Professional qualities formation of educators in the system of professional development training
Increasing motivation for interpersonal interaction of subjects of the educational process. Formation of personal and professional qualities of a teacher based on the implementation of integrative integrity, axiological and contextual approaches.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 20.01.2021 |
Размер файла | 564,7 K |
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Professional qualities formation of educators in the system of professional development training
A.S. Fetisov, E.P. Komarova, G.A. Alekseeva, S.K. Gural Information about the authors:
Fetisov A.S., PhD (Education), The Head of the Department of Physical Training, Health and Safety and Educational Technologies, State Budgetary Institution for further Vocational Edu-cation «Institute for Educational Development» (Voronezh, Russia).
Komarova E.P., Dr.Sc. (Edu), Professor, the Department of Foreign Languages and Transla-tion Technology, Voronezh State Technical University (Voronezh, Russia).
Alekseeva G.A., postgraduate student, Voronezh State Technical University (Voronezh, Russia).
Gural S.K., Dr.Sc. (Education), Professor, Head of the Department of Philology, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Tomsk State University (Tomsk, Russia).
This paper considers the formation of professional qualities of educators in the system of professional development training. The significance of the discussed problem is proved by the need of a new type of educator according to new educational standards and needs of the modern world. Today education sees the need to develop in educators a socially active person. One of the effective methods of the social activity development is volunteering that give an opportunity in self-realization in different spheres of life. The objective of the research is to get, generalize and systemize the results of the questionnaire about reasons for volunteering, influence of volunteering on a volunteer itself, its' influence in development and opportunities of increasing social activity in the educational process with the help of volunteering. The hypothesis of the research consists in the following proposition: pedagogical opportunities of volunteering in the system of professional development training such as formation of social and professional important qualities of educators, training students to future profession, opportunity to natural implementation into the system of civic relationship, development of general human and cultural values are tested in the development program of volunteering. The study provides an opportunity to look how much social active educator means in the professional development training due to the new government standards in the educational process.
Keywords: professional qualities; educators; professional development training; volunteering.
Education in the modern world is undergoing significant changes [1-5]. In the beginning of 21st century the problem concerning professional qualities of educators who are competitive and in demand at a labour market, capable of innovative technology conceptualization, willing to self-improvement, selfactualization and self-actualization in the professional activity has become urgent. The huge changes in the social and economic structures, informational pressure, the intense digitalization of learning require the needed awareness of formation educators' professional qualities [6]. «Strategies for innovative development in the Russian Federation by 2020 year» [7], Federal Law «On Education in the Russian Federation» [8] also states the need of new innovative changes in the system of professional development.
In this connection, there is a need to form a new educator and to develop the professional qualities in the system of professional development training which are aimed at providing integration in personal and professional qualities, creating healthsaving environment at school and the whole educational sphere of the humanistic type. In this conditions the requirements to the educators and to their pedagogical training are very high in the educational standards. There is the need to create a new educator of a new type aimed at the realization of personal and professional potential in the unseparated form in the system of professional development training. The process of forming these professional qualities is in the top priority for the government in the sphere of lifelong learning and professional upgrading.
The authors of different pedagogical and psychology-pedagogical papers consider humanistic educational environment as a factor that develops not only a personality of a learner but a personality of an educator as a driving force in the progress of both subjects of the educational process (V.V. Rubcov, V.I. Slobodchikov, V.A. Yasvin). The research of the physical training educators and their problems in the aspect of their professional and personal qualities formation appropriate for the healthsaving educational environment is of the highest relevance.
The paper is devoted to forming of educators' professional qualities in the aspects of skills development. In this connection, there is a need to create a system of education focused on efficient educator development, providing the opportunities of participation of every subject of the educational process and prevention of any social, pedagogical and environmental problems. Both participation of an educator and the learner can be fulfilled in the system of volunteering.
The paper considers professional qualities formation on the example of physical training educator. A lot of scientists [9-11] looked at the problem of physical training education and supposed that physical culture and physical training are strongly connected with the health of learners. This problem becomes especially important because of the ecological situation deterioration in the world.
