Grammar games as a method of teaching English

Grammar games as a means of teaching English. The history of teaching grammar. Advantages and disadvantages of learning grammar through play. The principles of grammar selection. Analysis of lesson plans developed as part of the current research.

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Язык английский
Дата добавления 06.12.2020
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Студенты, аспиранты, молодые ученые, использующие базу знаний в своей учебе и работе, будут вам очень благодарны.


This classic game is a favorite for all students but it can get boring quite quickly. This game is best used for 5 minutes at the start to warm the class up or 5 minutes at the end if you have got some time left over. It works no matter how many students are in the class.

How to play:

Think of a word and write the number of letters on the board using dashes to show many letters there are.

Ask students to suggest a letter. If it appears in the word, write it in all of the correct spaces. If the letter does not appear in the word, write it off to the side and being drawing the image of a hanging man.

These games have goals:

To train students in using vocabulary in situations that is close to the natural environment;

To activate the speech-activity of students;

To develop students' speech activity;

To acquaint students with the compatibility of words.

Phonetic games

Of course, it is important to teach children to use various grammatical forms and lexical material in their speech in foreign language lessons. But it is equally important to teach children the correct pronunciation. This task must be solved at the initial stage of training, as this will determine the success of further education in a foreign language. Phonetic games are of great help in this task. They are designed to correct pronunciation during the formation of speech skills and abilities [39, 34-35].

Phonetic exercise games have goals:

To train students in the pronunciation of English sounds;

To teach students to read loud and clear poems;

To learn poems for the purpose of their reproduction by roles.

This series of games is based on the theatricalization of specially selected children's poems. In these games, the role of the teacher is especially great, his own freedom of movement, fantasy, enthusiasm must infect the students. He should be the first to be able to play this or that scene.

These games can be conducted by teams, determining which team will better read the poems and depicts one or another character [40, 143]. Phonetic game:

IPA Bingo

There are lots of pronunciation games you can play with IPA flashcards, but here is a great Bingo with a twist. Teacher should prepare several 5x5 Bingo sheets with sample words for each of the phonemes, students can play individually or in pairs. Teacher should take an IPA flashcard from a bag and say a sound. Students must find the word that matches that sound on their Bingo sheet in order to cross it out.

Spelling Games

Knowledge of a foreign language will not be complete without the knowledge of the graphic system of language and the ability to write competently in a non-native language. In solving this problem, it is possible to successfully use spelling games that have as their goal the mastering of the spelling of the studied vocabulary.

The purpose of these games is an exercise in writing English words. Many games are designed to train students' memory, others are based on certain patterns in the spelling of English words.

Creative Games

Creative games contribute to the further development of speech skills and abilities. Teacher should be creative in the planning lesson plans that why teacher should take into account student's abilities and the level of their English. If a teacher wants success from the first lesson she should mix strong students with the weak ones, it gives to students learn from each other [41, 90-91].

Audible games

These games can help achieve the following listening goals:

Teach students to understand the meaning of a single statement;

To teach students to highlight the main thing in the flow of information;

To teach students to recognize individual speech patterns and word combinations in the flow of speech;

To develop auditory memory of students;

A number of audiovisual games should be conducted with the help of a tape recorder. At the same time, it's not bad if the teacher writes the text for the game, but, say, his colleague. This creates additional difficulties in the perception of speech by ear, but at the same time increases the effectiveness of training. It is important only that the tape recording and the speech of the teacher sounded at a natural pace and should be presented only once. Otherwise, these games will lose all meaning [43, 147].

Speech Games

N.D. Gal'skova shares all the games in two large groups. The first group consists of grammatical, lexical, phonetic and spelling games that contribute to the formation of speech skills. Mastering grammatical material, first of all, creates an opportunity for transition to active speech of students [43; 87].

It is known that the training of students in the use of grammatical structures, requiring their repeated repetition, tires the children with their monotony, and the efforts expended do not bring quick satisfaction. Games will help make boring work more interesting and exciting. The grammatical games are followed by lexical games, logically continuing to "build" the foundation of speech. Phonetic games are intended to correct pronunciation at the stage of formation of speech skills and abilities. And, finally, the formation and development of speech and pronunciation skills to some extent contribute to spelling games, the main purpose of which - the development of the spelling of the studied vocabulary. Most games of the first group can be used as training exercises at the stage of both primary and further consolidation [44, 22].

The second group is called creative games. The purpose of these games is to promote the further development of speech skills and abilities. The ability to show autonomy in solving the problem-solving tasks, a quick reaction in communication, the maximum mobilization of speech skills-the characteristic qualities of speech skills-can, it seems to us, be manifested in auditory and speech games. Games of the second group train students in the ability to creatively use speech skills

M.F. Stronin, the author of a number of books on teaching games that are used in teaching foreign languages, identifies two types of games:

Preparatory, conducive to the formation of speech skills;

Creative games, the purpose of which is to further develop the speech skills and abilities. By the type of activity the games are divided into:

1) Physical (motor);

2) Intellectual (mental);

3) Labor;

4) Social;

5) Psychological.

