Scientific approaches to the concept "motivation" as a pedagogical and psychological problem

The problem of motivating students to learn. Consideration of the structure of motivation, the concept of the terms "motivation", "motivation of educational activity". Practical analysis of the motives of educational activities and methods of motivation.

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Scientific approaches to the concept «motivation» as a pedagogical and psychological problem

Demchenko Inha, Postgraduate Student,

Kirovohrad Flight Academy of National Aviation University

This article is about the problem of students' motivation for learning. In the article the problem of motivation, structure of motivation is considered, the concept of the term «motivation», «motivation of educational activity» is disclosed, the author gives the definition of the term «motivation». The motives of educational activity and methods of motivation are analyzed in the work, which should contribute to increase the effectiveness of educational activity.

Key words: motivation; structure of motivation; scientific approach; educational activity; psychological needs; social needs; emotional response; training activities; interest; goal; communication; knowledge.


Introduction. The general scientific sense of motivation problem is actual in the national and foreign pedagogics. On the one hand, it is the necessity of learning patterns of behavior. On the other hand, it needs more practice to make scientists persistently to seek mechanisms of regulation of behavior and activity. The main problem of our study is the concept of «motivation». Motivation is an inducement that causes the activity of the organism and determine its orientation. Taking into account that motivation is a wide concept that defines the direction of activity, we will use this term, referring to the motivation of learning as an activity in general. There is not unambiguous interpretation of motivation in pedagogics. The complexity and multidimensional nature of motivation problem is determined to understand its essence, nature and structure by many approaches.

Purpose. The aim of this article is to analyze the problem of motivation and its structure using scientific approaches to the concept. From the scientific researches the author turns to the problem of learning activity motivation and proposes different kinds of work to increase the motivation of studying. It was suggested that cooperation with students creates and increases atmosphere of successful work and motivation.

Methods. In the research theoretical methods were used, namely: theoretical analysis and synthesis of pedagogical and psychological scientific sources, comparison, observation.

Results. In the article it was noted, that the main problem of our study is the concept of «motivation». Motivation is an inducement that causes the activity of the organism and determine its orientation. Taking into account that motivation is a wide concept that defines the direction of activity, we will use this term, referring to the motivation of learning as an activity in general.

Motivation is considered as a system of incentive impulses which is directed to the learning activities. The task of learning motivation is common to all establishments, which must organize training activities in such way that will promote the development of internal motivational potential of the student personality. Studying activity occupies almost all the years of personality. Getting education is an essential requirement of any individual, so the problem of motivation theory is a major in pedagogical and psychological science. The main orientation of modern education is ensuring readiness of new generation to constant self-education. There are such demands of the modern labor market to graduates.

Originality. It was offered different component of learning motivation: social motive, cognitive motive, social parents' and teachers' identification, motive of experience, financial motive, motive of value. It is considered such motives of learning activities that promotes the development of internal motivational potential of the student personality in the best way.

Conclusion. In the context of our article, the main object of research is the subject of studying. The subject of studying is a student who is focused on the mastering and learning this subject and has certain preconditions of mastering (which were formed earlier such as psychological regulation of the system, including formed motivational mechanisms, potentialities and abilities, physiological, mental and social maturity to master professional knowledge.)

Analyzing a lot of scientific views and in the context of our research we can make a conclusion that motivation is a complex, multileveled process which can be considered as a system correspondence of internal and external motives, needs and interests are interacted which lead to personality activity.

Key words: motivation; structure of motivation; scientific approach; educational activity; psychological needs; social needs; emotional response; training activities; interest; goal; communication; knowledge.


The general scientific sense of motivation problem is actual in the national and foreign pedagogics. On the one hand, it is the necessity of learning patterns of behavior. On the other hand, it needs more practice to make scientists persistently to seek mechanisms of regulation of behavior and activity. The main problem of our study is the concept of «motivation». Motivation is an inducement that causes the activity of the organism and determine its orientation. Taking into account that motivation is a wide concept that defines the direction of activity, we will use this term, referring to the motivation of learning as an activity in general. There is not unambiguous interpretation of motivation in pedagogics. The complexity and multidimensional nature of motivation problem is determined to understand its essence, nature and structure by many approaches.

