The content of emotional intelligence’s developmental techniques in adolescence
The main approaches to the interpretation of the concept of "emotional intelligence" are pointed out in the article. Five key capabilities in its structure are analyzed. The main directions of research of this construct are defined from the viewpoint.
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Дата добавления | 30.10.2020 |
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The content of emotional intelligence's developmental techniques in adolescence
O.M. Pryimachenko
The main approaches to the interpretation of the concept of "emotional intelligence" are pointed out in the article. Five key capabilities in its structure are analyzed. The main directions of research of this construct are defined from the viewpoint of their formation in the childhood and adolescence. The main drawbacks of such developmental programs are determined. The attempt to apply a systematic approach to determining the content of the formation of emotional intelligence's techniques in the adolescence is made. Basing on Nesterenko's approach to understanding the unity of self-development and self-regulation processes, internal content of the activity [1, р. 60], as well as on the idea of one of a leading new growth of adolescence - selfreflection (by P. Jacobson) the content of techniques for purposeful development of emotional intelligence in adolescence is proposed. It is systematically defined within the following units: cognitive, practical and correctional ones. The unit attributed to the cognitive techniques consists of introspection - self-learning - self-awareness - self-determination and self-restraint. In practical unit processes of self-authorization - self-programming - self-improvement - self-actualization and self-realization are analyzed. Accordingly, in the correctional unit it is proposed to interpret ways of developing the emotional intelligence through the processes of self-analysis, selfesteem, self-control and self-management. Through techniques of cognitive unit a teenager acquires knowledge about emotionally intelligent behavior and understands irrationality of his own range of emotional responding forms. Practical unit lets to program him on the behavior that would facilitate the development of emotional intelligence. As a result of correctional unit a teenager evaluates the efficiency of accepted forms of emotional response.
Keywords: emotional intelligence, integrated personal property, self-reflection, developmental techniques, cognitive, practical and correctional units.
Приймаченко О. M. Зміст прийомів розвитку емоційного інтелекту в підлітковому віці. У статті розглянуто основні підходи до тлумачення поняття "емоційний інтелект". Проаналізовано п'ять основних здібностей у його структурі. Визначено основні напрями дослідження цього конструкта з погляду можливості його формування в дитячому та підлітковому віці. Виокремлено головні недоліки таких розвивальних програм. Здійснено спробу застосувати системний підхід до визначення змісту прийомів формування емоційного інтелекту в найбільш сенситивному періоді розвитку особистості - підлітковому. На основі підходу Г.О. Нестеренко щодо розуміння єдності процесів саморозвитку та саморегуляції, внутрішнього змісту діяльності [1, с. 60], а також уявлення про одне з провідних новоутворень підліткового віку - саморефлексію (за П.М. Якобсоном), запропоновано зміст прийомів для цілеспрямованого розвитку емоційного інтелекту в підлітковому віці, який системно визначений у межах таких блоків: когнітивного, практичного та корекційного. До когнітивного блоку віднесено послідовні прийоми самоспостереження - самопізнання - самоусвідомлення - самовизначення та самообмеження. У практичному блоці проаналізовано процеси самовповноваження - самопрограмування - самовдосконалення - самоактуалізації і самореалізації. Відповідно, у корекційному блоці запропоновано розглядати прийоми розвитку емоційного інтелекту на основі процесів самоаналізу - самооцінки - самоконтролю та самоврядування. Завдяки прийомам когнітивного блоку підліток набуває знання про емоційно розумну поведінку й усвідомлює нераціональність наявного власного діапазону форм емоційного реагування. Практичний блок дає змогу запрограмувати себе на поведінку, яка б сприяла розвитку емоційного інтелекту. В результаті корекцій- ного блоку підліток оцінює ефективність реалізації прийнятих форм емоційного реагування.
Ключові слова: емоційний інтелект, інтегральна особистісна властивість, саморефлексія, прийоми розвитку емоційного інтелекту, прийоми когнітивного, практичного та корекційного блоків.
