Professional development of medical personnel as a factor for increasing the economic security of medical service enterprises
Characterization of the nature of risk as an economic category, features of professional risk in medical practice. Feasibility of involving private medical institutions in the implementation of a system of continuous professional development of doctors.
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Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 15.02.2021 |
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Professional development of medical personnel as a factor for increasing the economic security of medical service enterprises
Grynko Tetiana
Doctor of Economics, professor, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University Ustymenko Svitlana
Oles Honchar Dnipro National University
risk medical professional development doctor
The article deals with the basic approaches to the interpretation of such definitions as "security" and "economic security". The main approaches to define the nature of risk as an economic category are considered, the features of occupational risk in medical activity are investigated.It is substantiated that improving the level of medical personnel professional development is a basic condition for ensuring the economic security of medical services enterprises.We determined the expediency of private medical institutions involvement in the implementation of the system of doctors' continuous professional development as providers of effective training programmes for medical professionals.
Keywords: security, economic security of the enterprise, risk, medical personnel, continuous professional development.
Problem statement.Nowadays, one of the main tools for ensuring the effective activity of business entities is staff, which has an impact on all aspects of the organization life and is an integral part of its economic security.The advanced concepts of personnel management consider staff as the highest value, directing management to develop the employees's professional and personal abilities, with the aim of their most effective use in business activities.In modern conditions the personnel is characterized by high dynamism of development, which is manifested in the accelerated updating of professional knowledge, skills, abilities, formation of business qualities of employees. The level of professional development, education and qualification today are the most important qualitative characteristics of the staff.
Personnelis viewed as a system-forming element of organizations 'economic security in the context of the growing role of the human factor in economic systems.The importance of this factor in ensuring the economic security of our country is caused by the following circumstances:intellectual security
(reducing the efficiency of the system of reproduction of highly qualified personnel, "outflow of minds" abroad), security of labor resources (poor assessment and working conditions), spiritual and moral potential (change of moral values , the development of survival ideology).Personnel professional development under these conditions becomes one of the effective tools to ensure the organization economic security, including in the field of health care, which makes the scientific research in this field relevant..
Analysis of recent research and publications.Research on the enterprise economic security was conducted by such scientists as O. Malyutin, N. Beloshkurskaya, R. Zachosova, I. Blank, G. Liannoy, Yu. Opanasyuk, G. Smokvin, who focused primarily on defining the term “economic security”, the factors that shape it and the methods of its assessment.Problems of personnel security of economic systems are given attention in the works of the following domestic and foreign authors: O. Arefyeva, O. Hrunina, Z. Zhivko, N. Loginova, M. Petrov, A. Mitrofanov, I. Migus, N. Podluzhna, V. Muntian, V. Ponomaryova, N. Reverchuk, Y. Chaplygina, I. Chumarina, A. Shavaev, N. Shvets.
The problems of personnel development as a component of the enterprise economic security system are considered in scientific works of foreign and Ukrainian scientists, in particular V. Petty, A. Smith, D. Ricardo, T. Schultz, G. Becker, L. Tourow, M. Blagois, Y. Topilin, F. Volkov, M. Solodov, S. Strumilin, P. Sabluk, O. Grishnevaya, I. Kalenyuk, A. Chukhnao, O. Borodina, N. Golikova, and others.
Previously unresolved parts of a common problem. In spite of the unconditional scientific value of the researches carried out in this field, numerous achievements in the scientific space to research the influence of the medical institutions personnel professional development on ensuring their economic security are fragmentary, which needs further scientific developments on the given problems.
The purpose of the article is to determine the impact of medical personnel professional development on the level of economic security of health care enterprises.
The main material.In the scientific space, the category of "security" is considered by different authors as a priority need of each person, "the state of the object for which he is in a state of security" [1], "the state of the object when it functions in the optimum mode with the highest reliability" [2], "the property of the system to maintain the conditions of interaction with the minimum ability to cause damage to human, natural and material resources" [3], "a state in which there is no danger to someone or something" [4], "the state of the object characterizing its ability to preserve its essence, purpose, and the structure, ability to neutralize internal and external dangers and threats, ability to realize vital interests of the object » [5, c. 23]. Security has an objective aspect, namely the absence of threats, and a subjective aspect, namely, the absence of fear of threats to the acquired values [6, a 48]. In our opinion, defining the security of an enterprise as a desirable state, which is characterized by stability of operation, security and ability to realize vital interests, can be considered as the most successful and generalized one. [7, a 28].
