Non-formal adult education in Paulo Freire’s scientific and pedagogical heritage Неформальна освіта дорослих у науково-педагогічній спадщині Пауло Фрейре
Cultural significance of literacy for society. Types and characteristics of non-formal adult education. Coverage of Paulo Freire's scientific achievements in the study and dissemination of writing. Introduction of alternative approaches to learning.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 12.07.2021 |
Размер файла | 24,8 K |
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Non-formal adult education in Paulo Freire's scientific and pedagogical heritage
Iryna Turchyn, Nadiya Smolikevych
The article deals with the problems of adult education, in particular one of its types - non-formal education. One has analyzed the scientific and pedagogical literature on the issue. The authors have described general characteristics of non-formal adult education, which is an integral part of lifelong learning.
The definitions of «non-formal adult education», «literacy» and «functional literacy» have been presentedin the article. The authors have written the definitions of «non-formal adult education» using such lexicographical works as «Adult Education: A Short Terminological Dictionary» and «Glossary of Key Terms». Onehas emphasized that literacy is a tool for social change and provided Freire's consideration on this issue.
The authors have paid attention to the importance of statistics on the situation of illiteracy and literacy programs. One has provided the information on UNESCO literacy programs in the period from 2008 to 2011. One has highlighted Paulo Freire 's research achievements in the study of non-formal adult education, including literacy. One cannot achieve a considerable level of literacy due to the passive study of the prepared words.
Key words: non-formal adult education, andragogy, literacy, functional literacy, literacy program.
Setting the problem. Adult education is an important process in the development of the individual since one has implemented the programs not only within limits but also outside the general education system.
Adult education is a part of the pedagogical science of Andragogy, which helps adults in their studies, provides theoretical foundations for organizing the learning process. The issue of adult education has been a question of great interest in diverse fields for a long time.
There are a lot of sources that recognize the importance of scientific works concerning adult education. In particular, Paulo Freire was engaged in adult education and achieved significant results. The scholar is a world-known educator, public figure, scientist, and philosopher from Brazil. His scientific and pedagogical heritage is an invaluable treasure of the pedagogical community. He applied his literacy program in different parts of the world.
Analysis of the latest researches and publications. The development of adult education takes place in unity with the changes in the world pedagogical science. The issues of this education have always been in scientists' concern. Scholars from all over the world have addressed the problems of adult education.
Moreover, in the Latin American region, problems of Andragogy were studied by F. Adam, A. Alcalв, H. Alonso, A. Alvarez, G. Arroyo, A. Battro, S. Campero,A. Canales, M. Castro-Pereira, S. Diaz-Diaz, I. Fermin-Gonzalez, P. Freire, A. GaliciaG. Hernвndez, M. Ibarrola, E. Ituraldes, P. Latapi-Sarre, F. Lopez-Palma, R. Ludohoski, A. Marquez, R. Pinero, M. Rodriguez-Conde, M. Ruiz, D. Tirado-Benedi, M. Torres-Perdomeau, H. Triana-Bernet, and others Жижко О.А. (2013) Формальна професійно-андрагогічна освіта в країнах Латинської Америки. Педагогіка і психологія професійної освіти. № 2. С. 254..
As it is known, there are three types of adult education: formal, non-formal and informal. Our research is based on non-formal adult education, the notable supporter of which is Paulo Freire. F.-H. Coombs (USA), A. Maslow (USA), A. Rogers (Great Britain), P. Fordham (Great Britain), N. Haladu (Nigeria), P. Hodkinson (Great Britain), M.-S. Hussein (Nigeria) and other foreign scholars highlighted current problems of adult education, particularly non-formal adult education. Furthermore, Ukrainian researchers, including V. Davydova, Yu. Derkach, A. Honcharuk, N. Horuk, L. Lukianova, L. Martynets, N. Nychkalo, N. Pavlyk, N. Terokhina, O. Vasylenko, and others also published a considerable amount of literature on this issueТурчин І. М. (2018) Освітня діяльність та педагогічні погляди Пауло Фрейре (дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата педагогічних наук. ): 143-144..
