Multidiscipunarity as a basis of the future petroleum specialists training
Consideration of the main aspects of the interaction of scientific, technical and economic factors taken into account in the training of oil and gas personnel. The peculiarity of the use of interdisciplinarity in assessing the effectiveness of training.
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Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 05.10.2020 |
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Ivano-Frankivsk national technical university of oil and gas
Multidiscipunarity as a basis of the future petroleum specialists training
Tymkiv Nadiya Mykhailivna, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor
The article examines interaction of economic, scientific and technical factors in the petroleum training. To estimate efficiency of this training, multidisciplinarity is considered essential. The significance of multidisciplinarity in education under the condition of sharp growth in information activity and the increased role of intellectual property items in modern economy have been demonstrated. Multidisciplinary tasks ofpetroleum industry boost intensive international collaboration and intercultural cooperation. Petroleum engineering multidisciplinarity can ensure not only a competitive position of a team, state economy in the international division of labour, it also helps to win the global competition in the relevant world markets, therefore, multidisciplinarity really becomes a source of wealth. Key words: multidisciplinarity, multidisciplinarity of petroleum education, multidisciplinary process, methodology, innovation, professional competences, multidisciplinary educational technologies.
В статье рассматриваются основные аспекты взаимодействия научно-технических и экономических факторов, учитываемых при подготовке нефтегазовых кадров. В контексте решения проблем акцентируется на использовании междисциплинарности при оценке эффективности обучения. В статье обосновывается необходимость применения междисциплинарных образовательных технологий при подготовке специалистов нефтегазового дела. Показана важность междисциплинарности образования в условиях резкого роста информационной активности и возрастания роли объектов интеллектуальной собственности в современной экономике.
Ключевые слова: междисциплинарность, междисциплинарность нефтегазового образования, междисциплинарный процесс, методология, инновация, профессиональные компетенции, междисциплинарные образовательные технологии.
Визначено, що для освітніх програм академічного бакалаврату міждисциплінарність має спрямовуватися не тільки на об 'єднання професійних і спеціальних компетенцій, а й на поглиблення винятково професійних компетенцій. Випускникам освітніх програм академічного бакалаврату за спеціальністю 185 «Нафтогазова інженерія та технології» необхідно бути готовими до комплексної інженерної діяльності, до вирішення комплексних інженерних проблем, пов'язаних із дослідженнями, аналізом і проектуванням об'єктів, систем і процесів на основі базових знань математики, природничих, технічних та інших наук, які відповідають напряму підготовки, а також спеціалізованих знань, у тому числі міждисциплінарних, що відповідають профілю.
Наголошується на необхідності вмінь майбутніх інженерів-нафтовиків ефективно діяти індивідуально і в команді, зокрема мати і навички лідерства; бути готовим до управління міждисциплінарними проєктами, володіти принципами менеджменту, здійснювати ефективну комунікацію в суспільстві і професійному товаристві. Показано, що вимоги до міждисциплінарностіу вищій освіті нафтогазового профілю послідовно посилюються і в програмах магістратури за спеціальністю 185 «Нафтогазова інженерія та технології». Зазначено, що комплексна інженерна діяльність, до якої готується випускник магістратури, суттєво впливає на суспільство і навколишнє середовище і має суттєві соціальні та екологічні наслідки. Звернуто увагу на те, що випускник такої освітньої програми має вирішувати технічні проблеми з урахуванням юридичних і культурних аспектів, питань охорони здоров 'я і техніки безпеки, усвідомлювати відповідальність за прийняті рішення. Теоретично обґрунтовано необхідність міждисциплінарних модулів у навчальному плані, які забезпечують інтеграцію набуття випускниками професійних та універсальних, у тому числі особистісних і міжособистісних, компетенцій, а також досвіду створення технічних об'єктів, процесів і систем.
The problem formulation. One of the key modern features is conditioned by changes in the development of social and economic civilization model stipulated by transition from consumer economy and trade in resources, commodities, and services to the society based on knowledge and the priority of knowledge economy (innovative economy). Nowadays innovations are introduced in all spheres of life: science, engineering, industry, education, business, and everyday life in the form of new tools and labor conditions, new technological aspects of production, new products and services, new research-production methods, new values, concepts, ways of understanding, complications, and improvements in quality of informative, structural and functional means of organization-management solutions. In general, innovations are conditioned by information technologies that cover all spheres of human life and have a tendency to double capacity within a year - exponential growth (technological singularity, “phase transition”) [5].
