights. The works of which did not leave the stage until the middle of the 90s of the 19th century. Sidor Vorobkevich wrote dramatic works, many of them submitted their own music. It is even difficult to say who predominated in him - a writer or a composer. His musical legacy impresses - 400 works for the choir, about 250 for his own texts, he is the author of the opera "Lean Marta", numerous vaudeville songs, liturgical songs and psalms, quartets, edgings.
For 20 years between 1870-1890 Sidor Vorobkevich continues to work actively on public arena. He is member of many Chernivtsi public associations. Chair at "Ruska be- sida". At the initiative of S. Vorobkevich there is a Ukrainian- language literary and art magazine "Bukovina Dawn". Father Sidor gathers the Union of Ukrainian Students. In 1884 he was elected chairman of the first Russian literary and drama society. The task of this society in Chernivtsy was to cherish dramatic and musical art, put Ukrainian folk plays in the theater, organize musical-recital evenings, concerts, popular lectures. And after 3 years, Sidor heads the Russian Folk House in Chernivtsi. He was the editor and publisher of the anthology "Ruska Khata" - Bukovina almanac in 1877, Sidor Vorobkevich signed it under the pseudonym Daniil Mlaka in Chernivtsi, and published it in Lviv. In the "Russian Hut" took part: Sidor Vorobkevich and his brother Grigory Vorobkevich, Yuri Fedkovych, Kornilo Ustiyanovich, Anna Barvinok, Panteleimon Kulish (article about Galician Russia during the Cossack wars) etc. Consequently, S. Vorobkevich became the continuer of the idea of joining all Ukrainians in Bucovina, which was headed by Yury Fedkovych before him.
In 1886, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the birth of Sidor Vorobkevich, he celebrated his creative activity with the participation of well-known and authoritative people of Bukovina. The President of Duchy of Bukovina came to honor the artist - Baron Felix Pino von Friedenthal. For many of his predecessors, the position of the Bukovina Territory President became a springboard for further growth, and only units were able to earn with concrete deeds, the style of leadership, respect in the region honored by compatriots of both Ukrainian and Romanian descent, and managed to understand Baron Pinot deeply in political, social and national problems edge, he studied Ukrainian and Romanian languages. It was a great honor to guest him at his event. Among the guests who supported work of S. Vorobkevich were numerous officials - Ukrainian, German, Romanian, Polish cultural figures, public leaders of the region, representatives of the press. Counted with S. Vorobkevich all the national groups of the region and respected him. In 1897, when Father Sidor turned 61 years old, he was elected representative to the regional school board for the place of the deceased Romanian Mr. Onchul. Vorobkevich becomes the first Ukrainian in this educational institution of the province.
Father Sidor Vorobkevich never left theology. His spiritual-preaching publishing in Romanian religious magazine "Candela" is admired. In this magazine he published about 100 preaching. In general, in his autobiography Sidor noted: "I printed 4 Ukrainian liturgies, Romanian - 6; 2 Greek are in manuscripts, and Ukrainian and Romanian are a lot. Secular choirs, songs - not only Ukrainian, but also Greek, German, Serbian - in manuscripts, also the exact number of it cannot be counted. All the Ukrainian preaching, which I compiled in 35 years two years ago (a lot of them disappeared) into one dispute book".
In Bukovina, concert activity of newly formed "Russian Literary and Dramatic Society" (in 1884) was widely developed. Under the chairmanship of Sidor Vorobkevich, apart from performing plays from life of Ukrainian people, arranged concerts and lectures on theater and music. For example, in 1886, Bukovina widely honored the memory of the great Kobzar (Taras Shevchenko), and after that became a tradition to annually organize large musical and literary evenings in honor of T. Shevchenko, M. Shashkevich, Yu. Fedkovich, whose programs consisted mainly of works by Ukrainian composers who wrote music on words of these poets and writers. In this context, it should be noted that S. Vorobkevich was one of the first among Western composers who began to write music for the immortal poetry of T. Shevchenko. Among the numerous written by the composer different genre vocal-choral, instrumental, and religious works - 12 male choruses are written on the words of the great poet [9, p. 24]. In 2011, these works were reprinted in the publishing house of Chernivtsi National University named after Yuri Fedkovych for use in the teaching and educational purposes of music students [16].