The purpose of the article is to provide different definitions of non-formal education and to review Paulo Freire's research into this issue.
The main material
The first thing to remember is that non-formal adult education is a part of life-long education. Its definition in an Ukrainian work «Adult Education: A Short Terminological Dictionary» is the following: «non-formal education means structured programs that are not formally recognized by national education systems, it is implemented in educational establishments or public organizations (clubs, circles), during individual lessons with a tutor, trainer, and usually it is not supported by the provision of a document»Лук'янова Л.Б., Аніщенко О.В. (2014) Освіта дорослих: короткий термінологічний словник. авт.-упор. Ніжин. 14.. Furthermore, it is also necessary to clarify the meaning of the terminology in a European edition.
Thus, it is «learning which is embedded in planned activities not explicitly designated as learning (in terms of learning objectives, learning time or learning support), but which contain an important learning element. Non-formal learning is intentional from the learner's point of view. It typically does not lead to certification»(2020) Glossary of key terms. URL: formal-and-informal-learning/european-inventory/european-inventory-glossary. date of access: January 30.. According to O. Vasylenko, this new phenomenon has its own content and adequate principles, as well as solves a lot of tasks in a new way. Considering it, one should note that all the pedagogical attributes: goals, tasks, content, educational technologies are also present in nonformal adult education. In addition, one can provide psychological and pedagogical support for people to comply with a difficult life situation thanks to this type of educationВасиленко О. В. (2013) Неформальна освіта дорослих: нове соціально-освітнє явище. Освіта дорослих: теорія, досвід, перспективи. Вип. 7. 38-39.. We have every reason to assert that, due to literacy, people have the opportunity to transform the world by analyzing all things critically. For Freire, literacy was a tool for social change. He perceived it as an understanding of democracy and justice in a global sense. Moreover, we can observe the process of aging of the population and struggle for an active lifestyle of people of the «third age», in particular, the expansion of educational programs, that is, the development of non-formal education. The most progressive countries in this area of education are Denmark, France, Great Britain, Holland, Sweden, the United States of America, and othersТерьохіна Н.О. (2014) Неформальна освіта як важлива складова системи освіти дорослих. Порівняльно- педагогічні студії. № 6(20) 113.. It is vital to mention that such education goes beyond the traditional model of education, that is, alternative approaches to learning activities are implemented, democratic and humanistic values are promoted, the potential of creativity is stimulated. It helps people in the socialization of personality. The system of non-formal education can be distinguished concerning the lack of curriculums, standards, age limit, and the existence of an individual approach to those who study. Moreover, non-formal education encompasses programs to eliminate illiteracy. Access to such education is open to all groups of the population regardless of age and social status.
One can grasp the contemporary culture, reveal the creative potential and understand the changes that are constantly occurring in society due to the non-formal adult education. Meeting the adults' needs who consciously want to deepen their knowledge is also an integral factor in the relevance of this education. We cannot avoid the fact that one identifies non-formal education with formal in achieving goals. M. R.-O. Wendy, who is early childhood development specialist of UNICEF, claims: «... adults also learn better when they have an understanding of the concepts being taught»Wendy M. R.-О. (2020) The Similarities Between Non-Formal Education and Early Childhood Education. URL: childhood-education/, date of access: January 10.. Having analyzed relevant sources, we can state that Paulo Freire is one of the most prominent supporters of non-formal adult education. A striking example of this is his literacy program. The very program included the use of five phases. The Brazilian teacher showed how to apply «generative» words. They are words with great phonemic wealth and are useful for society. The whole studying process took place in «cultural circles». To add more, the detailed description is provided in the article «Paulo Freire's literacy program»Турчин І.М. (2017) Програма поширення письменності Пауло Фрейре. Збірник наукових праць Полтавського національного педагогічного університету ім.. В.Г.Короленка «Педагогічні науки». Випуск 68. 169-175.. We state that literacy programs are components of adult non-formal education. Moreover, popular adult education involves the liberation of the oppressed people and their awareness that they are part of the world, have the right to education and self-organization in order to transform society. The foundations of such education are close to the Brazilian teacher's ideas. In the explanatory dictionary, literacy means «an ability to read and write» (2009) Великий тлумачний словник сучасної української мови. Уклад. і голов. ред. В. Т. Бусел, К. Ірпінь, ВТФ «Перун». 944.с. Besides, functional literacy is learning how to read and write as a part of professional training. It is also important in UNESCO literacy programsRassool N. (1999) Literacy for Sustainable Development in the Age of Information (Clevedon, Multilingual Matters Ltd. С.6-7. "Giroux H. (1992) Literacy, Pedagogy, and the Politics of Difference. College Literature19 (1) С.1-2..
