The problem of the educational process activatingin the context of distance learning
Analysis of the problem of intensification of educational foreign languages in the context of distance learning. To use different ways of independent work on all types of speech activities on language material with the help of a computer technology.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 15.08.2021 |
Размер файла | 16,6 K |
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Nataliia Logutina, Ph.D. (Pedagogy), Lecturer of the Foreign Languages with Latin Course and Medical Terminology Department of Vinnytsia National Pirogov Memorial Medical University; Senior Lecturer of the Ukrainian and Foreign Languages Department of Vinnytsia National Agrarian University
The article analyzes the problem of intensification of the educational process of learning foreign languages in non-language higher education institutions of Ukraine in the context of distance learning. The process of intensification is considered in the maximum use of computer technology, in the compilation of computer electronic textbooks, training programs, control materials and testsfor the subject "Foreign language for professional purposes ”.
One of the ways to intensify the teaching of vocabulary is to use modern technical means, first of all the computer, which gives an opportunity to intensify and activate the educational process and improve the quality of mastering the material by students. In foreign language teaching, the PC is seen as a learning tool that allows you to organize managed, independent work of students, especially at the present stage - during distance learning. New material presented in the classroom on-line lesson needs to be repeated and consolidated during individual (independent) training with the use of computer textbooks, training programs, materials and tests for self-control.
One of the purposes of the PC is considered in the article as a means to help teachers solve the most important tasks when learning foreign languages: to use different ways of independent work on all types of speech activities on language material, with the help of a computer, forming educational tasks and indicating the ways of their implementation, provides a systematic assimilation of language material, its activation, continuous monitoring and correction of relevant tests and tasks. This is especially important for non-language higher education institutions, where a relatively small number of teaching hours are devoted to learning a foreign language.
But in any case, the basis of the educational process in distance learning is purposeful and clearly controlled intensive independent work of the student, who can study in a convenient place and at a convenient time, having a set (case) of teaching aids (guidelines, flash-memory with lectures and control materials and tests, etc.).
Keywords: higher school; educational process; program requirements; foreign language learning; distance learning; intensificatio; activation; educational requirements; computer technologies; computer electronic textbooks; computer training programs; communicative activity; professional activity, social, academic and professional goals; non-language higher educational establishments; active professional self-determination; types of speech activities; creative learning activities; future professional activity.
Проблема активації навчального процесу у контексті дистанційної освіти
Наталія Логутіна, кандидат педагогічних наук, викладач кафедри іноземних мов з курсом латинської мови та медичної термінології Вінницького національного медичного університету імені Миколи Пирогова; старший викладач кафедри української та іноземних мов Вінницького національного аграрного університету
У статті проаналізовано проблему активізації навчального процесу вивчення іноземної мови у немовних вищих закладах освіти під час дистанційного навчання. Процес інтенсифікації розглядається у максимальному використанні комп'ютерних технологій, у складанні комп'ютерних електронних посібників, навчаючих програм, контролюючих матеріалів та тестів з іноземної мови професійного спрямування.
Один із шляхів інтенсифікації навчання лексики пропонується використання сучасних технічних засобів, насамперед комп'ютера, що дає можливість активізувати та інтенсифікувати навчальний процес і підвищити якість засвоєння матеріалу студентами. У викладанні іноземної мови ПК розглядається як засіб навчання, який дає змогу організувати керовану, самостійну роботу студентів, особливо на сучасному етапі - в період дистанційного навчання. Новий матеріал, викладений на аудиторному on-line занятті, потребує повторення і закріплення під час індивідуальної (самостійної) підготовки з використанням комп'ютерних підручників, навчальних програм, матеріалів та тестів для самоконтролю.
Одне з призначень ПК розглядається у статті як засіб допомогти викладачеві розв'язати найважливіші завдання під час навчання іноземним мовам: використовувати різні способи самостійної роботи з усіх видів мовленнєвої діяльності над мовним матеріалом, за допомогою комп'ютера можна спрямувати самостійні заняття студентів за програмою, яка, формуючи навчальні завдання та вказуючи шляхи їх виконання, забезпечує планомірне засвоєння мовного матеріалу його активізацію, безперервний контроль і корекцію відповідних тестів та завдань. Це особливо важливо для немовних вищих закладів освіти, де на вивчення іноземної мови відводиться порівняно невелика кількість навчальних годин.
Але у будь-якому випадку основу навчального процесу в умовах дистанційного навчання складає цілеспрямована і чітко контрольована інтенсивна самостійна робота студента, який може вчитись у зручному для себе місці й в зручний час, маючи при собі набір (кейс) засобів навчання (методичні вказівки, флеш-пам'ять з лекціями та контролюючими матеріалами та тестами тощо).
