Teacher's professionalism – an important resource to increase the quality of training of competitive specialists
The problem of improving the quality of university education, finding resources to improve the preparation of students for professional activities is considered. Concepts, essential characteristics of professionalism as not used in full are specified.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 03.01.2021 |
Размер файла | 32,1 K |
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Teacher's professionalism - an important resource to increase the quality of training of competitive specialists
Kondrashov Nikolai,
PhD in Pedagogy, Doctoral Student of Pedagogical Science,
Educational and Socio-cultural Management Department,
Bogdan Khmelnitsky National University at Cherkasy
Kondrashova Lidiya,
Honored Worker of Science and Technology Ukraine, Doctor Science in Pedagogy, Professor,
Professor of Pedagogical Science, Educational and Socio-Cultural Management Department, Bogdan Khmelnitsky National University at Cherkasy
The article is devoted to the problem of improving the quality of university education. The search for effective means of improving the preparation of students for professional activity has actualized the need to attract previously unused resources, to which the professional image of a university teacher has been attributed. Based on the study of theoretical sources, it has been established that the Professionalism of a teacher is not limited to a set of hotel professional properties and qualities that ensure a positive impact of a teacher on students. Professionalism as a complex personal education, combines in its content the structural components: motivational, cognitive, communicative, emotional- volitional and reflective. Criteria and indicators of the level of formation of the professional image of the teacher are complex characteristics that include the requirements for the personality of a modern teacher, corresponding to the specifics of professional and educational activities and ensure the realization of the humanistic paradigm of the goal of modern education.
At the initial stage of the study, the ideas of master students about the influence of the teacher's personality on the educational process and the quality of professional training in the university education system were studied. The basis of the experimental work was the workshop "The Professionalism of the teacher is an important resource for the quality of training future specialists." In the course of the experimental study, positive dynamics of the levels of formation of the professionalism of teachers and levels of students training were noted.
The results obtained confirmed the hypothesis that the professional image of the teacher is an important resource of the educational process and has a positive effect on improving the quality of university education.
Keywords: professionalism, teacher, students, resource, quality of university education.
КОНДРАШОВ Микола Миколайович,
кандидат педагогічних наук, докторант кафедри педагогічних наук, освітнього і соціокультурного менеджменту, Черкаський національний університет імені Богдана Хмельницького
КОНДРАШОВА Лідія Валентинівна,
Заслужена діячка науки і техніки України, докторка педагогічних наук, професорка, професорка кафедри педагогічних наук, освітнього і соціокультурного менеджменту, Черкаський національний університет імені Богдана Хмельницького university education students
Професіоналізм викладача - важливий ресурс підвищення якості підготовки конкурентоздатних фахівців
Анотація. У статті розглядається проблема підвищення якості університетської освіти, пошуку ресурсів і засобів удосконалення підготовки студентів до професійної діяльності; конкретизуються основні поняття, сутнісні характеристики професіоналізму як невикористаного в повній мірі ресурсу якості освіти; конкретизуються критерії, показники професіоналізму; етапи і рівні його сформованості.
Мета - розкриття і теоретичне обгрунтування характеристик педагогічного професіоналізму і експериментальна перевірка його ефективності як ресурсу підвищення якості університетської освіти.
Професіоналізм як складне особистісне утворення об'єднує у своєму змісті структурні компоненти: мотиваційний, когнітивний, комунікативний, емоційно-вольовий і рефлексивний. На констатувальному етапі педагогічного експерименту вивчалися уявлення студентів про вплив рівні професіоналізму викладача на освітній процес і якість професійної підготовки в системі університетської освіти; організація педагогічного процесу і відношення студентів до нього, на прояв активності, ініціативи, самостійності, творчості. Розроблена програма дослідного особистісно-орієнтованого і проблемно-діяльнісного навчання, спрямованого на активізацію пізнавальної діяльності учасників освітнього процесу, проблемно-інноваційного пошуку рішення професійних завдань, розвиток суб'єктної позиції і досягнень студентів у сфері їхнього професійного розвитку.