Sidor Vorobkevich was one of founders of popular scientific lecture hall, where he personally gave public lectures on history of music with the cycle of articles "Our Composers". He thoroughly described the work of the famous Russian composer Glinka, the western composer Verbitsky, who "brought music to Galicia in and equipped it with deeply patriotic moods and optimism," says M. Bilinskaya [2, p. 14-15]. The modern scholar philologist P. Rykhlo in his study of the works of the Austrian poet, interpreter of mid-19th century I G Obrist - one of the first European artists who touched the immortal poetry of T. Shevchenko, transferring them to German, points on great help in this matter of his writing, friend S. Vorbkevich [22 p. 231]. "A certain merit belongs to S. Vorobkevich and in the development of cultural traditions of the Moldavians and Romanian peoples. He was sympathetic to the Romanian people and their culture. Based on the samples of the Romanian song folklore, he created many original compositions and songs that were printed in periodicals and musical collections and formed the basis of "Collection of Songs" for the Romanian schools. "The progressive public of Romania, during the life of the composer, recognized his services in strengthening cultural connections between two neighboring peoples [18, p. 36].
Highlighting the multifaceted field of Sidor Vorobkevich's creativity in artistic areas of Bukovina, one can not ignore his productive cultural and educational activities, which would be noticed from the outside. In this regard, there are noteworthy and Argumenting words of the famous musician and teacher, composer, chairman of the first music society in Chernivtsi since 1874, the director of the music school, Czech nationality Adalbert Grzhimali, in whose person the Bukovina had significant support for the development of multinational culture in the province. Although he led the German Society in Bukovina for 30 years, still opposed the forcible implementing of German culture in the multilingual Bukovina. That is, the artist faithfully believed that time would come when each nation, each person will have the opportunity to develop himself, his culture, preserve and multiply his cultural traditions, live in a free and independent democratic state. "Success is achieved by someone who does not consider himself superior to his people. These are already Vorobkevich, Mandichevsky, Flondor".
The literary and artistic award named after Sidor Vorob- kevich was founded in 1993. The award is based on the aim of developing and popularizing national culture of Bukovina, creating highly artistic works of literature and art, enhancing the activity of members of creative unions, professional collectives, teachers of educational institutions and cultural and educational workers of the region. The prize is awarded annually for outstanding achievements in the development of the culture and art of the region to the best Bukovinian artists: writers, painters, workers of concert and theater organizations, art educational institutions, cultural and educational institutions. The Literary and Art Award named after Sidor Vorobkevich is awarded in the nominations "Pedagogical Activity in Educational Art Institutions", "Scientific Research Activity on the Study and Promotion of the Art of Sidor Vorobkevich and Other Outstanding Artists of Bukovina", "Literature", "Musical Art", "Theatrical Alt', "Fine Arts". The prize is given to the laureates on anniversary day of the Bukovina Viche (November 3).
So, the artist's enlightenment activity consisted not only in enlightening others, he personally demonstrated how to work systematically on professional and personal self-improvement. S. Vorobkevich's views on public education and its practical pedagogical activity were innovative for its time and democratic in its direction. He continued the business of democratization of school education initiated by
Yu. Fedkovich in Bukovina, and as a composer and pedagogue-musicologist attached special importance to the aesthetic education of children and youth by means of musical art. The versatility of the rare talent of Sidor Vorobkevich, the depth of his work has great artistic value, plays a significant role in enriching and multiplying the universal human cultural values, the ideals of goodness, enlightenment, develop to national art, its flourishing, which is not only included in Bukovina's artistic chronicle, but in general in the history of Ukrainian culture. Constant work on self-improvement, raising its general cultural and professional level was the life credo of S. Vorobkevich.
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