The gender approach in the physical education system

The establishment of civilized norms of life based on equality as an important step in the development of Ukrainian society towards integration into the European community. The difference in gender educational process of pupils of different ages.

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Дата добавления 02.11.2020
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The gender approach in the physical education system

Mykhail Dudko, Inna Khrypko, Natalia Bishevets

Because of global changes in gender roles the ideas of gender education gradually penetrate into educational establishments. However, on the lessons of physical education students study in accordance with general programs of state requirements for the level of general education despite gender differences. It is necessary to study the differences of organization educational process in accordance to gender, the introduction of which, will help students to the full self-realization in the institute. The purpose of the research - is to summarize the data of the main gender differences that should be consider in physical educational process of students. The analysis of literature sources about the difference in gender educational process of pupils of different ages showed that there is a gender imbalance in attending motor activity during extra-curricular time and differences in self-assessment of own possibilities. Beginning from the secondary school age, girls and boys have different sports preferences and motives for attending physical education lessons. It has been clarified that the gender approach in physical culture - is the process of physical education of young students according to their motor preferences and motivational attitudes depending on gender with a view to better meeting their needs. Regardless of gender, younger schoolchildren prefer to spontaneous gaming and good grades become the main motivation for the classes. Beginning from the secondary school age, boys become to prefer martial arts and game sports and girls would choose health-improving types of fitness. The desire to increasing the level of physical training motivate boys to visit classes and for girls is to reduce body weight and improve the figure. It is necessary to consider systematized data about motor activity priorities and motivational attitudes to visit classes of physical education in accordance with age and gender.

Key words: gender differences, approach, physical education, motivation, priority, gender, movement.

У зв'язку з глобальними змінами тендерних ролей ідеї гендерного виховання поступово проникають у навчальні заклади. Утім, незважаючи на статеві відмінності, на уроках фізичного виховання учні навчаються за спільними програмами відповідно до державних вимог до рівня загальноосвітньої підготовки учнів.

Потрібно вивчити тендерні підходи до організації навчально-виховного процесу, упровадження яких сприяє повноцінній самореалізації учнів у навчальному закладі.

Мета дослідження - узагальнення даних про основні гендерні відмінності, які потрібно враховувати в процесі фізичного виховання учнівської молоді. Аналіз літературних джерел із питань гендерного виховання учнів різного віку засвідчив, що існує стійкий гендерний дисбаланс у відвідуванні занять руховою активністю в позаурочний час та відмінності в самооцінці власних фізичних можливостей.

Дівчата й хлопчики, починаючи із середнього шкільного віку, мають різні спортивні вподобання та мотиви відвідування уроків фізичної культури.

Уточнено, що тендерний підхід до фізичної культури - це процес фізичного виховання учнівської молоді з урахуванням рухових уподобань і мотиваційних установок учнів залежно від статі з метою більш повного задоволення їхніх потреб. Молодші школярі, незалежно від статі, схильні до спонтанної ігрової діяльності, а головними мотивами занять є прагнення отримати хороші оцінки. Починаючи із середнього шкільного віку, хлопчикам подобаються одноборства та ігрові види спорту, а дівчатам - оздоровчі види фітнесу.

У хлопчиків та юнаків у структурі мотивації до відвідування уроків переважає мотив підвищення фізичної підготовленості, а в дівчат - бажання зменшити масу тіла й покращити статуру. Систематизовані дані щодо рухових пріоритетів і мотиваційних установок до відвідування уроків фізичної культури учнівської молоді залежно від віку та статі потрібно враховувати під час організації процесу їх фізичного виховання.

Ключові слова: гендерні відмінності, підхід, фізичне виховання, мотивація, пріоритет, стать, рух.

