Designing a technology to monitor the effectiveness of the process of advanced training of teachers
This article discusses issues related to the organization of monitoring studies of the effectiveness of the process of improving the qualifications of teaching staff. The concept of the technology of monitoring the effectiveness of advanced training.
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Designing a technology to monitor the effectiveness of the process of advanced training of teachers
Akhmetova K.I.
Senior Lecturerat
Tashkent institute railway engineering (TashREI) of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Sciences, Uzbekistan
В данной статье рассматриваются вопросы, связанные с организацией мониторинговых исследований эффективности процесса повышения квалификации педагогических кадров. Раскрывается понятие технология мониторинга эффективности повышения квалификации, описываются его компоненты, представляется процессуальная структура технологии мониторинга эффективности повышения квалификации педагогических кадров, а также программа ее реализации.
Summary: monitoring teaching effectiveness
Designing a technology to monitor the effectiveness of the process of advanced training of teachers
This article discusses issues related to the organization of monitoring studies of the effectiveness of the process of improving the qualifications of teaching staff. The concept of the technology of monitoring the effectiveness of advanced training is revealed, its components are described, the procedural structure of the technology of monitoring the effectiveness of teacher training, as well as the program for its implementation are presented.
Ключевые слова: мониторинг, эффективность, система повышения квалификации, технология мониторинга, компоненты мониторинга эффективности, процессуальная структура технологии мониторинга.
Keywords: monitoring, efficiency, system of professional development, monitoring technology, performance monitoring components, procedural structure of monitoring technology.
The domestic education system in its development has undergone, as is known, a number of qualitative changes. One of the central problems in the field of education was the implementation of the idea of continuing education - priority sphere, ensuring the socio-economic development of the Republic of Uzbekistan, satisfying the economic, social, scientific and technical needs of the individual, society, state. Consequently, continuing education should be organized in such a way that each person can meet the educational, professional and cultural needs that arise from him and solve problems in accordance with the functions of continuing education: diagnostic, compensatory, adaptive, educational, culturological, educational. An important role in this is played by the advanced training system.
The advanced training system is:
> for society as a whole - by the mechanism of expanded reproduction of its cultural and professional potential, the condition for the development of social production, acceleration of the country's socio-economic progress;
> for the state - the leading area of social policy to ensure favorable conditions for the general and professional development of the personality of each person.
The recent changes in the system of advanced training of pedagogical personnel in recent years are reflected in the content of training, the forms and methods used, and the technologies of training. There is a development of distance learning, approbation of network forms and technologies of interaction in the organization of advanced training processes, etc. At the same time, an important role in the implementation of innovative educational technologies in the system of advanced training should be played by the management and quality control system of this process. In our opinion, this role can be assumed by the monitoring system, as an innovative technology that allows to perform ascertaining, corrective and predictive functions in quality management.
One of the directions of methodological research in modern pedagogical science is a technological approach, which is defined as the necessary level of knowledge and action in the organization of the educational process. Its means make the transition from the analysis of the functioning of the elements of pedagogical systems to the design of processes, their regulation and control. In a general sense, technology is considered as a way of organizing activities to achieve the goal.
Studies conducted by V.M. Goncharenko, V.D. Zhavoronkov, L.P. Kachalova, A.I. Kuprina, L.D. Nazarova, S.N. Silina, S.L. Fomenko, significantly increased the theoretical level of development monitoring technologies and their practical significance in educational activities.
Based on the research V. Ya.Nechaeva, who identified two meanings of the concept "technology": (1) actually operating process, formed in a certain sequence of procedures using technological, organizational and informational tools that are aimed at obtaining a repetitive result; (2) a specific document, a project describing and regulating the procedure, setting standards, standards of infrastructure (in this sense, technology is a normative model. - K.A.) define the concepts of "monitoring technology" and "technology monitoring the effectiveness of the process of professional development of teachers".
Monitoring technology - it is an ordered set of optimal ways and means of monitoring, instrumentally ensuring the realization of the goal of monitoring and achieving specific results for making optimal and effective management and pedagogical decisions.
The monitoring technology consists of two components: an experimental search and a constructive-organizational. The first reflects the theoretical rationale, practical implementation and evidence of the pedagogical significance or effectiveness of the main monitoring procedures. The name of the stages (preparatory, adaptive, initial diagnostic, substantive and technological, final diagnostic), technologies and their main tasks should comply with the general scientific requirements for conducting research work in the humanities.
