Peculiarities of professional training of pre-school teachers: Russian experience
Features of the organization of the educational process at the pedagogical faculties of Russian universities. Research of professional functions of an educator. Development of literacy, preparedness and readiness of the teacher for professional activity.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 29.12.2020 |
Размер файла | 20,0 K |
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Дрогобицького державного педагогічного університету
імені Івана Франка
Peculiarities of professional training of pre-school teachers: russian experience
Калічак Юрій Львович, кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри загальної педагогіки та дошкільної освіти
Abstract. KALICHAK Yuriy L'vovich. Peculiarities of professional training of pre-school teachers: Russian experience
Introduction. The article deals with the peculiarities of vocational training ofpreschool education specialists in the Russian Federation. The peculiarities of the organization of the educational process at the pedagogical faculties of universities are characterized, professional functions of the educator are researched. The state of the system of training teachers of preschool education in, the trends in its formation and development were determined, on the one hand, national tasks, the cultural dynamics of society, the transformation of public preschool education in general in the country, and on the other hand - regional features, due to geographical, demographic, ethnic and other factors.
The purpose of the paper is to analyze the innovative concept of vocational training of preschool education specialists as well as the new Russian state strategy for the modernization of pedagogical education.
Results. Concepts of vocational training of preschool education specialists are divided into traditional and innovative. The first ones are aimed at forming the literacy, readiness and readiness of the future teacher to professional activity with an emphasis on the technological aspect of it, and the
second - on the formation of these components of training, especially as a means of self-realization and development of students.
The peculiarities of the new state strategy for the modernization ofpedagogical education are described, which include the following: humanization and humanization of the content of pedagogical education, the creation of complexes of continuous education, the transition to multi-level training of teachers, the creation of regional pedagogical universities, the orientation to the issuance of competitive professionals with high professional and general scientific training, the ethics of teacher training, the transition to new forms and means of training.
The modern tendencies of the teacher training of pre-school educational institutions in the Russian higher education institutions were determined. The analysis of various historical and pedagogical researches was carried out, which allowed determining the preconditions for the formation and development of the system of vocational training ofpreschool education institutions.
A graduate of the University's faculty of pedagogy must be ready to work in a competitive environment in the labor market and must understand that it is possible to take a niche in this market firmly and to realize itself in the acquired profession only with a high level of professionalism, mobility and initiative.
Conclusions. The modern teacher of pre-school education prepares his pupils for life in a completely different environment than before, and today he is first of all a person capable of thinking creatively, taking independent, sometimes non-standard decisions, predicting the success of his activity, taking responsibility for the result, actively use scientific methods of work and exercise social activity. Hence the need to increase the quality of teacher training.
Key words: pre-school education; teacher of preschool children; professional training of educators; innovative concept ; experience; Russia; competitiveness.
У статті йдеться про особливості професійної підготовки фахівців із дошкільної освіти в Російській Федерації. Схарактеризовано особливості організації освітнього процесу на педагогічних факультетах російських університетів, досліджено професійні функції вихователя. Доведено, що стан системи підготовки педагогів дошкільної освіти в Росії, тенденції його становлення та розвитку визначаються, з однієї сторони, загальнодержавними завданнями, культурною динамікою суспільства, перетвореннями суспільного дошкільного виховання в цілому по країні, а з другої - регіональними особливостями, що зумовлені географічними, демографічними, етнічними та іншими чинниками.
Акцентовано на тому, що концепції професійної підготовки фахівців дошкільної освіти діляться на традиційні й інноваційні. Перші спрямовані на формування грамотності, підготовленості і готовності майбутнього педагога до професійної діяльності з акцентом на технологічному її аспекті, другі - на формування зазначених компонентів підготовки, перш за все, як засобів самореалізації та розвитку студентів. Схарактеризовано особливості нової державної стратегії модернізації педагогічної освіти на сучасному етапі, яка передбачає такі напрями: гуманізація і гуманітаризація змісту педагогічної освіти, створення комплексів неперервної освіти, перехід на багаторівневу підготовку педагогів, створення регіональних педагогічних університетів, орієнтація на випуск конкурентоспроможних фахівців із високою професійною й загальнонаукової підготовкою, комп 'ютеризація підготовки педагогів, перехід на нові форми і засоби навчання.
