Volunteer work for developing skills in prospective specialists in physical culture and sports
Formation in the younger generation of spiritual values and ideals, behavioral stereotypes and specific actions. Areas of use of volunteer activity in the formation of professional and social competencies of students of the Faculty of Physical Education.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 26.10.2020 |
Размер файла | 146,6 K |
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Ph.D. in Physical Education and Sports, Associate Professor. Kherson State University
Volunteer work for developing skills in prospective specialists in physical culture and sports
Iryna Maliarenko, Borys Kedrovskyi, Yurii Romaskevych, Olha Koltsova
Kherson, Ukraine
Professional training assumes the formation of the young generation of spiritual values and ideals, behavioral stereotypes and concrete actions. The purpose of the research was to analyze the directions of using volunteer activity in the formation of professional and social competencies of students of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports.
The realities of the training of specialists allowed us to single out professional and social competencies as a separate species. The graduate should have an understanding and perception of ethical norms of behavior, understand the need to observe the norms of a healthy lifestyle, be creative, sociable, tolerant. In his professional work should provide for the prospects of working with the formation of a system of goals, to design the content of educational and upbringing activities with self-monitoring and self-evaluation of the work performed.
It is determined that the pedagogical functions of volunteer activity are the orientation of the individual in social relations; The creation of an educational space; Ensuring the possibility of acquiring the experience of social and communicative interaction. The experience of using volunteer activity testifies to the need to ensure the unity of theoretical knowledge and practical activity, which is represented by the «model of formation» using different forms of organi - zation in the following areas: educational, sports and social component within the framework of the students' practical training of the faculty of physical education and sport.
To assess the effectiveness of experimental work on the impact of volunteer work on the formation of professional and social competence, we used quantitative and qualitative assessments, which express the changes in the characteristics of individual students. In terms of readiness of the future teacher to education of students was recorded positive trend: students with low level of readiness was 36,4 % less; middle and high readiness - more by 26,4 and 11,1 % respectively, confirming the effectiveness of educational practice using components of volunteering and its impact on the formation of professional and social competencies.
Analyzing the experience of using volunteering at the Faculty of Physical Education and SportsKherson state university note that it promotes the professional experience of moral consciousness; encourages the development of motivational sphere student, his personal qualities, aspiration to self-development, to expand professional competence.
Key words: competence, volunteer activity, vocational training, students, functions, directions.
Ірина Маляренко, Борис Кедровський, Юрій Ромаскевич, Ольга Кольцова. Волонтерство у формуванні компетентностей майбутніх фахівців із фізичної культури та спорту. Професійна підготовка передбачає формування в молодого покоління духовних цінностей та ідеалів, поведінкових стереотипів і конкретних вчинків. Мета дослідження - проаналізувати напрями використання волонтерської діяльності у формуванні професійно- соціальних компетентностей студентів факультету фізичного виховання та спорту.
Реалії підготовки фахівців дали нам підставу виокремити професійно-соціальні компетентності як окремий вид. Випускник повинен володіти розумінням та сприйняттям етичних норм поведінки, усвідомлювати необхідність дотримання норм здорового способу життя, бути креативним, комунікабельним, толерантним. У своїй професійній діяльності потрібно передбачати перспективи роботи з формуванням системи цілей, конструювати зміст освітньо-виховної діяльності із самоконтролем та самооцінкою виконаної роботи.
Визначено, що педагогічними функціями волонтерської діяльності є орієнтація особистості в соціальних відносинах, створення виховного простору, забезпечення можливості набуття досвіду соціально-комунікативної взаємодії. Досвід використання волонтерської діяльності свідчить про необхідність забезпечення єдності теоретичних знань і практичної діяльності, що представлена «моделлю формування» з використанням різних форм організації за такими напрямами, як освітня, спортивна та соціальна складові частини в межах навчальних практик.
Для оцінки результативності експериментальної роботи щодо впливу волонтерської роботи на формування професійно-соціальної компетентності ми користувалися кількісними і якісними оцінками, які виражають зміни в характеристиках окремих студентів. За критерієм готовності майбутнього педагога до виховання учнів зафіксовано позитивну динаміку: студентів із низьким рівнем готовності стало на 36,4 % менше; із середнім та високим рівнями готовності - більше на 26,4 і 11,1 % відповідно, що підтвердило ефективність проведення навчальної практики із застосуванням складників волонтерської діяльності та її вплив на формування професійно- соціальних компетентностей.
