Introduction of folk physical culture traditions in the educational process of senior preschool children

The possibilities of physical culture in the educational process of preschool educational institutions are analyzed. The historical significance and features of the use of physical culture in the physical and mental development of older preschoolers.

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Дата добавления 27.10.2020
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Introduction of folk physical culture traditions in the educational process of senior preschool children

Anatolii Volchynskyi

Yaroslav Smal

Olexandr Malimon

Andrii Kovalchuk


The article analyzes the feasibility of national physical culture in the educational process in preschool educational establishments, historic significance and especially the use of traditional physical training in the physical and mental development of senior preschool children. The extensive experience of many national and foreign researchers and listed priorities for their implementation were overviewed. The fundamental basis of education and training is a concern for the health of the younger generation, because first of all teachers have task to choose the most appropriate means of education and training of preschool children to improve their physical development and state of health. Widespread use of elements of Ukrainian traditions in preschool educational establishments is an important mean of spiritual and physical strength, self-knowledge and recreation. Every nation, depending on the social and economic conditions of its development, psychological structure, ideology and geographic location, long historical time created distinctive types of exercise, outdoor games, amusements, entertainment, improved methods for their use, which then also became a kind of folk physical culture. physical culture preschooler

Key words: folk games, fun, entertainments physical education, physical exercises, folk physical culture, senior preschool children.

Анатолій Вольчинський, Ярослав Смаль, Олександр Малімон, Андрій Ковальчук. Упровадження традицій народної фізичної культури в навчально-виховний процес старших дошкільників. У статті проаналізовано доцільність народної фізичної культури в навчально-виховному процесі дошкільних закладів, історичне значення та особливості застосування засобів народної фізичної культури в процесі фізичного й розумового розвитку старших дошкільників. Узагальнено великий досвід роботи багатьох вітчизняних і зарубіжних дослідників та вказано пріоритетні напрями їх реалізації. Фундаментальна основа виховання й навчання - турбота про здоров'я молодого покоління, тому, передусім, перед вихователями поставлено завдання вибору найбільш оптимальних засобів виховання та навчання дітей старшого дошкільного віку з метою покращення їхнього фізичного розвитку й стану здоров'я. Широке використання в дошкільному вихованні елементів традицій українського народу є вагомим засобом розвитку духовних і фізичних сил, самопізнання та відпочинку. Кожний народ, залежно від соціально-економічних умов свого розвитку, психологічного складу, світогляду, а також географічного місцезнаходження, протягом тривалого історичного часу творив самобутні види фізичних вправ, рухливих ігор, забав, розваг, удосконалював способи їх використання, які потім і ввійшли до складу своєрідних систем народної фізичної культури.

Ключові слова: народні рухливі ігри, забави, розваги, фізичне виховання, фізичні вправи, народна фізична культура, діти старшого дошкільного віку.

Анатолий Вольчинский, Ярослав Смаль, Александр Малимон, Андрей Ковальчук. Внедрение традиций народной физической культуры в учебно-воспитательный процесс старших дошкольников. В статье проанализирована целесообразность народной физической культуры в учебно-воспитательном процессе дошкольных учреждений, историческое значение и особенности применения средств народной физической культуры в процессе физического, а также умственного развития старших дошкольников. Обобщен большой опыт работы многих отечественных и зарубежных исследователей, указаны приоритетные направления их реализации. Фундаментальной основой воспитания и обучения является забота о здоровье молодого поколения, поэтому прежде всего перед воспитателями стоит задача выбора наиболее оптимальных средств воспитания и обучения детей старшего дошкольного возраста с целью улучшения их физического развития и состояния здоровья. Широкое использование в дошкольном воспитании элементов традиций украинского народа является весомым средством развития духовных и физических сил, самопознания и отдыха. Каждый народ, в зависимости от социально-экономических условий своего развития, психологического склада, мировоззрения, а также географического местонахождения, в течение длительного исторического времени творил самобытные виды физических упражнений, подвижных игр, забав, развлечений, совершенствовал способы их использования, которые затем и вошли в состав своеобразных систем народной физической культуры.

