The formation of valeology ecological competence of the personality as a pedagogical problem

The problem of formation of ecological and valeological competence of the teacher. Consideration of approaches to the definition of the concept of ecological and valeological competence. Identification of the environmental competence of future teachers.

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Дата добавления 03.08.2021
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The formation of valeology ecological competence of the personality as a pedagogical problem

Buzenko I.L.

Postgraduate Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University named after M.M.Kotsiubynsky


The article analyzes the problem of formation of the ecological and valeological competence of the future teacher. Different approaches to the definition of the concept of ecological and valeological competence are considered. The study identified the ecological competence of future teachers as a complex quality, which is connected not only with the readiness and ability of the teacher to practical solution of environmental problems, but also the presence of a number of personal qualities in the combination of the necessary stock of knowledge and the ability to act effectively in the problematic situations.

Formulation of the problem. Solving the urgent environmental problems of the environment and human health requires the transformation of political, economic, socio-cultural and educational priorities in the character of human relations with nature. The humanitarian and educational strategy of solving these problems is associated with a rethinking of the role and significance of the domestic system of education in the establishment and development of the ecological and valeological competence of the future teacher personality, which aims at ensuring parity of society and nature, harmony of man and the environment. ecology valeological competence teacher

Solving the set of problems of the current ecological crisis is an integral part of the national policy of the vast majority of countries. One of the main tasks of this policy is to achieve radical changes in the attitude of man to nature, the formation of ecological consciousness, ecological thinking [5] and, in our opinion, ecological and valeological competence of the individual.

Analysis of the previous studies and publications. The closest to the chosen topic are the researches: theoretical and methodological foundations of the formation of the ecological and valeological culture of the future teacher explored by Yu. Boichuk; the formation of ecological competence of students of hydrometeorological college in the process of studying by N. Oli- ynyk;formation of ecological competence of students of biological specialties of the University - L. Tyta- renko; the formation of ecological competence of future engineers - specialists of civil protection - A. Khrypunov.

The purpose of the article is to determine the essence of the environmental competence of the future teacher and the problem state study.

Presenting the main material. Scientists are unanimous in the fact that the current ecological situation in Ukraine requires an urgent solution. Nowadays, there is a search for solutions to environmental problems, ways of harmonizing the relations of society, man and nature, which depends on the humanitarian potential of society, the level of education and the culture of the population [13]. The latter, as we consider, depends to a large extent on the teacher, on his environmental competence.

Active and sometimes unreasonable human actions on the natural environment, the desire to absorb as much as possible from it in order to meet their needsled to a global ecological catastrophe: individual classes, families and numerous species of plants and animals disappear irretrievably, the earth's depths are exhausted, and supplies of clean drinking water decrease. Emissions into the atmosphere of waste products change the climate of the Earth, the test of nuclear weapons and the accident at nuclear power plants not only pollute the environment with radioactive substances, but also affect all living, harmful to human health [16]. Problems in preserving the children health are also taken care of, among other things, by teachers who need to have a high level of valeology competence.

The ecological education of the younger generation is the key to the continuous harmonious development of human civilization and society, the formation of the individual at every stage of life. The Laws of Ukraine "On Education", "On Higher Education", the National Doctrine of the Development of Education in Ukraine in the 21st Century, and the Concept of the Development of Environmental Education in Ukraine reflect trends in the content, forms and methods of environmental education and education [15].

Actualization of modern environmental problems requires a new understanding, a radical revision of the environmental training of future specialists, and the greening of higher education, as referred to in the laws and the aforementioned legislative acts. The main goal of the activity of higher educational establishments is the preparation of a creative specialist focused on personal and professional development, as well as the formation of a system of humanistic values, in which the value of nature, in combination of the development of society, is defined as the leading [4].

In the National Strategy for the Development of Education in Ukraine for the period up to 2021, the greening of education has been recognized as one of the main strategic directions of the state's development, but it is noted that its main problems of education include its slow greening. The document regulating this process is the Concept of Ecological Education of Ukraine, which states that the leading and most important role in shaping the personality with a new, eco-focused type of thinking and consciousness, a high degree of environmental culture is given to the school [6]. This task can only be solved by educators with the established ecological and valeology competence.

