European experience of the state regulation peculiarities in education: case-study of Poland, Slovenia, Czech Republic

Features of educational systems and their state regulation in Poland, Slovenia and the Czech Republic, which have common features with Ukraine and serve as guidelines for its transformation. Decentralization in the management and regulation of education.

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Дата добавления 01.12.2020
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European Experience of the State Regulation Peculiarities in Education: Case-Study of Poland, Slovenia, Czech Republic

Tetyana M. Mayboroda


The current vector of Ukraine's development is the Eurointegration course, which requires the transformation of domestic systems of national economy management, including such a key part of the system as education. The European educational space is characterized by common features that, in general, are unified in most of the bloc countries. Despite this, national education systems have retained their peculiarities in the course of the formation and transition to European values. In particular, the experience of individual countries such as Poland, Slovenia and the Czech Republic, which have common features with Ukraine in geographical, historical, cultural and other dimensions, is important enough to determine the general vectors to develop the national system of state regulation of education, which is in the active phase of reformation. In the article, the author considers the peculiarities of educational systems and their state regulation in the following countries of Central and Eastern Europe: Poland, Slovenia and the Czech Republic, which have common features with Ukraine and can serve as guidelines for its transformation. The study revealed the following common features that are inherent in the state regulation of education: decentralization in the management and regulation of education, the provision of significant autonomy to educational institutions, the development of lifelong learning and its support at the state level, and the establishment of a wide network of public-private partnerships. In this regard, the main models of decentralization of education management, which are widespread in the world, were investigated, including decentralization with a dominant position of the bodies of local selfgovernment and with strong autonomy of schools. Ukraine belongs to the first model, which has a number of features that were studied by the author. As a result, the need for further reform of the educational sector, which can be based on the experience of Central and Eastern Europe analyzed in the article, is indicated. Keywords: state regulation of education, a branch of education, European experience, decentralization, education reform.

Европейский опыт особенностей государственного регулирования образования: кейс Польши, Словении, Чехии

Татьяна Николаевна Майборода ассистент кафедры управления Сумского государственного университета.

Текущим вектором развития Украины является евроинтеграционный курс, согласно которому необходима трансформация отечественных систем хозяйствования национальной экономики, в том числе такого ключевого ее звена как система образования. Европейское образовательное пространство отличается общими чертами, которые в общем виде имеют унифицированный характер для большинства стран блока. Несмотря на это, национальные образовательные системы стран-членов сохранили свои особенности в ходе становления и перехода на общеевропейские ценности. В частности, опыт отдельных стран как Польша, Словения и Чехия, имеющих общие признаки с Украиной в географическом, историческом, культурном и других измерениях является достаточно важным для определения общих векторов развития отечественной системы государственного регулирования образования, которая находится в активной фазе реформирования. В статье автором рассмотрены особенности образовательных систем и их государственного регулирования в следующих странах Центральной и Восточной Европы: Польши, Словении и Чехии, имеющих общие черты с Украиной и которые могут выступать ориентирами для ее трансформации. В ходе исследования было выявлено следующие общие признаки, присущие государственном регулированию образования: децентрализация в управлении и регулировании образования, предоставления существенной автономии образовательным учреждениям, развитие образования на протяжении жизни и ее поддержка на государственном уровне, а также налаживание широкой сети государственно-частного партнерства. В связи с этим было исследовано основные модели децентрализации управления образованием, которые распространены в мире и включают децентрализацию с доминирующей позицией органов территориального самоуправления и с сильной автономией школ. Украина отнесена к первой модели и имеет ряд особенностей, которые были исследованы автором. Как итог отмечается необходимость дальнейшего реформирования образовательного сектора, что может опираться на проанализированный в статье опыт стран Центральной и Восточной Европы.

Ключевые слова: государственное регулирование образования, сфера образования, европейский опыт, децентрализация, реформа образования.

