The formation of communicative competence in the preparationof future teachers for pedagogical cooperation

Proving the idea that in order to become a person it is necessary to distinguish between speech signals and learn to relate them to realities in accordance with the requirements (linguistic and cultural) of the reality in which communication takes place.

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Дата добавления 31.10.2020
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The formation of communicative competence in the preparationof future teachers for pedagogical cooperation

Ylia Bardashevska, Vinnytsia, Ukraine


The article argues that the conceptual basis for the training of future teachers of foreign languages for pedagogical cooperation is the formation of communicative-linguistic competence, which is a leading component of the modern scientific paradigm in the Ukrainian and world university education. Overcoming the contradictions between the traditional system of teaching of a foreign language with modern communicative-linguistic and cultural approaches to the teaching of the future teacher of foreign languages is based on the theoretical and methodological principles of pedagogy, psycholinguistics, communicative linguistics and pragmatics, the most common areas of complications in communicative- linguistic interaction are semantic, cognitive, tactical, and emotional; in a joint activity they are motivational and operational complications that integrate such components of interaction as communicative and integrative, manifested in the cognitive, affective and behavioral spheres.

The definition of communicative-linguistic competence, its functions, as well as cultural and pedagogical orientation is given. The pedagogical condition for the training of the future teacher of foreign languages in university education should be the creation of a system of educational and process through which the mastery of communicative skills is based on the interpenetration of linguistic and psychological and pedagogical educational systems, which requires future scientific, theoretical and methodological research.

Keywords: training of future teachers of foreign languages, pedagogical cooperation, communicative-linguistic competence, pedagogical condition, communicative skills.


Найбільш загальними сферами ускладнень у комунікативно-мовній взаємодії є смислові, когнітивні, тактичні, емоційні; у сумісній діяльності - мотиваційні та операційні ускладнення, які інтегрують такі компоненти взаємодії, як комунікаційний та інтегративний, що виявляються в когнітивній, афективній і поведінковій сферах. Для подолання цих ускладнень майбутній учитель іноземних мов повинен бути озброєний глибокими теоретичними знаннями щодо мови і мовлення, а також уміннями й навичками породження мовлення, адже загальновідомо, що мовлення - це головна складова педагогічного спілкування і взаємодії.

Дослідники мови як системи й мовлення як форми існування мовної системи підкреслюють, що концепція лінгвістичного релятивізму (відома в науці як гіпотеза Сепіра-Уорфа) з уточненням, внесеним структурною лінгвістикою (за Н.Хомським), на сучасному етапі розвитку науки розглядає мову як детермінанту способу організації колективного та індивідуального досвіду не стільки в когнітивному, скільки в комунікативному аспекті (сприйняття й переживання моментів буття при міжсуб'єктній трансляції сприйнятого). Інакше кажучи, для становлення як окремої особистості, так і соціокультурного середовища в цілому необхідно не стільки безпосередньо розрізняти мовні сигнали, скільки навчитися їх співвідносити з реаліями відповідно до вимог (мовних і культурних) тієї дійсності, в якій відбувається комунікація. communicative reality linguistic

Зростання уваги до живого мовлення, процесів комунікації зумовило висунення на перший план комунікативної компетенції, що трактується як здатність мобілізувати різноманітні знання мови (мовну компетенцію), паравербальних засобів, ситуації, правил і норм спілкування, соціуму, культури для ефективного виконання певних комунікативних завдань у відповідних контекстах чи ситуаціях.

Ключові слова: підготовка майбутніх учителів іноземних мов, педагогічна взаємодія, комунікативно- лінгвістична компетенція, педагогічні умови, комунікативні навички, мовлення, комунікативні завдання.

The formulation of the problem. Changes in educational programs in the era of globalization include the search for new approaches to the organization of the educational process at the pedagogical universities, since the goals and content of vocational and pedagogical training are significantly changing, especially as regards the training of a future teacher of foreign languages, which must possess a wide range of vocational and pedagogical competences, especially communicative-linguistic competence, which provides effective pedagogical cooperation in the educational process.

Analysis of previous studies. The research is carried out on the basis of the leading anthropocentric ideas of pedagogy, psychology, linguistics on the cooperation of man and society (I. Bekh, R. Gurevych, I. Zimnaia, I. Ziazyun, O. Leontiev, N.Nychkalo, S.Sysoyeva, N.Chomsky, G. Eiger) with general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization) and empirical methods (questionnaires, interviews, observations, etc.).

The aim of the study. To define the conceptual base of training of future teachers of foreign languages to pedagogical cooperation in the aspect of formation of communicative-linguistic competence as the leading component of the system of university education from the standpoint of modern scientific paradigm.