By the nature of the pedagogical process, the following groups of games are distinguished:

1) Training, training, controlling, generalizing;

2) Cognitive, educational, developing;

3) Reproductive, productive, creative;

By the nature of the game methodology of the game can be divided into:

1) The subject;

2) Plot;

3) Role-playing;

4) Business;

5) Imitation;

6) play-dramatization.

The specifics of the game method of instruction are largely determined by the game environment: games are distinguished with objects and without objects, desk-room, on the ground, computerized and with technical training aids, as well as with various means of transportation [45, 22-24].

If we consider the game from the point of view of target orientations, then in this case it is possible to divide the games into:

Didactic which are used to broaden their horizons and cognitive activities, they form certain skills necessary for practical activities, during their implementation, general educational skills and labor skills develop. According to D.N. Uznadze, "the game is a form of psychogenic behavior, i.e. Inherent, immanent personality.

Most modern foreign authors, such as G. Hyde, Joseph F. Callahan, J. Oller, Stephen P. Krashen, C. Livingstone, singled out the following properties of didactic (they are also called teaching) games:

A) Didactic games are open, i.e. the outcome of the game can not be foreseen;

B) They are repeatable, the game can be interrupted at any time and restarted;

C) Didactic games follow certain rules that can be changed by the participants in the game;

D) Didactic games should bring satisfaction and joy.

Didactic game is not just an integral component of active learning. Its meaning is wider. By its nature and training potential, the game goes beyond active learning, acting as a necessary part of the system of pedagogical activity as a whole.

Educators, who bring up independence, will, cooperation, collectivism, sociability and communicativeness, form certain approaches and positions, moral, aesthetic and philosophical attitudes [25, 123-124].

Developers who develop the motivation for learning activities, attention, memory, speech, thinking, imagination, imagination, creativity, empathy, reflection, the ability to compare, compare, find analogies, optimal solutions. A.N. Leontiev believed that "the game is the freedom of the individual and imagination, an illusory realization of unrealizable interests" [14; 20].

Socializing, attaching to the norms and values ??of society, adapting to the conditions of a certain environment, teaching communication. By the definition of L. S. Vygotsky: "The game is the space of the child's internal socialization, a means of assimilating social attitudes" [2; 58].

Grammar games contribute to the development of students' attention, their cognitive interest, creative thinking, help create a favorable climate in the classroom. The use of new lexical material in an unconventional form helps to prevent the process of forgetting the active vocabulary. To ensure the activity of students in the performance of game exercises, various forms of work are used:


Steam room;



When organizing a game, a lot depends on the teacher, his emotionality, on the one hand, and the ability to step aside in time, to be inconspicuous - on the other hand, especially if the leaders in the game are children. During the game, the teacher should not correct mistakes, but note for himself, what language phenomena should be paid attention, what to work on. The main thing in the game is to create a benevolent atmosphere and a situation of success for students.

The success of games depends on the atmosphere of communication that the teacher will create in the classroom. The game takes possession of the types of speech activity as a means of communication.

In the lessons, you can use game exercises to change activities in order to activate creative attention, as well as for additional practice or checking grammar and vocabulary.

It should be borne in mind that the thinking of young children is concrete, and it relies on visual images and representations. To understand the boring grammatical rules, they need a real object or image of it - this helps to make the learning process more interesting and emotionally colored [22, 34-35].

2.2 Principles of selecting grammar games

The basic principles of the organization of the game:

1. Lack of coercion of any form when involving children in the game.

2. Principles of development of game dynamics.

3. Principles of maintaining the game atmosphere (maintaining the real feelings of students).

4. Principles of the relationship between gaming and non-player activities. For teachers it is important to transfer the basic meaning of game actions to the real life experience of children [23,138].

5. Principles of transition from the simplest games to complex game forms. The logic of the transition from simple games to complex ones is associated with the gradual deepening of the diverse content of game tasks and rules - from the game state to game situations, from imitation to the gaming initiative, from local games - to game complexes, from age games - to the irresponsible, eternal.

With the appropriate methods of pedagogical guidance for didactic purposes, this process can be ordered. In the teenage classes, some kinds of games are completely transferred to the mental plane; there is an ideal game of imagination (creative, story-role games [24, 74].

The game imagination creates in children a plan of visual representations about reality, forms the ability to operate them.

The organization of game forms of training takes place in two directions:

1. Use of game elements in the lesson.

Purpose: to introduce creative tasks of a game character into the lesson.


1. Emotional attitude to knowledge acquisition.

2. Ability to build a dialogue.

3. Creation of a figurative representation of the studied subject.

4. Getting specific knowledge through personal feeling.

2. The lesson - the game (story-role games)

Purpose: through a variety of game roles, game positions to give the opportunity to exit self-actualization, self-control, self-organization, self-esteem of students.


1. Ability to work with a dictionary.

2. Ability to navigate in knowledge, in order to find the right words, illustrating a certain moment or fact.

3. Ability and skill in the library

4. Ability to defend and defend (argued) their position, point of view.

5. Participate in the discussion, conduct a dialogue in a businesslike and concrete way.

6. To form the artistic abilities of students, their ability to interest listeners with one or another of the problems that they set out.