Європейський досвід особливостей державного регулювання освіти: кейс Польщі, Словенії, Чехії

Тетяна Миколаївна Майборода асистент кафедри управління Сумського державного університету

Поточним вектором розвитку України є євроінтеграційний курс, що вимагає трансформації вітчизняних систем господарювання національної економіки, у тому числі такої ключової її ланки як система освіти. Європейський освітній простір відрізняється спільними рисами, що в загальному вигляді мають уніфікований характер для більшості країн блоку. Незважаючи на це, національні освітні системи країн-членів зберегли свої особливості в ході становлення та переходу на загальноєвропейські цінності. Зокрема, досвід окремих країн як Польща, Словенія та Чехія, що мають спільні ознаки з Україною у географічному, історичному, культурному та інших вимірах є достатньо важливим для визначення загальних векторів розвитку вітчизняної системи державного регулювання освіти, що знаходиться в активній фазі реформування. В статті автором розглянуто особливості освітніх систем та їх державного регулювання в наступних країнах Центральної та Східної Європи: Польщі, Словенії та Чехії, що мають спільні риси з Україною та можуть виступати орієнтирами для її трансформації. В ході дослідження було виявлено наступні спільні ознаки, що притаманні державному регулюванні освіти: децентралізація в управлінні та регулюванні освіти, надання суттєвої автономії освітнім закладам, розвиток освіти впродовж життя та її підтримка на державному рівні та налагодження широкої мережі державно-приватного партнерства. У зв'язку із цим було досліджено основні моделі децентралізації управління освітою, що поширені у світі та включають децентралізацію з домінуючою позицією органів територіального самоврядування та з сильною автономією шкіл. Україну віднесено до першої моделі, що має ряд особливостей, які було досліджено автором. Як підсумок зазначається необхідність подальшого реформування освітнього сектору, що може опиратися на проаналізований в статті досвід країн Центральної та Східної Європи.

Ключові слова: державне регулювання освіти, галузь освіти, європейський досвід, децентралізація, реформа освіти.


Ukraine has already chosen the European development vector at the legislative level, that provides transformation and reformation of most spheres, which have remained since Soviet times. It also relates to the education sector, since it is generally recognized as a strategic resource of the state, which provides the human capital formation for the whole system of the national economy.

With the recognition of its independence, Ukraine inherited a powerful education system of the Soviet sample at that time. It was characterized with great centralization in the governance, based on the vertical hierarchy, the bureaucracy of all processes, and with the absence of general evaluation for such governance efficiency. For a long time, the education sector was suspended, when, despite the political slogans, there were no significant changes. That is why such study quality got worse since based on the old methods and teaching aids, graduates were not taught enough for social demands.

Since 2016, the fundamental and radical reform of the education system has begun. It provides changes at almost all educational levels and in fundamentals of the state regulation and governance. Nowadays the main steps have been made at the level of general secondary education, which provided the introduction of new conceptual base named “New Ukrainian School”. It is based on key changes in the educational process content due to the competent approach, the updating of material and technical base by the modern technologies and conditions, rethinking of the teacher's place and role in this process and improvement of conditions, as well as increasing of the educational institutions' autonomy within decentralization.

Such changes form a positive study and implementation of best practices in an international experience that have been the subject of a long-term study by relevant experts.

Problem statement

The peculiarities of the state regulation of education in Ukraine, as well as in other European countries were studied in works of many native and foreign scientists. Particularly, Dyakiv O. V. [2], Dzvinchuk D. I. [3], Hzhesyuk A. O. [4], Mitter W. [6], Sysoyeva S. O., Krystopchuk T. Ye. [14], Staude E. [12], Shyyan R. [11] studied the peculiarities of the state regulation of education in the territory of the European space, defining the general and specific features. Quite important in the context of our research are the works of scientists devoted to the peculiarities of the organization of educational facilities in Poland (Wojniak J., Majorek M. [16], Slovenia (Stremfel U. [13]) and the Czech Republic (Abery B. and oth. [1]). At the same time, Kasyanov H. [4], Schulz S. L. [10] and some legal acts [8, 9] observe the current situation in the today's Ukrainian education system. Despite great investigations on this topic, deep systematization of the main directions in the foreign experience regarding the state regulation of education, that can be used in the Ukrainian practice, remains urgent and requires more detailed study.