It is necessary to follow the conceptual ideas of different scientific approaches by integrating pedagogical theories for solving professional qualities of educators' problem. In the modern pedagogical theories the universal opinion in how to form the professional qualities of educators does not exist. There are even various views on the definition professional qualities and competencies. The professional component supposes the essential knowledge complex formation, formation of all skills that are to be used in the future profession of an educator [12, 13].
S.E. Rudiakova, R. Stefanik, A.S. Fetisov suggests that there is a close connection of such tendencies in education as humanization, professionalization and fundamentalization. The results from different research devoted to the ways of improving professional qualities of educators in the system of professional upgrading are not enough to solve the problem successfully in the considered aspect. The attention is not properly paid to the phenomenon such as the professionalism of an educator, the educator's reference, difficulties in the interaction with the environment, the emotional comfort.
This paper examines the problem of the professional qualities of an educator and gives the description of the developed program of the formation of the educators' qualities in the professional development training. The main goal of the program is to develop all needed professional qualities and characteristics which leads to the whole educational improvement of the educational process. The methodological base consists of:
- General scientific level Systematic approach (A.N. Averyanov, S.G. Afanasiev, V. Blauberg, E.G. Yudin) that allows to imagine the whole combination of personal and professional qualities of an educator integrated with each other in the one system. motivation interpersonal teacher professional
- Synergetic approach (P.K. Anohin, V.G. Budanov, G. Hacken) focuses on the idea of the unity, systemacy and nonlinearity that allow to consider the process of the personal-professional qualities formation as an open selfOorganized system.
- Specifically scientific level Learner-centered approach (B.G. Ananiev, A.V. Petrovskii,
S.L. Rubinstein, C. Rodgers) considers the main principle of interaction between the subjects of the educational process who try to realise their creative potential, the ability to choose the ways of the activities on their own in order to achieve the personal objectives.
According to this methods, voluntarism as the key determinant in the professional development training as voluntary work and revelation of the basic values among subjects of the educational process during the volunteering work develop all stated qualities in the approaches : civic consciousness, mercy, charity, justice, humanism and the others.
This study presents the results of implementing the program of forming professional qualities of an educator in the professional competence development aimed at the improvement of the educational process. The study is on the example of the educators working in the sphere of physical training. According to the work of I. Berezhnaya and M. Kostiuchenko [12] volunteering is nowadays one of the innovative and key methods of improving professional qualities of an educator as it focuses on different aims such as social help, environmental problems [14], organizing events and is not aimed at financial component in the profession. Nowadays researchers take a closer look at the volunteering as its' popularity is growing every say and more and more educators are attracted by this kind of activity. The word volunteer accrued from the French word «volontaire», which has actually has Latin origin and it is a latin word «voluntarius». In the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary the word «volunteer» is defined as «a person who does a job without being paid for it, a person who offers to do something without being forced to do it» [13].
Volunteering is subject oriented. What is more, volunteering create the conditions for the personality formation with active attitude to the life, constructive thinking, taking the initiative and overcoming difficulties of professional, social and personal character.
A. Henderson and K. Mapp [16] report evidence that volunteers can be significant resources in helping create a supportive and welcoming environment in the education and facilitating the subjects of the educational process behavior and performance.
The aim of this work was to get the information about reasons for being in volunteering, the effect the voluntary work has on the volunteers and what percentage of volunteers remains interested in continuing voluntary work. In the questionnaire took part students of Voronezh State Technical University (71 people) and educators (21 people).
The following forms of professional qualities formation were used: networking, video-conferencing, forums and coaching-technologies. Coachingtechnologies were the most attractive for the training.
The research showed that educators consider motivation in the volunteering to be very high and all the respondents chose more than one variant. The most popular answers about the reasons for voluntarism in the professional development are stated in the Diagram 1.
Diagram 1. Why do you want to participate in the volunteering?
As it can be seen from the diagram most of the respondents (82.20%) wanted to participate in a big international event which actually could help to develop communication, organizational skills and develop the ability to take responsibility. The second answer in popularity (62%) was the desire to contribute personally to the success of the event.
The answers of the participants of the study also answered differently to the question «What personal characteristics volunteering develops?».
From the Diagram 2 can be quite clear that the majority of the answers were communication skills, ability to help, social activity and responsibility. According to the participants the answer «social activity» that reached almost 60% and «communication skills» (over 55%) are the most important in the development during the volunteering.