In fact, a society of competitive structure needs personnel ready and capable of inventory, innovative, managerial and rationalization activity, possessing interdisciplinary knowledge and tools of generating a reliable and effective solution with high level of novelty (petroleum education), innovativeness (social and commercial efficiency), reliability and responsibility, and strategies in development of invention “resource” in the professional petroleum sphere. In this case, multidisciplinarity is a presentation of definite disciplines, their structures, and contents, specific methods at the level of integration (general unity) as a structuring single, particular, general one grounded on the integration of semantic and axiological criteria. The basis of learning process multidisciplinarity is not in opposition of definite disciplines, but in their juxtaposition and interconnection of content, methods, etc. Multidisciplinarity is not a reflection of subjects or methods by science; it is inclusion of knowledge of subjects and methods of every science into united-integrated scientific world image. This integration requires system incorporation on the basis of common methods and tasks.
Traditionally, petroleum engineering education rests on the knowledge of physics, geology, chemistry and mathematics. Petroleum engineering ensures that energy will continue to be a key component to societal functioning and people's everyday lives. Petroleum engineers solve important challenges that contribute to energy security and national prosperity. Petroleum engineers often work on global oil and gas projects in developing areas in Asia, Africa, South America and Eastern Europe. However, there are certain limitations in engineering evolution from a purely technical point of view [9].
The analysis of recent research. The issue of multidisciplinarity has been attracting attention for a long period of time. Having performed theoretical analysis of relevant scientific literature we concluded that scholars all over the world had tried to study the impact of multidisciplinarity on future specialists training for petroleum industry. L. Brown, A. Chan, G. Codner, J. Fishbein, J. Klein, A. Levine, A. Lidgett, W. Mayville, E. McGrath, R. Meeth, C. Nair, W. Newell, A. Patil, A. Repko, A. Russell, M. Tarvainen, N. Walker, T. Williams and others have elaborated research into the use of interdisciplinarity, analyzed the changes occurring within higher education systems in the context of interdisciplinarity. A detailed analysis of the common terminology in this area can be found in studies completed by L. Ackoff, T. Ausburg, J. Borland, V. Budanov, W. Green, H. Jacobs, J. Moran, N. Nychkalo, O. Shcherbak and others as well as in the proceedings of international conferences held in recent decades, including those held under UNESCO auspices.
The objective of this article is to focus on the anticipated impact on multidisciplinary theory of enlarged conceptions of multidisciplinarity, such as those espoused by often European transdisciplinarians and by the science of team science in the petroleum engineering training.
Results of the investigation. Nowadays, the notion of multidisciplinarity becomes an integral part of pedagogical, philosophical, psychological, social and other sciences. It is a hotly debated issue in many countries. Multidisciplinarity of learning process includes convergence of knowledge and divergence of opportunities, engineering, technological, social and economic sciences and humanities, spheres of culture and spiritual concepts, in this way having a dialectic and synergetic influence on drastic changes in culture, economy, engineering and technology, spiritual life, promoting development of educational integrative programmes to increase their ideality. Multidisciplinarity of petroleum engineering education minimizes the knowledge (methodologization) within one discipline and discovers it in a new perspective maximizing it in other disciplines.
Educators started the process of moving discussions from definitions to practice. The works by A. Repko are the most notable and favorably reviewed. The scholar discussed multidisciplinarity extremely interesting, not only within educational context, but also within scientific one [8]. On the whole, when investigating multidisciplinarity, the researchers took into account both educational and scientific factors and extended the theories that already existed to include the new phenomena. scientific technical interdisciplinarity training
Over the past few years, the interest in and need for curriculum integration has intensified throughout many countries and particularly in Ukraine. The initial profound methodological work to reflect discussions of multidisciplinarity in higher education was “Handbook on the Undergraduate Curriculum” by A. Levine where the whole chapter was devoted to multidisciplinary studies. The scholar strongly believed that multidisciplinarity is “a process of answering a question, solving a problem, or addressing a topic that is too broad or complex to be dealt with adequately by a single discipline or profession” [6].
