Adaptation of higher education of Ukraine to the modern needs of "knowledge society": alternative directions

The urgency of the issue of adaptation of higher education in Ukraine to modern requirements of the information society (knowledge society). Choice of alternative strategies for adapting higher education to the needs of the "knowledge society".

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Дата добавления 11.11.2020
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Adaptation of higher education of Ukraine to the modern needs of «knowledge society»: alternative directions

R.V. Sopivnyk, O.V. Klochko


Питання адаптації вищої освіти України до сучасних вимог інформаційного суспільства (суспільства знань) є актуальним. Метою дослідження є вибір альтернативних стратегій - вектора домінуючих чинників на шляху адаптації вищої освіти України до сучасних потреб «суспільства знань». У процесі розв'язування поставленої задачі застосовано метод аналізу ієрархій. У контексті складових даної проблеми розглянуто інтегральний показник розвитку людського потенціалу. Нами з'ясовано пріоритети керуючих впливів на нього показників витрат на освіту, якості освіти, кількості інтернет-користувачів та абонентів мобільного зв'язку із застосуванням методу аналізу ієрархій. Нами розроблено ієрархічну модель з метою визначення пріоритетних критеріїв і знаходження альтернативних рішень, що можуть бути покладені в основу розробки сценаріїв адаптації вищої освіти України до сучасних потреб інформаційного суспільства (суспільства знань). Отримані показники пріоритетності альтернатив підтверджують важливий вплив Інтернет-технологій, підвищення якості освіти на результати адаптації вищої освіти України до сучасних потреб «суспільства знань». Вони є домінуючими чинниками. Зроблено висновок про збереження пріоритетності альтернатив у порівнянні з попереднім роком. Шляхом подолання багатьох проблем адаптації вищої освіти України до сучасних потреб «суспільства знань» є зосередження на підвищенні якості освіти та розвитку Інтернет-технологій. Такий підхід дозволить підвищити рівень освіти в Україні, її інтелектуальний та науково-технічний потенціал, досягати цілей у формуванні інформаційного суспільства та його наступного етапу - суспільства знань.

Ключові слова: вища освіта, інформаційне суспільство, суспільство знань, інформаційно- комунікаційні технології, індекс розвитку людського потенціалу, якість освіти, інформатизація освіти, метод аналізу ієрархій.


The problem of adaptation of higher education in Ukraine to the modern needs of the «knowledge society» is relevant. The purpose of our study is to select alternative strategies - the vector of the dominant factors on the path of adaptation of higher education in Ukraine to the modern needs of the «knowledge society». In the process of solving the problem, an analytic hierarchy/network process was used. In the context of the components of this problem, the Human Development Index and its impact factors are considered. We have identified the priorities of managing the impact on HDI indicators of the government expenditure on education, the quality of education, the number of Internet users and mobile phone subscriptions the method of analysis of hierarchies. We have developed a hierarchical model for identifying priority criteria and finding alternative solutions that can be used as the basis for developing scenarios for the adaptation of higher education in Ukraine to the modern needs of the information society (knowledge society). The obtained priorities of alternatives confirm the important influence of Internet Technologies and the improvement of the quality of education on the results of the adaptation of higher education in Ukraine to the modern needs of the «knowledge society». The conclusion is made on the preservation of the priority of alternatives in comparison with the previous year. The focus is on improving the quality of education and the development of Internet Technologies by overcoming many of the problems of the adaptation of higher education in Ukraine to the modern needs of the «knowledge society» This approach will increase the level of education in Ukraine intellectual and scientific-technical potential, to achieve the goals for shaping the information society and next phase - the knowledge society.

Key words: higher education, information society, knowledge society, information and communication technologies, Human Development Index, quality of education, informatization of education, analytic hierarchy/network process.


adaptation higher education information

Education in XXI century is a dynamic system that develops under the influence of globalization, integration, informatization of society. Modern society is a kind of post-industrial. It acquires the characteristics of the information society in all spheres of life and gradually transforms into a higher phase of its development - the «knowledge society». It is characterized by global informatization, a growth of knowledge, adhocratic features and diversity. At the stage of formation and development of the information society (knowledge society) creates a social product that is based on knowledge, information resource and results of labor, accelerating the processes of change and demassification. Famous scientist R. Gurevich emphasizes - «informatization is caused by social reasons and in the process of its development is one of the dominant factors of social development» [1, p. 6].