Основою дослідно-експериментальної роботи є практикум "Професіоналізм викладача - важливий ресурс якості підготовки майбутніх фахівців", зміст якого вирішував завдання: формування позитивної мотивації, вмінь, навичок і якостей, що забезпечують професійний успіх у сфері педагогічної праці; набуття досвіду проектування і організації інноваційної діяльності; використання ресурсних можливостей професіоналізму в підвищенні якості вищої освіти.
Результати дослідного навчання свідчать про те, що активізація професійної позиції, розвиток творчого потенціалу і професійних якостей, як показників педагогічного професіоналізму, використання різноманітних видів, форм і методів діяльності позитивно впливає на навчальні досягнення студентів.
У ході експериментального дослідження виявлена залежність і позитивна динаміка рівнів професіоналізму викладачів і якості підготовки студентів. Результати підтвердили гіпотезу про ресурсні можливості педагогічного професіоналізму у підвищенні якості університетської освіти.
Ключові слова: якість університетської освіти; ресурси; педагогічний професіоналізм; зміст; структурні компоненти професіоналізму.
The national doctrine of the development of education in Ukraine in the 21st century states: "The quality of education is the main priority of the state scientific and educational policy and a prerequisite for the national security of the state, compliance with international norms and the requirements of Ukrainian legislation regarding the realization of citizens' right to education. The material, financial, human and scientific resources of society and the state are directed to ensuring the quality of education" [1, p. 3].Today, the main goal of university education is the high quality of training, the combination of a high level of professionalism with the spiritual and moral enrichment of their personality.
The increasingly complex requirements for university education increase the requirements for the teacher as a professional and spiritual and moral person. From the source of information, he turns into a manager, an organizer of the educational process. It is he who educates those who will lead the country tomorrow, its economy and culture. It depends on the teachers what knowledge and spiritual qualities these people will possess [2, p. 178].
The analysis of everyday pedagogical practice shows that higher education does not always form in the future specialists a full readiness to work in new conditions. Most university graduates lack such personal qualities and competencies that would help them to emerge from dignity in difficult professional situations, allowing them not to lose themselves in crisis situations, to avoid deformation and degradation of their personality, and they often have a low level of moral stability. The elimination of deficiencies in preparing students for professional activities necessitates the involvement of unused resources in improving the quality of university education. Such a resource is the professional image of a university teacher.
The analysis of the scientific literature on the studied problem indicates that the problem of the personality of the teacher attracted many researchers. It was considered in several aspects: the works of B. Ananiev, F. Gonobolin, A. Kovalev, L. Kondrashova, A. Kuzminsky, E. Rangelova, R. Skulsky, A. Smantzer, and others are devoted to the study of the laws and principles of the professional development of the personality; the significance of innovations, pedagogical innovations and creative search in the actions of a professional teacher were discussed by R. Gilborg, N. Granovskaya, Y. Kulyutkin, V. Moisienko, T. Fedirchik and others. Theoretical substantiation of the pedagogical image is presented in the works by N. Guzyi, T. Dovga, E. Kovaleva, A. Kononenko, N. Tarasenko, N. Shkurko and others.
The novelty of our research lies in the approach to the professionalism of the modern teacher as an important resource for improving the quality of university education. In the documents on the modernization of higher education, it is noted that the readiness of the future specialist for professional activity and the formation of his image necessitate the development of theoretical principles that reveal the impact of the teacher's professional image on professional development, selfdevelopment and self-organization of university students. Therefore, the problem of the teacher's professionalism as a resource for improving the quality of university education requires further research in the aspect of using its essential characteristics in the formation of a professional position and style of activity, students' readiness for creative activity and constant self-improvement of their professional image.
The methodological basis of the research is the theoretical and practical-oriented works of leading Ukrainian and foreign scientists on the problem of professional development, development and improvement of the personality of the teacher. In particular, the laws and principles of professional training of future teachers in the university education system were studied, the creative aspects of the professional teacher's activities were investigated, the theoretical foundations and technologies for the formation of the image of a specialist in the field of education were developed. There are studies devoted to the problem of improving the quality of university education, there are works in which the image of a higher school teacher is investigated, but the phenomenon of the professionalism of a university teacher and its influence on the quality of students' preparation for professional activities remains little studied.