The purpose of the article is to analyze the European countries' best practices regarding the properties of the state regulation of education and regarding the identification of general vector in the development of Ukraine.

Results of the research

Despite the fact that each country is characterized by its specific features, which are formed on the basis of historical formation, cultural and social development, the geopolitical situation, people's mentality and many other factors, the unification process of the main directions in the national policies is typical for the European countries. The education sphere is not an exception that is confirmed by the number of international agreements on this problem: The Bologna Declaration, the Copenhagen Declaration, the Turin Strategy, the Lisbon Strategy, and the Strategy “Europe 2020”, “Education and Training 2020”, etc. [4].

A. Hzhesyuk notices that “European market of the educational service is a mix of national education systems” [4].

That is why it is important to study the experience of some Central and Eastern European countries, which have common features with Ukraine, and the experience of which can be used to define own vector of development.

Poland is an interesting object for study, because it has been greatly influenced by the Soviet system as well as Ukraine, and has overgone the political transformation stage. It caused essential changes almost in every education sphere (structure, organization, regulation). It provided further opportunity to join the European Union. Today, it is possible to point out the following peculiarities of the education system in Poland:

centralized and decentralized governance of the school administrations;

specification of the teacher's special status at the legislative level (“The Teacher's Charted'), that defines peculiarities of their activity;

current reforming of the education sector [7, 16].

State regulation of education in Poland combines centralization and decentralization features. The general education policy is formed and implemented at the national level. The educational institutions are regulated and controlled at the locals. Besides, the state defines the size of the educational subvention and main demands to the education activity quality.

At the regional level (in Poland - povit) the state special primary and basic schools, artistic and sports schools are regulated. There is also an ability to organize state primary and professional educational institutions for teachers and centres of the education resources etc. At this level decisions regarding the financial and educational plans, main standards to implement the education quality are made.

The community level (in Poland, the gmina) is the lowest administrative unit in the country, responsible for regulating pre-school and primary education, as well as appropriate services for teachers. The teacher's activity is regulated at the regional level by the specially authorized person - curator (kurator oswiaty).

Let us mention that since 2017 the structural reform has begun in Poland. It considers changes in the education system structure (introduction of 8-year primary school, 4-year elementary and 5-year higher-secondary technical schools), its provision and filling of educational programs, an introduction of the state-private partnership mechanism via business sector involvement to co-financing of the vocational and technical education (through creation of the vocational and technical education development fund) [7].

As for the lifelong study, such educational direction was recognized at the official state level in 2013 with the adoption of the document “Perspectives of the lifelong study” (“Perspektywa Uczenia si§ przez cale zycie”). This normative document emphasizes the necessity to extend the frames of formal education and to integrate the adult education to the national qualified system.

The regulation system in Slovenia includes traditionally state and private institutions, which work on the basis of officially approved or accredited programs.

Therefore, the state is responsible for the regulation of the following state educational levels or institutions:

the secondary school (mostly specialized, 3d level of the National Qualification Framework);

colleges of the short-cycled higher educational institutions;

higher education;

educational institutions for children with special needs;

professional institutions in the education sphere (mostly through support, regulatory supply) [7, 13].

Municipalities as local authorities are responsible for the following educational areas:

establishment and financing of the state kindergartens, basic schools and musical schools;

identification of the main providers for basic and musical education;

foundation and financing of the educational organizations for adults;

approval of the annual programs for adults' education [7].

As for the last two points, let us observe them in more detail. The lifelong learning education strategy was introduced and developed by the Ministry of Education and Sport of Slovenia in 2007. That strategy was a result of the proper EU educational program introduction (Education and Training 2010). Besides, it is constantly updated and is demonstrated in the country's official documents (e.g. resolution on the General Plan for adult education in the Republic of Slovenia for 2013-2020, Educational Strategies etc.). Let us notice that the introduction of the main principles of lifelong study is one of the fundamental principles for the sustainable development strategy. Therefore, adult education is based on two levels: formal and informal.