7. The ability to competently, concisely and clearly ask the question.

The learning opportunities of developing games have been known for a long time. Many outstanding teachers rightly paid attention to the effectiveness of using games in the learning process. In particular, the outstanding pedagogue-innovator A.S. Makarenko believed that the game ensures the high efficiency of any activity and at the same time contributes to the harmonious development of the personality, since a "good game" necessarily contains an effort (physical, emotional, intellectual or spiritual), brings joy (joy of creativity, joy of victory or joy Aesthetic) and, in addition, imposes responsibility on its participants [25, 31-32].

A similar opinion is held by N.I. Arzamastseva argues that "the game helps pupils overcome shyness, experience joy and pleasure, both in the process of playing and in achieving results, that is, overcome the psychological barrier and gain confidence in their strength" [25, 31].

The pleasure obtained in the course of the game cannot be limited to any particular age of the players. When creating a benevolent atmosphere, a student of any age is included in the game. Consequently, "training is more effective if all participants are actively involved in the process of the game" [8, P.139]. The game helps to involve even the weakest student in the learning process, as it manifests not only knowledge, but also resourcefulness and ingenuity. Moreover, a weak learner can become the first in the game: resourcefulness and ingenuity are sometimes more important than knowledge of the subject. "A sense of equality, an atmosphere of enthusiasm and joy, a sense of feasibility of tasks - all this makes it possible for students to overcome the shyness that prevents the free use of the words of a foreign language in speech, and it has a beneficial effect on learning outcomes" [27, P.38]. With the help of the game, the language material is absorbed imperceptibly, and along with it a sense of satisfaction arises. The game is universal also in the sense that it (in different forms and forms) can be used at any stage of training (both with beginners and possessing material at a sufficiently high level) and with any age categories [27, 88-90].

2.3 Analysis of the lesson plans developed within the current research

As a result of the current research five lesson plans have been developed. The method of teaching grammar with the help of games in English was practiced during the passage of the training practice in 19 November 2016, in 6th classes of secondary school №37 of the city Bishkek. In addition, research paper on the topic "Grammar games as a method of teaching English" was written. Each lesson plan is based on teaching grammar structures in the EFL classroom for beginners. The lesson plans illustrate the main exercises of practicing grammar through games which were identified in the first section. We have viewed the grammar games from different aspects such as grammatical, lexical, phonetically and stylistic. Therefore all the lesson plans which are found in the Appendix are created in order to develop those aspects.

The first lesson is about the topic « Famous historical figures». All the exercises used in this lesson are designed to develop students' all four skills. Teaching and checking grammar with the help of games is the target of the lesson.

The first activity that teacher starts the lesson with is warm up activity, warm up activities are fun and integral part of the teaching English as a foreign language. Making the lesson interesting will ensure that learners leave lesson with wanting to learn more. Therefore, teacher starts the lesson by warm up activity which is aimed to get students talking in English by eliciting from students the meaning of the conversation with the help of brainstorming. Eliciting makes students to cope with the meaning without teacher's help rather than to get a ready definition given by a teacher. The key of the brainstorming is the students' associations related to the word “Famous historical figures”. Students are divided into small groups in order to be given everyone a chance to talk and express their ideas about the topic. First of all students make a mind map of their ideas and create their own definition for the word, after that students present in open class and compare with other groups. In this activity students collaborate with each other and compete with other groups at the same time. Students' co-working plays a crucial role, because students before performing in front of the audience class perform in front of the small group of classmates, moreover students feel secure and can learn something from their peers as well. After fulfilling the previous tasks, teacher together with her students choose the best answer.

The next stage of the lesson is aimed at introducing pictures of famous historical figures. There are two exercises in this stage, in first one; students are given the list adjectives which are usually used to describe different types of conversation, students' task is to complete the table which has three columns with those given adjectives. After introducing the target vocabulary it is necessary to give students a task where they use them in different contexts. Thus, the second exercise includes pictures of different people; students have to describe these pictures using the target vocabulary and irregular verbs.

The next stage of the lesson is practicing stage. Teacher gives to student's piece of paper where they should fill with right form of irregular verbs. Then, teacher wants to check students understanding of new grammar item and she organizes game «Find Someone Who». Rules of this game are very simple. Teacher gives cards to students and explains what to do. Each student is given a completion sheet and has to walk around the classroom and ask other classmates if they “did something”. When pupils find this person, they write it down into the table. They can ask the teacher as well. The aim is to have as many names as possible. After the activity teacher asks students the questions concerning the sentences in the table.

Traditionally, at the end of each lesson teacher summarizes the whole lesson, evaluate students' answers giving feedback and after all gives homework to practice further at home.

The second lesson plan is devoted to the topic “Buildings” and new grammar item “Giving directions”. For teaching new grammatical structure, the teacher uses the PPP framework, which consists of three main stages- Presentation, Practice and Production. The teacher moves from more controlled exercises towards free learners' activities.