З'ясовано сучасні тенденції професійної підготовки вихователів закладів дошкільної освіти в російських закладах вищої освіти, здійснено аналіз різноманітних історико- педагогічних досліджень, що дозволяє визначити передумови становлення та розвитку системи професійної підготовки вихователів закладів дошкільної освіти. Наголошено, що випускник педагогічного факультету університету повинен бути готовий до роботи в умовах конкурентності на ринку праці, розуміти, що міцно зайняти свою нішу на цьому ринку і самореалізуватися в набутій професії можливо тільки, володіючи високим рівнем професіоналізму, мобільністю й ініціативністю.
Установлено, що сучасний педагог дошкільної освіти готує своїх вихованців до життя в зовсім інших, ніж раніше, умовах, а тому нині він, насамперед, - особистість, яка здатна творчо мислити, приймати самостійні, часом нестандартні рішення, прогнозувати успіх своєї діяльності, брати на себе відповідальність за результат, активно застосовувати наукові методи роботи і проявляти соціальну активність. Звідси і потреба зростання якості підготовки педагога.
Ключові слова: дошкільна освіта; вихователь дітей дошкільного віку; професійна підготовка вихователів; інноваційна концепція; досвід; Росія; конкурентоздатність.
The system of preschool education in Russia undergoes serious changes. There are new types of preschool establishments, a review of the concept and approaches in the upbringing of preschoolers, which in turn affects the maintenance of this process, the forms of its organization, the creation of programs for the education and training of children, the innovative methods and technologies, family relationships and pre-school educational institution.
A graduate of the University's faculty of pedagogy must be ready to work in a competitive environment in the labor market and must understand that it is possible to take a niche in this market firmly and to realize itself in the acquired profession only with a high level of professionalism, mobility and initiative.
The modern teacher of pre-school education prepares his pupils for life in a completely different environment than before, and today he is first of all a person capable of thinking creatively, taking independent, sometimes non-standard decisions, predicting the success of his activity, taking responsibility for the result, actively use scientific methods of work and exercise social activity. Hence the need to increase the quality of teacher training.
Analysis of basic research and publications
Modern scholars believe that Russia needs a teacher who not only possesses scientific knowledge, general culture and basic training, but freely owns a systematic approach, thinking independently and creatively.
Today, on the pages of the pedagogical press, seminars and pedagogical conferences, the idea of the need for a radical renewal of the whole system of teaching staff training is increasingly being voiced.
The purpose of the article
The purpose of the paper is to analyze the innovative concept of vocational training of preschool education specialists as well as the new Russian state strategy for the modernization of pedagogical education.
Presentation of the main research material. There are three main types of institutions of pedagogical education in Russia: pedagogical schools; pedagogical universities; Institutions for retraining and in-service training for teachers [4, p. 47].
Such a structure of pedagogical education allows the production of specialists who possess methods of transmitting state-specific information, skills and abilities, as well as communicative devices.
All this led to the fact that in the structure, technologies and content of training and inservice training of teachers was consolidated and the subject-methodical approach to teaching became effective.
The processes of humanization and humanization of the content of education dictate the reorientation of training from the ordinary subject teacher (whose activities relate exclusively to the transfer of knowledge), to the teacher - the subject of educational activity (which develops children, using all the diversity of their pedagogical potential) [9, 97].
In addition, there is a replacement of training based on a unified technology of training students to a whole range of technologies, which involves the use of active learning methods and strengthening the individualization of training.
Indeed, earlier in pedagogical educational establishments, faster performers were prepared, not taking into account the individual abilities, inclinations, opportunities and interests of students. This was facilitated by the very structure of higher pedagogical education, based on one type of higher educational institution - a pedagogical institute. For a long time, institutes have been working on a single curriculum approved by the Ministry of Education and did not reflect the diversity of regional and national characteristics, types of general education schools, and the peculiarities of the state of the pedagogy [8, p. 170].
Democratization of the educational process allows to expand the powers of its subjects within the framework of managing its own development. Humanization as a justification of the value of development and the self-worth of individual development provides a reasonable transfer of a number of managerial functions directly to the subject of self-government.
Another direction of development of the system of pedagogical education is connected with the creation of complexes of continuous education, which include the following blocks: the pedagogical lyceum (the senior school with the pedagogical profile), the pedagogical college (the first degree of higher education, the general principles of pedagogical activity), the pedagogical institute (the second degree of higher education, which deepens professional pedagogical and subject knowledge and gives the right to teach in profiled high school, lyceums, gymnasium, institutions of pedagogical education), as well as pedagogic skills (Post Graduate degree education, dealing with the problems of adaptation of graduates of pedagogical institutions, methodical design and development organization of educational excellence, professional development of teachers and retraining of citizens with higher education for non-teaching educational work) [4, p. 99].