Приймаченко О.Н. Содержание приемов развития эмоционального интеллекта в подростковом возрасте. В статье рассмотрены основные подходы к толкованию понятия "эмоциональный интеллект". Проанализированы пять основных способностей в его структуре. Определены основные направления исследования этого конструкта с точки зрения возможности его формирования в детском и подростковом возрастах. Выделены главные недостатки таких развивающих программ. Предпринята попытка применить системный подход к определению содержания приемов формирования эмоционального интеллекта в наиболее сенситивном периоде развития личности - подростковом. На основе подхода Г.О. Нестеренко о понимании единства процессов саморазвития и саморегуляции, внутреннего содержания деятельности [1, с. 60], а также представления об одном из ведущих новообразований подросткового возраста - саморефлексии (по П.М. Якобсону), предложено содержание приемов для целенаправленного развития эмоционального интеллекта в подростковом возрасте, которое системно определено в пределах следующих блоков: когнитивного, практического и коррекционного. К когнитивному блоку отнесены последовательные приемы самонаблюдения - самопознания - осознания - самоопределения и самоограничения. В практическом блоке проанализированы процессы самоуполномочивания - самопрограммирования - самосовершенствования - самоактуализации и самореализации. Соответственно в коррекционном блоке предложено рассматривать приемы развития эмоционального интеллекта на основе процессов самоанализа - самооценки - самоконтроля и самоуправления. Благодаря приемам когнитивного блока подросток приобретает знания об эмоционально грамотном поведении и осознает нерациональность существующего собственного диапазона форм эмоционального реагирования. Практический блок позволяет запрограммировать себя на поведение, которое бы способствовало развитию эмоционального интеллекта. В результате коррекционного блока подросток оценивает эффективность реализации принятых форм эмоционального реагирования.
Ключевые слова: эмоциональный интеллект, интегральное личностное свойство, саморефлексия, приемы развития эмоционального интеллекта, приемы когнитивного, практического и коррекционного блоков.
Background of the problem. While constructive definition of "emotional intelligence" or "emotional literacy" appeared first in the psychological thesaurus in 1990, the problem of finding ways of development and improvement of this integrated personal property is attracting increasing attention of both foreign and native researchers. The possibility of development of emotional intelligence at any age, opens interesting perspectives for new researches in the psychology of age, because, as it is known, in the current practice of family and school breeding parents and teachers' overwhelming attention is paid to the intellectual sphere of educational process' subjects, while the emotional component of breeding of the younger generation is mostly ignored.
Analysis of recent researches and publications on the issue indicates that they are aimed at clarifying the content and function's definitions of emotional intelligence as an integral personal property, that consists of various components: dispositional ones, which are conditioned with ontological personal factors; components that belong to the ability; and conceptions of certain standards of behavior expected from a person in a particular cultural environment (E.L. Nosenko, N.V. Kovryha, J. D. Mayer, P. Salovey, K.V. Petrides).
The researchers also grounded theoretically and tested empirically the hypothesis about the link of emotional intelligence with psychological well-being (E.L. Nosenko, N.V. Kovryha, S.A. De Lazarri), with personal meaning (S. A. De Lazarri), with peculiarities of different coping strategies choice (E.L. Nosenko, N. V. Kowryha). Authors tried to explain the influence of emotional intelligence on learning, work, relationships and mental health (M. Zeidner, G. Mattews, R. D. Roberts). emotional intelligence capabilities
In some studies attempts to establish correlation of emotional intelligence with personal anxiety in adolescence (I.M. Andreeva), to define the role of emotional intelligence in the gradual formation of adolescent moral competence (A.V. Sadokova) have been made, it confirms the importance of techniques' system elaboration for purposeful development of emotional intelligence in the period of institutional education.
