Some peculiarities of students` interpersonal interactions in the multicultural area of Ukrainian universities

Issues of pedagogical principals, functions, aims of cross cultural education, aim of which is a formation of the person who is ready for the vital activity in a multicultural environment, to live in peace and consent with people of different nations.

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Дата добавления 27.11.2020
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Bohdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Teachers Training University


Kirsanova Svitlana

Senior Teacher of English Language Chair


pedagogical education multicultural nation

The article deals with the issues of pedagogical principals, functions, aims of cross cultural education, the aim of which is a formation of the person who is ready for the vital activity in a multicultural environment, to live in peace and consent with people of different nations and also to develop multicultural balance in the educational process. Provisions in the training of specialists must be based on the priorities of the universal values, the need to form a communicative multicultural competence, planetary thinking, understanding and the feeling of the personality like an integral part of a single and interconnected world, the formation of positive interpersonal relations of student youth in a multi-ethnic environment. That is, the higher school should be focused on the solution of the main task -to educate not only a specialist of high for his branch of knowledge qualification but a specialist of such a level of a polytechnic culture, who is capable of implementing positive interpersonal relationships in the conditions of multicultural environment.

Key words: interpersonal relationships, cross cultural education, cross ethnic culture, cross cultural education, cross cultural tolerance, humanism ideas, process of globalization, multicultural environment.


The increasing complexity of social systems, globalization processes lead to cardinal changes in social and political life, making new demands on specialists with higher education, and suggesting the development of their ability to adapt to dynamic practice. It is obvious that the educational policy of the university in such conditions should be aimed at solving the problem of training competitive specialists who are socially protected by the quality of education, as well as personally prepared for work in constantly changing conditions. The study of the multicultural education problem in Ukraine and foreign pedagogy seems relevant from the point of view of problems dealing with modern society. Global trends such as globalization, active integration processes, the creation of a single European cultural and educational space, presuppose the peoples' rapprochement, the strengthening of their intercultural interaction. Thus, the Concept of Spiritual and Moral Development and Education of Citizen of Ukraine Personality notes the need to preserve and strengthen the civic, national and cultural identity of young people in conditions of ethnic, cultural and confessional diversity, which implies fostering respect and tolerance in the younger generation in relation to representatives of different cultures and value orientations.

In the process of globalization, the intensification of intercultural contacts between representatives of different countries, new trends have emerged, the development of the world community within the framework of multiculturalism, a tolerant attitude towards cultural diversity and cultural characteristics of other peoples.

As far as you know Ukraine is also a multicultural state. The composition of its population is rather diverse, including different kinds of ethnic communities. This leads to a multicultural public environment, requires the training of a person who is capable to perceive and understand not only his own values but also the cultural values of other peoples who are capable of interethnic and intercultural communication. The clash of civilizational, cultural, and ethnic interests creates a conflict situation within the general national-state space. In this context, the problems of valuable pluralism formation and cultural relativism, tolerance and the mentality of cooperation among our youth, the formation of different nationalities, races, confessions, views, beliefs, dialogues of cultures are actualized.

Different Ukrainian constitution articles, the Ukrainian laws on education, on national minorities in Ukraine, on Languages, the concept of civil education of a person in the conditions of the Ukrainian statehood development, the program of children and pupils education in Ukraine, the national doctrine of education development, the Concept of National education and other legislative and normative acts witness the state approach of solving the problem of interethnic relations regulation. The system of modern education should ensure preservation and continuation of Ukrainian cultural historical traditions, the upbringing of a respectful attitude towards state sacred things: Ukrainian language and culture, history and culture of peoples who live in Ukraine, the formation of interethnic relations [3].

Analysis of research and publications in which the solution is initiated this problem

The analysis of recent researches and publications on which the author bases has shown that's some aspects of the problem formation of interpersonal relationships in the multicultural environment conditions are reflected in the writings of philosophers, psychologists, educators. Such scholars of the past as (M. Berdyaev, V. Bibler, M. Dragomanov, P. Kapterev, Y. Chepiga, etc) devoted their works to studying the ratio of national and general human in education. The historic-Pedagogical aspect of this problem is highlighted in scientific papers of N. Bogdanets-Biloskalenko, N. Pobirchenko, O. Suk- homlynskay, E. Syavalko, V. Fedyaeva. The semantic aspect of a multicultural education, the identification of its optimal means realization at the present stage were studied by V. Bulgarina, L. Volik, L. Gorbunova, A. Dzhurinsky, G. Dmitriev, V. Kovtun, I. Loschenov, A. Solodka and others. The children of different ages and pedagogical peculiarities were studied by I. Beh, L. Bozhovich, S. Maksimenko, who proved that the age of youth is characterized by the unity of emotional- volitional, philosophical and cognitive aspects of active life. That's why in this period the attention to the formation of youth interpersonal relationships and the development of a full-fledged multicultural personality is focused.

That is a social significance and a practical necessity of youth multicultural education, the formation of student youth interpersonal relations in a higher educational institution in the multicultural environment, as well as available contradictions in the achievement of the ultimate goal in the micro and macro socium have caused this problem studying.