The urgent task of the modern school is the implementation of a competent approach in education, which involves the focus of the educational process on the formation and development of competences of the individual, one of which is ecological, as N. Kurylenko emphasizes. The undoubted advantage of a competent approach among others is the resultant goal of education, the final result of which is the formation of competencies, the transfer of emphasis from the level of knowledge of subjects of learning to their ability to use information for solving practical problems [6]. We regard the competence approach as one of the methodological basis of the research.

It should be noted that the competence approach in education is included in the "Priority directions of scientific researches of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine for 2018-2022" on the philosophy of education, pedagogy and psychology [11].

They also include didactic principles, methods and technologies for forming the key (general and substantive) competencies in the educational process. An important direction in the study context is such as defined in the document "the health function of school education and the environmental focus of the educational process in school," which confirms the relevance of the study.

Although the competence approach is one of the most relevant educational approaches, the task of forming the ecological competence of pupils or students is not indicated in the concentrated form in the normative documents of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, except for the classes of the environmental profile in the profile school and the specialists of environmental specialties (environmental engineers) at the higher educational establishments. Some features and components of ecological competence are defined in the "Concept of environmental education", but environmental information is scattered in school natural courses, therefore, students have fragmentary knowledge of this problem, although, as already noted, environmental competence is a component of the students' competence and later their constituent part of the future professional competence that is absolutely necessary in life [8]. We believe that successful formation of ecological competence of students will be facilitated by the formed ecological and valeological competence of future teachers, in particular of primary school.

According to O. Pometun, competence is a structured set of knowledge, abilities, skills and attitudes that enable a specialist to identify and solve problems that are common for a particular area of professional activity [10]. Competence, according to O. Bondarenko, is a personal integrative characteristic of a certain level of training and awareness at various stages of professional and personal development of an individual, characterized by the availability of sufficient knowledge, abilities, skills, values and experience for effective, skilled and successful implementation of activities and the fulfilment of the certain functions in a particular situation with the achievement of the certain standards or benchmarks in various spheres of human life [3].

Pedagogical competence, according to Markov, implies the knowledge, skills and normative features that are necessary for this work, the possession of the psychological qualities desirable for its implementation, is real professional activity in accordance with standards and norms [9, p. 256]. In the context of the study, the listed qualities are related to the environmental and valeology competence of the future teachers.

We fully agree with Andriyevskiy about the fact that the competence approach is aimed at promoting intellectual and cultural development of the individual, the formation of the ability of it to respond quickly to the demands of time. And the formation of future teachers of primary classes of environmental and valeology competence is in fact a request of time. This competence in modern conditions becomes the guarantor of the success of its professional activities, aimed at developing the ecological and valeology competence of primary school pupils. The modern competence-oriented paradigm dictates a radical rethinking of new tasks in the system of training and enhancement of the skills of specialists, taking into account life strategies, competitiveness, enhancing the flexibility and mobility of their social behavior. Competent approach to the preparation of future primary school teachers focuses not on the awareness of environmental and valeology problems, but on the ability to solve relevant professional and social ecological and valeology problems [2].

It is worth paying attention to the concept of "competent education" that arose in the United States and was based on the study of pedagogical experience of advanced teachers. The term "competent approach" was developed by American scholars in the 60s of the last century, and in the 1970s it was included into the US professional education programs, in the 1980s into the professional training programs of Great Britain and Germany [1].

In 1997, in the program "Definition and Competency Selection: Theoretical and Conceptual Foundations" (abbreviated as "DeSeCo") in the framework of the Federal Statistical Office of Switzerland and the National Center for Educational Statistics of the United States and Canada [14], a competent approach was developed and further extended in 1997 in the program "Definition and selection of competences: theoretical and conceptual foundations" (abbreviated as "DeSeCo") within the framework of the Federal Statistical Office of Switzerland and the National Center for Educational Statistics of the USA and Canada [137]

In the opinion of A. Khutorskiy, the competence- oriented approach to the organization of the educational process is aimed at acquiring a certain amount of knowledge and experience that enables it to draw conclusions about something, convincingly express its own thoughts, and act adequately in different situations [17]. In the context of research, knowledge and experience enable future teachers of the primary school to draw conclusions about certain ecological and valeology problems, express their own ideas convincingly, act adequately in different environmental and situations of valeology that arise during vocational training, pedagogical practice and will arise in professional activity.