The outstanding American researcher H. Jacobs made a significant contribution to the discussion of multidisciplinarity and multidisciplinary curriculum. The scholar examined various models and approaches to interdisciplinary design for the past fifteen years, and she pointed out two problems in interdisciplinary courses: the potpourri problem and the polarity problem [4]. As for the first problem, H. Jacobs has considered that many units become a sampling of knowledge from each discipline. For instance, if the subject is Ancient Egypt, there will be a bit of history about Ancient Egypt, a bit of literature, a bit of the arts, and so forth. Hirsch (1974) and Bloom (1987) [3; 1] have criticized this approach for its lack of focus. Unlike the disciplines that have an inherent scope and sequence used by curriculum planners, there is no general structure in multidisciplinary work. Curriculum developers themselves must design a content scope and sequence for any multidisciplinary unit or course. The polarity problem is explained in such a way that multidisciplinarity and the discipline fields have been seen as an either/or polarity, which has promoted a range of conflicts. Not only does the curriculum design suffer from a lack of clarity, but real tensions can emerge among teachers. Some feel highly territorial about their subjects and are threatened as new views of their subject are promoted. There is a need for both multidisciplinary and discipline-field perspectives in design.
To avoid these two problems, effective multidisciplinary programs must meet two criteria. They must have carefully conceived design features: a scope and sequence, a cognitive taxonomy to encourage thinking skills, behavioral indicators of attitudinal change, and a solid evaluation scheme. They have to use both discipline-field-based and multidisciplinary experiences for students in the curriculum.
Knowledge is growing at exponential proportions in all areas of study. If you look at one field, such as science, you see the remarkable degree of specialization that has resulted from research and practice. Each area of the curriculum has the blessing and burden of growth. The curriculum planner must wrestle not only with what should be taught but what can be eliminated from the curriculum.
To put it brief, the concept of multidisciplinarity involves a transdisciplinary perspective as “a way to expand the scientific outlook considering any phenomenon outside the framework of any single scientific discipline” [7]. The idea of synthesis and integration of knowledge, that lies in the foundation of this principle probably have more than one millennium already [2]. Multidisciplinarity provides information knowledge conductivity of educational environment, its transparency, continuity, consistency, and compatibility. In the process of education multidisciplinarity the task is set to develop isomorphism of semantic thinking structures in different disciplines. It contributes to mutual understanding by the experts in different scientific fields and opens the floodgates for metadisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity.
Theoretical knowledge plays a particular role under such conditions (in contrast to industrial society where empirical approach prevailed) providing intellectual technologies and intellectual organizations. It is explained by the fact that information is not creative power if it fails to be meaningful, realized, comprehensive, minimized to theoretical concept, i.e. it has not become structural knowledge yet, i.e. based on methodology. Hence, the major productive force of the modern society becomes a subjective factor depending on level of human development, human thinking, human place and role in social-business system, conditions of interaction with Nature.
Afterwards, there is a necessity, a demand for new research and engineering, educational, and social and economic paradigm, new methods, the elements of which are: „holistic approach, principle of all- encompassing unity; environmental awareness (in ideological aspect); harmony in interaction of a man, machine, object, information, and nature; principle of system synergy, principle of refilling; selforganization (self-regulation, self-discovery, reflection); systematic thinking; „metasystematic thinking; logical principle of included fourth (metasystem, transdimentions); openness (continuity, consistency, commensurability); interactions, but not struggle; ecological and aesthetic and economic principles, eco-design; dialectic synergy of freedom, debt, justice, and responsibility; new consumption and production models; cooperation (solidarity, collaboration, additionality, replenishment, respect, tolerance), but not competition; temporal unity (principles of actualization, history, futurism); dialectic and synergy of the unity, whole, and completeness.
Nevertheless, to achieve this goal, one needs, first of all, multidisciplinarity of learning process focused on human consciousness development and the level of staff's moral, social-economic, professional experience (competencies). There is a need for not only professional training of a prospective petroleum engineer, but also formation of integral, cultural personality capable of living in harmony in the world, society, in time and in its entirety.
Conclusions and further research perspectives. The multidisciplinarity of petroleum education is based on network interaction of studied disciplines. It is pedagogical integration in the complex of natural, engineering, technological, mathematical, social and economic, legal, philosophic, and humanitarian knowledge. Besides, multidisciplinarity of education develops a uniform, integrated, dynamically interactive, recursive-continual, dialectic and synergetic, fractal and holographic existence image and relevant mode of student thinking. Petroleum education multidisciplinarity, its content and structure may be referred to the category defining quality of education and personal culture in post-industrial period. Improvement and extension of education due to its multidisciplinarity introduces the relevant content of invariant part of petroleum learning process which is so necessary in modern conditions, when one should response to new social challenges, new technologies, and new markets quickly and adequately, making decisions in the unbalanced condition of uncertainty keeping balance of mobility and stability. Transition to multidisciplinarity of education is neither technological nor conceptual one. It is the problem of values, rational will, and choice.
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