The aim of the research

The purpose and objectives of the study are: to consider some aspects of the problem formation of the student youth interpersonal relations under conditions of a multicultural environment, the value of language and label knowledge in this process.

Among the scientific problems those that deserve the status of acme have long been distinguished.

Among them, the problem of interpersonal relations formation is of great significance. It is of great value in the progressive society. The law of Ukraine “on Education”, the State national programme “Education” (Ukraine in the XXI-st century) focuses the educators attention to the need of the fundamental education system restructuring, starting with goals, economic foundation and ending with the system of training and retraining of specialists, school structure, content and learning technologies. Under the conditions of a democratic and national revival of Ukraine arose the need of goals coordination, strategy, and tactics of the pedagogical process with a democratic reality. This caused the direction of the pedagogical process to the development and the formation of a polycultural personality communicative competence. The State National Program “Education” (“Ukraine in the XXI-st Century”) foresaw that “the education system should provide the formation of the interethnic relations culture” [3].

Among the main goals and priorities of the educational sector the important place is occupied by the education of a person with a democratic outlook and culture which are characterized by a high appreciation of national achievements, a person who respects the traditions of other peoples and their cultures, who is actively involved into the implementation of peace ideas, who strives to tolerant engagement with the world community. Communicative interpersonal relationships in the multicultural sphere purposefully form highly reasoned and constantly tested by practice positive knowledge of such extremely complex objects of the spiritual-moral world, which is the consciousness, soul and the linguistic and cultural sphere in general.

Presentation of the main material

The logic itself of a multicultural development of a multilingual person on the modern highways and the multilingual knowledge reflexes reveal fundamentally important ideological function of specific sciences which is closely connected with the elaboration of a general scientific outlook that is rightfully based on a set of all sciences data, on acquired knowledge about society laws and spiritual and moral activity of a man. It is important to emphasize that an example of a linguistic science clearly demonstrates how fundamental scientific ideas become the constituent elements of the content characteristics of the scientific world outlook, and educational philosophical categories, principles, laws are embodied into the system of interpersonal interaction, in the very process of the language creation forming, acting as a kind of heuristic framework of all language and etiquette knowledge, its unity and integrity. The motivational- valuable guidelines of a modern higher education didactics must definitely agree with the obvious fact: now the linguistics and etiquette science, creating a general cultural linguistic theory is more clearly confronted with the need of a meaningful rethinking of its concepts principles of theoretical generalizations, perfection, realization of the prognostic function of lingua-didactics knowledge on the basis of qualitatively new integrative characteristics formation The strategy of non-trivial scientific research of this kind, the acceptance of priority decisions should be made in the flow of educational- philosophical direction. The very this phenomenon sufficiently tested practice and positive experience of philosophy, culture science and linguistics, modern methodological and epistemological situation of their development, directly promotes the growth of new scientific knowledge about language etiquette, taking an effective action in the formation of original hypotheses and theories of interactions, revealing its integrative and heuristic functions. So, a linguistic process in a multicultural environment based on the formation of a person's world outlook is an island and a cornerstone of students' modern style of thinking, which acts as an important component of intellectual general cultural basis of his activity and the formation of communicative interpersonal relationships in general. At the same time, today it is impossible to defend orthodox views, passing beyond the formula of world perception, world of understanding, the world of reproduction through the most versatile form of their expression -- language and everything irrational. Besides, it is necessary to carefully evaluate carefully current modernist tendencies in the philosophy of G. S. Skovoroda and I. I. Ogienko [8; 4].

It is important to prove the evidence and the fundamental significance of the philosophical preconditions and categories for definition of the object and the object of research, the formulation and solution of specific and practical tasks, the choice of research methods and strategies for further conclusions and generalizations of research results. So, teachers must understand that only the fusion of a truly scientific outlook and genuine humanism can be a real standard of a Ukrainian mentality. They have to realize objectively that their predecessors proved just the same thoughts with the help of their activities. They are V. Vernadsky, A. Krymsky, O. Potebnya and their followers [6; 3].

By definition of the American scientist Robert Han- vey, a global education includes the study of the problems and questions that go beyond the national boundaries and the interconnections of systems -- ecological, cultural, economic, political, and technological. The global education includes promising actions -- a look at things through eyes and thoughts of others -- and this means the realization of that fact that while persons and groups have an opportunity to see life from different points of view, they will also have general needs and desires “[10, p. 317-318]. Existing educational -- cognitive programs in the field of didactics of language-etiquette education need a comprehensive improvement in terms of national cultural fundamentals and humanization of education, defined by the development of education strategy in Ukraine.

The language cardinally defines the system of life values and the level of spiritual and moral language- etiquette culture of man. The linguistic ability of a man connects him it with the surrounding.