In accordance with the «National Strategy for the Development of Education in Ukraine until 2021», the key task of education in Ukraine is the creation of a new generation education system: targeting modern scientific achievements and innovations, increasing the availability and efficiency of education on the basis of information and communication technologies (ICT) [2]. V. Bykov proves that the implementation of open education with the use of ICT and promotes the mobility of access to educational services, individualization, continuity, and the development of inclusive education [3, p. 23]. R. Gurevich, underlining the important impact of ICT in education, mentions: «We live in the age of information and communication. However, information and communication (communications) have always been, but only a post-industrial society is unique in that it is characterized by the extremely rapid development of information and telecommunication technologies and their capabilities have become unprecedented for human development for the effective solution of many professional, economic, social and household problems» [4, p. 326-327]. Y. Ramsky takes the information culture of society as «an integral indicator of the communications information development level in society and the characteristics of the information sphere of people's activities» [5, p. 16-18]. R. Sopivnyk emphasizes that a public order for the training of specialists is formed at the stage of global informatization and knowledge grows which are «should be able to operate effectively in situations of uncertainty, should approach urgent problems in creative way, produce new ideas, gather people around useful goals for society and ensure its achievement in the best possible terms with minimal material costs» [6, p. 206].

We found a contradiction between existing educational measures at this stage of information society development and their compliance with the dominant vector adaptation strategies of higher education to the needs of Ukraine «knowledge society».

The problem of adaptation of higher education in Ukraine to the modern needs of the «knowledge society» is relevant. The method of choosing alternative strategies for solving this issue has not previously been considered.

The purpose of our study is to select alternative strategies - the vector of the dominant factors on the path of higher education adaptation in Ukraine to the modern needs of the «knowledge society».

Key research findings

The development of the information society, the entry point into the world of educational space are defined as the main priority directions of the transformation of the educational system of Ukraine in their modernization and improvement of quality. One of the ways of solving the task is to improve the education system on the basis of modern ICT. The rapid progress of ICT development contributes to the developed infrastructure creation of the educational process (scientific and educational portals, distance education, fast data exchange environments, etc.), promote qualitative training of specialists from different industries and all these factors are creating the basis for information interaction in the learning process.

Let's consider the human development index and find out the priorities of controlling influence on it indicators the government expenditure on education, education quality, the number of Internet users and mobile phone subscribers using the analytic hierarchy/network process. We constructed a hierarchical model in order to find alternative solutions that can be used as the basis for developing scenarios for the adaptation of higher education in Ukraine to the modern needs of the «knowledge society».

We will identify and analyze the directions of human potential development in European countries, including Ukraine, taking into account indicators of the education quality and development of ICT. We define the alternatives on the basis of hierarchical agglomeration procedures using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP).

Scheme 1. Hierarchical structure of the alternative strategies choice system of human potential development of European countries taking into account indicators of the level of education and the level of development of ICT

For this purpose, we constructed the hierarchical system of alternative strategies choice for human development in an era of information and communication technology and one of the main characteristics of which is the level of education and literacy (scheme 1). Aspects of the goal (criteria) are the values of the Human Development Index (HDI) in the European countries [7]: five European countries ranked first with «very high» levels of human development: Norway, Switzerland, Germany, Denmark, the Netherlands, Poland; with a «high» level of human development - Ukraine (table 1). Indicators are selected as alternatives [7]: Government expenditure on education (GEE) (% of GDP), Education quality (EQ) (% satisfed), Internet users (IU) (% of population), Mobile phone subscriptions (MPS) (per 100 people) (table 1).

We are considering the dominant hierarchies built from the top (the goal is to identify the priority directions of human potential development in the era of ICT) through the intermediate levels (criteria: the importance of the HDI in Europe) to the lowest level of alternatives (GEE, EQ, IU, MPS).

The implementation of the AHP is based on the usage of hierarchical networks for constructing a model that is designed to calculate the probabilities of occurrence of each possible scenario in the future. We constructed a hierarchical structure of the decision-making system on the priority of alternatives (scheme 1) [8, p. 251-318].