Let us point out that in 2017 the government of Slovenia approved Slovenian Development Strategy 2030, which is based on the main principles of the UNO sustainable development, where the education system is of special attention. It enables to confirm that in future Slovenia will take a leading position regarding the efficiency of the state regulation of education in order to achieve the main goals of the sustainable development.

As for the Czech Republic, the state regulation of education is represented in the following way:

Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport as the main state body performs the following functions:

is responsible for state, conception and development of the education system;

gives financing from the state budget;

establishes the qualifying requirements and working conditions for teachers;

defines the general essence of education from the preschool to secondary levels;

confirms educational programs of the higher vocational schools.

Regional authorities provide creation and regulate the activity of:

secondary schools (ISCED 3);

music conservatories (ISCED 2, ISCED 3, ISCED 5), art schools;

educational institutions for children with special needs;

higher vocational schools (ISCED 6).

Municipalities provide creation and regulate the activity of:

kindergartens (ISCED 0);

basic schools (ISCED 1, ISCED 2);

to provide the obligatory study [1, 7].

Let us point out that from the historical point of view, the education system has been developed in the country early enough (since 18 century), in which the state took dominating positions. Only as a result of numerous reforms since the 90s of the last century, significant changes have taken place in the direction of decentralization and diversification of the education system.

The educational and lifelong study in the Czech Republic is the subject of many strategic and national documents. Particularly, the national lifelong study strategy has been introduced in the country (at first by 2015, currently it is revised up to 2020). Besides it intersects with Digital Education Strategy 2020, which was developed in the country in the context of transferring to the Industry 4.0.

Since 2014 the Czech Republic also reformed its own education system, which is reflected in the relevant document - Strategy for Education Policy of the Czech Republic until 2020.

Thus, despite the high level of efficiency, the described countries improve their education systems. It provides using additional tools in their state regulation sphere. We can observe the establishment of the state-private partnership, that can be carried out by different means and on the basis of various funds.

The distinctive feature of all the above education systems is an essential decentralization of powers, which let to move to more effective regulation of the education system at different levels and to attract stakeholders to the decision making and implementation processes.

Since 2014 the Ukrainian state policy in the local self-government is being gradually reformed in Ukraine through the transition to the universally recognized model of decentralization. It provided changes of the main approaches to distribution of own powers and financial resources with the prioritization of the local level (mainly, territorial communities level). This situation provides changes in most activities, and the education sector is not an exception.

The main essence of the decentralization reform in education is to transfer the regulation function from higher authorities to the local authorities (on the example of Ukraine - territorial communities).

The prerequisites to introduce such radical changes in education were numerous negative tendencies: there was a decrease of pupils and students in the educational institutions as a result of demographic crisis; educational institutions, especially in the rural areas became not only incomplete but also ineffective owing to the skilled staff outflow and opportunities for their pupils; financing from the budget funds was burdensome for the state, ineffective at the local levels; quality of the teaching staff was constantly worsened owing to the unpopularity and low pay of profession, that influenced the education process quality.

The current situation required fundamental changes, expressed in this reform. First of all, the “Conception of the local self-government reforming and territorial organization of the power in Ukraine” defined the main levels of the educational services subordination. It points out that the main function of the basic local self-government (the communities level) will be the “regulation of the secondary, preschool and out-of-school educational institutions” [8]. Vocational education is one of the main regional powers, the higher education - of the state regulation.

Let us point out that despite such changes, the main functions regarding formation of the education development vector, formation of the education policy and its strategic goals are performed by the Government of Ukraine, mainly by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, that corresponds to general tendencies in the world and in the above analyzed countries of Central and Eastern Europe.

Considering the peculiarities of the decentralization reform in Ukraine, it is important to analyze foreign experience in order to take into account the most successful practices for selfdevelopment.

In addition to the two models of decentralized systems in the Czech Republic and Slovenia described above, they are systematized and generalized into certain groups in scientific sources.