However, the results of the theoretical research on emotional intelligence mentioned above have not found adequate reflection in elaboration of approaches to the purposeful development of emotional intelligence, although practical attempts of its forming, particularly in the most critic age - adolescence, are being made quite actively, especially by some foreign researchers (M. T. Greenberg, D. Goleman, L. Lantiery, C. Saarny). Representatives of national Psychological Science have also made some attempts to develop as practical recommendations, and full trainings of emotional intelligence in children and adolescents, such as technology and specific exercises for the development of emotional culture and emotional literacy (T.A. Danilina, N.L. Kryazheva, L.N. Rozhina, S. Uspenska). Trainings of emotional maturity and emotional competence (L.V. Gracheva, T. Repnova, U.S. Shevchenko), trainings of aggression' coping, anxiety and stress-coping' trainings (E.K. Lyutova, O.O. Mizerna), self-regulation of emotions (T. Mishchenko, O.V. Huhlaeva), the development of empathy (M. Udovenko), offences' coping (O.A. Apunevych, O. Golovneva) have been created.
It should be noted when emotional intelligence trainings are being conducted a significant disadvantage of the concrete programs of this type is the concentration only on the external aspects of its expressing in subject's behavior while responding to emotional stimuli. Training within such approach, in our opinion, does not facilitate the formation of stable moral guidelines as for emotional response that would encourage free, independent behavior. Besides it is necessary to emphasize the absence of programs that would decode systematically the contents of techniques of purposeful development of emotional intelligence as an integrated personal property.
Thus, the objective of this article is an attempt to apply a systematic approach to determining the content of development of emotional intelligence techniques in the most sensitive period of personality - adolescence.
Despite the fact that the notion "emotional intelligence", as noted above, was introduced into scientific circulation in 1990, in the early twentieth century E. Thorndike had supposed the existence of so-called social intelligence in the structure of human intelligence [7, c. 229]. Later this notion was removed from the number of components of general intelligence. However, R. Sternberg as a result of systematic studies confirmed the conclusion made earlier by E. Thorndike, that social intelligence was different from academic abilities and was the most important determinant of successful practical human activity [6]. At the end of the twentieth century, the concept of "social intelligence" was put into scientific circulation again, but as a component of emotional intelligence.
Today, thanks to the results of several studies [2-5] it can be claimed that there are 5 basic abilities in the structure of emotional intelligence.
The first ability is awareness of own emotions by a human being and it is considered to be the leading ability in emotional intelligence as the ability to manage somebody's own emotions, regulate their expressing begins with the moment a human understands the causes of feelings' appearance, their nature and intensity.
The second one appears in regulation of own emotions and is based on their self-awareness. Managing own emotions reveals in efforts to calm oneself, to get rid of anxiety, irritability or sadness.
The third one is defined as the ability to dispose oneself to activity. It is realized in human efforts to direct own emotions to achieve goals, selfmotivation at new achievements, creative activity.
The fourth ability is interpreted as recognizing and understanding emotions that arise in other people. This ability is implemented, particularly in identifying empathy.
The fifth one is implemented in the ability to maintain friendly relations with other people.
This subspecies of emotional intelligence determines the popularity of a man in a group, effectiveness of interpersonal communication and even correlates with leadership.
Being guided with Nesterenko's approach to understanding unity of the processes of self-development and self-regulation, internal content of activity [1, p. 60], and self-reflection (by P. Jacobson), we believe that the content of the techniques that need to be implemented into purposeful development of emotional intelligence in adolescence, can be systematically defined within the following units:
Cognitive unit ("What do I know about emotionally intelligent behavior?"). The components of this unit are determined with taking into account the ability of a person (in our case - a teenager) to self-reflection (reflection of acts of self-learning in somebody's own mind) and can be implemented, according to the model of self-organization of personality [1, p. 61], as a sequence of the following processes: introspection - selflearning - self-awareness - self-determination and self-restraint.
With the help of introspection a person, that endeavors to improve or develop emotional intelligence, analyzes the range of usual forms of emotional response, comparing it to a wider repertoire of possible forms of response under condition of a high level of emotional intelligence.
