The strategy for the development of academic mobility of students and teachers

Creation and improvement of a grant system for students and teachers - one of the tasks of each higher educational establishment for the development of academic mobility. Credit like a numerical way of expressing the volume and level of knowledge.

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The strategy for the development of academic mobility of students and teachers

N. Lazarenko

У статті аналізується стратегія розвитку академічної мобільності студентів і викладачів. У даному дослідженні увага приділяється завданням вищих навчальних закладів, реалізації програм мобільності. Розглядаються проблеми документального, інформаційного, кадрового та інфраструктурного забезпечення. В процесі інтеграції українських вищих навчальних закладів і науки в міжнародній освітній простір дуже важливу роль відводять академічній мобільності студентів та викладачів, яка, як і очікується, буде сприяти формуванню якісно нових трудових ресурсів, спроможних зайняти достойне місце як на світовому ринку праці, так і зможе суттєво вплинути на якість трудових ресурсів національної економіки. Доступ до більш якісних освітніх програм, курсів і дослідницьких можливостей, який надають механізми академічної мобільності, дозволяє студентам і викладачам повертатися в країну проживання з новим багажем знань, академічного і культурного досвіду. Таким чином, академічна мобільність суттєво сприяє підвищенню доступності, якості та ефективності освіти, є важливим інструментом формування глобального освітнього простору і забезпечення мобільності людського потенціалу.

Ключові слова: міжнародний науковий простір, академічна мобільність, навчальний процес, розвиток систем, кредитна мобільність, програми обміну, підвищення кваліфікації викладачів, студентів, стажування.

The current article analyzes the strategy of the academic mobility development. The main emphasis in this research is done on the tasks of the Higher Education Institutions, on the realization of the programs that support academic mobility. Some challenges for documentary support of academic mobility, infrastructure and information support are reviewed. In the process of integration of Ukrainian higher education institutions and science in the international educational space, academic mobility of students and teachers is expected to be very important, which is expected to contribute to the formation of qualitatively new labor resources capable of taking a worthy place both on the world labor market and will have a significant impact on the quality of the national economy's labor resources. Access to educational programs, courses and research opportunities which is provided by mechanisms for academic mobility allows students and teachers to return to their country of residence with new luggage of knowledge, academic and cultural experience. Thus, academic mobility contributes significantly to improving the accessibility, quality and efficiency of education, it is an important tool for building a global educational space and ensuring human capital mobility.

Keywords: international educational space, academic mobility, educational process, development of a system, credit mobility, exchange programs, students and teaching staff training, internship.

The integration processes that take place in the world community in all spheres of human activity have also touched upon the system of higher professional education. In the process of integration of Ukrainian higher education institutions and science in the international educational space, academic mobility of students and teachers is expected to be very important, which is expected to contribute to the formation of qualitatively new labor resources capable of taking a worthy place both on the world labor market and will have a significant impact on the quality of the national economy's labor resources. Access to educational programs, courses and research opportunities which is provided by mechanisms for academic mobility allows students and teachers to return to their country of residence with new luggage of knowledge, academic and cultural experience. Thus, academic mobility contributes significantly to improving the accessibility, quality and efficiency of education, it is an important tool for building a global educational space and ensuring human capital mobility.

Each higher educational establishment for the development of academic mobility needs to solve the following tasks:

- Creation and development of a grant system for students and teachers;

- Improvement of organizational mechanisms and internally university normative and methodological provision of academic mobility;

- allocation of the target funds in the budgets of higher educational institutions for mobility and international development;

- ensuring the quality training of students, teachers and staff from foreign languages universities, which forms the appropriate level of language proficiency for participation in international cooperation programs;

- Development of an internally university mobility assessment system;

- Creating an infrastructure to support adaptation;

- Creation of social and living conditions, development of academic mentoring;

- Development of a system for informing about academic mobility programs [1, p. 106].