The presentation phase helps the teacher to present the new grammatical structure, using various materials like text, map and small pictures to make the situation more realistic. The whole stage is under the teacher's control, the students just follow the instructions.

The first stage of the lesson is connecting pictures with given words. Teacher gives

to student's piece of paper where students should connect words with the pictures. grammar game teaching lesson

The (controlled) practice phase allows learners to practice speaking and writing the language structure correctly. The teacher chooses typical practice activities like to fill in the blanks, to underline the correct word and even to perform the actions together what makes the lesson interesting and funny. In this stage, the students are more active but even so the teacher keeps controlling everything.

After that the teacher moves on to the (free) production phase, which focuses on the students' fluency. The teacher doesn't intervene or correct anything; she just gives the students a chance to use the newly learnt grammar structure to give directions to each other.

The third lesson also fosters the grammar aspect; moreover, it includes doing a lot of tasks. Using a text material as a technique to teach main skills of language and sub skills (grammar and vocabulary) is very popular and useful in the sphere of teaching a foreign language nowadays. When doing tasks, students undoubtedly enlarge their word stock; moreover, it is a valuable material and cultural enrichment. Texts offer a wide range of lexical and syntactical structures; students see various features of written language while reading substantial and contextualized text. As a result, students become much productive and enterprise when they begin to apprehend the richness and multiplicity of a foreign language.

During the presentation phase the teacher understandably presents the new grammatical structure “Past simple: irregular verbs «through different pictures of peoples. The teacher models and writes the sentence (contained their new grammatical structure) down on the board, at the same time showing the pictures, the use of them helps the teacher to illustrate what the teacher says and by that adds extra reinforcement. Also pictures help the teacher keep the use of the mother tongue to the minimum. The teacher's language and examples are clearing as much as possible so that her students can concentrate on the grammatical point under-consideration.

As we can see, the teacher uses both oral and written forms. This will take different learning styles into consideration and provide for extra reinforcement too.

The main goal of learners is to repeat this sentence several times. The teacher wants the students to emphasize on the new grammar. The teacher encourages them to identify how to use the newly introduced grammatical items.

Undoubtedly, a presentation phase is controlled by the teacher. During the (controlled) practice phase, learners practice writing the language structure correctly. The teacher chooses typical practice activities like to fill in the blanks, to underline the correct word.

In this phase, the teacher's role is to direct the activities. She provides positive feedback to students corrects mistakes and emphasizes on accuracy (the ability to produce the correct form).

When the learners have completely mastered the form due to the controlled exercises, the teacher moves on to the (free) production phase. During the whole production phase the teacher emphasizes on the students' fluency (the ability to speak naturally). The teacher' role here is passive; she doesn't intervene or correct anything. The teacher gives the students an opportunity to use the newly learnt grammar structure to speak about their mother's and father's jobs.

The teacher uses inductive approach by that involves the students into the teaching process. Using visual effects (pictures), the teacher draws the elementary' attention to the new grammatical structure, students become more active.

The second lesson plan is devoted to the topic “Buildings” and new grammar item “Giving directions”. For teaching new grammatical structure, the teacher uses the PPP framework, which consists of three main stages- Presentation, Practice and Production. The teacher moves from more controlled exercises towards free learners' activities.

The presentation phase helps the teacher to present the new grammatical structure, using various materials like text, map and small pictures to make the situation more realistic. The whole stage is under the teacher's control, the students just follow the instructions.

The (controlled) practice phase allows learners to practice speaking and writing the language structure correctly. The teacher chooses typical practice activities like to fill in the blanks, to underline the correct word and even to perform the actions together what makes the lesson interesting and funny. In this stage, the students are more active but even so the teacher keeps controlling everything.

After that the teacher moves on to the (free) production phase, which focuses on the students' fluency. The teacher doesn't intervene or correct anything; she just gives the students a chance to use the newly learnt grammar structure to give directions to each other. Therefore, all the tasks were around the target vocabulary and to practice them in different contexts. That covers all the material applied in the first lesson. The topic of this lesson is “Bargain” and is focused on teaching lexical aspect which is related to the topic. This lesson consists of 4 stages: before- reading, during-reading, pot-reading and writing.

Students do the quiz to identify their shopping profile, before reading it in the pre-reading stage; a teacher prepares them for reading task. Teacher introduces target vocabulary, as all the words are adjectives; she uses definition to explain the meaning. After that a teacher asks leading questions so that students could guess what they are going to read about.

Teaching grammar is one of the important aspects of teaching the English language, because a full-fledged communication cannot occur with the absence of the grammar. Mastering the grammatical structure is the key problem of methodology. Teaching the grammatical structure includes syntax, morphology, intonation, semantics and some other aspects. Therefore, teaching grammar within the limits of methodology is the systematic and key element of teaching English. Undoubtedly, the knowledge of grammatical rules is necessary for successful communication in the language.