Ключевые слова: народные подвижные игры, забавы, развлечения, физическое воспитание, физические упражнения, народная физическая культура, дети старшего дошкольного возраста.


Ukrainian national system of physical education has deep historical roots. In the process of historical development the original folk games and exercises were elaborated, which, unfortunately, in recent years are forgotten. To preserve the richness of traditional folk physical culture or, more precisely, to give a new lease of life to folk games, national sports and entertainment, you need to use them more widely in the educational process [1; 4]. Thus, in addition to a systematic description and analysis of traditional folk physical education, we should intensify their implementation in the various spheres of ethnicity, the system of folk religious festivals, educational work of preschool institutions and everyday life.

The purpose of the research - to analyze the state of physical education in preschool educational establishments and implement in the educational process of national physical training facilities for preschool children.

Materials and methods of the research were used as data analysis and synthesis of scientific literature, software and regulatory and archive documents.

Research results. Each culture is a kind of organism that has a unique spiritual foundation, characterized by originality and continuous process of development. It is so versatile and comprehensive that the study of development and content need to get acquainted with lots of different and often distant from other disciplines.

According to many researchers [2; 3; 5; 8; 12], an important component of an integrated national culture, from ancient times to nowadays, is folk physical training, which covers all the achievements in the creation and rational use of special tools, techniques and natural conditions to deliberate physical improvement of humans.

Every nation, depending on the social and economic conditions of its development, psychological structure, ideology and geographic location, long historical time, created distinctive types of exercises, popular games, fun, entertainment, improved methods for their use, which also included in the original part of folk physical training.

In traditional society, on the formation of the preschool age child personality a positive impact had not only structural elements (types) of national physical culture (popular games, competitions, dancing, fun, tempering), but also its educational tradition (the use of folk images and names of famous athletes, participation of adults in the motor activity of children, physical training elements as part of the holiday, the connection with work) [6].

In traditional society, a significant role had mentoring as a tradition of folk physical culture, which originated in the Stone Age. The best hunters, soldiers who because of age, injury or illness could not take part in the hunting or battle, were assigned to train and to prepare the younger generation to physical training [8]. Nowadays mentoring is equally important, since, as already mentioned, family physical education is very low, and educational institutions do not provide all preschoolers normal motor activity. Older preschoolers may be involved in a group of children engaged in physical exercises under the guidance of mentors. Temporary isolation from parents and caregivers promotes independence, communication skills, teamwork, a sense of partnership and other important personal qualities.

Many major sports classes start in pre-school age. In establishments of additional education with a sports bias it is good to use in the training process folk games, competitions, games, folk dance elements to create greater diversity and emotiveness of exercises.

In older preschool age the preconditions of self education are laid in. In the tradition of folk pedagogy the great importance has the independence of children from the early childhood. So extremely useful is an independent physical activity, which in symbiosis with rationally constructed popular classes in physical education provides an opportunity to educate preschoolers' ability to creatively use the acquired physical culture knowledge and skills to be active, independent, ingenuous, and resourceful. Popular outdoor games, dances, competitions and fun, where competitive element contributes to the volitional self education, are very important. In addition, the formation of many moral qualities is associated with the need for strict compliance with the rules. In folk dances mental stress caused by physical activity in accordance with the rhythm and character of musical accompaniment, so in addition to aesthetic and spiritual self, and then we also have to deal with self-educational volitional qualities.