The goal of our research was the theoretical substantiation and experimental verification of the effectiveness of the teacher's Professionalism as a resource for improving the quality of university education.
The objectives of the study included: analyzing the ideas of master students about the influence of the teacher's personality on the educational process and the quality of preparing them for professional activities, studying the essence of the concept of "professional image of a university teacher" and the specifics of its development in the educational process of higher education, developing the technology of using a professional image of a teacher as a resource for improving the quality of university education.
For the solution of the tasks, the research methods were used: theoretical: analysis of theoretical sources and practical experience in order to study the state of the research problem; modeling of the impact of the teacher's professional image on the quality of university education. Empirical: pedagogical observation, questioning, pedagogical experiment, comprehensive diagnostics of the levels of formation of the professional image of the teacher. Methods of mathematical statistics: a quantitative analysis of the results of the pedagogical experiment, the use of the Pearson statistical test to determine the reliability of differences in the obtained indicators before and after the experiment.
Experimental work was carried out on the basis of the Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University at Cherkasy and Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University. 345 students and 50 university teachers are covered by various types of research.
At the stage of the ascertaining experiment, the levels of formation of the structural components of the Professionalism of university teachers were identified.
The basis of the experimental work was a workshop "The Professionalism of the teacher is an important resource for the quality of training future specialists".
After the completion of the experimental work, the positive dynamics of students' educational achievements were revealed, the assumption that the teacher's professional image was an important resource of the educational process and had a positive effect on improving the quality of university education was fully confirmed.
Results. The complexity of the pedagogical activity of a higher education teacher lies in the fact that he must solve the problems of preparing competitive specialists for a dynamically changing reality, with ever- increasing demands on the level of their professionalism. On the one hand, it is necessary to transfer culture, experience, scientific achievements, and professional values to future professionals, but at the same time, teach them to see the dynamics of changes in society and the professional sphere of life activity. On the other hand, it is necessary to provide conditions for the development of the professional qualities necessary for them in their professional activities and the transformation of society on innovative principles. All this requires giving personal and practice- oriented orientation to the entire education system and the search for additional resources to improve its quality.
At the initial stage of our study, we studied the ideas of master students about the influence of the teacher's personality on the educational process and the quality of their preparation for professional activity. In the course of the ascertaining experiment, a relationship was revealed between the attitude of students to the learning process, their chosen profession, and the influence of the teacher on their learning achievements. In the course of the survey, it was studied how teachers organize the pedagogical process, what they focus on, how they show their attitude towards students and by personal example stimulate them to display initiative, independence and creativity. The following answers were received to the questionnaire offered to students:
- teachers strive to develop a positive motivation for students' teaching: always - 10.9%; often - 21.5%, sometimes - 43%, never - 17.6%;
- intensify the position of students in the classroom: always - 5.0%; often - 22.4%, sometimes - 48.2%, never - 24.4%;
- build humane relations: always 22.9%; often - 41.6%, sometimes - 31.2%, never - 4.3%;
- develop students' responsibility, initiative, respect for the needs of other people: always 23.5%; often - 42.6%, sometimes - 29.2%, never - 4.7%.
The collected data allows us to speak about the predominance of the "knowledge- based approach" in the actions of teachers, who do not always take into account the psychological state of students, their interests and needs when organizing training, which causes inadequate response to teachers' demands. Of the 345 respondents, 45% of undergraduate 1 -2 year students cannot calmly respond to the requirements of teachers; 18% - show inadequate reaction to the comments; 48% are indifferent to the emotional state of fellow students; 20% - do not always take into account the emotional state of those with whom they are talking; 7% did not think about this issue. Only 5% of surveyed respondents noted that teachers always take care of students' psychological well-being, enhancing their cognitive activity, but at the same time 17.6% indicated that teachers "never" pay attention to this aspect of work.