It should be noted that in the 1960s, in the postmodernist meaning, literacy was viewed as «the politics of representation»(the principlesare mostly problematic inside the «the dialectical interplay of history, power, and ideology») and «the representation of politics» («regimes of signification are both cause and effect of particular relations of production, reception, and distribution within circuits of power that give the discursive and non-discursive elements of these practices a particular historical expression»)11. In this respect, thoughts about politics and education are also found in the heritage of Freire, who argues that education is not neutral, while the culture of the oppressed opposes the culture of the elite.
According to the Brazilian Geographical and Statistics Institute «functionally literate» are people who have completed four grades of school and as «functionally illiterate» are those who have not. Subsequently, due to the requirements of non-governmental organizations, the government began providing 8-year school education, guaranteed by the constitutionFransman J. (2006) Understanding literacy. Education for All Global Monitoring Report. 156 с URL:, date of access: January 28, 2020.. Therefore, we have foundout that the difference between functional literacy programs and Freire's project lays in the fact that programs, created by experts to prepare people for a particular job, are beneficial to organizers who have a financial interest in developing countries. In contrast to the functional program, where there is practically no concept of critical consciousness, a well-known Brazilian educator emphasizes the research of conscientization of illiterateBee B. (1980) «The Politics of Literacy, Literacy and Revolution» inLiteracy and Revolution: The Pedagogy of Paulo Freire. edited by R. Mackie. С.48-49.. It means that people should learn social and economic reality in order to avoid oppression in their life. Moreover, critical thinking is a considerable tool in the very process.
Researching Freire's works, it is advisable to consider illiteracy data in Latin America. Ukrainian scholar O. ZhyzhkoЖижко. О.А. (2013) Проблема неписьменності в освіті дорослих та її вплив на професійну підготовку маргінальних груп населення. Педагогічний процес: теорія і практика : зб. наук. пр. Київ. Едельвейс. 40.с provides indicators of this problem according to the Latin American Council for Adult Education (CEAAL), and we have chosen Brazil where the Brazilian educator lived and worked. The population of 15 years and older was 33.8 million in 1965, 25.5 - in 1970, 21.5 - in 1980, 18.9 -in 1990, 12.4 - in 2000, 10.2 - in 2010. The problem of illiteracy in Brazil remains relevant and points to the need to implement programs to eliminate it. It is worth mentioning UNESCO literacy programs in the period from 2008 to 2011. We can track this situationUNESCO, Literacy Programs for the Adult Population. URL:, date of access: January 28, 2020..We have provided the information in the following table:
Table 1 UNESCO literacy programs in the period from 2008 to 2011
Year Number of participants^ |
2009 |
Participants to literacy programmes^^ |
535 054 |
Participants that have completed a literacy programme |
869 673 |
An important aspect of a thorough research is that illiteracy is definedas «absolute illiteracy» in Latin American countries. In developed countries we can talk about «technological illiteracy» if a person does not have a certain knowledge of modern technologyЖижко. О.А. (2013) Проблема неписьменності в освіті дорослих та її вплив на професійну підготовку маргінальних груп населення. Педагогічний процес: теорія і практика : зб. наук. пр. Київ. Едельвейс. Вип. 1. 43.с. Studying historical events, we observe that illiteracy has been and remains relevant only by changing the content. At a time when people have not yet learned to write and read, modernity is already promoting technological literacy, without which it is difficult to live normally and work in the world of digital technologies. сultural education freire writing learning
The cultural meaning of literacy is of great importance. During one dialogue with Macedo, the Brazilian educator says: «Literacy and education, in general, are cultural expressions. You cannot conduct literacy work outside the world of culture because education in itself is a dimension of culture»FreireP. (2003) Rethinking Literacy: a Dialogue. The Critical Pedagogy Reader. Editedby A. Darder, M. Baltodano, R. D.Torres. Routledge Falmer. New York. London. 357.с. In this respect, one should take into consideration the aspects of culture. Literacy for Freire means reading the world and the word. Reading the world is always faster than reading a word, and the constant movement from word to the world is present. Studying deeper, we understand that not only readingbut also transforming the world is also ahead. Such dynamics is a key one in the literacy processFreire P. (1987) Literacy: Reading the word and the world. South Hadley. MA: Bergin and Garvey Publishers. 23.. We can make conclusions that the world is an experience, and the word is alsoa text and context. One should highlight that the words come from their own views, but teachers do not present them. The words are important in order to learn to read and write. People must first learn how to gain experience, in particular, to realize themselves in the world, and then just read and write the word. We cannot read without reading the context.