Analysis of recent research and publications

According to the opinion of different national and foreign researchers, such as N. Aristova, V. Asyeyev, L. Herasymenko, B Dodonov, O Moskalenko, M. Yaroshevskyi etc. were considered the problem of motivation and its structure.

The direction of psychological process with emotions, and feelings was discovered in the scientific researches by M. Asyeyev, B. Merlin.

The nature of motives was disclosed by such scientists as Ye. Ilyin, M. Matyushkina, I. Schukina. It was mentioned the necessity of forming methods learning activity in such scientific works of V. Boroslavskyi, A. Markova, M. Yakobson.

V. Basharin, D. Bruner, T. Shapoval investigate the best pedagogical conditions of cognitive motives at different stages of learning.

The purpose of this article is to analyze the problem of motivation and its structure using scientific approaches to the concept. From the scientific researches the author turns to the problem of learning activity motivation and proposes different kinds of work to increase the motivation of studying. It was suggested that cooperation with students creates and increases atmosphere of successful work and motivation.

motivating students learn

The main material presentation

In pedagogical encyclopedia the concept of «motivation» (it originates from the Latin word «moveo» which means to «move») defines a system of motivation or incentive motives of human behavior and activity [1] and scientist S. Goncharenko gives the definition of motivation is «a system of motivation or incentive, which motivates people to specific forms of activity or behavior» [2, p. 217].

By the definition of a famous scientist S. Rubinstein, motivation is an indirect process of reflection of the subjective determination of human behavior. Because a person is involved in the context of reality due to motivation. A. Petrovskyy and M. Yaroshevskyy provide scientific interpretation of motivation. In their view, the motivation is the inducement that causes the activity of the organism and determine its orientation.

In our view, the most accurate and versatile definition of motivation is given by V. Asyeyev [3], who says that motivation is associated with emotions, scientist concludes that the motivation of human behavior cannot be beyond of the emotional sphere. He includes all kinds of motives, needs, interests, goals, motivational guidance, in the concept of human motivating behavior. It should be added that V. Asyeyev shared motivation to negative and positive in his research. V. Asyeyev makes the following conclusions about emotional processes, which are based on the opinion of S. Rubinstein that motivation becomes positive or negative depending on the action and interaction in which person falls, positive or negative attitude to his needs, interests and attitudes.

Scientist I. Zimniaya defines motivation as a «trigger» of any human activity, and work, communication or knowledge. According to her opinion, motivation can be supported and provided by real, phased, final outcome of the result. If the process of motivation has not result, it will affect negatively to the performance of training activities. She underlines that the stimulation of human behavior is considered by the interests, desire, intentions, needs and goals [4].

Studying the problem of motivation has been proposed by scientists a logical model structure of motivational activities. According to the researcher B. Dodonov [5, p.74-79], motivation of any purposeful activity consists of four elements:

1) fruition of the very activity process;

2) direct significance of the individual result;

3) remuneration for the activity;

4) forced the pressure on the person.

Scientist V. Kovalyov gives the definition of the motive - personal peculiarities, and behavior activity that occurs and reflects in their needs. The scientist mentioned that motives can occur simultaneously with the appearance of the needs passing certain stages and which can be similar to the stages of formation needs and he proposed the classification of motives:

- the most important criteria of the individual needs;

- the source of occurrence;

- kinds of human activities (motives of political activity, professional activities, teaching and learning activities);

- time detection (permanent, long-term, temporary motives);

- the power detection (strong, moderate and weak);

- degree of stability (high-resistant, medium-resistant and weak-resistent).

Great attention is paid to the structure of motivation by foreign scientists: Ab. Maslow, D. McClelland, B. Werner, Fr. Herzberg.

According to the definition of Ab. Maslow, motivation is the process of meeting the needs at low level and then the satisfaction of these needs at higher levels. they can be divided into five groups:

- physiological needs which are necessary for human survival: food, water, rest, etc.