The moral side in the system of relations between the teacher and students leaves much to be desired. According to students, humane relations are always implemented - 22.9%, often - 41.6%, sometimes - 31.2%, never - 4.3%. At the same time, by example, students form responsibility, perseverance in achieving planned results, respect for other people: always - 23.5%, often - 32.6%, sometimes - 39.2%, never - 4.7% [3, p. 30].
Answers of students testify to the inability or unwillingness of teachers to use the possibilities of their Professionalism in solving professional problems and personal influence on the dynamics of students' educational achievements, which negatively affects the quality of training of future specialists. The collected data, on the one hand, confirm the role of the teacher's professional image in the preparation of future specialists for creative activity, career growth in the professional field of activity, and on the other hand, they do not always prove its effective use as a resource for improving the quality of university education.
The majority of students, although they recognize the need for creativity, intellectual and emotional culture, and innovative competence of the teacher, in practical activities more often encounter his personal characteristics, properties and qualities that do not encourage them to professional selfimprovement, self-development and selfaffirmation.
According to the students' answers to the questionnaires, a collective professional image of a modern teacher was compiled. A teacher is "a person who, following the content of his professional activity, must possess a set of universal qualities: to be an organizer, an orator, an analyst, a psychologist, to possess the logic of the educational process, oral and written speech, to be a highly competent specialist not only in his subject, but also in other branches of knowledge" [4, p. 33].
The professional image of the teacher, as an important component of pedagogical professionalism, cannot be limited to a set of hotel professional properties and qualities or means that ensure the positive impact of the teacher on students. Professionalism, as a complex personal education, combines in its content the structural components: motivational, cognitive, communicative, emotional- volitional and reflective. At the stage of the ascertaining experiment, the levels of formation of the structural components of the Professionalism of university teachers were identified. The results of calculations are presented in the Table 1.
Table 1 Levels of formation of the structural components of the Professionalism of the teacher at the stage of ascertaining experiment (%)
Levels |
Structural components of professional appearance |
Motivational |
Cognitive |
Communicative |
Emotionally-willing |
Reflective |
CG |
EG |
CG |
EG |
CG |
EG |
CG |
EG |
CG |
EG |
higher |
16,0 |
13,3 |
14,9 |
12,2 |
9,6 |
10,2 |
7,0 |
13,3 |
1,7 |
15,3 |
middle |
43,6 |
5,7 |
1,5 |
9,8 |
5,5 |
8,4 |
6,2 |
9,6 |
4,5 |
9,6 |
low |
40,4 |
1,0 |
3,6 |
8,0 |
4,9 |
1,4 |
46,8 |
57,1 |
63,8 |
55,1 |
Criteria and indicators of Professionalism are complex characteristics, which include the requirements for the personality of a modern teacher, corresponding to the specifics of professional and educational activities and ensure the implementation of the humanistic paradigm of the goal of modern education:
- transfer to future specialists of material culture, spiritual and professional values accumulated by mankind;
- providing timely assistance to students in the movement along the path of selfdevelopment and self-realization;
- stimulating the need to know oneself, one's own capabilities and abilities, developing a positive attitude towards people, oneself and society in general;
- development of skills of selforganization, self-actualization of the internal resources of the personality, its selfdevelopment and self-affirmation.
The implementation of the humanistic paradigm of education implies the professional development of the teacher. A. Glatthorn believed that "professional development is the personality of a teacher in a professional context with the help of accumulated experience and a systematic analysis of one's own pedagogical activity" [5, p. 41].
In the study, we proceeded from the fact that changing the situation in the practice of university education predetermines the need for systematic and purposeful work to improve the professional image of the modern teacher as an important resource for the quality of university education. The formation of a teacher's professional image is a process aimed at improving spiritual and moral, intellectual and professional capabilities and abilities that ensure him professional success in the pedagogical field of activity.