В связи с глобальными изменениями гендерных ролей идеи гендерного воспитания постепенно проникают в учебные заведения. Однако, несмотря на половые различия, на уроках физического воспитания ученики учатся по общим программам в соответствии с государственными требованиями к уровню общеобразовательной подготовки учащихся. Необходимо изучить гендерные подходы к организации учебно-воспитательного процесса, внедрение которых способствует полноценной самореализации учащихся в учебном заведении. Цель исследования- обобщение данных об основных гендерных различиях, которые следует учитывать в процессефизического воспитания учащейся молодежи. Анализ литературных источников по вопросам гендерного воспитания учащихся разного возраста показал, что существует устойчивый гендерный дисбаланс в посещении занятий двигательной активностью во внеурочное время и различия в самооценке собственных возможностей. Девочки и мальчики, начиная со среднего школьного возраста, имеют разные спортивные предпочтения и мотивы посещения уроков физической культуры. Уточняется, что гендерный подход к физической культуре - это процесс физического воспитания учащейся молодежи с учетом двигательных предпочтений и мотивационных установок учащихся в зависимости от пола с целью более полного удовлетворения их потребностей. Младшие школьники, неза-висимо от пола, склонны к спонтанной игровой деятельности, а главными мотивами занятий является стремление получить хорошие оценки. Начиная со среднего школьного возраста, мальчикам нравятся единоборства и игровые виды спорта, а девочкам - оздоровительные виды фитнеса. У мальчиков и юношей в структуре мотивации к посещению уроков преобладает мотив повышения физической подготовленности, а в девушек - желание уменьшить массу тела и улучшить фигуру. Систематизированные данные по двигательным приоритетам и мотивационным установкам к посещению уроков физической культуры учащейся молодежи в зависимости от возраста и пола следует учитывать при организации процесса их физического воспитания.

Ключевые слова: гендерные различия, подход, физическое воспитание, мотивация, приоритет, пол, движение.

Introduction. The establishment of civilized norms of life based on equality is an important step in the development of Ukrainian society towards integration into the European community.

Problems of gender education and education research community require to develop specific approache s towards the educational process implementation of which ensures gender socialization of a child and contributes to the complete fulfillment of students in school and further study and careers [9].

Preservation and promotion of health of the younger generation and students in school is a priority educational community, but now experts point to the decline in interest of students in physical education and sport. This situation occurs due to several reasons, among which the researchers named imperfect method s of physical education in classes, low emotionality in classes, lack of healthy lifestyles [15].

In addition, the organization of educational process of physical training does not take into consideration motor motivational preferences and priorities of students of different gender.

According to experts, the salvation of the problem of the interest formation to physical training is possible through the use of gender equality in the system of physical education of students, aimed at taking into account the age and sex characteristics, physical development and physical fitness [4].

Analysis of a large amount of information on gender education of students showed that some scientists conduct research in this area [2; 8; 15; 16; 20].

Pointing out that physical education of children and youth mainly laid sexual dimorphism, based on biological differences between men and women, T. U. Krutsevych emphasizes that physical education programs in schools are designed for the average child and provide only the difference in test standards for boys and girls [7; 8].

The study of gender differences and generalizations we have analyzed helped to find specialists in physical education of students in school [18].

During the installation of motor preferences of younger pupils, S. A. Hrytsiuk showed no significant differences in motor priorities according to sex at a young age [3]. However, a significant difference in students' self-motor training, starting with the last two classes of the primary school was found on the example of O. U. Marchenko. According to the author, the guys are more emotional in their defeats and have high self-esteem of their physical abilities, while girls have low self-esteem [10]. gender educational age

While exploring the state and the formation of the students interest in physical education and sports it was proved that students in middle and high school have indifference in physical training. The authors found that 43 % of girls of high school age and 22 % among boys oppose exercises. Among the reasons for the decline of interest in Physical Education J. Kravchuk [6] names deficiencies in content and methodology of physical education classes.

In examining the motivational aspect of visiting physical culture lessons by pupils of secondary school age, E. Franks [14] found that the most influential factors that motivate students to engage in physical education, according to 82,2 % of respondents have a desire to improve their fitness and improve tone body. In addition, the boys entered as the effective incentives to employment desire to know themselves and their capabilities, get enough exercise in class, get a positive attitude.

Studying the performance ratio of students to physical education, Bondar established gender differences in the manifestation of the motives and interests of students of middle age in the field of physical culture and sports: girls choose swimming, gymnastics varieties, water fitness and horse riding, and the boys - sports, fighting sports, pool and bowling [1].

Retrospective analysis of documents revealed by O. Faschuk helped to show persistent gender imbalance in attending classes of physical activity outside school hours, the number of women engaged in the sports was 20-25 % of pupils of youth sports schools. The analysis of questionnaire data allowed to find out that among boys is more popular team sports, and they have indicated interest in greater stability. The author acknowledges that physical education classes offer sports that are more preferable by boys, not girls [13].