These blocks form a model of continuous pedagogical education, where after each degree self-determination takes place in favor of a direct transition to a practical pedagogical activity or the continuation of education. In the latter case, as shown, a change of specialty is allowed. Creation of integrated territorial vocational education institutions provides young people and adults with professional training. It is also connected with the support of regional educational systems, which presuppose continuity and continuity of structures, multilevelness of vocational training and specialization, the full value of the knowledge, skills and abilities, the absorption of new technologies and tools [5-7].
One of the trends in the development of a higher pedagogical school in modern conditions can be called the orientation to the release of competitive professionals with high professional and general scientific training. The effectiveness of this work largely depends on the level of organization of pre-professional pedagogical education, which, in the transition to high-level multilevel training of specialists, becomes a prerequisite for continuous pedagogical education.
Today in pre-school education there is a bright variety of models of children's educational institutions, organizations and programs of their work. The staff of these institutions improves their skills, but sometimes it does not solve the problems of introducing new educational technologies into the pedagogical process, in particular technologies based on the use of modern computer and multimedia equipment. In connection with this, another strategy for the development of the training of teachers of preschool education is its computerization and informatization, the transition to new forms and means of training. The teacher must also master the latest technology, be able to use technical means, visual aids, etc. In addition, it updates the idea of specialization at the pedagogical faculties in higher education. Intensive informatization of the educational industry can effectively contribute to the training of professional teachers and specialists for preschool institutions able to solve both the main tasks of education and education, as well as additional ones related to technological and social changes in society [8, p. 171].
From all the above it follows that the reorganization of higher pedagogical education is aimed at preparing a new type of teacher. While the training of a teacher in general and a specialist in preschool education, in particular, does not form a systematic vision of his future activities, and therefore an extremely important role is assigned today to building a system of its goals. The main thing here is to avoid thinking that the main goals of vocational training are the knowledge, skills and skills that a student must equip. As we have repeatedly noted, the professional competence of the teacher of preschool education is considered today much wider [2; 3].
Training for preschool educational institutions is a complex pedagogical system, where it is possible to identify and approaches to its practical implementation [12, p. 52].
An integrated approach according to which the preparation of students for the choice of the teaching profession, its mastering and improvement of professional skills, is considered as one of the components of the formation of the individual. Here the unity of goals, content, forms, methods and means of interaction of subjects of educational process is carried out.
System approach, where pedagogical activity is considered as a holistic object, but consists of separate interconnected elements. Moreover, it is the relationship that plays the most important role in this approach, because thanks to them, the functioning of the system is ensured.
Person-differentiated approach, according to which the future teacher is a person, the highest value, the subject of professional self-determination. It is carried out on the basis of humane principles and involves the priority of the individual to the training team, but based on the understanding that the realization of personality capabilities is available only in the team.
Activity approach, through which the formation of a person in a professional selfdetermination takes place through its inclusion in an active purposeful educational, labor, public and other activities. It is known that a person manifests it in activities, and therefore the degree of student activity determines the extent of this self-determination, the quality of learning knowledge and skills, individual motivation, the disclosure of pedagogical potential and creative abilities, and ultimately - the degree of readiness for the activity as a teacher of the institution of preschool education.
The state of the system of training teachers of preschool education in, the trends in its formation and development were determined, on the one hand, national tasks, the cultural dynamics of society, the transformation of public preschool education in general in the country, and on the other hand - regional features, due to geographical, demographic, ethnic and other factors.
Concepts of vocational training of preschool education specialists are divided into traditional and innovative. The first ones are aimed at forming the literacy, readiness and readiness of the future teacher to professional activity with an emphasis on the technological aspect of it, and the second - on the formation of these components of training, especially as a means of self-realization and development of students [1].
Traditional education was aimed at training a specialist subject, in the center of which was the educational process of subject-object relations. Innovative education is oriented on the personality and is being built within the framework of the personality-activity paradigm, when the main results of the specialist's training are not just his knowledge, skills and abilities, but the ability to self-development, self-realization and high socially-oriented personal productivity [13].
In connection with the modern updating of the training of teachers of preschool education in order to avoid mistakes, it is extremely important to turn to the study of domestic traditions and history of this issue, on the one hand, and to foreign experience, on the other.
