Environmental education in Ukrainian primary school

The condition evaluation of primary environmental education in Ukraine. Formation in pupils a system of knowledge and beliefs to provide responsibility for the environment, readiness to implement environmentally competent decisions for its improvement.

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Дата добавления 01.12.2020
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Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University

Environmental education in Ukrainian primary school

Maria Zinchenko

c. Lutsk


primary environmental education knowledge

The key issue of the article is the condition evaluation of primary environmental education in Ukraine. This sphere of pedagogy aims to form in pupils a system of knowledge, attitudes and beliefs to provide responsibility for the environment, readiness to implement environmentally competent decisions for its improvement. There are many forms of work with junior schoolchildren for effective learning: ecological content discussions, environmental games and quizzes, team work in eco-circles, competitions and exhibitions with regional studies content, integrated environmental lessons, an ecological projects, ecological outreach and promotion work. Increasing efficiency of ecological education in Ukraine will be possible because of personal approach to complex studying of environment, using interdisciplinary connections.

Key words: ecological culture, environmental education, primary school.


Зинченко Мария. Экологизация обучения в украинской начальной школе. В статье проанализировано состояние начального звена экологического образования в Украине. Данная отрасль призвана сформировать систему знаний, взглядов и убеждений учащихся, которые будут обеспечивать ответственность за состояние окружающей среды, готовность осуществлять экологически грамотные решения для его улучшения. Эффективной экологизации обучения способствуют множество форм работы с учениками: проведение бесед по экологическому воспитанию, экологических игр и викторин, работа в кружке, конкурсы и выставки краеведческого содержания, интегрированные занятия экологического содержания, защита проектов по улучшению состояния природной среды, агитационноразъяснительные работы и анкетирование населения по вопросам улучшения экологического состояния окружающей среды. Личносный комплексный подход к изучению окружающей среды, с использованием межпредметных связей увеличивает эффективность экологического образования в Украине.

Ключевые слова: экологическая культура, экологическое образование, начальная школа.


Зінченко Марія. Екологізація навчання в українській початковій школі. В статті проаналізовано стан початкової ланки екологічної освіти в Україні. Ця галузь покликана формувати систему знань, поглядів і переконань учнів, які забезпечуватимуть відповідальність за стан навколишнього середовища, готовність приймати екологічно грамотні рішення для його поліпшення. Існує безліч форм роботи з учнями щодо ефективного навчання: проведення бесід з екологічного виховання, екологічних ігор та вікторин, робота в гуртках, конкурси та виставки краєзнавчого змісту, інтегровані заняття екологічного змісту, захист проектів з покращення стану природного середовища, агітаційно-роз'яснювальна робота та проведення анкетування населення з питань покращення екологічного стану довкілля.

Саме особистісний комплексний підхід до вивчення довкілля, з використанням міжпредметних зв'язків, збільшить ефективність екологічної освіти в Україні.

Ключові слова: екологічна культура, екологічна освіта, початкова школа.

Formulation of scientific problem and its significance

Modern Ukraine faced with many environmental problems, but some of them have a global scale. The overall goal of environmental education in different countries is creating a culture of human behavior in the natural environment and respectful attitude for it. According to the environmental education concept of Ukraine "... The path to raise environmental culture lay through the effective environmental education... Environmental education as an integral culturological phenomenon involves processes of learning, upbringing, personality development and should be directed to the ecological culture formation as a component of national and public education of all the ukrainian population sections (including environmental education through public environmental organizations), ecologization of educational disciplines, preparation programs and also, to professional environmental training through the basic environmental education "[9].

The idea to involve the child to the knowledge of nature has a deep roots in science of pedagogy. Implementation of the natural content educational function primarily related to junior schoolchildren mastering the elements of ecological culture, awareness about value of the health, healthy living style and life dependence from the state of environment. In connection with the education reform and some changes in the school curriculums, this topic is extremely relevant.