Today, university professors need scientifically based recommendations for making the transition:
- from a school subject as a source of knowledge to a subject as a source of spiritual communication, creative action and dialogue of cultures;
- from the priority of narrowly educational problems to the tasks of the holistic development of the professional image, active professional position and creative style of activity;
- the coordinated relations of the teacher and students to their pedagogical interaction, cooperation and co-creation.
Taking into account the needs of university practice in systematic work to improve the professional image of teachers, an experimental program of a formative experiment was developed.
Its specificity consisted in the personality- oriented and problem-active nature of the content, aimed at enhancing the cognitive activity of participants in the educational process, problem-innovative search for solving their professional tasks, developing the subject position and increasing personal achievements in the field of professional development. The basis of the experimental work was a workshop "The Professionalism of the teacher is an important resource for the quality of training future specialists" (the workshop plan) the presented in the Table 2.
Table 2 Workshop Plan
"The Professionalism of the teacher is an important resource of training future specialists"
№ |
Theme of the lesson |
Forms |
Number of hours |
1. |
Modern problems of training competitive personnel and the role of the professional image of a teacher in solving them |
Seminar |
2 |
2. |
The essence and main characteristics of the Professionalism of the teacher |
Business game |
2 |
3. |
Professional position and its functions in the Professionalism of the teacher |
Role Playing Game |
2 |
4. |
Creativity as the basis for the development of the professional image of the teacher |
The solution of pedagogical problems |
2 |
№ |
Theme of the lesson |
Forms |
Number of hours |
5. |
The processes of self-realization of personality as a factor in improving the professional image of the teacher |
Training |
2 |
6. |
Harmonization of the emotional and intellectual spheres in a Professionalism |
Conversation "Round table" |
2 |
7. |
Culture of pedagogical communication as an important characteristic of the Professionalism of the teacher |
Pedagogical sketches |
2 |
8. |
Causes of conflicts in the educational process and ways to overcome them: "Can a teacher be a source of conflict and what are the consequences?" |
Dispute |
2 |
9. |
"Growing up" your own professional image as a tool for creating a copyright professional product |
Author Presentation Contest |
2 |
10. |
Scientific and practical conference |
Experience exchange |
2 |
Total hours |
20 |
Recommended literature |
The program was based on the following principles: the priority of self-study, a collective search in solving professional problems, reliance on the experience of each teacher, individualization and differentiation, consistency and consistency, actualization of pedagogical achievements, development of needs to improve their own Professionalism, installation on professional success and career growth. In its implementation, various active forms and methods were used: "Leaders and administrators", "Examination of the teacher's personal potential", discussions on the topic: "Personal qualities that a teacher should have when working with students", "Personal qualities that are contraindications to the teacher's activities", speaker competition, trainings: time management, stress management, communicative training, "development and consolidation of reflective skills", personal development training, personal training "; Exercises: "list of emotions", "transfer of feelings", "reflection of emotional state" ("mirror"), "image", "facial expression", "masks in communication", "my portrait through the eyes of colleagues", etc.
The implementation of a student-centered and problem-driven approach to organizing and conducting the workshop involved the following tasks:
- formation of positive motivation and installation for active participation in the improvement of their own Professionalism;
- the formation of skills and personality traits that ensure professional success in the field of pedagogical work;
- gaining experience in designing and organizing innovation activities;
- development of reflective skills as the basis for professional development;
- awareness and use of the resource potential of Professionalism in improving the quality of university education.
After the completion of the pilot program was conducted diagnostic slice. Its purpose is to obtain empirical data on the qualitative changes in the levels of the Professionalism of teachers and their awareness of its role in ensuring the positive dynamics of the quality of university education. The dynamics of the levels of Professionalism of teachers at different stages of experimental work are presented in the Table 3.