Аналізуючи досвід використання волонтерської діяльності на факультеті фізичного виховання та спорту ХДУ зазначимо, що вона сприяє формуванню професійного досвіду, розвитку етичної свідомості; стимулює розвиток мотиваційної сфери студента, його особистісних якостей, спрямованості до саморозвитку, розширення професійної компетентності.
Ключові слова: компетентності, волонтерська діяльність, професійна підготовка, студенти, функції, напрями.
Ирина Маляренко, Борис Кедровский, Юрий Ромаскевич, Ольга Кольцова. Волонтерство в формировании компетентностей будущих специалистов по физической культуре и спорту. Профессиональная подготовка предполагает формирование у молодого поколения духовных ценностей и идеалов, поведенческих стереотипов и конкретных поступков. Цель исследования - проанализировать направления использования волонтерской деятельности в формировании професионально-социальных компетентностей студентов факультета физического воспитания и спорта.
Реалии подготовки специалистов позволили нам выделить профессионально-социальные компетентности как отдельный вид. Выпускник должен обладать пониманием и восприятием этических норм поведения, понимать необходимость соблюдения норм здорового образа жизни, быть креативным, коммуникабельным, толерантным. В своей профессиональной деятельности необходимо предусматривать перспективы работы с формированием системы целей, конструировать содержание образовательно-воспитательной деятельности с самоконтролем и самооценкой выполненной работы.
Определяется, что педагогическими функциями волонтерской деятельности являются ориентация личности в социальных отношениях; создание воспитательного пространства; обеспечение возможности приобретения опыта социально-коммуникативного взаимодействия. Опыт использования волонтерской деятельности свидетельствует о необходимости обеспечения единства теоретических знаний и практической деятельности, которая представлена «моделью формирования» с использованием различных форм организации по таким направлениям, как образовательная, спортивная и социальная составляющие в рамках учебных практик студентов факультета физического воспитания и спорта.
Для оценки результативности экспериментальной работы по влиянию волонтерской работы на формирование профессионально-социальной компетентности мы пользовались количественными и качественными оценками, которые выражают изменения в характеристиках отдельных студентов. По критерию готовности будущего педагога к воспитанию учеников зафиксирована положительная динамика: студентов с низким уровнем готовности стало на 36,4 % меньше; со средним и высоким - больше на 26,4 и 11,1 % соответственно, что подтвердило эффективность проведения учебной практики с использованием составляющих волонтерской деятельности и ее влияние на формирование профессионально-социальных компетенций.
Анализируя опыт использования волонтерской деятельности на факультете физического воспитания и спорта ХГУ, отметим, что она способствует формированию профессионального опыта, развития нравственного сознания; стимулирует развитие мотивационной сферы студента, его личностных качеств, направленности к саморазвитию, к расширению профессиональной компетентности.
Ключевые слова: компетентности, волонтерская деятельность, професиональная подготовка, студенты, функции, направления.
Introduction. Professional training of future specialist getsnew significancein the modem development of social and political life in Ukraine.
The current system of training has a positive experience, traditions and teaching potential but it also hassome shortcomings and contradictions that do not allow it to ensure compliance to the leading tasks in the context of globalization of the modern society. In such a situation to develop and to actualize the basic model of professional and social competence of future specialist in physical education and sportsbecomes especially important.
A comprehensive theoretical and empirical analysis of the problem revealed contradictions between social needs in preparing young students able to implement professional, social and cultural activities and insufficient readiness of graduates for its realization.
A lot of scholars dedicated their works to social education in vocational training as a part of social pedagogy. Among them there are studies of V. M. Basova, V. H. Bocharova, M. P. Hurianova, A. V. Mudryk, L. Y. Nikitina, M. M. Plotkin, V. D. Semenov and others.
The works of H. M. Andreieva, A. F. Volovyk, V. A. Volovyk, L. V. Kurylo, I. I. Shulha are of particular importance for our research. They reveal essence, display value and describe the educational potential of volunteering. Therefore, it islegally to talk of the need to increase attention to volunteering as a way of formation of students' professional and social competencies within the university as it opens up the opportunities to perform personal initiative of students, orientations in social relations and skills development of social and communicative interaction between future specialists of physical culture and sports.
