Формирование базовых представлений о материи, движении и энергии в контексте гносеологии и онтологии XXI века

Исследование и анализ содержания актуальной проблемы обучения, связанной с раскрытием методологического знания о фундаментальных понятиях естествознания. Характеристика гносеологического определения движения материи, лежащего в основании диалектики.

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Язык русский
Дата добавления 25.01.2021
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Студенты, аспиранты, молодые ученые, использующие базу знаний в своей учебе и работе, будут вам очень благодарны.

11. Baranov, A.V. & Rodionov, A.I. (2017) [On the conception of energy in a physics course]. Prepodavanie estestvennykh nauk, matematiki i in- formatiki v vuze i shkole [Teaching natural sciences, mathematics and computer science in university and school]. Proceedings of the X International Conference. Tomsk: Tomsk State Pedagogical University. pp. 91-94. (In Russian).

12. Khavinson, I.Yu. (2015) Econophysics: from finance analysis to the fate of mankind. Prostranstvennaya ekonomika -- Spatial Economics. 1. pp. 144-166. (In Russian).

13. Pushkarev, Yu.V. & Pushkareva, E.A. (2016) Fundamental'noe znanie v nepreryvnom obrazovatel'nom protsesse: metodologiya i aksiologiya problemy [Fundamental knowledge in the continuous educational process: methodology and axiology of the problem]. Vestnik Novosibirskogo gosudarstvennogopedagogicheskogo universiteta -- BulletinNSPU. 1 (29). pp. 87-98.

14. Usova, A.V. (2011) Nekotorye metodicheskie aspekty problemy formirovaniya nauchnykh ponyatiy u uchashchikhsya shkol i studentov vuzov [Some methodological aspects of the problem of the formation of scientific concepts among school and university students]. Mir nauki, kul'tury, obrazovaniya. 4 (29). pp. 11-14.

15. Okun', L.B. (2012) O dvizhenii materii [On the motion of matter]. Moscow: Fizmatlit.

16. Fulledu.ru. (2016) PISA: Uroven' znaniy rossiyskikh shkol'nikov nizhe srednego [PISA: The level of knowledge of Russian schoolchildren is below average]. [Online]. Available from: http://fulledu.ru/news/school/news/3660_pisa-uroven-znaniy-rossiyskih-shkolnikov-nizhe-sre.html. (Accessed: 18.07.2017).

17. Kravtsov, S.S. (2015) Itogi uchastiya v mezhdunarodnom issledovanii PISA-2015 [Results of participation in international research PISA-2015]. [Online]. Available from: http://obrnadzor.gov.ru/common/upload/ron_pisa_kravtsov.pdf. (Accessed: 18.07.2017).

18. Rodionov, A.I. & Kim, A.I. (2010) Teoreticheskaya mekhanika: konspekt lektsiy s prilozheniyami [Theoretical mechanics: lecture notes with appemdices]. Pt. 3. Novosibirsk: Novosibirsk State Technical University.

19. Engels, F. (1987) Dialektikaprirody [Dialectics of nature]. Moscow: Politizdat.

20. Okun, L.B. (2016) Mass versus relativistic and rest masses. American Journal of Physics. 77(5). pp. 430-431.

21. Rozman, G.A. & Pan'kova, S.V. (2006) Can Mass Turn into Energy? Fizicheskoe obrazovanie v vuzakh -- Physics in Higher Education. 12(2). pp. 15-19. (In Russian).

22. Coelho, R.L. (2014) On the Concept of Energy: Eclecticism and Rationality. Science & Education. 23(6). pp. 1361-1380.

23. Dreyfus, B.W. et al. (2014) Chemical energy in an introductory physics course for the life sciences. Am. J. Phys. 82(5). pp. 403-411. Hartley, L.M., Momsen, J., Maskiewicz, A. & D'Avanzo, C. (2012) Energy and Matter: Differences in Discourse in Physical and Biological Sciences Can Be Confusing for Introductory Biology Students. BioScience. 62(5). pp. 488-496.

24. Lancor, R. (2015) An Analysis of Metaphors Used by Students to Describe Energy in an Interdisciplinary General Science Course. International Journal of Science Education. 37(5-6). pp. 876-902.