According to the results of experimental work of N.V. Kovalev, there are gender differences in the amount of specially-organized motor activity of pupils in overtime. Yes, it is very small, regardless of gender, but slightly larger among boys and is between 9,0 % and 5,4 % of girls [5].

The main motivation of boys to attend classes on physical training in colleges according to V. Khomich are desire to increase the level of physical health, improve physical fitness, improve physique, while the lack of sports facilities and sports clubs reduce the interest of students to motor activity [15].

V. A. Sutula names main factor motivating students to exercise, expressed a desire to improve their physical fitness, while for female students the most effective factor is to optimize weight and to improve physique [12].

So, despite the fact that students according to gender differences have different existing behavioral patterns, biological maturation rate, level of physical fitness, educational institutions offer a program of physical training, which is designed for «average» student. The issue of gender approach in the system of physical education is important and needs further research.

The goal of the paper is to compile data on key gender differences that should be considered in the process of physical education of students.

The tasks of the paper:

• to achieve this goal we have formulated the following objectives;

• to examine the literature on gender upbringing of various types of educational institutions;

• to clarify the concept of «gender approach to physical education of students»;

• to analyze gender differences identified by specialists in physical education students in the school;

• to summarize information on motor characteristics and preferences of visiting and the main reasons for physical culture lessons in school by gender.

Methods. The study used methods such as research, analysis, data systematization and generalization of scientific and methodical literature.

Research results. While studying the question category of "gender approach", we paid attention to the research of I. Lebid [9], which examines gender socialization as a process of imitation of individual cultural and regulatory standards that society considers appropriate to their gender roles and convinced that the introduction of gender component in the educational process should help to harmonize relations between boys and girls and to improve disclosure of their personal potential.

Gender approach in educational process T. F. Otroshko understands as an extension of the living space to develop individual abilities of each child, the release of teachers from gender-role stereotypes to develop individual skills regardless of gender [11].

On the other hand, the gender approach in physical education according to I. V. Yevstihnevoya is taking into account age and gender characteristics of boys and girls, the formation of values of physical culture and healthy life because of the new ideas about the role of men and women in the society [4].

Studying and summarizing the achievements of specialists in gender pedagogy, gender approach in physical culture, we consider as a process of physical education of students based on motor preferences and motivational attitudes of students by gender in order to better meet their needs and involvement of an active lifestyle.

As a result of the research we have identified key gender differences that should be considered in the process of physical education of students (table. 1).

Obviously, consideration of the data will help teachers of physical training to adjust existing programs and to improve the process of physical education of students.

Conclusions and prospects for further research. According to the literature, an important role in solving the urgent problems of gender education of youth experts confer on the lessons of physical culture that by increasing the quality of physical education help to increase physical activity and thereby contribute to solving the problem of preserving and strengthening health of younger generation.

Table 1

Type of Students

Separate gender differences

Moving Preferences

Main Motives for Doing Sports





Younger pupils

spontaneous games, swimming, horse riding

the desire to have good marks

Middle age pupils

athletics, wrestling, bowling, billiards

gymnastics, aerobics, fitness, shaping, water fitness

enhancing physical fitness, chances to fulfill themselves and to compare their capabilities with the capabilities of other

improving physique

Older pupils

wrestling, fighting sports, football

health gymnastics, dancing, volleyball, athletics

improving physical qualities

avoiding troubles caused by not attending lessons

Students of vocational schools

sports games

fitness, shaping, health gymnastics, basketball

improving health and physical qualities

fashion of health lifestyle

Students of higher educational fascilities

swimming, athletics, table tennis, athletic gymnastics

gymnastics, fitness, step aerobics, stretching, cheerleading, sports aerobics

enhancing physical fitness, improving health

optimization of body weight, improving physique and posture

The research we conduct helped to clarify the concept of «Gender approach in physical education», according to which the gender approach in physical training we considered as a process of physical education of students based on motor preferences and motivational attitudes of students by gender in order to better meet their needs and to improve involvement of an active lifestyle.

Gender features of valuable orientations of students of different types of educational institutions in the field of physical culture and sports and main reasons that affect their involvement in the attendance of physical education and sportsin schools were defined.

It was found that knowledge of gender peculiarities in the system of physical training will help to adjust training programs, to promote positive attitude towards education locomotor activity and to ensure the implementation of a differentiated approach in the process of physical education of students.

We plan to focus our further studies on the establishment of gender characteristics in sportssections of physical activity, physical condition and physical readiness of students depending on the type of educational fascility.


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