The constructive and organizational component ensures the implementation of pedagogically significant and effective monitoring procedures in the practice of educational activities.
The following stages of the constructive-organizational component of monitoring are highlighted:
^ regulatory;
^ organizational;
^ scientific and methodical.
At first (regulatory) The stage develops regulations and instructions for the implementation of monitoring and evaluation. These documents are submitted for discussion by the Academic Council of an educational institution and, if adopted, become mandatory for all participants in educational activities in an educational institution.
The main goal of the organizational stage is to ensure the implementation of the adopted regulatory documents, which will require the redistribution of functions between the structural units of an educational institution and, on this basis, make changes and clarifications to their work plans.
At the scientifically-methodical stage a conference is held at which scientifically-based results are discussed, recommendations are made to improve the educational process in a particular educational institution [LV Golish, K.I. Akhmetova and others. Pedagogical monitoring: design and implementation. Express manual. T: 2001. P.31].
Since we are interested in the question of the effectiveness of the process of advanced training, let us consider in more detail the technology of the effectiveness of the process of improving the qualification of teachers.
Technology monitoring the effectiveness of the process of improving the qualifications of teachers is:
> a process that includes, in a definite sequence, actions and procedures using organizational and informational methods and means of enabling the effective monitoring of the effectiveness of the qualification process and its results;
> document regulating the procedure for monitoring subjects (program and schedule);
> a set of methods and means of collecting, collecting and processing data, monitoring and evaluating standardized parameters of the effectiveness of the process of advanced training.
After analyzing the approaches to the development of monitoring technology, we have taken as a basis the approach proposed by L.V. According to the author's concept, it consists of the following stages: preparatory, executive and summarizing [ LV Golish, K.I. Akhmetova and others. Pedagogical monitoring: design and implementation. Express manual. T: 2001. P.8-9]. Based on the content of the technological stages of pedagogical monitoring substantiated by the author, we have developed a set of monitoring procedures for monitoring the process of advanced training in an educational institution. This monitoring procedure includes the following steps:
1. Preparatory stage. At this stage a number of actions are carried out:
1.1. Monitoring objects are determined.
1.2. Objectives and expected final results of monitoring (monitoring, studying, research) of monitoring objects are clearly formulated, as the content of subsequent actions depends on it.
1.3. The parameters, indicators and criteria for evaluating the monitoring object are determined.
1.4. The selection of monitoring tools is carried out: ways and means of collecting and processing information.
1.5. Established chronological framework (timing) of measurements and the frequency of measurements.
1.6. Performers are appointed: those who will collect and process information.
1.7. Users of the received information are determined.
A comprehensive monitoring program and a schedule for its implementation are being developed.
If possible, a monitoring program is also being developed. The widespread use of information technology will ensure:
* almost constant or at least regular monitoring of the object of monitoring;
• saving time - the most scarce of resources;
• accumulation, operational processing and analysis of a large amount of information.
2. Executive stage. At this stage:
2.1. Data is collected and recorded using selected methods and means of monitoring.
2.2. Operational quantitative and qualitative processing of the results is conducted.
3. Final Analytical Stage. At the final stage of monitoring, the following actions are carried out:
3.1. Generalized and systematized information.
3.2. A database is created based on the results of all measurements.
3.3. The dynamics and trends of the state of the monitoring object are identified.
3.4. Cause-and-effect dependences are established and analyzed, which determine the state of the advanced training system (process).
3.5. The system of advanced training in general and the conducted (including pedagogical) actions, in particular.
3.6. Refine real achievements.
The purpose of the data obtained is to ensure that an optimal strategic or tactical decision is made that can be connected and / or:
• with specification and, if necessary, amendment of tasks performed, correction of pedagogical systems in general and pedagogical actions, in particular;
• with forecasting the further development of the system of advanced training and pedagogical actions;
• with the optimal choice of educational goals, methods and means of their implementation.
Based on the above technology, phased design and implementation of monitoring, we have developed a program to monitor the effectiveness of the process of training teacher (Tab. 1).
Consider in detail this program. In structural terms, it is framed in the form of a table consisting of seven graphs:
• Level 1 shows the levels of each of the three stages of monitoring;
• in the 2nd the obj ects and meaningful monitoring parameters are indicated;
• in the 3rd, the chronological framework and frequency of measurements of the state of the monitoring objects according to the selected parameters are established;
• in the 4th are the performers of monitoring procedures. These are students - listeners (l); training - teachers (T); administration (A); Head of Department (HD); experts (E);
• in the 5th methods and means of data collection are presented (tools);
• in the 6th, users are indicated, i.e. the persons actually intended for monitoring results (information);
• in the 7th are the prognostic means for implementing the results of monitoring.