An important place in the enterprise overall security system is occupied by economic security, namely, "a set of measures, the implementation of which allows ensuring the economic stability of the enterprise and its development in the uncertainty of the internal and external environment and the risk of investment activity" [8, c.190].
The enterprise economic security consists of a certain set of elements, which include "information- analytical, legal, financial, technical and technological, as well as personnel security, which are considered one of the main determining factors of the enterprise economic security" [7, c.36].
Economic security as an economic category is inextricably linked to the phenomenon of "risk". The definition of "risk" in the current scientific literature is versatile, which allows distinguishing the following approaches:
1. Risk is defined as the probability of negative consequences - is the most common approach to the interpretation of this economic category.
2. Risk is treated as uncertainty, and actions to overcome this uncertainty are more meaningful in defining a given economic category.
Most authors attribute the risk to negative consequences, such as certain losses, the occurrence of adverse events and phenomena. But risk, as a form of danger, can have both positive (in the form of increasing economic security) and negative effects mentioned above.
Any entrepreneurial activity is accompanied by risk, which is the main attribute of entrepreneurship, so various risks are inherent in all types of economic activity.Therefore, a large number of approaches to classify and identify different types of risks have been developed in the scientific space.However, there are risks that are inherent in most activities, but there are the specific ones to specific areas and industries.
The conducted research has shown that there is no substantial scientific research of the category of "risk" in the sphere of medical services, the essence of the risk of medical services enterprises is reduced to definition of this category according to the current legislation, according to which the risk in the medical activity is considered as the possibility of negative consequences for patient'slife and healthoccurrence.Some scientists also consider that the main risk of medical activity is the risk of harming human life or health [9].
At the same time, there are studies that highlight the following types of health care risks[9]:
-social and legal;
- economic;
- managerial;
- health risks for health care professionals;
-professional risks.
Professional risk is the risk that arises in the process of working in a particular workplace in a particular profession. Professional risks arise in various areas of business, as mistakes and negligence take place in any area of human activity.However, there are some profitable areas of economic activity that significantly increase the risk of adverse effects.Damage caused during such dangerous activity shall be compensated to the victim, even when the fault of the person causing it is absent.The field of medical services is considered as a special risk area, professional risks causing medical errors caused in most cases by acts or omissions of medical staff provided insufficient training, professional skills and the ability to use the acquired knowledge in practice.
The problem of medical errors is too painful for healthcare professionals, healthcare facilities and patients in Ukraine.Medical activities are considered risky, and it is therefore the responsibility of the medical staff to assess the risks of medical intervention.But despite the specific nature of the risky profession, healthcare workers are deprived of the ability to evade risky actions to save the patient'slife and health. [10, c. 142].
Any professional risks, including health care, are closely linked to their negative consequences, such as the possibility of loss, the occurrence of adverse events, and the risk of loss. Besides professional medical staff errors hurt the reputation and image of the medical establishment.The negative effects of professional risks in medicine are mostly noticeable in the private sector, as the need for material compensation for the harm to the patient's life and health, lawsuits, and reputation restoration sometimes become an unbearable burden for private medical institutions.Therefore, finding the ways and tools to minimize professional risks in the health care field is an important task.
There are two groups of professional risks in the field of medical services: «1) the risk of adverse effects on the patient's life or health as a result of health care / service provision; 2) the risk of not getting the desired result from medical intervention (in the absence of harm to life or health)» [11].
In most cases, professional health care risk is a consequence of the human factor. The human factor is a specific resource represented by a personalized workforce in the aggregate of its qualitative characteristics. [12]. The work of medical professionals is considered highly responsible and complex, and this requires high quality professional education, long-term training and continuous professional development.
In today's conditions of reforming the health care system in Ukraine, when the provision of health care services is becoming more important, the attitude of consumers and society to health care workers plays an important role, which requires the creation of an attractive professional image of the latter.The image of the health care professional creates additional opportunities for improving his / her practice, increasing the demand for his / her professional services and, as a result, satisfying the needs of consumers in receiving high quality medical services.
