Fundamental principles of the pedagogue’s quality education

The article analyzes the basic principles of quality teacher education: transparency, integrity, collegial decision-making, cultural relevance, self-determination, focus, continuity, diversity, productivity, focus, dynamism and innovation, explains.

Рубрика Педагогика
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Дата добавления 03.01.2021
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Fundamental principles of the pedagogue's quality education

Harutyunyan Nazik,

Doctor Sciences in Pedagogy, Professor, Chief of Pedagogy Department,

Yerevan State University, Republic of Armenia

Vardanyan Irina,

Ph.D in Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of English Philology Department, Yerevan State University, Republic of Armenia


In the preparation of qualified pedagogical staff, it is necessary to assure the scientific theoretical bases of quality education. These are the fundamental principles that underlie the process of modernization of the teacher's quality education.

The article profoundly interprets and analyses the fundamental principles of transparency, integrity, collegial decision-making, cultural conformity, self-determination, direction, continuity, diversity, effectiveness, perspective orientation, dynamism and innovation, which assure quality education.

The article also addresses the functions performed by the above-mentioned basic principles, noting that they act as guidelines for the organization, as its regulators and bases.

Purpose. The purpose of this article is to emphasize the paramount role of 21st-century pedagogue's quality education in promoting and improving the quality of education. The purpose of the article is to interpret the fundamental principles that form the basis of the quality assurance of a pedagogue's education.

Methods. The analysis, synthesis and comparison methods are used in the article.

Results. As a result of the analysis of the problem in the article, the idea that the presented principles, being interconnected and complementary, play an essential role in assuring the teacher's quality of education.

Originality. A new approach has been introduced to the issue discussed in the article by presenting fundamental principles that should be the basis for the pedagogical quality education.

Conclusion. 21st Century introduces specific requirements to the pedagogical education that should assure the increase of a pedagogue's education quality. Those new demands, first of all, refer to the basics of organizing pedagogical education, that is, the new principles. It is possible to provide good pedagogical education only in case of the existence of this principles.

Keywords: Teacher; quality education; principle; function; activity; modernization; content of education; methodology; assessment; dynamism; innovation; pedagogical system; humanism; student-centered learning; self-development; selfeducation; self-organization; self-reflection.


доктор педагогічних наук, професор, зав. кафедрою педагогіки,

Єреванський державний університет, Республіка Вірменія


кандидат філологічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри англійської філології, Єреванський державний університет, Республіка Вірменія


Анотація. Події, що відбуваються сьогодні в світі, диктують значні зміни у всіх сферах, в тому числі й удосконаленні процесу професійної підготовки педагога. В системі професійної освіти педагога нові орієнтації мають забезпечуватися науковим обґрунтуванням принципів розвитку цієї системи, пред'явленням чітких вимог якості професійної освіти і розробкою критеріїв, де пріоритетними напрямками ставатимуть ідеї гуманізму, саморозвитку особистості, творчості, сприйняття людини як суб'єкта діяльності і особистісно-орієнтованої освіти.

21-е століття перед педагогічною освітою ставить особливі завдання, і в першу чергу - завдання підготовки педагога-гуманіста. У розроблюваній моделі педагога 21-го століття передбачається перш за все професіонал, компетентний фахівець, розвинута особистість, у якої найбільш значущими є духовно- моральні та гуманістичні якості.

У справі підготовки якісних педагогічних кадрів необхідно забезпечити науково-теоретичні основи якісної освіти. Це ті основоположні принципи, якими обумовлений процес модернізації якісної освіти педагога.

У статті докладно аналізуються основоположні принципи забезпечення якісної освіти педагога: прозорості, цілісності, прийняття колегіальних рішень, культуровідповідності, самовизначення, спрямованості, безперервності, різноманітності, продуктивності, орієнтування в перспективі, динамізму і інновацій, і до них даються пояснення.