Implementation of mobility programs at a higher educational institution can be realized in several stages:

1. The preliminary stage is the search for partners. Very often foreign universities turn to Ukrainian universities to establish partnerships, sometimes representatives of various institutions introduced during international events and show mutual interest in each other.

2. The preparatory stage - organizational activity - a protocol of intentions is formed (usually the previous agreement), the process of harmonization of protocol, signing of the protocol by the authorized representatives of partner universities. Protocols are usually signed by rectors. A ceremonial signing process is provided when representatives of foreign universities come to partner Universities and sign the protocol, absentee signing is possible when one party sends to the partner universities signed copy of the protocol and there it is signed by the other party. A foreign university leaves one copy, another signed copy is sent to a partner institution.

3. The main stage - the process of implementation of the protocol. This stage involves the drawing up and signing of additional agreements on the creation of dual diploma programs, the exchange of programs, the sending of teachers, etc. As soon as the additional agreements are signed, the process of coordinating the curriculum begins, approval of the terms of arrival of students and teaching staff. After that the process of registration of documents for departure for the internship, training in the partner institution of higher education begins. After completing all the necessary formalities, students and teaching staff begin training, internship.

4. Final stage. Upon returning to the main institution of higher education, the process of reenrollment of credits, disciplines and periods of study (for students) received at foreign universities, and the process of the internship report (for teaching staff)[5].

In accordance with the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated August 12, 2015, "On Approval of the Regulations on the Procedure for the Implementation of the Right to Academic Mobility" at the place of implementation of the right to academic mobility, it is divided into:

- internal academic mobility - academic mobility, the right to which is implemented by domestic participants in the educational process in higher educational institutions (scientific institutions) - partners within Ukraine;

- international academic mobility - academic mobility, the right of which is realized by domestic participants in the educational process in higher educational establishments (academic institutions) - partners abroad Ukraine, as well as foreign participants in the educational process at domestic higher educational institutions (scientific institutions) [2].

The main types of academic mobility are:

- Gradual mobility - studying in a higher education institution, other than a permanent place of study of a participant in an educational process, for the purpose of obtaining a higher education degree, as evidenced by a document (documents) on higher education or a higher education degree from two or more higher educational establishments;

- Credit mobility - studying in a higher education institution other than a permanent place of study of a participant in an educational process in order to obtain a credit from the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System and / or relevant competencies, learning outcomes (without obtaining credits from the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System), which will be recognized in a higher educational establishment of a permanent place of study of a domestic or foreign participant in the educational process. At the same time, the overall training period for such participants in the programs of credit mobility remains unchanged.

- Credit - a numerical way of expressing the volume and level of knowledge that corresponds to a given level of labor intensity, which is measured in units of time. Credit can be credited to a student after verifying the level of knowledge acquisition from this course.

- Credit framework is a system that allows measuring and comparing learning outcomes in the context of different qualifications, educational programs and learning environments, based on the workload of a student's educational work, measured in units of time.

One of the obvious priorities in the development of academic mobility as a mandatory parameter of the Bologna Process should be the development of a university-wide legal and regulatory framework for academic mobility, which will take into account the particularities of the educational institution and the mechanisms for the implementation of various forms of academic mobility, taking into account national legislation and international law.

The following classification of typical local acts of higher educational institutions that regulate various aspects of academic mobility is proposed:

- normative acts that establish general conditions for the implementation of academic mobility programs;

- normative acts defining the organization of specific forms of academic mobility (provisions on exchange programs, internships for students and teachers, allocation of grants for participation in international programs, etc.)

- Separate local academic acts that provide academic mobility (agreements with other universities, academic or other organizations).

There are two possible approaches to the development of normative acts:

- Unification of each individual document that will be used for both direct and reverse academic mobility;

- creation of separate sets of documents for the settlement of each of the above processes[2].

