Modern lectures and methods of organizing problematic lectures

Modern lectures for universities and methods of organizing problem lectures. Discussion of the importance of modern lectures and their types in higher education. Content, main components, technology and factors that determine the degree of problematicity.

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Modern lectures and methods of organizing problematic lectures

1Rakhimov Oktyabr Dustkabilovich - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of Department, Educational-methodical department;

2Manzarov Yusufjon Khurramovich - Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, department social sciences;

3Keldiyarova Malika - Assistant Teacher,

Department of automation and controlling of technological processes;

4Нudjakulov Abdulaziz Hakim ugli - Assistant,

Department of environmental protection and ecology, Karshi engineering and economic institute, Karshi, republic of Uzbekistan


The modern lectures for higher education and methods of organization of problematic lectures. This article is devoted to discuss the importance of modern lectures, and their species in the higher education, also is included the content, the main components, the technology of organization and factors which determine the degree of problem and the efficiency of problem lectures.

Keywords: modern lecture, interactive, problem situation, educational problem, problem issues, problem, efficiency.

Forming of marketing relations both developing of democratic and legal state demand a wide cultural worldview, retraining of the staff as well as perfecting themselves in modern life. How should do lectures play a role in higher education in this condition? Do the traditional lectures satisfy students?

Nowadays, instead of lectures video and cinema, TV broadcast, multimedia, debates and discussions, conversations, conferences, "rounding table", oral journal, games and dozens of interactive methods are being used as an educating techniques. universities problem lectures

Lecturer will deliver "live" knowledge, namely he does not give any information related to the current theme, he is a scientist or owner of his specialty, he demonstrates himself as a speaker and an educator who is fully feeling the hall. It is said that, the modern information and communications can not replace the lectures, new information technologies wouldn't take into account the feelings and worldview of listener, also it may not include the condition of the lecture halls furthermore scientific and educational features of the subject in the same time.

The informing and transmission functions of the lectures are disappearing in these days. Certainly, it depends on occurring different information and communication resources. Related to this, the role of methodological function is increasing as the rising of independent educational needs. According to the above, it is essential to get the function of the lecture as a preliminary while planning their own lectures and it determines the efficiency.

In conclusion, the student can't get necessary information independently, he may be confused, lecture shows him a direction. However, the lecture should not be like the old traditional method which is "to read the text".

The modern lectures should organize by interactive methods that are discussions, debats and conversations. Therefore, many innovative methods depend on applying the interactive techniques in these days.

Some pedagogues consider that, interactive methods are using the modern visual materials (multimedia and animation slides, handouts, texts of lectures, models of technical tools, layouts and etc.) and the modern technologies (computers, electronic boards and etc.), provide the lectures beforehand for the purpose of being ready for the lesson. Of course, this is wrong.

Lectures may be divided to the following types according to the didactic functions:

Types of modern lectures

> 1. Introduction

> 2. Lecture on a specific topic

> 3. Directional lecture

> 4. Generalizing(final) lecture

> 5. Problematic lecture

> 6. Open lecture

> 7. A couple lectures

> 8. Reflexive lecture

> 9. Intermediate lecture

> 10. Lecture- panel

> 11. Lecture- navigator

> 12. Informative or "current" lecture

> 13. Lecture advice

> 14. Lecture dialogue

> 15. A lecture that contains mistakes according to the plan

> 16. Press conference lecture

> 17. Mini lecture

> 18. Case lecture

The most important thing is defining the goal of the lecture when to choose the type of the lecture and planning it. Below, we will discuss the problematic lecture among other types of lectures.

The problematic lecture will create a chance to do scientific researches in listeners. There are at least three purposes between lecturer and listener in the problematic lectures:

> to master theoretical knowledge by listeners;

> to develop theoretical and scientific thoughts;

> forming the professional ability and gaining knowledge;

Forming scientific thoughts and worldview of listeners is considered a main goal of lecturer while the main purpose of listener is creating new knowledge and relations by the dialogue with lecturer.