Presenting main material. Migration processes in the modern world environment have become more active than ever before. According to expert demographers, this is a natural phenomenon, because, as the Director of the Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the National Academy of Sciences Ella Libanova says, "migration is an integral part of the development of civilization in general. This is a sign of globalization "[" New time ", No. 30 (206), p.49]. It has conditioned the actualization of the needs of society in mastering one or more foreign languages. Accordingly, requirements for the professional development of the teacher of foreign languages have increased. The training of future teachers of foreign languages for effective pedagogical cooperation is based on a personally oriented approach as determinative, because it assumes, on the one hand, the arming of students with the knowledge, skills and abilities of constructing the subject-subjective relations between the teacher and students in the educational process on the principles of constructive dialogue, effective cooperation and partnership, and, on the other hand, focusing them on conscious self-improvement for successful interpersonal interaction in society.

Learning a foreign language is one of the most difficult educational problems a person faces. Famous Finnish journalist and writer of the twentieth century Marty Larny wittily said that it's easier to learn to brush the teeth through the nose than to learn a foreign language. Speech production, even in the native language, according to the results of research, is a complex intentional, interactive and situationally conditioned mental process of forming a statement based on the linguistic ability of a person, his linguistic, communicative and cultural competence. And in those cases where speech activity is carried out in a foreign language, this process is even more complicated.

In foreign and Ukrainian linguistics the problems of production, understanding and perception of speech are actively developed, however, according to well-known psycholinguist O. Leontev, "there is still no developed theory of speech, which is controlled and realized, although the creation of such a theory would be of great importance for improvement of reading and writing training, mother tongue and foreign language ".

The separation of the school didactics of teaching in the native and foreign languages from the scientific psychological and pedagogical problems of reflection on speech is a significant disadvantage of modern theoretical and experimental studies, as the subject of formation in them is only the student's educational activity, but the spontaneous processes of speech development and the reflection on speech that occurs in the process of learning a student's language are ignored.

Consequently, according to our conclusions, the problem of pedagogical cooperation in teaching of a foreign language is actualized, when the teacher knows about these phenomena, understands them and possesses methodical means of helping a student. The conceptual basis of training of the future teacher of foreign languages in the system of university education should be constructed.

Our studies provide the grounds for determining the most significant factors that influence the training of a future teacher of foreign languages for pedagogical cooperation in the educational environment. The main among them is the communicative-linguistic competence of the future teacher both in the domain of native and non-native language.

According to the results of surveys (questionnaires, blitz-polls, conversations) in our practical teaching of English there are the most common areas of complications in communicative-linguistic interaction. They are semantic, cognitive, tactical, and emotional; there are motivational and operational complications in a joint activity that integrate such components of interaction as communicative and integrative, manifested in the cognitive, affective and behavioral spheres. In order to overcome these complications, the future teacher of foreign languages must be armed with deep theoretical knowledge of language and speech, as well as the skills and abilities of the generation of speech, as it is well- known that speech is the main component of pedagogical communication and cooperation.

The term "communicative competence", was introduced by D. Haimz in the sense of the system of knowledge about the rules of language communication, its procedure, etiquette, ritual, which reflects the interaction of intellectual, social and verbal in the behavior of the communicator [6, p.230].

The distinction between the concepts of language competence and the ability to use it in acts of communication is carried out in the researches of the American psycholinguist N. Chomsky, who separated linguistic competence (the mental representations of linguistic rules as the internal grammar of the ideal language carriers) and linguistic performance (generation and comprehension of speech). Communicative competence involves the possession of not only knowledge but also skills and abilities of constructing of an intentional-strategic communication program, observing it and controlling it in the process of communication; orientation on the interlocutor, prediction of his reaction; choice of broadcasting and paraverbal means of communication and their decoding; overcoming of communicative obstacles, eliminating of communicative noises, leaving of communicative timeout, etc. [8, p. 230-231].

The communicative competence of the future teacher of foreign languages in the implementation of pedagogical cooperation undoubtedly implies the development of his linguistic consciousness. Some researchers use synonyms as speech and linguistic consciousness. The structure of linguistic consciousness involves both language and outspoken knowledge.

In scientific literature, the notion of language learning includes three different concepts that intersect, but do not coincide: 1) language acquisition, mother tongue acquisition; 2) secondary awareness of the mother tongue in the process of studying at school; 3) learning in one or another non-native language. It can be spontaneous (for example, in a bilingual family), or it can be specially planned, controlled and managed, for example, mastering a foreign language at school. It is in this case that they are talking about "learning a language" or "teaching a language." [5, p.218].