It is worth noting that scientists define different types of competencies. For example, M. Rozov distinguishes between professional and general-cultural competence, which distinguishes the following areas: environmental competence; social competence; economic competence; communicative competence; aesthetic competence; humanitarian competence [12].

Today, system-building and value-oriented competences include life competencies, the kind of which is ecological competence. Acquiring such competencies will ensure personality and environmental competence. Environmental competencies are based on transcendental knowledge and collectively form the basis of the fundamentalization of education. After all, the process of fundamentalizing education provides a high educational level of the population, the ecologization of productions, the development of rigid environmental standards, the use of waste-free technologies, and the general acquisition of humane noosphere thinking [8].

As we see, sometimes the notion of "competence" and "competency" are used as synonyms.

Establishing the relation between the concepts of "competence" and "competency",

S. Leiko points out the need for their differentiation. Based on the fact that competence is determined by a specific organization, institution, the state has a predetermined demand for the knowledge, abilities, skills which a person has to possess, for successful activity within the sphere in which this activity will be carried out. Competency, in turn, is the property of the person itself, determines the qualitative level, assimilation as a result of learning, knowledge, skills and ability to apply them, based on their own experience, in the process of carrying out certain activities. Competence is related to a certain type of activity, while competency is with a personality, with its internal qualities and abilities [7].

Concerning the relation between the concepts of "competence" and "competency", we agree with B. Andrievskiy, who believes that professional competence of a specialist is a complex of personal qualities, acquired knowledge, abilities and skills, as well as professional orientation, on the basis of what the necessary competences are formed, which, in turn, become the basis of functional competencies, form the professional competence of a future specialist. In other words, competence should be understood as a given requirement, the norm of personal training, and competency - as it is actually formed its personality and professional qualities and experience. The latter accumulate a clear definition of professional requirements for specific activities (competency) and formed the choice of a set of qualities and experience that ensure the performance of professional functions [2]. In this case, competence should be understood as a given requirement, the norm of training future teachers of primary school in the development of environmental and valeology competence, and the actual ecological and valeology competence - as the actual formed personal and professional qualities and experience of environmental and valeology activity.

The complicated ecological situation in the world prompts civilized humanity to find new forms, methods and technologies of environmental education of youth in order to prevent consumer attitude to natural resources. One of the most important causes of today's threatening challenges is the ecological illiteracy of the population, emphasizes Yu Shapran, lack of understanding the consequences of its intervention in the natural processes. Environmental education in the present is a condition for society's survival, and environmental education becomes a sign of priority in pedagogical theory and practice. With the modernization of education and the threat of environmental crises, the acquisition of young people of environmental competence, which is an integral part of life's competence, is particularly relevant [18].

We agree with S. Sovgiora, who considers one of the approaches to solving this problem of forming a new thinking in each person, aimed at changing the strategy in defining the purpose, ways and methods of civilization development as a necessary factor in the survival of mankind in the conditions of the ecological crisis. In the context of harmonizing the relations of society and nature, it is important to educate, first of all in young people, the value attitude to the environment on the basis of knowledge of the nature laws, in accordance with the logic of natural processes. A special role in this belongs to a teacher who has a goal to educate environmentally competent and responsible people. Accordingly, the teacher himself must have views and beliefs about the harmonious unity of man and nature [13]. In view of this, the formation of the eco- valeology competence of future teachers, in particular, primary school is a priority task.

Conclusions and suggestions. Consequently, the formation of the ecological and valeology competence of future teachers of elementary school is understood as a multifaceted, complex, contradictory, gradual process of continuous, active theoretical and practical activities of students aimed at obtaining environmental and vale- ology knowledge, the development of appropriate students' abilities, sustained motivation, efforts of will towards to ecology valeology problems on the background of a positive emotional attitude, to the formation of beliefs and appropriate behavior in solving pedagogical, ecology valeology, environmental and health-saving tasks.


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