Thanks to cultural-linguistic activities of a person, there are organized his relations to objects and phenomena, to himself and to the environment. All economic, political changes taking place in society influence changes, in the language sphere development and therefore have an impact on the formation of interpersonal student youth relations in conditions of polycultural environment, the formation and existence of a cultural language personality. And the feedback -- the development of the latter depends on the level and the development of education. It is it which must influence the general, socio-political, economic and socio-cultural formation of the society. Every member of our state at different stages of education has the opportunity to get lingual education and to raise his multicultural level that meets the needs and level of the state development. The forming of the cultural competence of a nationally conscious personality is impossible without mastering its normalized features of the state language (for example, at the phonetic level -- normative statement emphasis, at the lexical level -- the use of the actual Ukrainian words in the speech, at a grammar level -- the use of complex grammar and syntactic constructions). Among components of practical speech, on which the focus is on the following: the possession of speech technology, which, in addition to breath, articulation, strength, purity and height of voice, presupposes and the observance of orthoepic norms: the knowledge of logical and emotional expressiveness of speech means, that includes variations of pauses, their duration, logical stress, changes in tone and pace speech; the skills of the specialist in the process of preparation for the verbal action to orient on peculiarities of different genres of public speeches: report, speech, a lecture, a conversation, etc. It is important to take into account the specific of communication subjects and the creation of a proper linguistic moral-ethical atmosphere. It is impossible to learn the art of mental context from the textbook or reduce it to a certain amount of rules. Its most important prerequisite is sensitivity and sincere openness of the interlocutor, ability to answer. The student, like no other, is full of interpersonal relationships, which at the same time are formed and implemented in it. The normative side of these imaginations is a set of social and moral values which must be consciously assigned by a young person and make up the essence of his personality.

That is, the higher school should be focused on the solution of the main task -to educate not only a specialist of high for his branch of knowledge qualification but a specialist of such a level of a polytechnic culture, who is capable of implementing positive interpersonal relationships in the conditions of polytechnic environment.

Provisions in the training of specialists must be based on the priorities of the universal values, the need to form a communicative multicultural competence, planetary thinking, understanding and the feeling of the personality like an integral part of a single and interconnected world, the formation of positive interpersonal relations of student youth in a multi-ethnic environment. The study of this complex problem needs further study of peculiarities both moral and ethical and cultural interrelationships, and the system of connections between human nature and personal relationships in the conditions of multiculturalism of the public environment.


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2. Vasiutenkova Y. V. Sovremennye problemy polykulturnoho obrazovanyia [Modern problems of multicultural education] / Y. V. Vasiutenkova // Obrazovanye v epokhu peremen. Sbornyk nauchnykh trudov. Vol. 2 / A. A. Makarenia, N. N. Surtaeva, S. V. Kryvykh. SPb.: HNUYOV RAO, 2006. 143 p. [in Russian].

3. Derzhavna natsionalna prohrama “Osvita”. Ukraina XXI storichchia. [State National Program “Education”. Ukraine XXI Century]. URL: -- psihologiya-tvorchih-zdibnostey.html [in Ukrainian].

4. Dzhurynskyi A. N. Pedahohyka v mezhnatsyonalnom myre: uchebnoe posobye dlia studentov vyzov, obuchaiush- chykhsia po spetsyalnostiam: “Pedahohyka y psykholohyia”, “Pedahohyka” [Pedagogy in the international world: a textbook for students challenging, studying in the specialties: “Pedagogy and Psychology”, “Pedagogy”] / A. N. Dzhuryn- skyi. M.: Humanytar. yzd. tsentr. VLADOS, 2010. 240 p. PP. 103-104. [in Russian].

5. Kokoeva N. V. Podhotovka studentov pedahohycheskoho vuza k rabote v polykulturnoi srede shkoly [Preparation of students of pedagogical high school for work in a multicultural school environment] / N. V. Kokoeva // Materyaly III Mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii Polylynhvalnoe obrazovanye kak osnova sokhranenyia yazykovoho nasledyia kulturnoho raznoobrazyia chelovechestva. Vladykavkaz: Yzdatelstvo SOHPY. 2010. PP. 147-149. [in Russian].

6. Krymskyi A. I. Tvory v piaty tomakh [Works in five volumes] / A. I. Krymskyi. T. 3. K.: Naukova dumka, 1973. 160 p. [in Russian].

7. Makaev V. V. Polykulturnoe obrazovanye -- aktualnye problemy sovremennoi shkoly [Polycultural education -- current problems of the modern school] / V. V. Makaev, Z. A. Malkova, L. L. Suprunova // Pedahohyka, 1999. № 4. PP. 3-10. [in Russian].

8. Ohiienko Ivan. Ukrainska kultura. Korotka istoriia kulturnoho zhyttia ukrainskoho naroda [A Brief History of the Cultural Life of the Ukrainian People] / Ivan Ohiienko. K.: Abrys, 1991. 128 p. [in Ukrainian].

9. Dzeverin O. H. Pedahohichni idei H. S. Skovorody [Pedagogical ideas of G. S. Skovoroda] / O. H. Dzeverin. Kyiv: Vyshcha shkola, 1972. 246 p. [in Ukrainian].

10. Hanvey R. G. An attainable Global Perspective / R. G. Hanvey // Social Education 54(5), September 1990. PP. 317-318. [in English].

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