- needs for security and confidence in the future - the protection of natural and other hazards from the side of the world and the belief that physiological needs will be satisfied in the future;

- social needs - it is necessity for a social environment. A person can feel support in communication with other people;

- the need for respect, recognition of others and the pursuit of personal achievement;

- the need for self-expression, that is, the need of own development and realize their potential opportunities [6].

It should be mentioned that a lot of researches of motivation problem pay particular attention to the interest of personality. Let's analyze this aspect according to psychological and pedagogical literature. Interest - is one of the major motives for studying that promotes mastering of knowledge and skills. Also, interest is considered as emotional and intellectual selection which occurs only when its object has the emotional response.

Motivation is considered as a system of incentive impulses which is directed to the learning activities. Studying the problem of motivation, scientist A Markova believes that the effectiveness of learning depends on the motivation of the learning process. We can make a conclusion that students will not be successful without the motivation of learning activities. The task of learning motivation is common to all establishments, which must organize training activities in such way that will promote the development of internal motivational potential of the student personality. Studying activity occupies almost all the years of personality. Getting education is an essential requirement of any individual, so the problem of motivation theory is a major in pedagogical and psychological science. The main orientation of modern education is ensuring readiness of new generation to constant self-education. There are such demands of the modern labor market to graduates.

In the context of our article, the main object of research is the subject of studying. The subject of studying is a student who is focused on the mastering and learning this subject and has certain preconditions of mastering (which were formed earlier such as psychological regulation of the system, including formed motivational mechanisms, potentialities and abilities, physiological, mental and social maturity to master professional knowledge, etc.)

The personality of student is considered by his requests, interests, needs and goals with which he comes in the learning process. Therefore, learning process motivation consists of two directions of work:

1) development motivational potential of the learning process;

2) development of personal potential.

Learning motivation is a complex system which is characterized by focus, stability and dynamism. Learning motivation encourages hierarchy of motives in which internal reason is dominated or related to this activity, or external social reasons are related to student's needs which take a position in the system of social relations.

Researcher B. Werner understands motivation of studying as the combination of integrity and structured motives of learning. The main task of learning motivation is considered such an organization of learning activities that promotes the development of internal motivational potential of the student personality in the best way. The scientist emphasizes to the main component of learning motivation:

1) social motive (education as a preparation for future life in society);

2) cognitive motive (the process of getting knowledge and skills);

3) motive social parents' identification (the expectations of parents in the process of studying and behavior, which cannot be justified);

4) social teacher's identification (it consists of teacher's requirements and high student's achievement);

5) motive of experience (which is connected with interest and variety of training material);

6) financial motive (studying is considered as a condition of material wellbeing in future);

7) motive of value (development and providing of high social prestige among his surroundings) [7].

The scientist A. Hebos [8] differentiates factors (conditions) that promote the formation of students' positive motivation for learning:

- awareness of the nearest and ultimate goals of learning;

- understanding of the theoretical and practical significance of obtained knowledge;

- emotional presentation of educational material;

- professional orientation of educational activities;

- selection of tasks that create problematic situation in the structure of learning activities;

- the presence of inquisitiveness and «cognitive psychological climate» in the training group.

Internal motivation of studying has the advantage over other motives and ensures learning activities successfully. A great variety of scientists think that internal motivation - a desire to perform an activity by way of the process of activities, a sense of satisfaction and pleasure of this activity, but not for receiving remuneration due to external requirements.

Analyzing a lot of scientific views and in the context of our research we can make a conclusion that motivation is a complex, multileveled process which can be considered as a system correspondence of internal and external motives, needs and interests are interacted which lead to personality activity.

Список використаної літератури

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2. Гончаренко С. У. Український педагогічний словник / С. У. Гончаренко. - Київ: Либідь, 1997. - 376 с.

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5. Додонов Б. І. Структура и динамика мотивов деятельности // Вопросы психологии. - 1984. - № 4. - C. 74 - 79.

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