Overall, we have achieved the purpose of the study, that is, the determination of the definitions of «non-formal adult education». In addition, we have contrasted «literacy» and «functional literacy».
One of the most significant findings to emerge from this investigation is providing information on the Brazilian educator Paulo Freire who did great research in non-formal adult education.
The literacy program among adults is associated with political and social aspects, where one has rejected the study of the prepared material. Moreover, we have studied illiteracy data in Latin America, provided by Ukrainian scholar O. Zhyzhko for the consideration of the issue as a whole. Thus, non-formal adult education presupposes individual learning that is different from the traditional one, for instance, objectives and terms in learning and such programs are not certified.
1. (2009) Великий тлумачний словник сучасної української мови. Уклад. і голов. ред. В. Т. Бусел, К. Ірпінь, ВТФ «Перун». 944.с
2. (2020) Glossary of key terms. URL: projects/projects/validation-non-formal-and-informal-learning/european-inventory/european- inventory-glossary. date of access: January 30.
3. Bee B. (1980) «The Politics of Literacy, Literacy and Revolution» inLiteracy and Revolution: The Pedagogy of Paulo Freire. edited by R. Mackie. С.48-49.
4. Fransman J. (2006) Understanding literacy. Education for All Global Monitoring Report.156 с
5. Freire P. (1987) Literacy: Reading the word and the world. South Hadley. MA: Bergin and Garvey Publishers. 23.
6. FreireP. (2003) Rethinking Literacy: a Dialogue. The Critical Pedagogy Reader. Editedby
7. Darder, M. Baltodano, R. D.Torres. Routledge Falmer. New York. London. 357.с
8. Giroux H. (1992) Literacy, Pedagogy, and the Politics of Difference. College Literature19 (1) С.1-2.
9. Rassool N. (1999) Literacy for Sustainable Development in the Age of Information (Clevedon, Multilingual Matters Ltd. С. 6-7.
10. UNESCO, Literacy Programs for the Adult Population. URL:, date of access: January 28, 2020.
11. URL:, date of access: January 28, 2020.
12. Василенко О. В. (2013) Неформальна освіта дорослих: нове соціально-освітнє явище. Освіта дорослих: теорія, досвід, перспективи. Вип. 7. 38-39.
13. Жижко О.А. (2013) Формальна професійно-андрагогічна освіта в країнах Латинської Америки. Педагогіка і психологія професійної освіти 2. С. 254.
14. Жижко. О.А. (2013) Проблема неписьменності в освіті дорослих та її вплив на професійну підготовку маргінальних груп населення. Педагогічний процес: теорія і практика : зб. наук. пр. Київ. Едельвейс. 40.с
15. Жижко. О.А. (2013) Проблема неписьменності в освіті дорослих та її вплив на професійну підготовку маргінальних груп населення. Педагогічний процес: теорія і практика : зб. наук. пр. Київ. Едельвейс. Вип. 1. 43.с
16. Лук'янова Л.Б., Аніщенко О.В. (2014) Освіта дорослих: короткий термінологічний словник. авт.-упор. Ніжин. 14.