We set priorities criteria and evaluated the alternatives according to the criteria after hierarchical reproduction of the problem. The results of final calculations are estimating priorities using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) are shown in table 2 and presented graphically in diagram 1.

Table 1 Human Development Index and its impact factors




Human Developmen t Index (HDI)

Government expenditure on education (GEE)




Internet users (IU)

Mobile phone subscriptions (MPS)


(% of GDP)

(% satisfed)

(% of population)

(per 100 people)


















































Table 2 Calculation results of alternative generalization priorities (report, 2017)


Generalized indicators of priority alternatives

Internet users (IU)


Education quality (EQ)


Government expenditure on education (GEE)


Mobile phone subscriptions (MPS)


Diagram 1. Generalized estimates of human potential alternative priorities (report, 2017)

Taking Table 2 and Chart 1 the highest priority of the four alternatives is IU (0,3269). On the second position - EQ (0,2474). This result shows us that in Europe with a «very high» and «high» level of human potential the priority directions of development are: the use of ICT in all spheres of human activity, an important indicator of which is the increase in the number of Internet users; improving the quality of education. Lower scores received: GEE - 0,2258 is in the countries which are paying less atten tion to government expenditure on education. Factor MPS (0,1997) has the least impact on improving human development in these countries.

In order to confirm the obtained result and compare it with the data of the previous report on human development, we present the results of generalized assessments of the alternatives priority in the report of the 2016 year [9]. Indicators are selected as alternatives [9]: Public expenditure on education (PEE) (% of GDP), EQ (% satisfed), IU (% of population), MPS (per 100 people) (table 3).

Results of generalized priorities estimate calculations (report, 2016) by the method of hierarchy analysis are given in table 4.

Comparing the data of table 2 with the data of table 4, we can conclude that the priority of alternatives is preserved according to the report of 2016.

Table 3

Human Development Index and its impact factors (report, 2016) [9]




Human Developmen t Index (HDI)


expenditure on education (PEE)




Internet users (IU)






(% of GDP)

(% satisfed)

(% of population)

(per 100 people)


















































Table 4

Calculation results of alternative generalization priorities (report, 2016)


Generalized indicators of priority alternatives

Internet users (IU)


Education quality (EQ)


Public expenditure on education (PEE)


Mobile phone subscriptions (MPS)



The received alternative priorities are confirming the important influence of Internet Technologies and the improvement of the quality of education on the results of the adaptation of higher education in Ukraine to the modern needs of the «knowledge society». They are the dominant factors. This result explains us that the digital revolution cause is the rapid development of Internet Technology that facilitates many aspects of human activity. The role of ICT as a system of scientific knowledge and the object of study and knowledge acquisition tool is getting proven experience in their practical application. The focus is on improving the quality of education and the development of Internet Technologies by overcoming many of the problems of the adaptation of higher education in Ukraine to the modern needs of the «knowledge society». Prospects for the further development of education in Ukraine should be driven towards the development of Internet Technologies for the creation of a single information environment (Smart-complexes of disciplines, electronic educational resources, meta-disciplines, etc.). An important step in this is to support state programs of the proposed creation of a developed infrastructure information environments of higher education institutions, networks, electronic libraries of higher education institutions, training of qualified teaching staff, and more. This approach will increase the level of education in Ukraine, its intellectual and scientific-technical potential, to achieve the goals in shaping the information society and its next phase - the knowledge society.

Areas for further research: research trends of the information society as a scientific and cultural phenomenon, which evolves interdependently with the development of scientific achievements, technologies, social and pedagogical sciences; the study of the phenomenon of «information explosion», due to the deepening of this phenomenon in the evolution of the education system; introduction of experience in applying modern ICT in the context of international integration processes in vocational education of Ukraine.


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4. Гуревич Р. С. Інформаційно-телекомункаційні технології в навчальному процесі професійних навчальних закладів: досвід, проблеми, перспективи // Р. С. Гуревич. - Сучасні інформаційні технології та інноваційні методики навчання в підготовці фахівців: методологія, теорія, досвід, проблеми - Вінниця (ВДПУ). - 2008. С. 58-63.

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