According to the idea of the researching team headed by Schulz S. L., there are two main varieties of the education regulation models based on the decentralization principle:

decentralization with the dominant position of the territorial self-government authorities (representatives are Poland, Estonia, Lithuania, Russia), for which it is peculiar to transfer basic authoritative and financing powers to the local self-government level, which regulate educational nets at the local level;

decentralization with strong autonomy of schools (typical examples are Georgia, Armenia), where the main decisions are made at the level of schools (directors) as separate legal entities with significant financial powers [8].

We propose to generalize the experience of the separate countries regarding decentralization of education systems and to demonstrate their main features in Table 1.

Today, in Ukraine, the first type of decentralization is predicted, with the dominant position of the local self-government bodies. According to the legislation, the authorities in the field of education regulation is distributed as follows: educational decentralization management

regional councils, local councils of the special purpose cities are directly responsible for the state policy implementation in the education sector, for its quality provision, availability of complete secondary education and vocational education, as well as the development of its network with specialized, extracurricular, postgraduate education, etc.;

district, city councils and councils of the United territorial communities are responsible for implementation and provision of the state policy quality in the education sphere, especially in the provision of the preschool, primary, basic secondary, out-of-school education and its network development;

rural, village councils - to implement and to provide the state policy quality in the education sphere, especially regarding the preschool and primary education [4, 8].

Description of models regarding the decentralization of the education regulation in separate countries

Table 1


Types of the decentralization models

Main features





Decentralization with dominating position of local self-government bodies

The reform was started in 1990.

The first stage - transfer of the pre-school educational institutions; the second stage - transfer of the general education institutions and a number of out-of-school institutions in the regulation by the local communities

They have great powers: to create/liquidate educational institutions, to distribute the educational subvention, to accept financial plans, to approve the tariff schedules for teachers, to organize the study process and to supply it


Decentralization with dominating position of territorial self

government bodies

The reform was started in the 1990-s.

At first, pre-school educational institutions were transferred to the regulation by urban and rural municipalities, soon the general education institutions were transferred (they function mainly through an educational subvention + additional municipal incomes).

The principle “money follows a student” is clearly implemented, where a student is transferred to a school of another municipality and the proper amount of funds are given. Schools have significant power regarding the organization of the education process, selection of the staff etc.

However, there is a tendency that senior classes in general education institutions will be transferred in future to the state level control owing to the revealed inefficiency at that level

The Russian Federation

Decentralization with dominating position of territorial self

government authorities

The reform was started in 2007.

The educational process (salary fund, curriculum) is financed from the state budget; the educational environment (utilities, payment for auxiliary staff) - from the local


Decentralization with strong autonomy of schools

The reform was started in 1998.

The schools are financed according to the certain calculation by the single article. Every school forms its budget individually, the principle “money follows a student” is realized


Decentralization with strong autonomy of schools

Schools are independent legal entities with financial autonomy, they are mainly regulated by the guardianship councils; autonomous schools are financed directly from the state budget, the voucher system is used

Source: it was systematized by the author on the basis of [9].Therefore, all the above powers have regulatory nature, performing the service functions, and do not involve direct intervention into the regulation of the educational institutions.

According to new legislation, the united territorial communities provide state regulation of education through implementation of the educational policy, the educational network quality through its retention, methodical and financial supply organization (form the state or local budgets), provide the education affordability via planning of a certain net and the infrastructure of the educational district etc.

Conclusions and prospects of further research

As a conclusion, we will note that in order to increase the efficiency to realize the national strategy of the social and economic development, it is necessary to reform the current education system and its state regulation system. Summarizing the best practices of the analyzed countries in the field of state regulation of education, it should be noted that the common features are the decentralization of governance and regulation processes in the industry, and hence the autonomy of educational institutions, the involvement of the private sector in decision-making processes and financing of education (including in the form of dual education), adult education development, etc.

Nowadays, Ukraine has chosen a successful course for the decentralization of the education sector, however, tangible changes have occurred only at the secondary education level. That is why it does not lead to the essential changes to indicators of the national economy development, and does not assist the more effective realization of the social and economic development strategy in the country.


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