Diagram 2. What personal charasteristics volunteering develops?
The majority of the participants strongly suggests that importance and the value of volunteering is extremely high and it is beneficial for both individuals and the whole volunteer movement.
The results are presented in the Diagram 3. Almost 94% of the asked participants are very confident in the importance of the volunteering in the professional development training.
Diagram 3. Do you think that volunteering work is important?
The study supposed to clarify if the researchers plan to continue the voluntary work and do it on the regular basis. More than 65% of the asked volunteers expressed their willing to continue develop themselves in the volunteering while 27% of researched participants expressed their intention to continue it occasionally. The given answers can mean that volunteering met their expectations, helped them to achieve what they wanted and what is the most important made them interested in volunteering work (Diagram 4).
Diagram 4. Do you plan to participate in voluntary work?
The analyzed data in this paper show that volunteering is one of the efficient ways to develop socially active educator in the system of professional development training. It has a broad range of opportunities for the self-realization for both students and educators. Volunteering allow educators to develop special social qualities that are the part of essential professional qualities that therefore leads to professional development. As a result, implementing the volunteering into the educational process as the innovative form of the professional upgrading is essential and necessary. In the professional development volunteering has some pedagogical opportunities: enable to form socially and professionally important qualities (civic consciousness, independence, initiative, discipline, tolerance), help to prepare for the professional avtivity (ability to cooperate, ability to take responsibility and ability to be aware of the peoples' needs), give the opportunity to develop human and cultural values.
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Формирование профессиональных качеств педагогов в системе повышения квалификации
Фетисов Александр Сергеевич, кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, заведующий кафедрой физической культуры, ОБЖ и воспитательных технологий, Воронежский институт развития образования (Воронеж, Россия).
Комарова Эмилия Павловна, профессор, доктор педагогических, наук, профессор кафедры иностранных языков и технологии перевода, Воронежский государственный технический университет (Воронеж, Россия).
Алексеева Галина Анатольевна, аспирантка, Воронежский государственный технический университет (Воронеж, Россия).
Гураль Светлана Константиновна, доктор педагогических наук, профессор, заведующая кафедрой английской филологии, Томский государственный университет (Томск, Россия).
Рассматривается формирование профессиональных качеств педагогов в системе повышения квалификации. Значимость обсуждаемой проблемы подтверждается необходимостью формирования нового типа педагога в соответствии с новыми образовательными стандартами и потребностями современного мира. Сегодня необходимо развивать в педагогах социально активную личность. Одним из эффективных методов развития социальной активности является волонтерство, дающее возможность самореализации в различных сферах жизни. Целью исследования являются получение, обобщение и систематизация результатов анкетирования о причинах волонтерства, влиянии волонтерства на самого волонтера, его влиянии на развитие и возможности повышения социальной активности в образовательном процессе с помощью волонтерства. Гипотеза исследования состоит в следующем положении: в программе развития волонтерства апробированы такие педагогические возможности волонтерства в системе повышения квалификации, как формирование социально-профессиональных значимых качеств педагогов, подготовка студентов к будущей профессии, возможность естественной реализации в системе гражданских отношений, развитие общечеловеческих и культурных ценностей. Проведенное исследование прослеживает деятельность социально активного педагога в его профессиональной подготовке в соответствии с государственным образовательном стандартом. В статье рассматривается системное содержание личностных и профессиональных качеств педагога, обусловленное квалификационными требованиями, установленными ФГОС последнего поколения, и требованиями здоровьесберегающей образовательной среды. Особое внимание уделяется формированию личностных и профессиональных качеств на основе реализации интегративной целостности, аксиологического, личностно-деятельностного и контекстуального подходов, с привлечением некоторых принципов андрагогики. В статье анализируется следующий компонент формирования профессиональных качеств педагога, особенно в области волонтерства, поскольку его популярность растет, и все больше педагогов привлекает данный вид деятельности: мотивационно-ценностный компонент (позитивное отношение к образованию и профессии, мотивационное отношение к межличностному взаимодействию субъектов образовательного процесса, совокупность мотивов создания и развития здоровьесберегающей среды).
Ключевые слова: профессиональные качества; педагог; повышение квалификации; волонтерство; компоненты развития волонтерства.
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