A special approach to teaching of a foreign language was first formulated by I. Zimnaia and O. Leontev. The authors put forward the thesis that the acquisition of a foreign language is provided because of the organization of language learning and verbal communication through the language system of a foreign language. Analyzing the psychological foundations of this process, researchers reveal what differences are between speech of a foreign language and native speech. This is, firstly, its guiding link. To build the expression of the carrier of different languages should conduct a different analysis of the situation, goals, conditions of speech communication, etc. Secondly, and this is the main thing, the operational composition of the statement (speech action), those speech processes, which the speaker must make, to construct statements with the same content and the same orientation, that is, one that corresponds to the same speech action.

These speech operations can be formed in a dual fashion: by imitation, that is, the search activity, during which the "adjustment" of speech operations takes place to the conditions of activity and its purposes; by deliberate and arbitrary implementation of this operation at the level of actual awareness with subsequent automation and inclusion in a more complex action.

To master all the speech operations of foreign language only in the first or the second way is impossible: in practice, both methods always use. Another question is which of them is dominant in one or another case? In practice, there are two opposing approaches to learning of a foreign language: traditional (the method of "adjustment" and imitation) and activity, almost common in Ukrainian education.

A speech skill is a speech operation, which is carried out for optimal parameters. Such parameters are unconsciousness, complete automaticity, compliance with the norm of the language, normal pace (speed of execution, stability, that is, the identity of the operation itself in changing conditions). If according to these criteria (parameters) the speech operation satisfies the teacher, it means that the student does it correctly - the speech skills are formed.

The methods of teaching communicative-linguistic abilities should differ from the methods of learning the language skills. At the same time, there is no general psychological and pedagogical theory that could be disseminated for training communicative-linguistic abilities. The closest, researchers believe, to this theory is the concept of "business games" [2, p.165].

The transition from one language to another (foreign) from a psycholinguistic point of view is a change of the rules of transition from the language program to its implementation. This change cannot be implemented immediately fundamentally, that is, by instantly switching the old rules to new ones: people cannot immediately speak in another language. The main task in mastering of a foreign language in the communicative-linguistic sense is to learn to speak (write) as the native speaker speaks (writes). According to the observations of experts, the criteria for the formation of communicative-linguistic competence is the establishment of a direct link between the language program and the system of the rules of the foreign language until their complete automation, or reduction, that corresponding to the total possession of a foreign language, or "thinking in a foreign language" [2, p.94].

In the preparation of the future teacher of foreign languages to pedagogical cooperation, special attention is paid to the personal aspect of language proficiency, because learning of another language is oriented not only to the activity and communication, but also to the personality of the learner, his motivational, age, national, social, cultural and other installation. A particular problem in pedagogical cooperation for a teacher is the studying and consideration of the attitude of the learner to a foreign language and the positive or negative attitude to speech in this language. Equally important is the understanding of communication in a foreign language as a way of actualization and realization your personality as a special way of self-affirmation.

Conclusions. Consequently, the effectiveness of training the future teacher of foreign languages for pedagogical cooperation can be greatly enhanced if its conceptual basis is the formation of communicative-linguistic competence. The pedagogical condition for this should be the creation of such an educational environment in a higher educational institution, in which systemic mastery of communicative and skills is carried out on the basis of the interpenetration of linguistic and psycho-pedagogical educational systems, which requires further scientific, theoretical and methodological research.


1. Batsevich F. (2002) Atmosfera spilkuvannia: sproba psyholingvistychnogo doslidgennia. Movoznavstvo

2. Beliaev B. Ocherki po psyhologii obuchenia inostrannym jazykam. Moskva

3. EjgerG. (1990) Mehanizmykontroliajazykovojpravilnostivyskazyvaniia. Harkov

4. Zimnaia I. (1991) Psihologiia obucheniia inostrannym jazykam v shkole. Moskva

5. Leontev A. (2003) Osnovy psiholingvistici. Moskva

6. Selivanova O. (2008) Suchasna lingvistyka: napriamy ta problemy. Poltava

7. Bierwisch M., Kiefer F. (1969) Remarks on definitions in natural language: Studies in syntax and semantics. - Dordrecht

8. Chomsky N. (2000) New Horizons in the Study of Language and Mind. - Cambridge

9. Laine E.J. (1988) The Affective Filter in Foreign Language Learning and Teaching. - Jyvaskula

10. Laine E.J. (1995) Learning Second National Languages: A Research Report. - Frankfurt am Main

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