The objective of the study is to analyze usage of volunteering trends in forming professional and social competencies of students of the faculty of physical education and sports.
The goals of the paper:
To clarify essence of volunteering as a means of professional and social competence of students of physical education and sports;
To develop and to test the effectiveness of the model of formation of professional and social competences of the future specialist of physical education and sports considering volunteering.
Research materials and methods: the analysis of the scientific and methodical literature on the study; generalization of theoretical and empirical information; the analysis of the experience with volunteering for the faculty of physical education and sports in Khersonstate university.
Discussion and the results of the study. Scientists say that professionalspecialist training is characterized by certain quality criteria for which the institution of higher education is responsible and it is characterized by the following components:
expertise skills: special, methodical, psychological and educational;
-professional skills:didactic, organizational, structural, prognostic, communicative; volunteer professional competence spiritual
professional qualities of a personality, values, abilities, traits [3; 4].
The main categories of students studying are competences and results. Nowadays these two terms are the key ones to the European Higher Education Area. A lot of scientific publications were devoted to its analysis and designing.
Interpretation of the category «competence» covers knowledge, abilities, skills, beliefs, values, motives and feelings that allow the individual to be successful in a particular field of activity. Social competence effectively lets the individual perform social roles asa citizen, a family man, a professional, and so on.
Competences represent a dynamic combination of knowledge, understandings, skills, abilities and capabilities. Under the current requirements the following competencies are formed: social, personal, instrumental, general and professional.
Reality of specialists training allowed us to distinguish professional and social competence as a separate kind. Consequently, the graduate should possess the understanding and perception of ethical behavior, be aware of the need to lead healthy lifestyle, be creative, sociable and tolerant. He should predict prospects of the formation of the system of targets, designing the content of educational activity of self-control and selfassessment of the work done in his professional activities.
For these reasonsthe directions and components of professional and social competences were determined:
scientific and theoretical knowledge (knowledge of organizational principles of physical culture and sports, psychological and educational characteristics of personality, the norms of behavior, technology of educational work and others.)
practical skills (Gnostic ones - the ability to comprehend and evaluate their own activities, to make every person be interested in the basics of healthy lifestyle; the designing ones - the ability to predict educational activities, to develop programs (projects,technologies) of educational work;constructional ones- the ability to build models of their own activities in spite of the situation, to find original solutions; organizational ones - the ability to organize common activities, to form educational space; communicative ones - the ability to persuade, to motivate to the action, to do correction of a certain position), personal qualities (formation of ethical norms, humanity, social activities etc.).
However, the practical preparation is necessary to organize and conduct research, mastering the techniques and innovative technologies of work with talented youth, children with special needs, individual design techniques.
Any developed civil society with one of the main institutions such as volunteering is anintegral part of all democratic states in the world. In our opinion and as the professional practice activities in KSU confirms implementation of volunteering as a means of training and educatinginto the process of training specialists of physical culture and sports is effective.
The term «volunteering» is commonly understood as a specific, voluntary, free activity and the «volunteer" is a person who performs the non-profit, social and community activities to provide various kinds of assistance and promotes the action of national and international values related to the organization of mass sports, entertainment and other cultural and social events for free and voluntarily [1].
Depending on the purpose the volunteering areas are divided into: a)career guidance; b) rehabilitation; c) informational and educational; d) fundraising; e) recreative; f) social and domestic; g) diagnostic and correctional; h) educational.
Chart 1. The Model of Formation of Professional and Social Competence of the Future Specialist of PT and SP Using Volunteer Work During Practical Training
Depending on the nature of work there are following activities: a) social rehabilitation to prevent and combat negative phenomena among young people; b) social care and protection of the most vulnerable categories of people; c) help to integrate into society [1; 4].
The process of forming professional and social competencies at the faculty occurs during classes, training and internship that provides the principle of unity of theoretical knowledge and practice. During the educational practice it was decided to introduce the elements of volunteering, the contents of which consist of the development, preparation and implementation of social projects, programs, sports events, sports holidays, etc. This necessitated the development of the model of professional and social competences of future specialist including volunteering (figure 1).
The main theoretical and methodological approach in building the model was the integration approach that meantthe content-information interaction between the program material of the theoretical courses and practical training.