There is a grammatical issue in the last decade, whether to teach grammatical rules within the exercises, or students has to cope with the grammatical rules intuitively in the process of communication rather than learn them within the special activities, which are aimed at mastering a particular grammatical structure. However, the reduction of the role of grammar leads to the extension of mistakes. Firstly, a teacher divides a class into two teams so that they could compete with each other. A teacher starts the lesson with the warming up exercise, she writes the letters in alphabetic order, and the students' task is to complete those letters with names of food or words related to the food. After fulfilling the task, the team which is the first, make a spontaneous speech, for instance, recipe of the favorite food from the table that they have completed.

Spontaneous speech plays a significant part in developing students' culture of speech. Most of the speech people usually produce and comprehend every day is spontaneous. This exercise doesn't require any special training and is remarkably efficient. In addition, spontaneous speech is optimized for human- human communication.

Next stage after spontaneous speech is presenting grammar. As we have already mentioned, grammar is considered to be one of the most important aspects of foreign language learning. When introducing the grammar, a teacher uses explicit approach to teaching grammar, which is based on explaining a particular grammatical rule and takes into account three dimensions: form, meaning and use. Moreover, the grammar lesson includes three main stages: Presentation, controlled practice and free practice or production. After presentation a teacher provides practice, it usually called controlled practice, because the practice is controlled by teacher, restricted use activity is given, they aim to develop accuracy. Before any controlled practice it is necessary to check students understanding of the meaning of the grammatical structure presented. After that, free practice is provided; here authentic use of language happens, a teacher uses communicative activities which focus on fluency, however, she gives the free practice as homework. Therefore, the grammar lesson looks like a pyramid.

This is the second lesson where grammatical structure is introduced. Before introducing new grammar in order to prepare students for the lesson, teacher starts with brainstorming. It is a group activity when students cooperate with each other to work through ideas and is the best way to generate students' ideas. When dealing with any business, the only person's point of view may not be enough to see the whole picture, however, during a brainstorming a teacher may collect ideas from almost all the students. Brainstorming requires students to think critically, to solve problem and create something innovative. Thus, using brainstorming a teacher elicits all the modal verbs that students know to make sure that they already met them before, and then they express their opinion in which situations a particular modal verb is used.

Teacher introduces new grammatical structure “modal verbs” by explaining cases when they are used, for example, “can, could, may and might” are used to talk about abilities and possibilities or asking for permission and making a request. Then, a teacher distributes handouts, students' task is to read the sentences and match them with functions of each modal verb in order to make sure that they understood it.

Traditionally, after introducing a new grammatical structure follows controlled practice, firstly, students have writing task; they have to transform sentences in handout so that modal verbs were used in each of them. After completing having rewritten them, teacher shows pictures where different situations are illustrated, students have to look at them and tell what they would recommend to those people depicted in the picture using modal verbs.

As a free practice we have chosen a game which is called on the phone (described in the first section). Language learning requires lots of effort and sometimes may become frustrating while games in English learning may be fun and creative on the one hand; encourage students and sustain their interest on the other. Games are helpful to create context where grammatical structure is used, students obviously want to participate and so must understand others and express themselves and give information at the same time. Therefore, games give students a break after hard work and allow them practice modal verbs in speech. So we may conclude that games are not just a waste of time having fun, but it has a great educational value it teaching a foreign language.

The third lesson plan is dedicated to the topic “Would like to”. The teacher falls back to use of the inductive approach, which helps students to discover the language themselves. The teacher gives her students examples which are clear as much as possible. During the presentation stage the teacher plays an important role, the teacher is very active as compared to her students. The lesson consists of 3 phases: Pre-activity, during-activity, post-activity. At the pre-activity teacher explains theme and then she gives examples and at this stage she prepares and activates students to the lesson. Teacher writes on the blackboard formation of grammar and explains. At the during-activity teacher gives students tasks to each students. Task is a game which is called «Headless sentences». At the post-activity teacher gives small text to students to check their comprehension and get the main gist.

The (controlled) practice phase helps learners to practice their writing skills. The teacher uses practice activities like to put the verbs from the list in a category of their choice and to match the beginning of the sentence from Column A with its ending from Column B. In this stage, the students are more active but even so the teacher keeps controlling everything.

The last phase of the lesson focuses on the students' speaking and writing skills. The teacher doesn't take part in the activity, mainly students are very active. The teacher just gives the students a chance to use the newly learnt grammar structure to talk to each other about what they like or dislike doing.

Traditionally, at the end of each lesson teacher summarizes the whole lesson, evaluate students' answers giving feedback and after all gives homework to practice further at home.

Conclusion to the chapter 2

The grammar games, which is used in these lesson planes, shows us that the teaching process can be very interesting and not only fun but successful. Instead of boring and difficult grammar rules, the teacher can use the broad variety of different things such as grammar games, etc. to make the teaching and learning processes more easily. The use of various techniques in presenting grammatical structures let the students listen to your presentation attentively.

The PPP framework is also used here as the main method for teaching grammar structures in these lesson planes and can be called an effective teaching way. That's why, it makes planning easier and it can be applied by unpracticed teachers.