Table 3
Formation levels of structural components Professionalism of a teacher after the completion of the formative experiment (%)
Levels |
Structural components of professional appearance |
Motivational |
Cognitive |
Communicative |
Emotional- volitional |
Reflective |
CG |
EG |
CG |
EG |
CG |
EG |
CG |
EG |
CG |
EG |
high |
14,9 |
25,5 |
18,1 |
29,6 |
10,6 |
7,3 |
23,4 |
31,6 |
4,9 |
21,4 |
middle |
47,9 |
55,1 |
47,9 |
53,1 |
29,8 |
42,9 |
43,6 |
55,1 |
29,8 |
3,9 |
low |
37,2 |
19,4 |
34,0 |
17,3 |
59,6 |
39,8 |
33,0 |
13,3 |
55,3 |
34,7 |
According to the hypothesis of the study, the use of the impact of the teacher's professional image in enhancing students 'cognitive activity and shaping their sustainable attitude towards professional development contributed to improving the quality of university education.
Levels |
Number of students |
CG (94 чел.) |
EG (98 чел.) |
high |
16,0 |
10,2 |
middle |
35,1 |
48,0 |
low |
48,9 |
41,8 |
In accordance with the results of the performed diagnostics at the stage of the ascertaining experiment, which did not show significant differences in the results of the control sections, a control and experimental group of master students were formed. The experimental group consisted of students with lower results of control cuts. In the control group (CG - 94 students), vocational training was conducted using the traditional methodology, in the experimental group (EG - 98 students) - teachers who had received special training in the experimental program.
Using the x2 - Pearson test, the hypothesis of the presence of statistically significant differences between the level of training of students in the CG and the EG at the stage of the ascertaining experiment was tested.
As a null hypothesis H0, the statement was adopted: "The level of training of students and control groups have statically significant differences at the stage of the ascertaining experiment". As an alternative hypothesis of Hi, the statement was chosen: "At the stage of the ascertaining experiment there are no statistically significant differences in the level of training of students from the control and experimental groups". The results of the initial diagnostic section of students of the control and experimental groups are given in the Table 4.
To test the null hypothesis using x2 criterion we calculate on the basis of the table value statistics x2emp by the formula where ni=94 and n.2=98 is the number of students in the control and experimental groups; i - the number of assessment categories (high, medium, (high, middle, low) (i=1, 2, ... C); Oii and O2i - the number of students in the CG and the EG fall into the corresponding category i-according to the results of assessment. The value of the criterion x2emp, obtained on the basis of experimental data, is compared with the critical value x2crit, which is determined from the table of critical values x2 degree of freedom v=C-1.
The measurement scale is a scale with C=3 categories, depending on the number of degrees of freedom v=3-1=2.
From the significance table x2 for the significance level a=0.05 and the number of degrees of freedom v=2, the critical value of the statistics x2crete=5.991 is determined [6, p. 130]. According to the results of table 4, we determine the value of the empirical statistical criterion x2emp=3.656. Since the obtained value of x2emp<x2crit (3.656<5.991) does not belong to the critical region, the null hypothesis H0 is rejected and the alternative hypothesis Hi is accepted [6, p.130]. The adoption of an alternative hypothesis suggests that at the beginning of the experiment, the control and experimental groups did not significantly differ in the level of training.
After the completion of the experimental work, significant changes in the educational achievements of students of the control and experimental groups were revealed. This conclusion is confirmed by the results of a comparative analysis of diagnostic sections, carried out at the stage of ascertaining and formative experiment (Table 5).
Table 5
Dynamics of students training control and experimental groups on completion of the formative experiment (%)
Level of training |
Number of students |
ascertaining stage |
formative stage |
CG (94 people) |
EG(98 people) |
CG (94 people) |
EG(98 people) |
high |
13,8 |
12,9 |
16,4 |
25,1 |
middle |
34,3 |
30,6 |
39,8 |
50,0 |
low |
51,9 |
56,5 |
43,8 |
24,9 |
The activities of teachers who participated in the implementation of an experimental program to improve their Professionalism showed better results in the professional training of EG students. Thus, in the experimental group, the high level of training increased by 12.2%, the average - by 19.4%, the number of students with a low level of training significantly decreased from 56.5% to 24.9%
In the control group, there are also positive changes in the level of training from low to medium. But these changes are not so significant and are explained more likely by objective factors of the general development of the personality in the process of professional training in the system of university education. Thus, the number of students with a low level of training decreased by 8.1%, with an average of 5.5%, a high level increased by 2.6% after the completion of experimental work. The value of the Pearson statistical criterion for the training levels of students in the control and experimental groups to complete the experimental work exceeds the critical value (5.991) and is /2emp=8.300, which allows us to conclude that the teacher's professional appearance is used as a quality resource for university education.