Research analysis of this issue

Problems of national environmental education and ways of improvement the environmental culture among pupils were investigated in their studies the next educators and teaching methods specialists: N. S. Zhestova [5, p. 31-37], L. I. Ishhenko [8], N. P. Bajbara [2], O. L. Ivanova [6, p. 40-42], S. K. Ivashhenko [7], G. P. Pustovit [11, p. 179], O. A. Gavrilenko [3, p. 42-45], Ju. I. Reva [12, p. 44-46], L. M. Rudenko [13, p. 38-40], A. O. Stepanjuk [15, p. 12-14], O. I. Tkachenko [16, p. 30-32]. They proved that in the basis of the ecologization process should be laid didactic, psychological, ethical and methodological principles. Cultivation of careful attitude to nature lays in the basis for the upbringing of environmentally responsible citizens.

The purpose of the article

To analyze the primary environmental education in Ukraine and to formulate the ways of enhancing its effectiveness within schools.

The main material and substantiation of the study

Environmental education is a combination of the following components: ecological knowledge, ecological thinking, ecological philosophy, environmental ethics, ecological culture [14, p. 186]. The formed, socially active person who is aware of belonging to different elements of the natural environment, capable of thinking, with careful attitude to nature, to people and to himself, should be the final result of the environmental education [4]. Environmental education is designed to help people to understand the causes of possible environmental changes and to suggest the ways to prevent them. The objectives of the school environmental education is to form a system of knowledge, attitudes and beliefs to provide responsibility for the environment, readiness to implement environmentally competent decisions for its improvement.

Above all, modern Ukrainian environmental education must be individually oriented and ensure making the conditions in which nature becomes personal value to each child during the teaching and educational process.

Educators have to implement the following conditions to successfully achieve this purpose: consistency, regularity and continuity of environmental education, using interdisciplinary connections for integrated approach to study of the environment, enhance cognitive capabilities and creativity of junior schoolchildren during the teaching and educational process, taking into account their age, individual and psychological characteristics, optimal forms, methods and techniques selection for ecologization of education, conducting different types of lessons arranging practical activities in the environment (excursions, practical works, workshops, expeditions), application the creative tasks, didactic games, lessons conducted in the form of travel, an oral journal, a report, arranging the protection and improvement of nature activities during the learning and socially useful work, using of local history materials in the educational process and provide teachers own positive example of the respect to the environment [9].

Implementation of these conditions is possible directly in class and out-of-school work. The leading role belongs to such academic disciplines as "Natural history", "I am in the world" and "Health Basics". The environmental education should be organized properly and met certain requirements to give an effective results. The work should be purposeful, pupils must understand why they perform a certain task and what should be in the result. Since 2016, the changes were made in the curriculum in order the reorganization of the teaching and educational process, unloading the contents of the program, taking into account age of junior schoolchildren. Particularly, the increased number of hours dedicated to practical work, lessons, excursions and observations in nature. Undoubtedly, it will increase the efficiency of environmental education. The new demands emphasize the method of projects, which embodies the idea of developmental learning and educational process individualization in modern ukrainian elementary school. It is recommended to conduct at least 2 projects in the first class and in the second - fourth grades at least 4.

The teacher may assign the dominant role to own researches and schoolchildren's observations, to practical works, demonstration and frontal experiments, nature protection practical activity. The number of hours for each topic studying is determined by the teacher, taking into account the class preparedness and the regional peculiarities [10]. Let's analyze the peculiarities of the leading programs of natural science disciplines in the elementary school, that concerning the ecological culture formation.

According to the "Natural History" program, in the first class children must learn the features of animate and inanimate nature, methods of nature studying, understand the significance of nature for human life (in particular, the importance of air, water, soil and the concept of plants and animals protecting). Also they should be able to apply the rules of behavior in nature. The program offers the excursions to a farm, a greenhouse, a park, a garden, a vegetable garden, a schoolyard, a local history museum, a natural museum, a zoo, a pet store, a flower shop, an environmental and naturalistic center, a veterinary clinic, an animal shelter. Also are offered the environmental projects, in particular, "How to use water economically in everyday life?" and "A good deed for nature".

In the second grade in studying of the "Natural History" course, pupils should get a conception about the nature phenomena, seasonal changes and their impact on organisms. They should learn about the Red Book of Ukraine and the plants and animals protection in their native land. The program includes excursions and ecological projects of choice ("Save the life to the fir tree", "Bird of the Year in Ukraine"). The "Health Basics" discipline provide the learning of the rational nutrition rules, behavior with wild and homeless animals and information about the benefits of active recreation.