The diploma thesis is focused on grammar games in English language teaching at lower-secondary school. The main aim of the theoretical part was to outline the history of grammar teaching, describe grammar methodology with particular grammar methods and different approaches towards grammar. Secondly, it included the chapter concerning games in language teaching because there are many things teacher has to consider before choosing the game. This chapter also gave a detailed description of different factors that influence the progress of the game. To summarize, it was suggested that games in language teaching must be well-planned but it was also showed that they bring about many advantages. One of the targets was also to specify division of the games according to different criteria and authors.

The main output of the practical part was the collection of nine language games aimed at grammar of irregular verbs and the past simple tense. These games were practiced with one class of pupils at Bishkek's gymnasium number 37 and then described and analyzed. Further, pupils and observing teacher were given the questionnaires that should have helped to answer the research questions. It was found out that pupils really enjoyed playing grammar games in the English lesson. The answers to the question if they consider the games useful were not so clear but we should take into consideration their age and ability to evaluate the usefulness of the games. The observing teacher summed up that all the games were suitable, motivating and useful for the pupils.

It was found out that they consider grammar essential for language learning. The answers concerning the use of the games in the lessons were also very positive, all of them would use them and more than half of the respondents would use them more than once a week which is quite surprising.

One of the research questions asked about the suitability of the school environment for playing games. The results concerning the time for the games in the lessons were quite diverse and some of the respondents indicated that a teacher has not time for these activities.

To summarize, the results showed that the grammar games have its role in language teaching but it must be mentioned that the practical part has its imperfections. The time for the games practice was quite short so the feedback of the pupils might not be so objective. Another fact is that there was a limited number of pupils in the classroom and pupils at grammar school were supposed to be more skillful than pupils of the same age at lower-secondary school. The questionnaire for the university students suggested that they consider games in ELT important but they still do not have enough experience and practice as teachers.

Grammar can be defined as the system of a language. People usually understand grammar as the "rules" of a language; but actually grammar consists of the three main aspects (form, meaning and use), which should be taught simultaneously because they are dependent on each other.

Around the grammar teaching in foreign language learning there have always been a lot of disputes. Although some scholars affirm that grammar teaching is not necessary because its teaching does not help to acquire the language, there are others who say that grammar teaching is needed in acquiring the foreign language.

Various approaches to teaching grammar have been invented over the time, such as deductive (rule-driven) and inductive (discovery). Grammar can be presented deductively, where the students are taught rules and asked to put them into practice, and inductively, where the learners are shown examples first and then have to come up with the rules by making generalizations.

There are basic principles to achieve an effective grammar instruction. The first principle is the Given-to-New Contract, where there is a relationship between new information and information which is already known to the hearer. This principle concentrates on language use. The second one is the Awareness Principle, which is worked out to make students aware of how a certain meaning is expressed by a particular grammatical form.

In the lesson plans the various techniques in presenting grammatical structures such as diagrams, pictures, objects, drawings, etc. should be used to make the students to listen to the teacher's presentation attentively. The new structure is presented in a short and simple sentence in which all the other words are known to the students. The sentences are repeated several times with emphasis on the new structure in order to encourage the students to identify how to use the newly introduced grammatical items. Students are also engaged in varied practices beginning with oral drills and then proceed to written drills.

To sum up, all the objectives of the course paper have been reached. Therefore, the aim of the course paper has been achieved. As the conducted research suggests grammar should be studied in context and inductively. Grammatical forms should not be taught in isolation as abstract rules. On the contrary, they need to be presented in context that is created by the teacher with the help of various visual aids.

After the integration of several sources and techniques, which are mainly based on communicative activities, the teaching of grammar has gained a new insight. In order to make a grammar lesson effective, beneficial, and interesting a teacher should use some well-developed and fascinating techniques in the classroom. Since teaching is a "developing art", which requires innovative and creative ideas to enrich its effectiveness, we must not hesitate to use such resources in our classrooms.

These resources can assist our teaching of grammar while providing a relaxed atmosphere and motivating students. Such activities are student centered, hence, by using them we give a chance to our students to express themselves, enjoy themselves during learning, and use the reserves of their mind. So this is an undeniable fact that if our concern is to provide a successful and beneficial teaching, we must not hesitate to use songs, poems, games, and problem solving activities, which bring the structural and communicative aspects of language together, in our language classrooms.


Resources in English language

1. Abbott G., D. McKeating, J. Greenwood, and P. Wingard. 1981. The teaching of English as an international language. A practical guide. London.