Based on the process of self-learning a subject is motivated to analysis his own forms of emotional response in various situations of life and communication with others. The list of such situations is established in the numerous tests of emotional intelligence, based not only on self-assessment of own properties, but also on the analysis of behavior in different situations.
Self-learning prepares the ground for self-awareness. A subject is motivated to the awareness of the reasons for choosing certain behavioral strategies in certain situations and evaluating them in terms of ideals, cultural and moral norms accepted in the society.
The content of the next group of techniques of emotional intelligence formation is associated with self-determination, meaning the adoption of certain standards of emotional response as a model for the behavior formation. At this stage, a subject is acquainted with features of different levels of emotional intelligence, with moral norms on which these features are based. According to the results of empirical research done by E. L. No- senko and N. V. Kovryha, three levels of emotional intelligence: the lowest, average, the highest ones are singled out [2, p. 112]. Responding based on the mechanism of conditioned reflex (reactive action); the low level of self-control, high situational conditionality meets the lowest level of emotional intelligence. Voluntary commission of external activity (activity, communication) on the basis of representations (mentality), with the use of certain willpower; a high level of self-control, a high level of a subject's self-esteem meet an average level. The highest level meets the highest level of a man's internal world. It is based on the presence of an appropriate guidance on possible alternatives of behavior in specific life situations. Choice of behavior is made without extra force of will, as it reflects the system of social skills that were formed under the influence of opinion on the level of consciousness [2, p. 112].
After a subject's familiarization with levels of emotional intelligence formation, he is motivated to analyze the effects of various forms of behavior and response that encourage self-determination (acceptance or rejection of specific guidelines).
The contents of one more subgroup of cognitive techniques is reflected in the notion - self-restraint. A subject should realize clearly which of his emotional responses require control and restriction.
The next group of techniques for emotional intelligence formation can be combined in the practical techniques unit ("What should I do to be emotionally intelligent?"), that may include such order of interrelated processes as self-authorization - self-programming - self-improvement - self-actualization and self-realization.
Accepting certain obligations to implement his certain forms of emotional response in own behavior, a subject authorizes himself to realize them in different spheres of practical life. During self-authorization the need grows into the interest.
Appointing himself/herself for the implementation of certain actions, a person is aware of their ultimate goal and plans the way to it. This means the process of self-programming - formation of the ideal image of personal behavior through the conscious and purposeful planning of own activity.
The contradictions between the ideal image and the real possibilities of a person cause self-improvement - activity aimed at the correction of the drawbacks in the structure of personal behavior (emotional response). This process involves self-breeding and self-education.
The next stage is self-actualization of a subject of his behavioral program.
If during all processes of the cognitive unit a man knows the internal chaos of own structure, using the processes of practical unit he organizes it consciously. Maximal organization is achieved during self-actualization, and the process of self-realization involves attempts to organize external expression of emotional response.
In correctional unit (that answers the question: "What can I expect?") techniques of self-analysis, self-esteem, self-control and self-management are included.
Analyzing the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of implementing of the accepted guidelines for behavior a subject evaluates the success of their implementation and possible consequences, controls himself.
Self-control occurs rarely without the process of self-management ("motivational self-regulation") as the activity of a person to maintain relative stability of received standard of emotionally intelligent responding. Unlike the self-control as a simple self-restricting, the self-management process involves self-determination and perceived perspectives of activity on the improvement of the emotional sphere, and therefore promotes introspection and further development of emotional intelligence.
Conclusion. The attempt to define the content of emotional intelligence's developmental techniques in adolescence is made in this article. The content of emotional intelligence's developmental techniques is presented as a system consisting of three interconnected units: cognitive, practical, correctional ones. Through techniques of cognitive unit a teenager acquires knowledge about emotionally intelligent behavior and understands irrationality of his own range of emotional responding forms. Practical unit lets to program him on the behavior that would facilitate the development of emotional intelligence. As a result of correctional unit a teenager evaluates the efficiency of accepted forms of emotional response.
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