Analysis of the effectiveness of purposeful and systematic training of teachers to improve their Professionalism suggests that the activation of professional position, the development of creative potential, the formation of professional skills, which are the criteria and indicators of the Professionalism of teachers through their inclusion in various forms and methods, types of various activities that provide updating baggage of professional knowledge, the development of professional skills enrichment of the spiritual and moral qualities of their personality, have a positive effect on students' academic achievements.
It has been established that the use of Professionalism as a resource for improving the quality of university education has a positive effect on the formation of positive motivation for students' teaching, sustained interest in the chosen profession and various types of professional-oriented activities. The Professionalism influences the character of relations between the teacher and students, enhances the creative nature of their interaction in the educational process, activates their position in mastering the system of professional knowledge and skills, methods and technologies of professional activity. The professional image of the teacher serves as a reserve of the emotionally favorable climate, psychological comfort of the participants of the educational process, orients students to the awareness of their professional capabilities and abilities, the development of the installation on professional success and career growth.
Changing the position of a student in the process of different types of training activities, giving him freedom of action, ensuring the situation of success and showing activity creates conditions for professional development, self-development and self-affirmation in the chosen professional sphere.
An example of a teacher's personality, his Professionalism stimulates students to independently search for ways and means of improving and consolidating constructive, communicative, organizational skills, creative and reflexive abilities, developing readiness for innovative activities, cognitive discoveries, creative solving educational problems, and gaining professional experience.
4. Conclusion. Analysis of scientific literature and pedagogical practice suggests that the professional image of a teacher is a complex, dynamic education that combines in its structure a set of professional knowledge, personal meanings, spiritual and ethical values, professional position and creative style of work, manners of communication, ability to individualize image in interaction with students. The professional image of the teacher is manifested in the subjectivity of his professional "I", the pedagogical worldview, creativity, communication skills, and the steady need for self-improvement.
Professionalism is an important resource for improving the quality of university education, as it provides:
- a high guarantee of creating an emotionally favorable climate in the educational process and the stability of the installation of students in active cognitive activity and educational achievements;
- specification of the impact of this complex personal education on the result of training as a resource of professional activity in the form that allows you to transfer it to practical situations;
- students' awareness of the process of mastering professional knowledge and experience of creative activity, their involvement in the process of professional development, the formation of the individual image of the individual.
Purposeful use of the teacher's professional image as an important resource of the educational process has a positive effect on improving the quality of university education.
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Список бібліографічних посилань
1. Закон України "Про вищу освіту" № 2984 - ІІІ, із змінами ві,д 12 березня 2009 р. URL: http://www.osvita. org.ua/pravo/law_05/.
2. Мойсієнко В.М. Шляхи розвитку професіоналізму викладача закладу вищої освіти. Вісник Черкаського університету. Серія Педагогічні науки. 2019. № 1. С. 79-82
3. Взаимодействие на преподавателя и студента в условията на университетското образование: проблемы и перспективы: Сборник с научни доклады. Първа книга. Габрово: ЕКС-ПРЕС, 2017. 738 с.
4. Взаимодействие на преподавателя и студента в условията на университетского образование: проблемы и перспективы. Сборник с научни доклады. Втора книга. Габрово: ЕКС-ПРЕС, 2018. 578 с.
5. Clatthorn A. Teacher development: international Encyclopedia of Teaching and Teacher Education. In L. Anderson (Ed.). London: Pergamon Press. 1995. 198 p.
6. Грабарь М.И., Краснянская К.А. Применение математической статистики в педагогических исследованиях. Непараметрические методы. М.: Просвещение, 1977. 136 с.
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