2. Azar B. Sh. Fun with grammar. New York. 2000

3. Ersoz Aydan. The Internet TESL Journal, Vol. VI, No. 6, June 2000.

4. Hubbard, P., H. Jones, B. Thornton, and R. Wheeler. 1983. A training course for TEFL. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

5. Horwitz E.K., Horwitz, M.B., and Cope, J.A. 1986. Foreign language classroom anxiety. The Modern Language Journal 70 (2)

6. Lee Su Kim. Creative Games for the Language. Class Forum Vol. 33 No 1, January - March 1995

7. Lee, W. R. 1979. Language teaching games and contests. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

8. Nguyen Thi Thanh Huyen, Khuat Thi Thu Nga. Learning Vocabulary Through Games. 'Asian EFL Journal' - December 2003

9. Rinvolucri Mario. Grammar Games: cognitive, affective and drama activities for EFL students. Cambridge, 1989.

10. Rinvolucri Mario and Paul Davis.1992. More grammar games. Cambridge University Press.

11. Rixon, S. 1981. How to use games in language teaching. London: Macmillan Publishers Ltd.

12. Wright A. Games for Language Learning. Cambridge University Press, 1984.

13. Wilga M. Rivers, Mary S. Temperley. A practical guide to the teaching of English as a second language. - Cambridge, 1978.

14. Yin Yong Mei and Jang Yu-jing. 'Using Games in an EFL Class for Children' Daejin University ELT Research Paper. Fall, 2000.

15.World Book Encyclopedia Chicago 1993 Vol. 6 p. 56.

Resources in Russian language

16. Алесина, Е.В. Учебные игры на уроках английского языка / Е.В. Алесина // Иностранные языки в школе. - 1987. - № 4. - С.66-67;

17. Английский язык. 5-6 классы: игровые технологии на уроках / авт.-сост. Т.В. Пукина. - Волгоград: Учитель, 2009. - 143с.;

18. Аникеева, Н.П. Воспитание игрой/ Н.П. Аникеева - М.: Просвещение, 1987. - 144 с.;

19. Арзамасцева, Н.И. Организация и использование игр при формировании у учащихся иноязычных грамматических навыков: учебно-методическое пособие / Н.И. Арзамасцева, О.А., Игнатова. - Йошкар-Ола: МГПИ им. Н.К. Крупской, 2007. - 28с.;

20. Артамонова, Л.Н. Игры на уроках английского языка и во внеклассной работе / Л.Н. Артамонова // English. - 2008. - № 4. - С.36;

21. Барашкова, Е.А. Не все дети талантливые, но все способные/ Е.А. Барашкова// English - 2005. - № 9. - С. 14-15;

22. Берн, Э. Игры, в которые играют люди/ Э. Берн. - М.: Прогресс, 1988. - 400 с.;

23. Бирюкова, Н.А. Изучаем английский, играя / Н.А. Бирюкова, Ю.В. Масленникова // Современные технологии обучения иностранным языкам. Материалы республиканской научно-практической конференции. - Йошкар-Ола: Mari, 1997. - С. 138-143;

24. Болтнева, О.Ю. Театральные проекты в преподавании английского языка/ О.Ю. Болтнева// Иностранные языки в школе. - 2001. - №4. - С. 74-79;

25. Большая советская энциклопедия/ Гл. ред. А. М. Прохоров. - 3-е изд. - М.: Сов. Энциклопедия, 1974. - 631 с.;

26. Бочарова, Л.Н. Игры на уроках английского языка на начальной и средней ступенях обучения / Л.Н. Бочарова // Иностранные языки в школе. - 1996. - № 3. - С.50-55;

27. Верхогляд, В.А. Игра на английском языке / В.А. Верхогляд // Иностранные языки в школе. - 1980. - № 2. - С. 88-90;

28. Гальскова, Н.Д., Гез, Н.И. Теория обучения иностранным языкам. Лингводидактика и методика / Н.Д. Гальскова, Н.И. Гез - М.: Издательский центр « Академия», 2005. - 336 с.;

29. Говене, Э. Игра на уроке иностранного языка / Э. Говене // Вопросы методики обучения иностранным языкам за рубежом / Сост. Е.В. Синявская, М.М. Васильева, С.В. Калинина. - М.: Просвещение. - С.130-135;

30. Денисова, Л.Г. Использование игровых элементов на начальном этапе обучения английскому языку / Л.Г. Денисова // Иностранные языки в школе. - 1984. - № 4. - С.82-85;

31. Дербаремдикер, А. Five-minute games / А. Дербаремдикер // English - 2005 - № 6. - С.35;

32. Ермаков, В.Л. Игры на уроках английского языка / В.Л. Ермаков // Иностранные языки в школе. - 1983. - № 2. - С.54-55;

33. Иванцова, Т.Ю. Игры на английском языке / Т.Ю. Иванцова // Иностранные языки в школе. - 2008. - № 4. - С. 52-57;

34. Изучаем английский играя. 5-6 классы / авт-сост. И.В.Голышкина, З.А. Ефанова. - Волгоград: Учитель, 2007. -С. 93-96;

35. Жучкова, И.В. Дидактические игры на уроках английского языка/ И.В. Жучкова // English. - 2006. - № 7. - С. 40-43;

36. Конышева, А.В. Игровой метод в обучении иностранному языку / А.В. Конышева. - Спб.: КАРО, Мн.: «Четыре четверти», 2006. - 192с.;

37. Кувшинов, В.И. Игры на занятиях английским языком / В.И. Кувшинов // Иностранные языки в школе. - 1993. - № 2. - С. 26-28;