17. Терьохіна Н.О. (2014) Неформальна освіта як важлива складова системи освіти дорослих. Порівняльно-педагогічні студії. № 6(20) 113. Wendy M. R.-О. (2020) The Similarities Between Non-Formal Education and Early Childhood Education. URL: education-and-early-childhood-education/, date of access: January 10.
18. Турчин І. М. (2018) Освітня діяльність та педагогічні погляди Пауло Фрейре (дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата педагогічних наук. ): 143-144.
19. Турчин І.М. (2017) Програма поширення письменності Пауло Фрейре. Збірник наукових праць Полтавського національного педагогічного університету ім..В.Г.Короленка «Педагогічні науки». Випуск 68. 169-175.
1. Bee B. (1980) «The Politics of Literacy, Literacy and Revolution» in Literacy and Revolution: The Pedagogy of Paulo Freire. edited by R. Mackie. Pluto Press. С 39-56.
2. Fransman J. (2006) Understanding literacy. Education for All Global Monitoring Report. 156. URL:, date of access: January 28, 2020.
3. FreireP. (2003) Rethinking Literacy: a Dialogue. The Critical Pedagogy Reader, edited by A. Darder, M. Baltodano, R. D.Torres. Routledge Falmer.New York. London. 357.
4. Freire P. (1987) Literacy: Reading the word and the world. South Hadley. MA: Bergin and Garvey Publishers. 23.
5. Giroux H. (1992) Literacy, Pedagogy, and the Politics of Difference. College Literature 19. 1-2.
6. Glossary of key terms. URL:
7. projects/projects/validation-non-formal-and-informal-learning/european-inventory/european- inventory-glossary, date of access: January 30, 2020.
8. UNESCO Literacy Programs for the Adult Population. URL:, date of access: January 28, 2020.
9. (2014) Osvita doroslykh: korotkyi terminolohichnyi slovnyk [Adult Education: A Short Terminological Dictionary], avtory-uporiadnyky L. Lukianova, O. Anishchenko, Nizhyn. 108. [in Ukrainian]
10. Rassool N. (1999) Literacy for Sustainable Development in the Age of Information. Clevedon. Multilingual Matters Ltd. 6-7. [in English]
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12. Turchyn I. (2017) Prohrama poshyrennia pysmennosti Paulo Freire. [Paulo Freire's Literacy Program], Zbirnyk naukovykh prats Poltavskoho natsionalnoho pedahohichnoho universytetu imeni V. Korolenka «Pedahohichni nauky».Vypusk 68. 169-175. [in Ukrainian]
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14. Vasylenko O. (2013) Neformalna osvita doroslykh: nove sotsialno-osvitnie yavyshche. [Non-formal adult educ.: new social and educational phenomenon]. Osvita doroslykh: teoriia, dosvid, perspektyvy. Vypusk 7. 35-44. [in Ukr.]
15. (2009) Velykyi tlumachnyi slovnyk suchasnoii ukraiinskoii movy [Great Explanatory Dictionary of the Modern Ukrainian Language]. Ukladach i holovnyi redactor V. Busel. K.: Irpin. VTF «Perun». 1736. [in Ukrainian]
16. Wendy M. R.-О. The Similarities Between Non-Formal Education and Early Childhood Education. URL: formal-education-and-early-childhood-education/, date of access: January 10, 2020. [in English]
17. Zhyzhko O. (2013) Formalna profesiino-andrahohichna osvita v kraiinakh Latyn. Ameryky. [Formal vocational and andragogical educ. in countr. of Latin Amer.]. Pedahohika i psykhol. profesiinoii osvity. Vypusk2. 254-259. [in Ukr.]
18. Zhyzhko O. (2013) Problema nepysmennosti v osviti doroslykh ta ii vplyv na profesiinu pidhotovku marhinalnykh grup naselennia. [The problem of illiteracy in adult education and its impact on the processional training of marginalized groups]. Pedahohichnyi protses: teoriia i praktyka: zbirnyk naukovykh prats. Kyiv: Edelveis. Vypusk 1. 34-44. [in Ukrainian]
Неформальна освіта дорослих у науково-педагогічній спадщині Пауло Фрейре
Турчин І., Смолікевич Н.