The developed «model of formation» includes interrelated components: targeted, meaningful, orga- nizational, educational, diagnostic and effective.
The trust one is a component specifying the goals and objectives which defined the principles and approaches to self-fulfillment, self-organization and self-development of the student during the practical training.
The informative component of the educational model includes specific activities of a professor and students.
As it can be seen from the «model of formation» one of the activities is voluntary, represented by a sporting, social and educational components.
The organizational-pedagogical component displays the forms (frontal, group and individual) and the methods of work [2; 3].
The diagnostic and effective componentsincludethe criteria and levels of expected results.
This practice takes place during the school year.The student must take part in the organization and holding of not less than 10 fitness and sporting events with appropriate themes and types of social projects. Participating in the development and implementation of these projects stimulates the development of professional andconstructive skills, creates a personal need of tolerant interaction with different groups.
During participating in the activities the students gain skills according to the following components:
The educational component is represented by a number of the eventsto form the information space to promotethe healthy lifestyle, physical training and going in for sports.All students holddifferent lectures, workshops, trainings, Olympic classes, etc.
The sports component involves obtaining service skills, organization and conducting of sporting events and presentsthe resources of the faculty of physical education and sport. The activities provide such forms of student participation as Festival «Youth for the healthy lifestyle», sports festival «Street fest», «The Olympic running day», «Children Ahileia», «Olympic Stork», assistance in organizing sports competitions in gymnastics (Beresh Cup), cross-Fit and others.
The social component is represented by the organization and holdingthe events to help children orphans and children with disabilities.
Note. 1 - research and theoretical readiness; 2 - practical preparedness; 3 - psychological readiness.
Fig. 2. The Levels of Readiness of Future Teachers to Educate Students
Every yearthe action «Help save a child» (to help children with cancer), the sportsand recreation project to work with children with autism and Down syndrome, various sports events in the regional orphanage, the charitable race «With faith in the heart», are held.
The main targets of these eventsare the moral and aesthetic education of youth by developing the Olympic ideals in them; building motivation to improve health, physical training and sports, the creative process; increasing the role of Olympic education. Overall, the number of people covered by each event ranged from 50 to 5,000 ones.
To estimate the effectiveness of experimental work as for the impact of volunteer work onto the formation of professional and social competence, we used quantitative and qualitative assessments, which express the changes in the characteristics of some students.
Measuring the level of professional ingredients and social competencies (scientific, theoretical, practical, psychological) was based on «The questionnaires to determine the level of readiness of the future teacher to educatepupils».
Thus, according to the criteria of readiness of the future teacher to educate students the positive trend was determined: the number of the students with the low level of readiness became 36,4 % less; the number of the ones with the middle and the high levels of readiness became 26,4 % and 11,1 % more. The features confirmed the effectiveness of educational practice using the components of volunteering and its impact onto the formation of professional and social competencies.
Conclusions. Thus, the process of formation of professional and social competencies within the educational practice can be represented as a gradual expansion of living space. We found out that the structural and creative community of students, based on the principle of active involvement into the process of training and socio-cultural assimilation and moral interaction using various forms of organization of the events, is the structural component in the educational practice.
Analyzing the experience of using volunteering at the faculty of physical education and sports in KSU it is important to note that it promotes the professional experience,the development of moral consciousness; encourages the development of motivational sphere of the student, his personal qualities, the aspiration to self-development, the expanding the professional competence.
The prospects for future research are in the implementation of voluntary activities into other forms of educational process of high educational institution with the further, more detailed testingof its effectiveness.
1. Andreeva, C. M. (1999). Socyaljnaja psykhologhyja: uchebnyk dlja vysshykh uchebnykh zavedenyj. Moskow: Aspekt Press.
2. Volovyk, A. F., & Volovyk, V. A. (1998).Pedaghoghyka dosugha: uchebnoe posobye dlja studentov vuza. Moskow: Flynta-Nauka.
3. Kan-Kalyk, V. A., & Nykandrov, N. D. (1990).Pedaghoghycheskoe tvorchestvo. Moskow: Pedaghoghyka.
4. Mudryk, A. V. (1999).Socyaljnaja pedaghoghika : uchebnyk dlja studentov pedaghoghycheskykh vuzov. Moskow: Yzd-vo Yn-t prakt. psykhol.
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