38. Леонтьев, А.Н. Совершенствование методики обучения иностранному языку в средней общеобразовательной школе/ А.Н. Леонтьев. - М., 1989. - 320 с.;

39. Настольная книга преподавателя иностранного языка / Е.А. Маслыко, П.К. Бабинская и др. - Мн.: Вышейшая школа, 1999. - 522с.;

40. Пассов, Е.И. Урок иностранного языка в средней школе / Е.И. Пассов. - М., 1991. - 223 с.;

41. Парахина, А.В. Игра - средство интенсификации учебного процесса / А.В.Парахина // Методиеские рекомендации по преподаванию иностранных языков в средних специальных учебных заведениях. - Выпуск 14. - М.: Высшая школа, 1998. - С.8-12;

42. Петричук И.И. Еще раз об игре / И.И. Петричук // Иностранный язык в школе. - 2008. - № 2. - С. 37-42;

Internet resources

43. ESL grammar games focusing on the form

44. Favorite Grammar Games for the Foreign Language Classroom

45. Grammar Games for Fun


Lesson plan№ 1(fragment)

Level: Elementary

Topic: Famous historical figures and the usage of the Past Simple Tense and irregular verbs

Instructional objectives:

By the end of the lesson students must be able to:

Make sentences using irregular verbs

Students are supposed to be able to recognize the irregular verbs in sentences

Educational objectives:

To practice irregular verbs

To teach to recognize irregular verbs in the past tense

Developmental objectives:

To develop speaking and writing skills

To develop cognitive and creative abilities as memory, imagination and curiosity

To develop the skills of recognizing regular and irregular verbs in the past tense

To fix the given material «Past Simple Tense and Irregular Verbs».

Materials: Blackboard, handouts, pieces of paper with the crossword.






Warm-up activity

Teacher starts the lesson by greeting the students. Then teacher asks how they are today, also some questions about how they spent previous day. After teacher notes all missing (making roll call).

To prepare students for the lesson


~2 min


1) Teacher tеlls students: “Look at thеsе photos, plеasе, and try to guеss our nеw topic”.

Teacher shows students picturеs about historical events and people.

Teacher tеlls students: Yеs, you arе right! Our nеw topic is Past Simple and Irregular verbs!

To introduce the topic

To activate students background knowledge



~2 min


(Game chain)

Teacher says students to describe the pictures using the words given (handout 1). Students present their descriptions; one by one student says one sentence using past tense.

Teacher checks student's answers.

To develop speaking



~15 min


(Game: Find Someone Who)

Then the teacher gives the students piece of paper where they should fill with the irregular verbs (handout 2).

Teacher gives cards to students and explains what to do. Each student is given a completion sheet (see figure 2) and has to walk around the classroom and ask other classmates if they “did something”. When pupils find this person, they write it down into the table. They can ask the teacher as well. The aim is to have as many names as possible. After the activity teacher asks students the questions concerning the sentences in the table (handout 3).

To develop writing and speaking skills

Whole group >O/C

~ 10 min


To providе lеarnеrs with constructivе fееdback and givе rеcommеndations for improvement

Teacher indicatеs Ss mistakеs and writеs thеm on thе blackboard to discuss thеm all togеthеr.


~ 6 min


Teacher gives to students homework. She explain what they shuold do. Ss shuold write short story on the theme «Unusual dauy in my life» using Past Simple and Irregular Verbs.

Teacher gives students homework to fix and master new theme.


~ 1


Handout №1

Look at the pictures and describe the scene

Handout №2

Handout №3


Find a person who…

went skiing this winter

went camping last summer

had an operation during childhood

met a famous person

flew on a plane last year

used a computer today

met Santa Claus last year

Lesson plan №2 (fragment)

Subject: English Level: Elementary Time: 45 min

Topic: Buildings

Grammar: Giving directions

Instructional objectives:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

*Learn how to give directions in English

*To improve skills of listening and speaking

Educational objectives:

*To acquaint with important buildings and places in town.

Developmental objectives:

*To promote desirable attitude to learning

Material and Equipment: Board, handouts, pictures, map.






Presentation Stage (Game «Directions»

1) Teacher starts the lesson by greeting the students.
Teacher asks the students to connect the word with the picture (Handout#1).

2) Teacher asks the students to read the text (Handout#2) and write numbers next to the buildings on the map (Handout#3).

3) Teacher breaks the class into pairs and gives a map and two worksheets to each pair. Each student handout contains both locations and routes as indicated in Worksheet

4) Student A begins and asks Student B for directions to the first location. Student B looks at the map and the list of routes on his/her handout and gives advice in a conditional sentence.


Student A: How can I get to Bethesda?

Student B: If you take Route 190, you will get to Bethesda.

5) After Student A has asked for directions to all the locations. Part A, Student B asks for directions to the location on his/her handout. Student A now gives the advice (handout 4).

To introduce and model language item, to raise students interest






20 min

Practice Stage

1) Teacher asks the student to listen to the directions and fill in the blanks (Handout#5).

2) Teacher asks the students to look at the map again (Handout#3) and underline the correct word (Handout#6).


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