Статтю присвячено проблемам освіти дорослих, зокрема одному з її видів - неформальній освіті. Здійснено аналіз науково-педагогічної літератури з досліджуваної теми. Автори описують загальні характеристики неформальної освіти дорослих, яка є складовою освіти впродовж життя. У статті подані дефініції «неформальної освіти дорослих», «письменності» та «функціональної письменності». Автори написали визначення «неформальної освіти дорослих», використовуючи такі лексикографічні праці, як «Освіта дорослих: Короткий термінологічний словник» та «Словник ключових термінів». Підкреслено, що письменність є інструментом для соціальних змін, і подано погляди Фрейре щодо цього питання. Наголошено на важливості статистичних даних щодо ситуації з неписьменністю та програмами поширення письменності. Подано інформацію про програми письменності ЮНЕСКО в період з 2008 по 2011 рік. Висвітлено наукові здобутки Пауло Фрейре у дослідженні неформальної освіти дорослих, зокрема письменності.
Ключові слова: неформальна освіта дорослих, андрагогіка, письменність, функціональна письменність, програма поширення письменності.
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презентация [886,2 K], добавлен 22.02.2012The history of the use of the interactive whiteboard in the learning. The use of IWB to study of the English, the advantages and disadvantages of the method. Perfect pronunciation, vocabulary. The development of reading, writing, listening and speaking.
презентация [1,3 M], добавлен 23.02.2016Italy - the beginner of European education. Five stages of education in Italy: kindergarten, primary school, lower secondary school, upper secondary school, university. The ceremony of dedication to students - one of the brightest celebrations in Italy.
презентация [3,8 M], добавлен 04.04.2013The applied science model. The basic assumptions underlying this model. Received and experiential knowledge. Oldest form of professional education. The most advanced modern teaching strategies. Projects for the development of creative abilities.
презентация [156,0 K], добавлен 09.03.2015Підготовка фахівця, затребуваного на ринку праці як одна з головних задач системи вищої освіти в Україні. G Suit for Education - популярна платформа, що використовується в освітньому процесі, в тому числі для організації проектної роботи студентів.
статья [701,0 K], добавлен 21.09.2017Principles of asr teсhnology. Performance and designissues in speech applications. Current trends in voise-interactive call. Difining and acquiring literacy in the age of information. Content-based instruction and literacy development.
курсовая работа [107,9 K], добавлен 21.01.2008Approach - one’s viewpoint toward teaching. The set of principles, beliefs, or ideas about the nature of learning which is translated into the classroom. Learner, performance and competency based approach. Teacher’s and student’s role in the teaching.
презентация [447,5 K], добавлен 21.10.2015What are the main reasons to study abroad. Advantages of studying abroad. The most popular destinations to study. Disadvantages of studying abroad. Effective way to learn a language. The opportunity to travel. Acquaintance another culture first-hand.
реферат [543,8 K], добавлен 25.12.2014Життєвий шлях видатного українського філософа, письменника, гуманіста, педагога Г.С. Сковороди. Формування педагогічного світогляду Г.Сковороди під впливом народної педагогіки. Формування особистості в педагогічній спадщині. Питання освіти та виховання.
курсовая работа [40,0 K], добавлен 29.03.2016Теоретичний аналіз творчої спадщини В.О. Сухомлинського. Роль освіти в суспільстві. Особистість вчителя як вирішальний фактор педагогічного процесу. Гуманістична спрямованість педагогічної діяльності сучасного викладача. Характеристика вчителя-гуманіста.
курсовая работа [37,1 K], добавлен 21.05.2015Головні етапи становлення та розвитку Г. Ващенка як вченого і педагога, його науково-педагогічна діяльність. Освітні концепції формування особистості в педагогічній спадщині Григорія Григоровича. Його розуміння національного виховання української молоді.
курсовая работа [204,0 K], добавлен 05.12.2013Investigation of the main reasons English language jelly. Characteristics of the expansion content Total Physical Response; consideration of the basic pedagogical principles of its use in teaching language inostannomu junior and senior school age.
курсовая работа [40,2 K], добавлен 21.02.2012