У статті також привертається увага до функцій основоположних принципів, відзначається, що вони виступають як орієнтири організації діяльності, її упорядкування й основи, визначають стратегію і механізми модернізації педагогічної освіти, здійснюють інтегруючу функцію, з їх допомогою досліджуються узагальнюючі педагогічний досвід основоположні ідеї професійного характеру, пояснюється, що вони забезпечують цілеспрямований і науково обґрунтований відбір змісту педагогічної освіти, а також реалізованих форм, методів і засобів педагогічного процесу, обґрунтовується, що вони надають можливість обробки критеріїв педагогічної діяльності суб'єктів навчальної та освітньої діяльності, оцінки та самооцінки. education teacher innovation

Ключові слова: педагог; якісна освіта; принцип; функція; діяльність; модернізація; метод; засіб; оцінка; динамізм; інновація; педагогічна система; гуманізм; особистісно-орієнтоване навчання; саморозвиток; самоосвіта; самоорганізація; саморефлексія.

Today's events in the world dictate significant changes in all areas, including the improvement of the pedagogues' professional training process.

New orientations in the pedagogical professional education system should be based on the scientifically justified principles of the development of the system, clarification of the requirements for the quality of professional education and the development of criteria where humanism, selfdevelopment, creativity, perception of a human as an independently acting person and student-centered teaching should become essential issues.

According to A.G. Bermus specifics of the philosophical foundations of the education modernization, first of all, are determined, by two circumstances: how the philosophical question about the nature of education is solved and how the need for its modernization is determined. [3, 11]

The 21st century sets particular challenges for pedagogical education among which the issue of preparing a humanist educator is in the first place. The image of the 21st Century pedagogue is primarily a professional, competent, evolving personality, for whom the spiritual, moral and humanistic qualities are the most important.

As W.G. Huitt states, "To analyse the quality of education, a variety of domains need to be visited such as external and internal, explicit and implicit standards, curricula, teachers' qualifications and the teaching process, learning processes and outcomes, but also `goodness of fit' between individuals and their educational contexts." [4,45]

The principles of the quality education provided by a pedagogue perform such functions as

- orient, regulate and serve as a basis of activity organisation

- determine the strategies and mechanisms of pedagogical education m odernisation

- implement an integrative function, through which they explore the fundamental professional ideas which characterise the pedagogical experience

- provide a purposeful and scien- ?ifically justified selection of the content of pedagogical education, as well as the forms, methods and means of imple- ?enting the educational process,

- provide opportunities for the development of pedagogical activities of the teaching and educational subjects as well as the criteria for assessment and selfassessment.

The following principles of ensuring the quality of pedagogue's education should be separated:

The principle of transparency or openness. The principle of transparency or openness implies the willingness of the main subjects involved in pedagogical education such as students, future teachers and lecturers to communicate and collaborate.

Implementation of the principle of transparency or openness assures a person's, who has or is receiving pedagogical education, continuous development of capacities of interpersonal skills, like cooperation and coordination of actions, correct judgments, and assessment.

The Principle of Integrity. The pedagogical activity is diverse. Accordingly, the subject of education is a human being as a whole system. The necessity of applying this principle is conditioned by the unity and integrity of teaching, upbringing and development of the person.

Future teachers can successfully apply their theoretical knowledge if they have a complete approach to the learning- upbringing process, its subjects and objects, and its professional activities.

The principle of Collective Decision-making. The necessity of this principle is conditioned first, by its social nature, second, by the fact that every pedagogue represents a particular pedagogical community and third, by the content and dynamics of the relationship between a teacher and pedagogical staff, a teacher and pupil collective, a teacher and a pupil.

The collegiality of the learning- upbringing process in the context of pedagogical education first refers to the domain of organisation of the professional education process, second, to the personal development of the future teacher, as well as to the criterion and content side of the results obtained.

According to the first aspect, the facts and phenomena of pedagogical education are analysed and explained in a collegial way when the subjects of the educational process jointly adopt decisions, work out norms and rules.