Consider a more detailed description of individual internal documents necessary for the effective

implementation of academic mobility. Considering that the Statute is the main internal document of a parent institution, the statute of the HEI should reflect the main provisions for participation in academic mobility; the presence of norms that characterize the legal status of subjects of academic mobility programs (students, scientific and pedagogical workers) and the forming system of guarantees of the realization of their rights.

-- Regulations on the forms of academic mobility may be as follows:

— on the implementation of long-term joint educational programs;

— on the implementation of short-term joint educational programs;

— on exchange programs;

-- Terms of internships for students and teachers;

— on the allocation of grants for participation in international programs;

— on summer schools.

These documents should contain specific definitions of certain schemes of academic mobility, prescribe clear mechanisms for the implementation of each process, and provide clarification on the statute and the procedure of all its agents [2].

The leading structural unit for organizing academic mobility should be the department of international relations, or another unit that organizes the international activities of universities.

For students and teaching staff, the department of international relations provides the following services: organization of internships, registration of necessary documents for departure abroad, search of grants, both individual and collective, assistance in processing applications for grants. For foreign students - registration of documents for entry into Ukraine, registration at the place of stay, extension of validity of visas, registration of medical insurance.

In order to more effectively organize academic mobility programs in the middle of this department, it is advisable to create sectors, leading or other forms of mobility: the sector of exchange programs, the organization of internships, etc.[4]

Sector employees are consultants on specific issues. An option is to involve volunteers-students who already have experience in participating in student mobility programs. The Department of International Relations directly interacts with the academic units of the University through regular informational seminars, during which the department staff informs about the possibilities of academic mobility, lectures, which describe certain grant programs and exchange programs, various information resources.

Such centralized management of the process of academic mobility is one of the best options, since it allows the involvement of the contingent of students and administration of all universities, without discrimination of certain faculties or specialties. However, mobility management can be focused on one of the faculties of higher education (such a unit may be, for example, the faculty of international educational programs and academic exchanges, or the faculty of foreign languages).

This scheme of mobility management can be justified by the specifics of higher educational institutions, where the possibilities of students' mobility of different specialties and directions of training, which are implemented in higher educational establishments, are not identical on objective reasons, which are mainly connected with different traditions of training in Ukraine and abroad and low compatibility of the respective programs [3].

Also, the sector outside the educational work (as an option, sector in the department of international relations), whose main task is to help in socio-cultural adaptation of foreign citizens, holding various cultural events and adaptation programs, is also necessary. In order to increase the efficiency of the implementation of mobility, it is recommended to enter the database of all students (including trainees) who take part in mobility programs.

The department of international relations can be responsible for the introduction and support of this information system, and its users - all educational subdivisions of the University. The presence of such a system allows for effective monitoring of academic mobility.

An educational department or other unit with similar functions should have workers who have been trained and have experience in forming joint programs, work with documents of "mobile" students. The process of issuing European applications for a diploma must be organized at the university. It is advisable to entrust this task to the unit, which is engaged in the registration and issuance of education documents [4].

General leadership in the process of academic mobility in universities can be performed by the vice rector for international relations or the head of the department of international relations, whose main responsibilities include the definition of mobility strategies, coordination of activities of the international sector. The main executors in this process will be employees of the department of international relations in different directions (working with foreign students, organizing joint exchange programs and other forms of academic mobility, fundraising (search for grant programs)); Dean's staff (departments and institutes), as well as faculty and teaching staff.

In the admissions commission of higher educational establishments, specialists are also required for the reception of foreign citizens and the initial assessment of their education documents.

The staff of the department of international relations is advised to improve their professional level in the field of international education in the international departments of foreign universities. Teachers are recommended to undergo internships in partner universities abroad, which implement joint educational programs, including seminars and lectures there. The key issue is the possession of foreign languages, for which it is necessary to organize the training of teachers and staff in universities. Effective motivation of teachers and employees is the introduction of an appropriate indicator of the level of language proficiency in the system of competitive selection for the position.