Ключові слова: вища школа; навчальний процес; програмні вимоги; навчання іноземній мові; дистанційна освіта; інтенсифікація; активація; навчальні вимоги; комп'ютерні технології; комп'ютерні електронні підручники; комп'ютерні електронні програми; комунікаційна активність; професійна активність; соціальні, академічні та професійні цілі; немовні вищі заклади освіти; активне професійне самовдосконалення; майбутня професійна діяльність.
Formulation of the scientific problem
Nowadays, the main feature of which is the expansion of international relations and scientific communications of Ukraine in various fields of education, economy, medicine, there is an urgent need for professional communication of educators, economists, health care professionals, managers with foreign colleagues in situations of professional activity. Such a social order is directly reflected in the program requirements for the level of foreign language proficiency of students of a non-language higher education establishment, which, in its turn, provides “students to achieve a level of foreign language skills that would allow direct communication with foreign partners in professional activity both orally and in writing” [8; 9].
Analysis of basic research in this area
The question of methods of foreign language teaching in non-language higher educational establishments has interested a lot of scholars. Scientists V. Bezpalko,
I. Berman, M. Tsvetkova, V Skalkin, R. Kravets dedicated their papers to that problems. In the works of these authors the analysis of types of speech activity and their role in educational process is carried out, and the basic approaches to selection of lexical and grammatical material are considered as well. But today this problem requires a fundamentally new solution. Educators of all levels are at the stage of finding the most effective methods, compiling methodological materials, computer electronic textbooks (CET) and computer training programs (CTP) to provide the highest quality educational services - knowledge and skills in various fields for use in future professional activity.
The purpose of this article is to highlight the problems of intensification of the educational process of studying the discipline “Foreign language for professional purposes” in non-language higher schools of Ukraine during the Covid-19 pandemic. The process of acceleration is seen in learning professional vocabulary, in the maximum use of new computer technologies, skillful use of electronic versions of foreign language textbooks, programs and tests for special purposes.
Presentation of the main scientific materials
According to modern international educational requirements for the level of foreign language proficiency, a student of higher school “should have the ability to speak freely without significant time to find adequate language tools in the process of achieving social, academic and professional goals. The graduate must demonstrate the correct use of speech patterns and means of cohesion” (levels C1 or C2 according to the recommendations of the Council of Europe Committee on Education) [9, 24].
Based on that fact, experts believe that teaching professional vocabulary to students of different specialities in Ukraine is a necessary component in achieving the main goal of learning English as a means of communication with foreign partners in future professional activities [1; 2; 3; 6].
The complexity and multifaceted process of foreign language proficiency as a means of communication encourages researchers and teaching staff to seek more effective forms of managing student learning. Linguistic, psychological and methodological aspects of the problem should be taken into account.
The urgency of the problem of improving the effectiveness of teaching the discipline “Foreign language for professional purposes” in a non-language higher schools is related to the specifics of this course. Analysis of the practice of teaching the subject revealed a number of specific features of the educational process at the level of:
- content (significant volume and complexity of the material, compliance of texts of professionally oriented topics with modern requirements);
- structures (three- or four-year term of language learning for students of most specialities, which coincides with the period of active professional selfdetermination);
- the contingent of students (different level of language competence at the beginning of studying, the presence of insufficient study of the subject in a certain part of students) [9].
So each of these features will have its own specific impact on the process of learning English by students of different specialties, their combination requires a comprehensive approach to learning a foreign language in higher schools and involves addressing a number of interrelated issues, the main of which are:
- what is the content of educational material, forms and methods of work able to ensure students' mastery of English as a means of communication?
- what should be the motivational support of educational activities in such conditions? [9]
In the process of selecting educational material, we should take into account the fact that the most effective way to learn foreign language is through the context of its application. Theorists, educators and scientists point to the need of using authentic texts that meet the students' language needs. They give a specific form to the structures, functions and features of speech to be studied. The problem of constructing educational information in this case will be a combination of studying the actual material and linguistic phenomena [5].
The psychological aspect of the problem is to study and motivate students to learn English. According to V. Klachko, no one, even a highly qualified teacher, will achieve the desired result if his efforts are not consistent with the motivational basis of a particular learning process [3]. According to R. Kravets, cognitive (in particular, linguistic), communicative and motives of professional achievement should be considered as positive motives for learning English in the context of our research
The results of research on the problem of higher education in Ukraine show that the professional orientation here is closely related to its scientific, creative nature. This means, first of all, the ability of future professionals to professionally apply the acquired scientific potential in the field of practice and work at the appropriate professional level [7].
According to the foreign language program for non-language higher schools, the student must be able to read original literature on the specialty and participate in foreign language oral communication. This requires a certain amount of lexical skills.
One of the ways to intensify vocabulary learning is to use modern technical means, first of all a computer. Skilled and rational use of personal computer (PC) allows you to intensify the learning process and improve the quality of learning. In foreign language teaching, the PC is seen as a learning tool that allows you to organize controlled, independent work of students, especially today - during distance learning. New material presented in the classroom on-line lesson needs to be repeated and consolidated during individual (independent) training with the use of computer textbooks, educational programs and tests (for example, Quizlet).