There are several methods in organizing the problematic lectures:

1. To make problematic situations before explaining the contents and materials of the theme. The problematic situation is influence of listener which directing to gain new knowledge, to create inventions, scientific researches. There are simple signs of problematic situations which are giving questions themselves about indefinite problems and searching solutions.

2. The second way of organizing problematic lectures directs thinking about inventions and theories which listeners don't know yet but are defined in science and creating "subjective" inventions. directs to innovate "subjective" innovations and to think about inventions or theories that listeners don not know.

Below, we will discuss the features of problematic lectures in the modern pedagogy:

The methods of organizing the contents of the problematic lectures: as a learning problem. The problem is interpreted as an opposition of theoritical and practical situations, that is sometimes non compliance of theories and practices and their components are indicated. The lecture is ended with a question of objectifier of those opposition. Problematic situation is occurred when oppositions are defined on the initial information of learning problems. There is an answer that unknown which resolves this opposition and it is considered as a proplem.

Components of problematic situation:

> subject of knowledge (the content of the lecture);

> subject of instruction (lecturer);

> subject of cognition (listener);

> dialogue between lecturer and listener (mental or external);

> needs of the listener to know;

> the effect of listener's knowledge;

The main group of learning proplems may include the scientific problems which are solved before in researches of scientists and practical students. Contents of problematic lecture:

> the problems which is the most important for practice and most difficult for reclamation;

> the meaning of scientific ideas and contents of theories and logic of their appearance;

> appearing the phenomenon of ideas in real life;

> level of difficult questions which listener can understand, illumination by sequence;

> to consider needs of knowing of listener ;

> to present problems and duties as a shape of main and organizer;

The problematic degree of lecture:

> the lecturer put the problem himself and show the thought of scientific ideas

> the lecturer put the problem himself and settled it with audience

> the lecturer put the problem himself and audience settled it independently.

> the audience set the problem themselves and find the answers on their own. Systematic methods of the lecturer:

> to set problematic and report questions.

> to forward hypothesis, confirm or reject them.

> to appeal the audience to think together,

> to address to students on the means of the solution of the problem

> to have mini- debates with listeners

> to answer the questions which are prepared in advance for the problematic questions that the theme of lecture

Forms of activity of the listener in problematic lecture:

> to be active for listening and understanding;

> to take notes all lectures;

> to preform questions on notes;

> to give questions to lecturer;

> to search answers on dialogue between lecturer and students;

In problematic lecture has the more dialogue, the lecture has the higher effects. New achievements of the science and objective opposites that used in practice are illustrated in problematic lecture.

The methods of dialogues and conversations between lecturer and listener:

> a lecturer is not "lawgiver ", he is collocutor;

> a lecturer is not "transformer information ", but also he should share his own and intellectual abilities;

> a lecturer should interest in opinions and comments of listeners;

> proving the reality of information without relying on authors and sources;

> discussing the problem within a range of different points of view;

> directing listeners concluding independently, makes them a direct participant in problem solving;

> using problematic questions related to information;

> encouraging own, scientific and true answers of listeners;

> achieving thinking about problem with listeners;

> giving problematic questions for discussion on the next practical lesson; Problematic and informative questions are considered as a resource which control mentality of listener and they may be as following:

Questions that are related to information:

> according to previous themes;

> related to the activation of acquired knowledge of listeners in previous lessons.

Problematic questions:

> according to problems that solutions are indefinite;

> according to form problems;

> to show the way searching solution of the problem

We may define effects of problematic lecturers with following factors:

О the meaning of the lecture;

О to approach contents of the lecture with responsibility;

О the methods of organizing dialogues with listeners О the scientific and social aspects of professional activity.

О The degree of entering the meaning (discussion) of the lecture, not to listen lecture materials inactive.

Reflexive and problematic lectures which direct developing themselves independently and navigate the students to gain knowledge replace traditional lectures that are very common. Another shapes of the lectures for instance lecture- panel, lecture- propagation, lecture of two participants are considered private and perfecting version of organizational part of the lecture.

In conclusion, we should said that different shapes of lectures have unusual direction that become traditional- logical sequence (receiving, understanding, reading, thinking, reworking and strengthening). For this reason, quality of giving lectures on higher education is considered to determine the quality of education.


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