Today Russia is implementing a new state strategy for the modernization of pedagogical education. It is represented by the following directions: humanization and humanization of the content of pedagogical education; creation of complexes of continuous education; the transition to multi-level teacher training following the expansion of the diversity of educational institutions and programs; the creation of regional pedagogical universities; orientation on the issue of competitive specialists with high professional and general scientific training; computerization of training of teachers, transition to new forms and means of training [10].
That is, the reorganization of higher pedagogical education is aimed at preparing a new type of specialist. This is no longer just a specialist armed with professional knowledge, skills and abilities; This is, above all, a creative person with a common culture and basic training, is capable of independently and non-standard thinking, to predict the success of their activities, to take responsibility for the result obtained, to actively use scientific methods of work, to exhibit social activity and, most importantly, not to stay in their professional development, continuing to improve and self-development [10].
The change in the training of kindergarten teachers today is also due to the introduction of a personal approach to the university's educational process and the strengthening of integrated, systemic and action-oriented approaches.
Conclusions. The study of the problem of vocational training of preschool educational institutions in the perspective of its history and pedagogical development is, of course, justified and expedient both from theoretical and practical point of view. This expediency is compounded by the need for science in historical and pedagogical generalizations, since it allows us to comprehend this problem field by defining the conditions, patterns, tendencies of development with the aim of substantiating the ways of further development.
Analysis of various historical and pedagogical researches allows us to determine the preconditions for the formation and development of the system of vocational training of preschool institutions.
This situation is particularly painfully reflected in the process of education and education of young people. Today, the process of socialization of children and adolescents occurs predominantly spontaneously. The positive impact of such social institutions as families, schools, and NGOs has decreased. At present, educational institutions are often given contradictory representations about the surrounding world. There is a considerable «diversity» in the thoughts and approaches of various educators who experience the process of re-socialization.
Millions of children have been given to themselves. Vacuum has given birth to homelessness and homelessness, has led to a terrible increase in crime, to addiction among adolescents, including among children of junior high school and preschool age.
These negative tendencies are countered by the active position of a significant proportion of teachers developing new methods and techniques of humanistic education and the upbringing of children who seek to protect the spiritual world of the child from the negative impact of the social environment.
In the theory and practice of modern preschool education, the problems of social development become particularly relevant in connection with the development of a new content focused on the reflection of universal values. Modern requirements for the professional training of students - future teachers of pre-school education in higher educational institutions: the use of electronic educational materials (editions) for educational purposes, applied programs of general use, instrumental software for the development of pedagogical applications, implemented in electronic form; activities in the use of the distributed resource of local and global networks; ability to perform psychological and pedagogical diagnostics on the basis of computer testing.
Equally important is the knowledge, skills, skills to automate the information and methodological support of the educational process, to focus on the possible negative consequences of the use of information technology.
The change in the educational paradigm has identified the need for a competent approach to training professionals in the system of higher vocational education. pedagogical professional literacy preparedness
1. Art & Education.
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3. Akhmetzhanova, G. V. (2012). Innovative approaches to the formation of the individual's readiness for pedagogical activity. Vector of the science of Togliatti State University, 1, 227-230. (in Russ.)
4. Baidenko, V. I. (2010). The main trends in the development of higher education: global and Bologna dimensions. Moscow: Research Center for Quality Problems in Training of Specialists (in Russ.)
5. Dobryden, A. V. (2013). Culture of communication as a component of the professional skill of the teacher. Azimuth of scientific research: pedagogy and psychology, 2, 11-14. (in Russ.)
6. Dubasenyuk, A. A. (2013). Akmeologichesky concept of personal and professional development of the teacher. Karelian scientific journal, 1, 22-27. (in Russ.)
7. Fedorova, T. V., & Borzenkova, O. (2013). Perfection of methodical and mathematical training of bachelors of preschool and primary education. Samara Scientific Bulletin, 1 (2), 46-48. (in Russ.)
8. Hodakova, N. P. (2009). Preparation of the competitive expert of preschool education in higher education institution. Messenger of the Moscow state regional university. Pedagogies series, 3, 169-172. (in Russ.)
9. Hodakova, N. P. (2010). Vocational training of the preschool teacher in higher education institution means of information technologies. International magazine of applied and basic researches, 11, 97-98. (in Russ.)
10. Veraksa, N. E. (2010). Training in the field of preschool education in a modern society. Prospects for training specialists for the system of preschool education: politics, quality, research and innovation. Moscow: UNESCO, Moscow State Pedagogical University (in Russ.)
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13. YUNPRESS Agency (Agency of Young People, Children & Press, Moscow).
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