25. Lancor, R. (2014) Using Metaphor Theory to Examine Conceptions of Energy in Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. Science & Education. 23(6). pp. 1245-1267.

26. Novikov, A.M. & Novikov, D.A. (2010)Metodologiya nauchnogo issledovaniya [Methodology of scientific research]. Moscow: Librokom.

27. Gumnitskiy, G.N. & Zelentsova, M.G. (2016) Filosofskoe ponyatie materii v aspekte sootnosheniya kategoriy veshchi i svoystva [The philosophical concept of matter in the aspect of the correlation between the categories of things and properties]. Izvestiya vuzov. Ser. “Gumanitarnye nauki”. 7(1). pp. 66 -70.

28. Johansson, K.E. (2013) Exploring quarks, gluons and the Higgs bosons. Physics Education. 48(1). pp. 96-104.

29. Johansson, K.E. & Watkins, P.M. (2013) Exploring the standard model of particles. Physics Education. 48(1). pp. 105-114.

30. Saha, A. & Choudhury, P.D. (2017) What is dark energy and dark matter. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research. 8(3). pp. 146-152.

31. Martynenko, A.P. (2001) Vacuum in modern quantum theory. Sorosovskiy obrazovatel'nyy zhurnal -- Soros Educational Journal. 7(5). pp. 86-91. (In Russian).

32. Novikov, I.D. (2009) Dark Objectes and Dark Matter. Zemlya i Vselennaya. 5. pp. 5-12. (In Russian).

33. Okun', L.B. (2009) Elementarnoe vvedenie v fiziku elementarnykh chastits [Elementary introduction to the physics of elementary particles]. 3rd ed. Moscow: Fizmatlit.

34. Cherepashchuk, A.M. (2010) New forms of matter in the Universe. Zemlya i Vselennaya. 1. pp. 3-18. (In Russian).

35. Dubitskaya, L.V. (2015) The content of the concept “substance” in the course of natural science of profile school. Vestnik VSGUTU. 3 (54). pp. 137-142.

36. Wilson, C.M., et al. (2011) Observation of the dynamical Casimir effect in a superconducting circuit. Nature. 479. 17 November. pp. 376 -379. Sivukhin, D.V. (1986) Obshchiy kurs fiziki. Atomnaya fzika [General course of physics. Atomic physics]. Vol. 5. Pt. 1. Moscow: Nauka.

37. Feynman, R., Leighton, R. & Sands, M. (2014) Feynmanovskie lektsii po fizike: T. 1, 2: Sovremennaya nauka oprirode. Zakony mekhaniki. Pros- transtvo. Vremya. Dvizhenie [The Feynman Lectures on Physics: Vols 1, 2: Modern science of nature. The laws of mechanics. Space. Time. Movement]. 11th ed. Translated from English. Moscow: URSS.

38. Bunge, M. (2000) Energy: Between Physics and Metaphysics. Science and Education. 9(5). pp. 457- 461..

39. Gol'dman, V.M. & Novoselov, V.I. (2013) [The concept of mass in classical and relativistic dynamics]. Metodologiya i metodika formirovaniya nauchnykh ponyatiy u uchashchikhsya shkol i studentov vuzov [Methods and techniques for the formation of scientific concepts in school and university students]. Proceedings of the Usov Readings: XX International Conference. Chelyabinsk. 4-5 April 2013. Part 1. Chelyabinsk: Kray Ra. pp. 136-141. (In Russian).

40. Mamulay, A.A., Syrkin, E.S. & Chovpan, A.A. (2010) Mass in Special Relativity in General Physics Course. Fizicheskoe obrazovanie v vuzakh -- Physics in Higher Education. 16(3). pp. 62-69. (In Russian).

41. Wiener, G.J., Schmeling, A.M. & Hopf, M. (2017) Why not start with quarks? Teachers investigate a learning unit on the subatomic structure of matter with 12-year-olds. European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. 5(2). pp. 134-157.

42. Markov, V.N. (2015) The fundamentals of quantum relativity physics and cosmology as an innovative project of school physics education. Izvestiya RGPU im. A.I. Gertsena -- Izvestia: Herzen University Journal of Humanities & Science. 173. pp. 147-156. (In Russian).

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