The second approach is conditioned by the content of learning- upbringing activities, which takes into account the extent to which the subjects of pedagogical education can collaborate and communicate in the professional-pedagogical area.

The Principle of Cultural Conformity.

The principle of cultural conformity in the field of pedagogical education presupposes different levels or layers of the teacher's personal, professional culture.

- subject-content culture

- the culture of pedagogical activity

- the culture of pedagogical thinking

- the culture of personal, business and professional communication.

Not only cultural values, traditions but also the connection with the society, as well as the level of educator's professional culture are highlighted during the implementation of the principle of cultural conformity.

The Principle of Self-determination.

This principle refers to all subjects of pedagogical education. It requires consideration of self-determination procedures when its technology complements the selfdetermination concept.

The self-determination process reveals a person's perceptions about him and his needs and takes into account the "external situation", the norms and requirements.

It presupposes the existence of apparent motives as well as a highly conscious- reflexive level when a person accepts outer norms and requirements and tries to harmonise them with his inner motivations. There is a harmonious, coherent development and integration of the inner world of the person with the outside world, of the social and personal.

The Principle of Direction. To start a substantive pedagogical activity, it is necessary to master not only self-development, self-organisation but also a high level of self-reflection. Simultaneously, the pedagogue always considers the older generation's cultural heritage and pedagogical experience. It assumes the management of the process of mastering pedagogical experience, continuing development selfeducation and reflection.

The Principle of Continuity. One of the basic requirements for the teacher in contemporary conditions is the continuity of self-education. It should be emphasised that the pedagogical education process cannot be limited to learning in a specialised educational institution. An essential condition for the quality assurance of the educational process is the future teacher self-education system. In the process of teacher training, it is necessary to emphasise the formation of personal qualities of future pedagogues, which assures continuous professional capacities development and constant growth of personal features and qualities.

The Principle of Diversity. The realisation of the ideas of personal orientation education is possible in the case where the personal peculiarities of learners, specific conditions of the given educational situation, which presuppose the choice of the personal and professional development of future teachers. The required degree of freedom of the subjects involved in the educational process requires approaching the results obtained with a sense of responsibility.

The Principle of Perspective Orientation. Pedagogical education is preparing a new generation of teachers. Therefore education should be promising. Analysis of the modern pedagogical education system, identification of its development trends, and monitoring of the professional training of pedagogical staff provide an opportunity to predict and project the educational area of the pedagogical university.

The Principle of Effectiveness. Pedagogical education of qualified professionals requires the determination of assessment criteria for teacher's quality by the realities and requirements of the modern society, as well as conducting appropriate monitoring.

The principle of Dynamism. The need to use the principle of mobility or dynamism is justified by integration processes when globalisation tendencies are becoming increasingly evident in the economy and politics. The same applies to educational domain when demand and supply are constantly changing

In the labour market, new telecommunication and information technologies, interactive teaching methods and tools are being developed. All these forms in teachers such qualities as mobility, innovation, flexibility, endurance in different situations. This is due to the actuality of the realisation of the principle of dynamism in pedagogical education.

The Principle of Innovation. It is necessary to modernise the criteria of the pedagogical system. This implies a comprehensive review and assessment of the educational system, to clarify the directions, goals and objectives of the reform. All the components of the pedagogical system should be analysed to clearly define what is ineffective and outdated.

Thus, it is necessary.

- To Identify landmark pedagogical new solutions that can be a foundation for innovative models.

- To create new constructive models, it is essential to analyse the bank of advanced educational technologies.

- To project innovative models for the pedagogical system or its parts, it is necessary to create innovative projects that differ from traditional versions

- To calculate the importance and effectiveness of innovations that have practical value

- Protect pedagogical innovations from pseudo innovators and consistently apply the principle of innovative expediency and validity.

All of the above principles are interdependent and complementary.


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Список библиографических ссылок

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