The computer, modeling the conditions of communicative activity, offers various exercises, performing them, students realize their language abilities. PC allows you to differentiate and individualize learning. Even when working in a group, the computer works with each student individually at the pace, with the amount of material that this student can handle. When working on a computer, you can provide feedback: the computer responds to the student's speech, pointing out his mistakes, typing the correct version, asking questions, prompting, translating, by referring to the appropriate section of the computer tutorial. The PC allows the teacher to offer each student creative learning activities. The student gets a great opportunity to repeatedly perform stereotypical training operations and actions with language forms.
In the conditions of work with the computer educational program the activating influence at the first stage of intensive training of foreign language speech activity is reached, that is at a stage of formation of separate phase stereotypes and their practical use in speech.
One of the purposes of the PC is to help the teacher solve the most important tasks when learning foreign languages: to use different ways of independent work on all types of speech activities on the language material. With the help of a computer you can direct students' independent classes according to the program, which, forming educational tasks and indicating the ways of their implementation, provides systematic learning of language material, its activation, continuous control and correction of relevant tasks. This is especially important for nonlanguage higher schools, where a relatively small number of teaching hours are devoted to learning a foreign language.
When mastering the lexical material, it is best to organize communication between students and the computer in specially designed game exercises, as the game sets students up for language communication, provides a natural need for repeated repetition of language material, teaches to choose the right language, prepares students for situational spontaneous speech. character. In contrast to the repetition of the teacher, the advantage of this type of task in terms of acoustic isolation is that it avoids the choral and involuntary repetition of the intonation of peers in the group. In addition, according to
Y. Gapon, working with a PC gives the student a unique opportunity to listen to his voice, compare his pronunciation with the pronunciation of the speaker and, if necessary, repeat individual phrases [2].
Researchers distinguish two functional levels of development of computer training tools for the distance learning system: computer electronic textbooks (CET) and computer training programs (CTP).
The functions of CET are mainly limited to the presentation of the student on the monitor screen of educational materials. Compared to printed materials, CET can easily make changes that occur in a particular area. They have great graphical clarity and a user-friendly interface (menu, help). At the end of each topic presentation, tasks and tests for control and self-control can be defined. In addition, it should be noted that the dialogue with students is passive, while computer training programs make extensive use of dialogue and the algorithm of the program may depend on the student's response. For example, depending on the task set before the student, the program should give him certain recommendations, explanations, instructions, hints, playing the role of a teacher [4].
Simultaneously with the presentation of educational material by computer training programs (CTP), interaction with the student is carried out, the purpose of which is to provide a better understanding of the material and self-control of its mastering. Of course, no curriculum or a program can completely replace a teacher. The need for student-teacher interaction remains. Thus, the results of the student's control tasks are transmitted to the teacher by e-mail or Microsoft Teams platform. It also assumes the presence of “live” feedback between teacher and student through personal communication (consultation, interview), which introduces an additional element of real dialogue between them [5].
But in any case, the basis of the educational process in distance learning is purposeful and clearly controlled intensive independent work of the student, who can study in a convenient place and at a convenient time, carrying a set (case) of teaching aids (guidelines, audio). cassettes with lectures, etc.).
Thus, the use of computer technology in the process of learning of the discipline “Foreign language for professional purposes” at the faculties, for example, of management of foreign economic activity, accounting and auditing, management of organizations at Vinnytsia National Agrarian University has significantly increased the efficiency of the educational process through timely submission and processing material and necessary information, its expediency, accessibility, rational redundancy, prompt access to it for all participants in the educational process, coordination of the pace of presentation of educational information and the speed of its assimilation (implementation of differentiated and individual approach). The obtained results proved that the proposed method of forming readiness for professional foreign language communication in future managers and economists based on the use of computer electronic textbooks (CET) and computer training programs (CTP) significantly affected the levels of readiness we studied and contributed to efficiency. their general professional training.
Conclusions of the conducted scientific analysis and research. Thus, we can conclude that the process of intensifying foreign language learning in higher education in the field of economics is seen in the maximum use of new information technologies, namely computer learning tools for distance learning: computer electronic textbooks (CET) and computer training programs (CTP), which allow to present language material in various forms, to develop listening skills, to teach different types of reading materials of information sites, to work with reference information. A successful combination of new and classical teaching methods, gaining innovative experience will intensify the process of learning a foreign language, make it more interesting and informative.
distance learning computer language
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4. Kravets, R.A. (2020). Formation of communicative competence of future managers in foreign language classes. Actual problems of philology and methods of teaching foreign languages in modern multilingual space : Proceedings of the All-Ukrainian Scientific-Theoretical Conf, 25 October. 2020. Vinnytsia, рp. 85-88. [in Ukrainian].
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