Regular seminars and trainings on tolerance are recommended for the purpose of increasing the cultural sensitivity of the migrant students and the formation of teachers' readiness to adopt national and cultural attributes for the teaching staff. People who are evaluating foreign education documents must undergo appropriate training on the basis of assessment centers for education.

Employees of the educational administration or a similar department must be competent to work with joint educational programs. Employees of the unit that are involved in the registration and issuance of education documents must undergo training on the execution of European applications for diplomas. Involved in academic mobility, participation in educational seminars devoted to the problems of academic mobility, as well as language training through internships abroad, training in foreign language courses is required [6].

Information support for mobility. The development of a system of informing about the possibilities of academic mobility in higher educational institutions and involving students, faculty and staff of universities as potential participants, as well as informing about problems related to academic mobility, should become one of the main measures in support and development of mobility. It is necessary to create a permanent multi-level specialized information network, which will distribute reliable and complete information for all participants in the process.

For this purpose, it is necessary to hold regular informational seminars, during which the staff of the department of international relations will inform about opportunities for academic mobility, on existing grants and exchange programs, meetings with consular staff and embassies about the possibilities of studying abroad. The university website should have an information page, which will cover the current grant programs with the terms of participation in them. It is also recommended to place a special stand at the university, on which the information on current academic mobility programs should be updated weekly.

To inform mobility participants, a set of informational materials must be developed in foreign languages, primarily in English. It is recommended that such information be posted on the university's website, distributed in the form of booklets, videos, presentations at partner universities.

One of the most important directions of the University's work in the process of academic mobility development should be the development of infrastructure to support the adaptation of foreign students, the development of a system of advisory services, social and cultural support for foreign students. To this end, it is recommended to create a department (center) of socio-cultural adaptation in the structure of the university, which will implement various adaptation programs, conduct cultural and educational activities for foreign students, and promote their adaptation to another cultural environment [3].

Conclusions. The main tasks of such a unit can be:

- Creation of conditions for the development of socio-cultural space in order to solve the problem of adaptation of foreign students;

- Ensuring a comfortable psychological state of the students, for optimal performance of the initial tasks;

- Education of intercultural communication skills, activation of intercultural relations, development, interaction, interpenetration of cultures;

- Satisfying the needs for language learning and continuing linguistic training in common cultural activities;

- Upgrading knowledge and skills in the field of Ukrainian culture through meetings, discussions, classes, discussions, business games, master classes, watching movies, visiting exhibitions, exhibitions, museums, concerts, theaters.

Thus, successful development of academic mobility at HEIs depends on proper funding. This task can be solved by raising funds, for this purpose it is necessary to set up work in search of grants and mobility programs. In the international relations management structure, it is recommended to create a unit that will be active in fundraising - seeking and presenting grants, helping students and teachers write applications for grants.


academic mobility educational student

1. Ihnatova O. The importance of staff mobility in the system of higher education/ O. Ihnatova// Actual problems of modern sciences: - № 8(11) - Vinnytsia, 2017. - pp. 105-107.

2. Regulation on the procedure for implementing the right to academic mobility

3. Academic mobility and modern approaches to ensuring the quality of higher education in Ukraine dl=1370

4. Philip G. Altbach, J. Knight The Internationalization of Higher Education: Motivations and Realities/ Philip G. Altbach, J. Knight // Volume: 11 issue: 3-4, page(s): 290-305, Issue published: September 1, 2007.

5. Emilio A. Anteliz, Phyllida Coombes & P. A. Danaher Students, Staff and Academic Mobility in Higher Education / Emilio A. Anteliz, Phyllida Coombes & P. A. Danaher // International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning, Volume 4, 2008 - Issue 5.

6. Teichler, U. Research on Internationalisation in Higher Education / U. Teichler, B.M. Kehm// Journal of Studies in International Education. - 2007. - Vol. 11. - № 3/4. - p. 260-273.

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