An important component of a health professional's image is his or her professional level. The worldwide professional development of healthcare professionals is identified as a major factor in ensuring the effectiveness of the country's health care system. Until recently, the system of doctors' training worked in our country, which started in the times of the Soviet Union. Every five years, each doctor was required to undergo advanced training in a government setting, according to a clearly defined list.
The organization of training was ineffective, in particular through bureaucracy and outdated programmes, in most cases it was imitation of education by doctors and imitation of teaching by educational institutions. One of the achievements of the health care reform in Ukraine is the improvement of the current system of doctors professional development through the introduction of continuous professional development.
The main positive difference between continuous professional development is the freedom of the doctor to choose the methods of training and the format of professional development, in accordance with his own wishes and needs for improvement. Meanwhile, the state has moved away from financing outdated institutions and proceeds to the targeted allocation of funds for the training of each doctor separately.
Activities and types of educational activities that are included in the programme of doctors continuous professional development include:
scientific and practical conferences, symposia, congresses;
- trainings, seminars, thematic exercises;
- distance courses, online training;
- internships, training in educational establishments, medical institutions, including abroad;
- scientific publications (articles (review) in journals with impact factor.
To ensure the effective implementation of the doctors continuous professional development programme, Ukraine needs to integrate as soon as possible into the professional networks of the world health care system, which will help to create the conditions for communication between specialists (doctors, scientists) in the medical field, and exchange of experience between them.
At the present stage, private medical institutions can play a significant role in the implementation of the doctors continuous professional development programme. The specificity of their medical and economic activities is in the necessity to ensure the high quality of medical services, which is impossible without the use of modern advanced methods of diagnosis and treatment, the use of modern methods, technologies and equipment, high professional level of medical staff.
This, in turn, requires continuous study of best practices, exchange of knowledge between different medical institutions both domestically and abroad. Today in Ukraine there are examples of successful implementation of doctors training programmes by private institutions.
For example, a group of companies "MedExpert" conducts various educational and research activities, including international, in the form of lectures, seminars conferences, training simulation, and more.Garvis Contemporary Surgery Clinic has been cooperating with leading clinics in Germany, Austria, France for a long time, whose specialists take part in workshops on exchange of experience, and specialists of Garvis Clinic have the opportunity to internship abroad.
Experience shows that, thanks to the gained experience, the introduction of the latest techniques of Garvis Contemporary Surgery Clinic has improved the results of treatment, significantly reduced the time of treatment and patients' rehabilitation.
In the future, with the introduction of a system of doctors continuous professional development, the experience of medical staff training by private medical institutions will be expanded and developed. Undoubtedly, it will lead to increased competition, which should improve the quality of educational content and, as a consequence, the professional level of health professionals, which is a condition to increase the quality of health care services..
At the same time, the organization of activities and programmes for doctors continuous professional development by private medical institutions can be considered as a separate type of business activity, which should not only bring additional income and profits, but also have other positive consequences, in particular:
the opportunity to carry out advanced training and professional development of their own staff;
use of the possibility of advanced training as additional intangible incentives for employees;
the possibility of exchange of best practices in medical practice, including international;
preservation of own intellectual capital of the medical services enterprise.
In turn, improving the professional level of medical personnel, preserving intellectual capital will help to reduce the level of professional risks, which will help to increase the level of economic security of the healthcare services company.
Conclusions and suggestions
The conducted research has shown that the security of the enterprise is a desirable state, characterized by stability of functioning, security and ability to realize vital interests. An important component of any enterprise's security is economic security, which is intrinsically linked to risks and threats.
One of the most difficult and dangerous for healthcare services is professional risk, which is the result of the human factor in most cases. In this regard, it is an urgent task of medical personnel management to improve the professional level of medical professionals.
The health care reform introduced in Ukraine requires the use of a system of doctors continuous professional development, which is a more progressive and effective method of professional development of health care workers in comparison with the old one. Private medical institutions should be actively involved in organizing activities under the doctors continuous professional development programme, which will increase the level of educational content in the country as a whole.In addition, private medical institutions should not only receive additional income and profit from the new type of economic activity, but also be able to ensure a high professional level of their employees, to preserve the intellectual capital of the enterprise, which in turn is a key to improving its economic security. Further scientific researches should be directed to substantiation of the complex mechanism and tools for managing the professional development of medical personnel in order to increase the economic security of the medical services enterprise.
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