In the third grade in the "Natural History" course are considered the following ecological aspects: the peculiarities of water bodies, air, soil protection and the rules of fresh water, warm, electricity economical usage in everyday life. Younger schoolchildren form the concept of inexhaustible sources of energy, rational and economical use of minerals, soil conservation. They study the diversity of animals, plants, fungi and bacteria in nature and their significance for human, the role of state reserves and botanical gardens in the nature protection. The rules of a healthy lifestyle and nutrition are treated similarly in the "Health Basics" course. There are offered the ecological excursions to the nature conservation areas: a nature reserve, a wildlife preserve, a botanical garden, a national park, a natural monument, a zoo, etc. Environmental projects are: " Why must not burn a stubble?", "The greenhouse on my windowsill", "How to keep warmth and light in our house?" According to the requirements of the program "I am in the world", a third year education pupil should express evaluative judgments about the human activities of preservation the life on Earth and to show a wish to help nature, to protect it.

The "Natural History" course in the 4th grade provides mastering knowledge about: the conditions, that are necessary for life of the living organisms, the need to protect the natural resources of the continents and oceans, the rules to preserve nature of the native land. There were proposed excursions and projects of choice "Earth - "Water" planet (nature of the oceans)", " Good deeds for nature", etc. The "Health Basics" discipline provides the following topics: balanced nutrition, vitamins and their value for health, water importance to human life and health, the impact of motor activity on the body development and also the creation of the project "Health is the staff of life!" (development of the performance plan, creative contest, competition, etc. on the theme of a healthy lifestyle). "I am in the world" demands from junior schoolchildren to understand the need to take care of preserving natural objects, natural, history and culture monuments of Ukraine, to form the idea of the Earth as a common house for all people, and to participate in an environmental actions [10].

However, in the curriculum it's assigned a little time to study an ecological topics, therefore, more attention to these topics could be given in extracurricular activities. In addition to individual forms of work, younger schoolchildren should be involved in pair or group work. Particularly, the most popular form of such work include ecological content discussions; establishing groups and squads in the spring - summer period - "Forest Watch", "Green Patrol", "Blue Patrol" who conduct activities of improving the ecological state of environment; realization of nature communication hours; conducting the poetry competitions with regional studies content, conduction of the integrated environmental lessons, ecological games and quizzes, defense of reports and projects of improvement the natural environment state; the World Earth Day or the arrival of birds celebration, participation in environmental competitions and exhibitions; realization the ecological outreach and promotion work (about the harmful burning of the fallen leaves, inadmissibility of primroses extermination, proper sorting and recycling of garbage, etc.), implementation the population surveys about environmental improvement.

The work of many international environmental organizations is focused on collaboration with educators around the world because it is the most convenient way to hand down to young people the importance of nature conservation, the idea of sustainable development and responsible consumption. Particularly, in Ukraine with the support of WWF (World Wildlife Fund - international non-governmental organization, working in the field of the wilderness preservation) are produced various educational materials and conducted online lectures, which can be used by teachers, eco-circles chiefs and all stakeholders. Also, annually WWF organizes the natural schools, trainings, volunteer departures, series of interactive lessons and games outdoors during the festivals, camps, etc. Junior schoolchildren can learn more about the flora and fauna of a certain region, the biodiversity concept, methods of its investigation and ways of preserving and protecting. Children can get more acquainted with the natural reserve fund of Ukraine [1].

Conclusions and recommendations for further research

Thus the education in environmental primary school has to be active, curious, rational, close to life as possible and in educational material should not be excessive oversaturation of information. General principles of environmental education can be described as follows: the process of environmental education should take into account the relationship of global, national and local approaches to disclosure of environmental problems of our time, to ensure the unity of intellectual and emotional perception of reality, of its practical improvement and protection fr om the different influences; maintaining the systematic, continuous, interdisciplinary principles in content and organization of ecological education.

In present, there are many forms of work with junior schoolchildren that effectively form a system of knowledge and beliefs and educate environmentally competent citizens. This line of research is promising and needs further studying and developing the methodological guidelines for primary school teachers.

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  • Approach - one’s viewpoint toward teaching. The set of principles, beliefs, or ideas about the nature of learning which is translated into the classroom. Learner, performance and competency based approach. Teacher’s and student’s role in the teaching.

    презентация [447,5 K], добавлен 21.10.2015

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