Consider the content of the monitoring process:
I. Preparatory stage of monitoring. At this stage, first of all, its goals are determined: the selection of the parameters of the initial situation, that is, the identification of the objects of monitoring. As established, the main objects and parameters of monitoring at the present stage are:
1.1. At the level of an educational institution - diagnosed and evaluated according to the following indicators: availability of the concept of professional development of teachers. It is carried out by means of the analytical table. On this basis, compiled analytical information for the administration of the educational institution.
1.2. At the department level. The selection and structuring of the content of training on the principles: (1) individualization (individual characteristics, level of education, category, level of professional experience, level of cognitive activity, level of needs and motivation are taken into account); (2) continuity (the successive relationship of the content of the preceding structural element with the subsequent); (3) maneuverability (possible options for further movement of the teacher along the educational path are taken into account); (4) leading character (content design is carried out with a focus on promising social and personal needs and needs); (5) integrity (the content creates a unified basis for the continuous professional development of the teacher).
1.3. At the level of the teacher (teacher). The degree of education and competence of the teaching staff of an educational institution is carried out through an analytical table and self-assessment of teachers.
1.4. At the level of the student (listener). The level of education and professional preparedness, as well as the motivation of students, is carried out through an analytical table and self-assessment of students.
The obtained data are, firstly, the basis of personality cards of self-development; secondly, the subject of discussion at pedagogical consultations. According to its results, measures are taken to improve the content of training.
The obtained data are recorded in the form of analytical information, which is discussed at the pedagogical council of an educational institution, and according to its results, appropriate measures are taken to introduce certain corrections to curricula and programs, and training technologies are developed in the areas of teacher training.
II- monitoring stage. Monitoring at this stage is of an intermediate diagnostic nature: the results of the first stage of work are analyzed, actual achievements are clarified by comparing the results with the developed criteria; technological support and correction are carried out, elimination of causes and factors indirectly affecting the effectiveness of the training process.
The optimality parameters of the educational process aimed at achieving the effectiveness of the educational process are determined on the basis of the following data:
2.1. The system for monitoring the effectiveness of advanced training is diagnosed through peer review: the availability of tests, training tasks, creative tasks and the schedule of administrative control and mutual evaluation are determined.
2.2. Technology training - is determined by self-assessment, mutual evaluation and peer review.
Tracked: (1) learning content; (2) learning technology (methods, forms and means of education).
The results are entered into the analytical information that is discussed at the department meetings in order to take the necessary measures to correct the educational process, its adequate compliance with modern learning technologies.
2.3. Professional competence of teachers of an educational institution - is determined once a year, through
2.4. self-assessment, mutual evaluation and indirect assessment. Following the analysis and discussion, measures are being taken to provide teachers with the necessary methodological and practical assistance in enhancing their professional competence and qualifications.
Results are entered into individual personal cards of self-development and self-education of teachers of an educational institution.
2.5. The real achievements of the audience: the actual results of the current and intermediate control, is determined in the process and on the "output" using diagnostic procedures, testing, creative tasks and other types of testing. The level of real achievements of students determines the level of effectiveness of the process of continuing education in general.
The obtained data for each parameter are the basis for analytical information, which is subject to discussion at the pedagogical consultation, meetings, methods of association of an educational institution in order to take measures to correct the educational process.
III monitoring stage. At this stage, the final diagnosis and evaluation of the following indicators for improving the process of advanced training are carried out:
3.1. Compliance of knowledge, skills and personal qualities of students to state requirements - measured once at the end of the month (output), through testing, analysis of test results, as well as on the basis of students' self-assessment sheets.
The results obtained allow us to predict the development of the educational process, determine the strategy and tactics of managing the effectiveness of the advanced training process, form a comparative database for further improvement of the functioning of the advanced training process in particular, and the advanced training system as a whole.
3.2. Compliance of the educational process with modern technologies - assessed through expert assessments (external expertise).
The data obtained serve as a basis for predicting the subsequent development of the educational institution in accordance with the requirements of the National Training Program regarding the development and introduction of new educational technologies in the educational process, as well as to determine strategies and tactics for improving and ensuring the effectiveness of the training process.
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