Important role in the harmonious development of older preschoolers play choral games and fun. The vast majority of it is a dramatized motor game that takes place in the form of dialogue (two choirs). Song in spring circle dances was of secondary importance. The main thing here is not the song, and rhythm and dance, that can raise mood, awaken the energy and transfer it to the outside world, to awaken the natural forces of new life, action, movement, raising [9]. In traditional physical education the significant educational role played the heroic images of folklore, which combine incredible physical and military capabilities with a number of positive personality traits (patriotism, honesty, hard work, respect for ordinary people, etc.). In the family circle folklore images, used as educational tools, can be in the form of reading stories aloud, and talks about read material; drawing and sculpting folk heroes; role-playing games with folk scenes [10].

The presence of elements of national physical culture at the festival - it is a remarkable folk tradition. The educational role of celebrations is to foster the process of socialization, awareness of their place and relationship to social groups and elements of physical culture enhance the emotional impact. In ancient times, exercise was an essential component of virtually every national holiday. And in the family and in educational institutions during the holidays it is important not to forget folk dances, games and fun. The use of national traditions, holy attributes add special beauty and emotion, increasingly influenced by the spiritual sphere of child personality.

Currently, means of popular culture, pedagogical value which goes far beyond physical education and is proven by many centuries, are underused. The feasibility of using elements of popular culture in physical education of preschool children is reflected in many scientific studies [7, 10, 11].

Types and traditions of folk physical training can and should be used in modern preschool pedagogy, in classroom, while walking during a morning exercise in preschool educational establishment and independent work during various forms of joint motor activity of teacher and children of preschool age, as part of family education.

We have developed and applied in preschool educational establishments and methodological provisions that provide for the use of traditional folk physical culture in practice of preschools, providing daily, weekly, monthly and annual standards of motor mode considering its uniformity according to the seasons and individual characteristics of the child, in particular:

• morning gymnastics with popular motor games (10-12 min);

• complexes of Ukrainian national motor games according to their classification: the time of year, age of children, and in place of the national calendar (for organization of independent motor activity);

• physical training exercises (35 min) using elements of national sports (fighting hopak, salvage, Asgard);

• break for P. T. (2-3 min) using Ukrainian folk songs - hayivky, hahilky;

• walks with elements of national sports games (30-40 min).

After a nap preschoolers had an awakening gymnastics, which set up the child's body into active productive activities using elements of folk dance and corrective exercises.

During walks and pedestrian crossings outside preschool physical activities were of low, medium and high intensity (15-25, 25-30, 50-55 %) in the motor density of 50-60 %.

For older preschoolers, characterized by high emotiveness, we recommend the fun associated with the preservation of equilibrium walking on narrow a board or "bumps", jumping on one leg, walking in an unusual position (for example, the emphasis lying behind), exercises with manual dexterity (e.g. juggling). In addition to the development of coordination skills the above-mentioned exercises enhance the emotional sphere of personality, develop the ability to concentrate. Such fun as skating, skiing, sledding, contribute to the formation of a number of volitional qualities (courage, determination, focus).

At home and in preschool education it is extremely important to conduct tempering, which is not only a mean of physical training for health, but also to the formation and development of volitional qualities and emotional and mental sphere of children. Walking barefoot, air baths and water treatments - all of these forms of tempering from the ancient times were in the arsenal of traditional culture in almost all nations. It should be added that the popular motor games, competitions and fun outdoor activities, especially those where there is contact with the natural elements, very useful for older preschoolers, that is particular game on the water (in summer), playing in the snow (in winter). This not only contributes to hardening, but also forms the basis of representations of human as a part of nature.

Knowledge and usage features motor activity of older preschoolers by teachers and parents help to build efficiently motor mode in preschools and at home.

Conclusions: for more productive use of traditional physical training in preschool institution the following issues have to be applied:

• to develop educational programs, taking into account the traditions of folklore;

• to use people's national attributes (rituals, costumes, etc.) during the holidays with elements of national physical training;

• for pre-schools workers to have regular contact with parents in terms of their counseling on family education, and increasingly involve parents and older children to participate in the organization of sports and sports events;

Prospects for Further Research. Further research is seen in the implementation of traditional folk physical culture in the educational process of preschool education.

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